Monotype Ditto [QC 2/2] [GP 1/1]


name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Transform
move 2:
move 3:
move 4:
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Imposter
evs: 248 HP / 8 Atk / 252 Def
nature: Relaxed
ivs: 0 Spe

This set allows Ditto to be an effective revenge killer and anti-setup sweeper. Choice Scarf gives Ditto the ability to outspeed any Pokemon it copies, bar opposing Choice Scarf users and Hawlucha after Unburden has been activated. Imposter allows Ditto to Dynamax after copying a Pokemon. This means that setup sweepers like Gyarados, Togekiss, and Dragapult need to be wary of setting up, or else they may be met with a devastating countersweep. The given EVs are meant to maximize Ditto's HP, which is the only stat not changed by Imposter.

Volt Switch and U-turn users such as Heliolisk and Braviary allow Ditto to preserve its HP by providing opportunities for it to switch in safely. Ditto appreciates the wallbreaking capabilities of Indeedee and Diggersby due to their ability to clear out defensive Pokemon and allow Ditto to sweep late-game. Indeedee's ability in Psychic Surge prevents the use of priority attacks, which prevents Ditto from being revenge killed by priority users such as Sucker Punch Dragapult, Ice Shard Mamoswine, and Shadow Sneak Mimikyu. Ditto struggles against bulky Pokemon and therefore appreciates the power and resilience of Snorlax. Snorlax can easily switch into utility and stall Pokemon without fear of status thanks to Rest. In return, Ditto can revenge kill the powerful Dynamax Pokemon that force Snorlax out.

- Written by: [[Jolly Togekiss ^-^, 468676]]
- Normal Analysis by: [[Jolly Togekiss ^-^, 468676]]
- Quality checked by: [[Moosical, 215618], [Decem, 362454]]
- Grammar checked by: [[deetah, 297659]]
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Choice Scarf gives Ditto the ability to potentially out-speed any Pokémon that it copies.
- I would rephrase this to something like "Choice Scarf gives Ditto the ability to outspeed any Pokemon it copies bar opposing Choice Scarf users and Hawlucha after Unburden has been activated."

Ditto’s biggest buff this gen was the introduction of dynamaxing. Imposter allows Ditto to copy a Pokémon that has dynamaxed, or dynamax after copying a Pokémon.
- You can't copy a Dynamax Pokemon, you copy the base form. Then you have to Dynamax Ditto.

Ditto’s usefulness as an imposter is completely negated by Neutralizing Gas (the signature ability of Galarian Wheezing), and by walls like Toxapex.
- Just rephase this to how it isn't as good vs walls like Toxapex. Remove Neutralizing Gas Weezing too, its not relevant.

QC 1/2
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- Remove the sentence "Ditto’s biggest buff this gen was the introduction of dynamaxing." In analyses, we don't refer to what makes a Pokemon good this gen (with that wording). The analysis itself implies that it's good and the sentences explain why.
- Be more specific in it copying Dynamax Pokemon. It can copy Pokemon that set up for and during Dynamax and easily counter-sweep the opponent. This is a huge deterrent from your opponent freely using a setup Dynamax Pokemon such as Gyarados or Togekiss as they have to be wary of Ditto.
- Remove the sentence "Ditto’s ability Imposter means it struggles against walls like Toxapex." because that's not 100% true, copying walls can be situationally useful. Instead say that it appreciate wallbreakers like Diggersby and Indeedee in order to clear out defensive Pokemon in order for Ditto to sweep late game.
- Remove this sentence "Ditto’s unique speed tier means that it cannot be out-sped by a Pokémon without priority or a Choice Scarf."
- In the sentence about psychic surge end it with "...preventing Ditto from being revenge killed from priority users such as x and x."

The rest seems good QC 2/2
Add Remove Comments (AC) = Add Comma (AH) = Add Hyphen
I want to look at this again before stamping, so tag me once you implement this check.

View attachment 208065
name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Transform
move 2:
move 3:
move 4:
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Imposter
evs: 248 HP / 8 Atk / 252 Def
nature: Relaxed
ivs: 0 Spe

This set allows Ditto to be an effective revenge killer and anti-setup sweeper. Choice Scarf gives Ditto the ability to outspeed any Pokemon it copies, (AC) bar opposing Choice Scarf users and Hawlucha after Unburden has been activated. Imposter allows Ditto to Dynamax (Capitalize) after copying a Pokémon Pokemon. (No accent) This means that setup sweepers like Gyarados, Togekiss, and Dragapult need to be weary wary of setting up, or else they may be met with a devastating counter-sweep countersweep. The given EVs are meant to maximize Ditto's HP, which is the only stat not changed by Imposter.

Volt Switch and U-Turn U-turn users such as Heliolisk and Braviary allow Ditto to preserve its HP by providing opportunities for it to switch in safely. Ditto appreciates the wall breaking wallbreaking capabilities of Indeedee and Diggersby due to their ability to clear out defensive Pokémon Pokemon and allow Ditto to sweep late-(AH)game. Indeedee’s Indeedee's (Use ASCII apostrophe) ability in Psychic Surge prevents the use of priority attacks. (RP) (AC), This which prevents Ditto from being revenge killed by priority users such as Sucker Punch Dragapult, Aqua Jet Berraskewda, and Shadow Sneak Mimikyu. (Joined the two sentences for better flow) Ditto struggles to be relevant against bulky Pokémon that cannot meaningfully harm themselves, Pokemon (I believe this is a better way of wording it?) and therefore appreciates the power and resilience of Snorlax. Snorlax can easily switch into utility and stall Pokémon Pokemon without fear of status thanks to Rest. In return, Ditto can revenge kill the powerful Dynamax Pokémon Pokemon that force Snorlax out.

- Written by: [[Jolly Togekiss ^-^, 468676]]
- Normal Analysis by: [[Jolly Togekiss ^-^, 468676]]
- Quality checked by: [[Moosical, 215618], [Decem, 362454]]
- Grammar checked by: [[<username1>, <userid1>], [<username2>, <userid2>]]
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Stamped once this is implemented. GP 1/1

View attachment 208065
name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Transform
move 2:
move 3:
move 4:
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Imposter
evs: 248 HP / 8 Atk / 252 Def
nature: Relaxed
ivs: 0 Spe

This set allows Ditto to be an effective revenge killer and anti-setup sweeper. Choice Scarf gives Ditto the ability to outspeed any Pokemon it copies, bar opposing Choice Scarf users and Hawlucha after its Unburden has been activated. Imposter allows Ditto to Dynamax after copying a Pokemon. This means that setup sweepers like Gyarados, Togekiss, and Dragapult need to be wary of setting up, or else they may be met with a devastating countersweep. The given EVs are meant to maximize Ditto’s Ditto's (ASCII apostrophe) HP, which is the only stat not changed by Imposter.

Volt Switch and U-turn users such as Heliolisk and Braviary allow Ditto to preserve its HP by providing opportunities for it to switch in safely. Ditto appreciates the wallbreaking capabilities of Indeedee and Diggersby due to their ability to clear out defensive Pokemon and allow Ditto to sweep late-game. Indeedee's ability in Psychic Surge prevents the use of priority attacks, which prevents Ditto from being revenge killed by priority users such as Sucker Punch Dragapult, Ice Shard Mamoswine, and Shadow Sneak Mimikyu. Ditto struggles to be relevant (Unnecessary) against bulky Pokemon and therefore appreciates the power and resilience of Snorlax. Snorlax can easily switch into utility and stall Pokemon without fear of status thanks to Rest. In return, Ditto can revenge kill the powerful Dynamax Pokemon that force Snorlax out.

- Written by: [[Jolly Togekiss ^-^, 468676]]
- Normal Analysis by: [[Jolly Togekiss ^-^, 468676]]
- Quality checked by: [[Moosical, 215618], [Decem, 362454]]
- Grammar checked by: [[deetah, 297659]]