DId you ever feel....

...like you wish you could not grow up? I am 16 and I am seriously contemplating my future. I oftentimes do not want to grow up, as living life with little worries is the best. I also wish that I could go back and live my childhood over, as it was'nt very good. Am I going solo here, or does anyone else feel/felt like you were not ready to become grown? I mean, the same people who used to sit in front of Hey Arnold! and trade Pokemon cards are now obsessed with clothes, the opposite sex, and screwing around.

Don't get me wrong, I like the same things, but I still like being easygoing;and I still have 99% of the interests I had before I was 13.

Am I flying solo here, or is there anyone else out there in the same boat as myself? Please discuss :/
I think the majority of people who want to "hold on" to the present or past desire stability.

I mean, yes, I have had experiences in my past which made me want to grab tight and live in the (wonderful) moment forever. But then I realize that without change, I cannot grow, which is pretty undesirable.

Of course, I sometimes wish I could go back to a simpler time when I didn't have to worry about jobs, money school, etc, but I certainly would not want to stay in those moments.

You're only 16 so it's natural to feel this way. Just wait until you're 18 and you're leaving high school (and perhaps your home town) for a few years, that really sucks. Remember, there will be bigger and better things in your future; embrace them!
I'm also a couple of years away from leaving school (heading towards the end of year 10, only 11 and 12 to go!) and I understand where you're coming from. You're happy with where your life is at the moment and you dont want anything to change. However, I'm psyched for what the future holds! I want to have new experiences, visit new places, and meet new people.If you're not gonna grow up, then what do you have to look forward to in the future??
i used to watch peter pan over and over again because i didnt want to grow up. sad, isnt it?
probably because i was, am, scared of it? ><
oh well, this is a depressing topic
I feel the same way. You really don't need to worry; holding onto childhood interests doesn't mean you won't mature as a person or will be unable to experience new things as well. Although people often measure maturity by your hobbies (i.e. drinking, having copious sex with members of the feminine denomination, etc.), real maturity comes from your beliefs and ideals, rather than how you pass your spare time. I'd say you're probably already more mature than them since you have the courage to hold onto what you personally find joy in, rather than just go along with whatever everyone else is doing. Not that you should never let go of things though.
You are 16 for Christ's sake, that is young. You have plenty of years of fun ahead of you. I am 18 and off to uni this year and I'm going to have a hell of a good time, but at the same time hopefully plant the foundations of a good career. Can't fucking believe you are worrying about growing up at 16, I'm not even thinking about it.
I turned 24 today. I would LOVE to be 16 again, without a fucking care in the world.

I got one word for ya: quitcherbitchin.
oh vineon you card

I'm a senior in college and I'm 21 and yeah I'm worried about what I'm going to do with finding a job or going to grad school or what not but the trick to it all is to take everything day by day and enjoy the moment. Yeah you do have to plan things in advance like what you want to do and where you want to go with your life but if you stress about that 24/7 you're going to be miserable. Nobody wants that. Everybody goes through shit like this from time to time when there seems to be a lot of stresses in your life. Just sit down, take a deep breath and relax for a few minutes.
I'm 19, just finished my first year of uni, and 3 years ago I was nowhere near grown-up. Then I found myself living by myself surrounded by people who I didn't know and I dealt with it and grew up a fucking lot whether I wanted to or not. Now I can see that it was a good thing. Holding onto the past will mess you up..

You'll grow up in time, it may not seem like it but the next few years are utterly life-changing. Look back on this thread in 3 or 4 years, you'll be laughing.
Eternal life would get a trifle boring I assume.
People who say eternal life would be boring are small-minded people IMO. =/ I am constantly annoyed by the fact that there is so much information in the world, and even if I were to devote my life to learning as much of it as possible, I would not even begin to scratch the surface of everything there was to know. Eternal life seems like a very palpable, if not plausible solution.

Being a teenager is hXc.
I don't want high school to end, yet I'm eager for my future. I mean, I'm going to miss my friends that I've made and cross country most of all. I can't believe that it's already my final season of it. After this, it's just done and gone.

However, new things come. I'm looking at Kettering University right now, the #3 ranked engineering school in the U.S. It would set me right up with a co-op with my dream employer, NASA, while I'm in college and then provide me with a job with them after college.
Although people often measure maturity by your hobbies (i.e. drinking, having copious sex with members of the feminine denomination, etc.), real maturity comes from your beliefs and ideals, rather than how you pass your spare time.

Well said and agreed upon.

I can't say I shared the same sentiments, though, when I was 16. To me, my surroundings and most of my peers in high school seemed dull and boring. Like many said before me, just wait until you get out of there.
ignorance is bliss, but not being able to grow up would eventually get boring for me. i myself am looking forward to the future, hopefully with the few talents i have excelled in over the past years i can land a good career and comfortable life. i plan on going to college but haven't given much thought yet, oddly. just want school to end and get out of this house. the idea of living by myself for as long as i want, having more freedom than i have ever had sounds great. i've never given much thought for the future, really.
I don't want to grow up, personally, as I don't like responsibility, but I'm going to have to accept it. Doesn't matter. I have 5 years left.
Thanks for the input, and fyi I am not bitchin, just commenting. I mean, my mother keeps hassling me about what I want to do in the future, and she finds all my goals and dreams unrealistic :(
People who say eternal life would be boring are small-minded people IMO. =/ I am constantly annoyed by the fact that there is so much information in the world, and even if I were to devote my life to learning as much of it as possible, I would not even begin to scratch the surface of everything there was to know. Eternal life seems like a very palpable, if not plausible solution.

Being a teenager is hXc.

but what if when you die, then all the shit in the world gets explained to you? i look forward to that because I know sooner or later I'm going to be an old man on the verge of death, or I might get killed right now, so I'm psyched and try to do everything I can all day every day.

besides, after you've scratched every surface and know everything there is to know that is humanly possible then what? you just gonna go chill and float in space forever? braggin to the stars?
i'm so glad richard gere looks pretty decent at 58, I plan on being the hottest silver fox in my city, RICHARD GERE STYLE.
hell fucking yes, being a kid was awesome, now life is just crap and can't see it getting better until after college ;/ (and i'm only 16 also)

also I always seem to wish I was in the year before every year because the past always seems better
Although people often measure maturity by your hobbies (i.e. drinking, having copious sex with members of the feminine denomination, etc.), real maturity comes from your beliefs and ideals, rather than how you pass your spare time.
I disagree, because I think that's a way too relative and arbitrary distinction. I think that maturity is just different layers of understanding; it's not based on the decisions you make, it's based on how educated those decisions were. Every time we make a conscious decision, we are weighing the risks against the rewards. If we decide that the latter outweigh the former, then we will act accordingly, and vice versa. Maturity is based on how well-thought-out these decisions are.

That's been my perception anyway, and it's not always that we see new risks, sometimes the rewards just seem a lot smaller. I know when I was 11, the rewards of walking down a climbing escalator seemed to be much greater than they are now. This, to me, is what maturity is.

besides, after you've scratched every surface and know everything there is to know that is humanly possible then what? you just gonna go chill and float in space forever? braggin to the stars?
I am much more comfortable with the notion of limitlessness than I am enclosure, and thus, much more comfortable with the notion of eternity than I am with time frames. It's a personal thing, I guess, but knowing everything is certainly better than knowing practically nothing at all.
I've been thinking like this man, since the end of the 8th grade. Although I didn't play Pokemon at that point (I stopped before the 6th grade), I almost regret getting back into video games again once I started highschool. Back when I was 12 and 13 I actually Llived life.

It wasn't a particularly great time either, but I almost wish that I could just relive it for the good times I had with some cool people. Most of which are either too good to talk to me or into drugs these days. It fucking sucks.