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XY Doubles Diancie was shit. WAS.

One day I was casually scrolling through the new megas to make a team when suddenly:
160 Offenses 110 Defenses 110 Speed.
So I had to make a team around Mega-Diancie. Mega-Diancie's biggest weaknesses are Water, Grass, Ground and Steel, Steel is easy to cover so I left that out from my "to check" list. I figured that Kyurem-B could force out most Ground types and resisted Grass and Water. I decided to use a mixed set to better deal with Suicune and Azumarill, both can be problematic for Diancie. To cover the general Water and Rain weakness I went with Ferrothorn, Rain was top on my "to check" list because Mega Swampert is running around like Usain Bolt and it's annoying as fuck. I went with Rotom-W afterwards to have an extra resist to Fire and an additional check to Landorus-T. I decided to add Thundurus because of Taunt to stop most Trick Room and Thunder Wave to aid Diancie in sweeping. I added Scrafty because he works well against Trick Room and can use Fake Out, along with Intimidate, making him a general good Pokemon and a great addition to the team. Even though it doesn't look like it this team biggest weakness is Trick Room, so any fixes for that would be nice.


cheers if you get this joke ^
Diancie @ Diancite
Ability: Clear Body
EVs: 208 Atk / 48 SpA / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
- Diamond Storm
- Moonblast
- Earth Power
- Protect
Diancie, the main star of the team. It's super strong and it packs a STAB spread move that only hits foes with 100 BP, great hm? But it gets better, that same move has 50% chance to increase your defense by 1 stage everytime it hits an opponent, o 2 chances per turn, which equals around 75% chance to raise your Defense in a turn, if you're lucky you can get it to do twice! I'm also running Moonblast, Diancie's second STAB which also hits insanely hard (95 BP hello), the SpAtk drop is also nifty. Earth Power is used for the Steel-types that really hinder Diancie's effectiveness. Protect blocks double targeting, stalls Rain/Trick Room turns and is just a generally good move, probably the best move in doubles. We run max speed to outspeed all the new megas that run Adamant/Modest that have the 110 speed tier (tons of them), I like hasty because since we're increasing our Defense anyway there's not really a point in using Naive and lowering my Special Defense. The Special Attack EVs are enough to OHKO Bisharp with Earth Power and the rest goes into Attack, so Diamond Storm can hit as hard as possible.


Kyurem-Black @ Life Orb
Ability: Teravolt
EVs: 156 Atk / 100 SpA / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
- Ice Beam
- Earth Power
- Fusion Bolt
- Protect
Kyurem-Black synergizes incredibly sell with Diancie, as he resists Water, Grass and can force out most Ground types. I'm running a mixed variant instead of the standard SubLefties to better deal with Azumarill and Suicune, as both are really problematic for Diancie. Ice Beam + Earth Power is insanely good coverage and is only resisted by very few things, Fusion Bolt, as I mentioned before, is used to better deal with Azumarill, Suicune along with some Flying types that don't get murdered by Ice Beam (Talonflame). Protect is protect, I explained it in the Diancie paragraph. The EVs are not optimized, I just found them lying around and I don't know what they do, so any other spread is very likely better than this one, please fix this. I'm running Life Orb to hit things extra hard and aid Diancie in sweeping with Diamond Storm.


Rotom-Wash @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 44 Def / 128 SpA / 84 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Hydro Pump
- Thunderbolt
- Will-O-Wisp
- Protect
As a Landorus-T weakness started forming up I had to add a bulky Water-type to the team that could fair well against Keldeo, I chose Rotom-Wash over Suicune because the Electric typing and STAB helps vs Rain, since Ludicolo isn't as common anymore. As far as the set goes it is pretty standard, Hydro Pump + Thunderbolt are STAB and have good coverage, Will-O-Wisp is great for permanently severing physical attackers and is a generally good option on Rotom-W, although it is predictable. Protect is Protect, read Diancie paragraph. The EV spread is custom for ORAS, 252 HP / 44 Defense / 128 SpAtk / 84 Special Defense makes it so Dragon Claw from 252+ Atk Mega Salamence is a 4HKO, Secret Sword from Keldeo does 50%~ and in return 2HKOes Sitrus Berry Keldeo, the rest of the EVs are dumped into Special Defense.


couldn't figure out a joke for Ferrothorn >:(
Ferrothorn @ Lum Berry
Ability: Iron Barbs
EVs: 252 HP / 176 Atk / 80 SpD
Brave Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Leech Seed
- Power Whip
- Gyro Ball
- Protect
I saw a general weakness to rain and I though to myself: What cockblocks rain and can, to an extent, deal with Bulky Waters? Ferrothorn came to mind. Ferrothorn's inase bulk allowed him to be the perfect defensive backbone of the team. The moves are standard as hell, Leech Seed is for recovery and stalling bulky mons that lack reliable recovery (i,e Cresselia), Power Whip is STAB and is strong as fuck, hits bulky Waters really hard. Because of Ferrothorn's middling speed, Gyro Ball makes a perfect combo, against most things it gets 150 BP and STAB, which hits hella hard, but if it doesn't get 150 BP it still hits super hard as there aren't many things that really reach the 20-40 Speed tier. Protect is Protect, go read the Diancie paragraph. The EVs ensure the KO on Rotom-W and Jellicent with Power Whip and shreks Togekiss under Tailwind, both are somehow big problems to this team if Kyurem-B dies. The rest of the EVs is dumped into HP and Special Defense to better handle Special Attackers.


Thundurus @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 212 HP / 128 Def / 52 SpA / 96 SpD / 20 Spe
Modest Nature
- Thunderbolt
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Taunt
- Thunder Wave
I wanted Taunt to better handle Trick Room and speed control to ease up on Diancie for a sweep, the first pokemon that came to mind was Thundurus. Thundurus BoltBeam combo also helped me deal with the ever so annoying Keldeo + Shaymin-S combo. The moveset is beyond standard, literally everyone runs this set on their Thundurus-I unless you're a crazy motherfucker that runs Defiant or some shit. Because of the previously mentioned factor I won't bother explaining the moves. "The given HP investment is a Sitrus number, so I heal more. The additional defensive investment allows you to survive a Timid Life Orb Latios Draco Meteor and unboosted Adamant Landorus-T Stone Edge. 20 Spe EVs let Thundurus move before maximum Speed Jolly base 70s, most notably Breloom. Remaining EVs are dumped into SpA so you can hit as hard as possible" From the Smogdex.


Scrafty @ Assault Vest
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
IVs: 0 Spe
Brave Nature
- Knock Off
- Drain Punch
- Ice Punch
- Fake Out
This is the glue of the team, it fixes my TR weakness, provides Fake Out and extra physical bulk due to Intimidate, this little motherfucker aids the team against Trick Room, and is here mostly for that. The EVs are super simple, as with Scrafty you want to hit as hard as possible and be as bulky as possible, the 0 Spe IVs allow me to underspeed Sylveon, therefore I outspeed it under TR, allowing me to Knock Off the Specs and survive an Hyper Voice. The moves are standard: Knock Off knocks off itens and is hella good, also STAB which is nice, Drain Punch is my fighting and while it doesn't hit all that hard, it provides me some decent recovery if I manage to OHKO something. Ice Punch is filler and is here mostly for Thundurus, Landorus-T and Shaymin-S
Hey, nice team. It's very solid, and shows a solid understanding of the early ORAS doubles metagame. I wouldn't change much of the team to be honest, as it seems to work well. Some general observations though:

1. You seem to be, at least on the surface, weak to fairies. Outside of Ferrothorn, and to a lesser extent Diancie, you have very little to offer as a counter, and 2 of your main team members are beaten by fairies quite handily. Obviously, this is mitigated due to Diancie hitting like an absolute truck, but in a situation where Diancie is either ko'd already, or handled by the opponent, you have very little to remedy the situation.
2. Aegislash is also a key threat to the team, as Diancie, Kyurem both lose to it, and very few things on the team have a way to beat it 1 on 1, bar Scrafty.
3. Lack of speed control, or other means of dictating the tempo of the game. Outside of Thundurus there is very little keeping the pace of the game in your favour. A well timed Tailwind or Trick Room could spell disaster for your team.

Again, these are just minor issues that are mitigated by already existing members of the team, but I do think you should look over them to see if you can patch them up a bit.

On that end, I would propose that you consider using Talonflame over Thundurus. It's a radical change, but one that I implore you at least examine. You're reasoning for using Thundurus was that it primarily checks Keldeo and Skymin, and is able to keep Trick Room off through the use of Taunt. Talonflame is capable of doing both of these things, and is also able to function as a viable threat within Trick Room due to Gale Wings. It also handles the issue of Aegislash due to its fire typing, and also provide priority Tailwind support in a Tailwind heavy metagame! As well, you'll find that Thundurus is quite redundant in a few of its roles. Thunderbolt checks Charizard and Rain, but A) Diancie does the former, and B) Ferrothorn and Kyube handle the latter. Hidden Power Ice is for Salamence, Landorus-T and the like, but again Diancie can handle Mence, and Kyube and Rotom can tackle the rest, and offers very little in return.

Good luck with the team, and have fun.
Hey, nice team. It's very solid, and shows a solid understanding of the early ORAS doubles metagame. I wouldn't change much of the team to be honest, as it seems to work well. Some general observations though:

1. You seem to be, at least on the surface, weak to fairies. Outside of Ferrothorn, and to a lesser extent Diancie, you have very little to offer as a counter, and 2 of your main team members are beaten by fairies quite handily. Obviously, this is mitigated due to Diancie hitting like an absolute truck, but in a situation where Diancie is either ko'd already, or handled by the opponent, you have very little to remedy the situation.
2. Aegislash is also a key threat to the team, as Diancie, Kyurem both lose to it, and very few things on the team have a way to beat it 1 on 1, bar Scrafty.
3. Lack of speed control, or other means of dictating the tempo of the game. Outside of Thundurus there is very little keeping the pace of the game in your favour. A well timed Tailwind or Trick Room could spell disaster for your team.

Again, these are just minor issues that are mitigated by already existing members of the team, but I do think you should look over them to see if you can patch them up a bit.

On that end, I would propose that you consider using Talonflame over Thundurus. It's a radical change, but one that I implore you at least examine. You're reasoning for using Thundurus was that it primarily checks Keldeo and Skymin, and is able to keep Trick Room off through the use of Taunt. Talonflame is capable of doing both of these things, and is also able to function as a viable threat within Trick Room due to Gale Wings. It also handles the issue of Aegislash due to its fire typing, and also provide priority Tailwind support in a Tailwind heavy metagame! As well, you'll find that Thundurus is quite redundant in a few of its roles. Thunderbolt checks Charizard and Rain, but A) Diancie does the former, and B) Ferrothorn and Kyube handle the latter. Hidden Power Ice is for Salamence, Landorus-T and the like, but again Diancie can handle Mence, and Kyube and Rotom can tackle the rest, and offers very little in return.

Good luck with the team, and have fun.
Thanks, I'll try to work around those weaknesses, I'll change up the members of the team so I can do the same as before with some added fairy resists. thanks for the rate.