This is being moved over from the PR thread, since it's a sufficiently complex topic to merit its own discussion.
I'll re-start the discussion with the relevant quotes.
With that being a solid basis for discussion, I want to focus specifically on finding the strengths and weaknesses of various testing environments. Our next CAP will in all likelihood be for OU to try out our new implementation system, but getting the ball rolling discussing the potential merits of building for other tiers seems warranted.
Remember that we want each CAP to answer questions, and the metagame we select should be conducive to answering those questions. It must also have enough players to attract discussions and excite the forum. In theory, we could even build a CAP for an older period of 5th Gen OU, now that we have them documented.
I'll re-start the discussion with the relevant quotes.
Well, I guess this is the best place to discuss about it, so I'll just lay out some details.
There's been some talk in the other thread about trying to make a CAP Uber. As other vets should know, we always have been wary about the idea because we feared it could turn the CAP process in a shitstorm, because of how Ubers are inherently broken (but at the same time how they can't be too broken to a certain extent).
So, as I said in that thread, I propose that, should we ever find ourselves making an Uber CAP, when it will come to stats we'll offer two different templates
1) Template 1: 680 BST (no more, no less); no stat below 90 or above 150. This has been the standard for most "cartridge" Ubers past 2nd generations, barring a handful of exceptions (Groudon and Kyogre if I remember correctly, who sit at 670 BST but still respect the 90/150 boundaries)
2) Template 2: 600 BST. No stat restrictions. With "only" 600 points to work on, it is much harder to break a Pokémon on stats alone, no matter how you tweak them (Deoxys is an excellent example).
This way, not only we are more consistent with the in-game precedents, but we also prevents the process from running amok by putting objective and clearly defined limits to the extent of the Uber's power (although it should be noted that particular care should be observed in which ability is given to (1) Ubers).
Any comments on this? If we are to try our hand with a CAP Uber, we should clear out such problems as well.
In general a lot of that is borne out by the process, since we usually select ranks and expect people to keep within them. Generally they're done on a maximum basis, but since Ubers are more flexible we could also set a minimum basis of say, Rank 4 (Below Average) or something. I haven't busted out my BSR calculator in forever, but effectively it means you can't just leave a stat hanging at some abysmal level. The Tank Spread would have to cut 85 points in defenses and push them into SpA o make it 90 to meet such a standard.
That being said, the limit on a 680 model should be 160. Slaking isn't an Uber, but it has Uber stats (670 like the Hoenn Ubers), and its Atk is 160. Its SpD is 65. I'd say having those limits on a 680 mon should be enough, and conveniently enough if it were to make both SpA and SPe and dump stat, it would have Rank 4 strength. Such a system would make the optimized tank stats 160/160/115/65/115/65. If we raised the floor to Rank 5 or more in every category, the optimized tank would be 160/160/109/77/109/65.
Just some food for thought. Picking 6 stats between 90 and 154 is just a tad bit too limiting, and while there is some allure to optimization (me being the case in point), I think using the 65-160 limits would be far more flexible without breaking the spirit of that route.
Exactly what I was trying to get at. Maximums are easy to set, and I knew those usually exist but rarely would there be a need for minimums. Just adding them in makes a huge difference in what kind of spreads are allowable. However, I almost feel that their would need to be some other requirement other than a min if the second template Zarator provided was used, as without one, or with one really low, it allows for optimizing to the extent of brokenness, but with a higher one, there is no reason to ever choose the 600 BST over the 680 BST.
As a more general question about an Uber CAP, if one was to be done, how exactly would it be handled from a design standpoint? While Ubers may have a metagame, it is really made up of cast-outs. No Pokemon there was designed to compete in such an environment, and creating one to do so really would cause us to make something in a way that was never really done before. So the question is, would we be designing a Pokemon to compete in a specific role in Ubers, or designing an Uber type Pokemon in general, and just seeing if and how it fits in? Another interesting thing that could possibly be done if it is the latter, is actually testing it in OU and seeing whether or not what was made is actually Uber material.
Basically, what I would want to know, not just for Ubers, but for any alternate tier CAP (with the possible exception of LC, which is like its own mini version of OU), is how would the process go about designing such a Pokemon, when the way tiers are made does not just allow Pokemon to be placed directly into them?
Technically speaking, no Pokemon in OU is designed for OU either. OU in 5th Gen is arguably a more contrived metagame than Ubers is. The point of the CAP process is to have a concept that, when built around, creates a Pokemon with a specific goal in mind for whatever metagame it's being put into. The only real difference between OU and Ubers is that the caliber of Pokemon in Ubers exceed even the power creep that has become endemic to OU. The only thing a project on an alternate tier would have to do is answer questions relevant to that concept. Ubers might even be a better environment in some respects, as its now a much purer metagame. It doesn't have complex bans like Swift Swim + Drizzle, and the tier itself is more stable.
Or to summarize: We introduce CAPs into a metagame to answer questions about that metagame, and we have done OU in the past because it was the most balanced metagame with the largest following, and therefore the best suited to answering questions about competitive Pokemon.
In this generation, OU is significantly more complex and fairly volatile since complex bans have been put in place. It is no longer the de facto stable, go-to metagame. If Ubers is a better environment to answer questions for because of its lower volatility, then creating a CAP for it would not be totally out of line.
With that being a solid basis for discussion, I want to focus specifically on finding the strengths and weaknesses of various testing environments. Our next CAP will in all likelihood be for OU to try out our new implementation system, but getting the ball rolling discussing the potential merits of building for other tiers seems warranted.
Remember that we want each CAP to answer questions, and the metagame we select should be conducive to answering those questions. It must also have enough players to attract discussions and excite the forum. In theory, we could even build a CAP for an older period of 5th Gen OU, now that we have them documented.