RU Defensive Galarian Weezing [QC 2/2] [GP 1/1]


Fluttering Dream Eater
is a Pre-Contributor

Galarian Weezing is an important physical wall in the tier for its ability to check relevant threats such as Galarian Zapdos and Mamoswine while also being disruptive with tools such as Will-O-Wisp, Toxic Spikes, and Pain Split, and its ability to reliably absorb Knock Off and U-turn benefits its team. At the same time, however, it's particularly susceptible to VoltTurn cores due to the Pokemon present in these cores, such as Galarian Zapdos, being able to pivot in strong special wallbreakers like Basculegion-F and Hisuian Zoroark which can then make progress into Galarian Weezing's team. It can also be passive at times against setup sweepers, and especially has trouble with Pokemon that can deal massive damage through setup or Choice items like Crawdaunt and Gyarados, which Galarian Weezing dislikes taking hits from because it lacks reliable forms of recovery. Galarian Weezing can also struggle with physical sweepers that Terastallize into a Fire-type to set up freely on it.

name: Defensive
move 1: Strange Steam
move 2: Will-O-Wisp
move 3: Pain Split
move 4: Defog / Toxic / Sludge Bomb / Toxic Spikes
item: Rocky Helmet / Leftovers
ability: Levitate
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
tera type: Steel

Strange Steam allows Galarian Weezing to hit the Fighting-types it commonly switches into such as Chesnaught, Galarian Zapdos, and Slither Wing and threaten Pokemon such as Cyclizar, Krookodile, and Wo-Chien. Will-O-Wisp allows Galarian Weezing to cripple the physical attackers it comes in on such as Mamoswine, Mienshao, and Krookodile and burn Pokemon with Defiant such as Bisharp and Galarian Zapdos that may be switching in to take advantage of Defog. Pain Split gives longevity to the set, and Defog allows Galarian Weezing to reverse the progress of the various entry hazard setters it switches into such as Hippowdon, Chesnaught, and Krookodile. Toxic can be used to target Pokemon that might commonly switch in to absorb a predicted Will-O-Wisp, such as Armarogue and Volcanion, or to pressure walls and other switch-ins to Galarian Weezing such as Entei, Slowbro, and Basculegion-F. Sludge Bomb allows Galarian Weezing to hit Fairy-types such as Gardevoir, Ribombee, and opposing Galarian Weezing and potentially poison and wear down switch-ins such as Volcanion, Talonflame, and Slowbro. Toxic Spikes takes advantage of Pokemon switching out against Galarian Weezing and passive foes like Umbreon and opposing Galarian Weezing, wearing down the opposing team to allow a cleaner to win the game. Leftovers provides Galarian Weezing passive recovery, which helps with its longevity, while Rocky Helmet allows Galarian Weezing to punish physical attackers such as Maushold and Galarian Zapdos. Levitate allows Galarian Weezing to easily counter Ground-type Pokemon such as Krookodile and Flygon and gives it a valuable immunity to Spikes. Tera Steel allows Galarian Weezing to resist its two weaknesses in Psychic and Steel, making it better at taking the STAB moves of Pokemon such as Jirachi, Bisharp, and Gardevoir. Additionally, Tera Steel has synergy with Levitate, and the two allow Galarian Weezing to be one of the few Pokemon capable of resisting Mamoswine's STAB combination.

Galarian Weezing fits best on bulky offense and balance structures for its ability to spread burns to improve the longevity of partners and reliably switch into Ground-, Bug-, Fighting-, and Dark-type moves. Galarian Weezing pairs well with Steel-types such as Registeel, Hisuian Goodra, and Empoleon, since Galarian Weezing can switch into Earthquakes targeted at them and wall the Fighting-types of the tier such as Mienshao, Galarian Zapdos, and Slither Wing, while they can take the Psychic- and Steel-type attacks from Pokemon such as Bisharp, Jirachi, Slowbro, and Necrozma that threaten Galarian Weezing in return. Dark-types such as Umbreon pair well with Galarian Weezing because they are also good switch-ins to Psychic-types such as Slowbro and Armarouge. Fighting-types such as Slither Wing, Mienshao, and Galarian Zapdos can threaten to OHKO the Steel-types that switch in freely to Galarian Weezing. Galarian Weezing also appreciates teammates that can deal with the Fire-types of the tier, namely Armarouge and Entei, such as Umbreon, Volcanion, and Slowbro, and several of the aforementioned specially defensive Pokemon such as Umbreon, Hisuian Goodra, and Cyclizar are capable of switching into the Ghost-type attacks from Pokemon such as Gengar and Hisuian Zoroark that threaten Galarian Weezing. Defog allows Galarian Weezing to support its team through entry hazard removal, and its ability to set layers of Toxic Spikes can allow for Pokemon such as Registeel and Suicune to set up and win the game. Toxic Spikes can be paired with Hex users such as Gengar and Knock Off users such as Krookodile to remove opposing Heavy-Duty Boots. Non-Defog Galarian Weezing also benefits from partner Cyclizar and Noivern, as both Pokemon can remove hazards to allow Galarian Weezing to use alternate moves to be less passive.

Other Options

Neutralizing Gas is a niche secondary option, as it helps against Regenerator Pokemon like Cyclizar and Amoonguss along with other interactions such as shutting off Basculegion-F's Adaptability, Bisharp and Galarian Zapdos's Defiant, and Maushold's Technician. When using Neutralizing Gas, Galarian Weezing should be paired with a reliable Ground-resistant Pokemon such as Chesnaught or Slither Wing. Flamethrower can be used to hit Steel-types like Bisharp and Magnezone super effectively. Taunt can be used to prevent slower Pokemon such as Slowbro and Hippowdon from recovering, setting up, or setting hazards. Heavy-Duty Boots can be run to negate Stealth Rock damage, and Clear Smog can be used to prevent Pokemon such as Oricorio-E or Pokemon that run Tera Fire such as Bisharp from using Galarian Weezing as setup opportunities.

Checks and Counters

**Steel-types**: Steel-types like Jirachi, Empoleon, and Magnezone resist Strange Steam and can hit Galarian Weezing for super effective damage, often dealing enough damage to threaten an OHKO or 2HKO.

**Psychic-types**: Most Psychic-types in the tier such as Slowbro, Armarouge, and Necrozma are capable of switching into Galarian Weezing fairly easily and threatening an OHKO. Slowbro and Reuniclus are able to switch in and threaten to sweep with Calm Mind by using Galarian Weezing as a way to safely start setting up.

**Special Wallbreakers**: Strong special attackers in the tier such as Hisuian Zoroark, Gengar, Basculegion-F, and Volcanion are capable of threatening Galarian Weezing without fear of retaliation due to Galarian Weezing's passive nature.

**Defiant And Competitive Pokemon**: Bisharp and Galarian Zapdos are both able to switch into Galarian Weezing's Defog, though they can both be burnt by Will-O-Wisp. Caution should be taken, however, as both Pokemon are capable of outspeeding and OHKOing Galarian Weezing, either with Tera in Galarian Zapdos's case or with enough chip damage in both cases. Empoleon is able to cleanly switch into Galarian Weezing and usually doesn't mind being burned, threatening an OHKO at +2 with Stealth Rock up against Galarian Weezing.

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In the Overview, you want to generalize what the Pokemon in question accomplishes in the metagame and where it stands. You will also want to cover its drawbacks and anything else that may hold it back. This should be a pretty basic recap of the Pokemon; the Overview typically does not need to be much longer than seven or eight sentences, though of course this varies from Pokemon to Pokemon and compromises can be made.

(gonna get to this after QC)

For this, you should mention Galarian Weezing being a really important physical wall in the tier, checking relevant threats like Galarian Zapdos and Mamoswine while being disruptive with Will-O-Wisp, Toxic Spikes, and Pain Split. Mention it being weak to VoltTurn stuff, especially threats like Magnezone and Raikou, and talk about how it can be hard to fit on teams as the Fairy- or Poison-type with other stuff like Fezandipiti and Gardevoir existing, etc.

Weezing-Galar @ Rocky Helmet / Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
Tera Type: Steel
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Strange Steam
- Will-O-Wisp
- Pain Split

- Defog / Toxic / Sludge Bomb / Toxic Spikes
The dex actually allows for this, but per my comment below I'd like to change it to the provided template so you understand the flow of paragraph one.
name: Defensive

move 1: Strange Steam
move 2: Will-O-Wisp
move 3: Pain Split
move 4: Defog / Toxic / Sludge Bomb / Toxic Spikes
item: Rocky Helmet / Leftovers
ability: Levitate
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD

tera type: Steel

Levitate is chosen as the ability of choice as it gives Weezing not only an immunity to one of it's weaknesses in Ground, allowing allows Galarian Weezing (Please fix all future references of this) to easily counter Ground-type Pokemon such as Krookodile and Quagsire, but it and also gives Weezing a valuable immunity to Spikes. Leftovers allows provides Weezing passive recovery which helps with it's longevity and allows it to stick around for longer, while Rocky Helmet allows Weezing to punish the physical attackers it switches into and can be useful as a last minute resort against Maushold for teams lacking space for other Rocky Helmet users such as Maushold and Galarian Zapdos. Tera Steel is the Tera Type of choice as it allows Weezing to resist it's two weaknesses in Psychic and Steel, and additionally still have positive synergy with Levitate, as well as allowing Weezing to be one of the few Pokemon capable of resisting Mamoswine's STAB combination. Strange Steam is the STAB option of choice as it allows Galarian Weezing to hit the Fighting types it commonly switches into such as Chesnaught, Galarian Zapdos, and Slither Wing and threaten Pokemon such as Cyclizar, Krookodile, and Quagsire. Will-O-Wisp allows Weezing to burn the physical attackers it comes in on such as? to both reduce damage for itself and it's teammates, and also to burn Pokemon with Defiant like? who may be switching in to take advantage of Defog. Pain Split gives longevity to the set, notably allowing Weezing to recover to nearly full vs. the likes of Chansey when at low health, and allowing Weezing to take advantage of the opponent using recovery moves to negate or reduce the amount recovered while healing Weezing in turn. Defog allows Weezing act as hazard removal for teams, allowing Weezing to reverse the progress of the various hazard setters it switches into such as Quagsire, Hippowdon, Chesnaught, and Forretress. Toxic can be used to target Pokemon who might commonly switch in to absorb a predicted Will-O-Wisp, such as Armarogue and Volcanion, or to pressure walls and other switch-ins to Weezing. Sludge Bomb allows Weezing to hit Fairy types such as Gardevoir, Ribombee, and opposing Weezings, and also allows Weezing to potentially poison and wear down switch-ins. Toxic Spikes is an option that allows Weezing to act as a hazard setter, taking advantage of Pokemon switching out against Weezing and passive opponents to set up a win condition for it's team or to pressure grounded opponents without Heavy-Duty (add hyphen) Boots. Not going to overload this but will say the paragraph should follow this order: brief description of this particular mon/set (not mandatory, but nice), moves, items, abilities, nature, EVs, Tera's (easiest way to remember this is to use the default template I changed it to above). Also, when mentioning specific interactions, try to list at least one or two mons that the interaction is talking about (such as / like 'x' and 'y') in this paragraph and below

Weezing fits best on bulky offense or balance structures for it's ability to remove entry hazards with Defog, spread burns to improve the longevity of partner special walls, and reliably switch in to take Ground and Fighting moves, along with it's ability to potentially set layers of Toxic Spikes to allow for Pokemon such as Registeel or Suicune to set up and win the game. Weezing pairs well with Steel Types such as Registeel, Goodra-Hisui Hisuian Goodra, and Empoleon since Weezing can switch in to Earthquakes targeted at them and wall the Fighting-types of the tier, while Steels can take the Psychic type and Steel attacks that threaten Weezing in turn. Dark-types such as Umbreon also pair well with Weezing for the same reason of being a good switch-in to the psychic types of the tier, and Fighting types such as Slither Wing, Mienshao, and Zapdos-Galar can threaten and OHKO the Steel types that switch in freely to Weezing. Non-Defog Weezing also benefits from partner Cyclizar as Cyclizar can remove hazards to allow Galarian Weezing to use alternative moves to be less passive that Weezing might not be able to safely find the opportunities to remove improving Weezings longevity, especially against more offensive teams that may have multiple Defiant Pokemon, or in instances where Weezing might not be running Leftovers or Pain Split. Weezing also appreciates teammates who can deal with the Fire-types of the tier, namely Armarouge and Entei, such as Umbreon, Cyclizar, Volcanion, and Slowbro.

Other Options

Neutralizing Gas is a niche secondary option for ability as it helps against Regenerator Pokemon as it shuts off their ability along with other interactions such as shutting off Basculegion-F's Adaptability, Bisharp and Zapdos-Galar's Defiant, Maushold's Technician, other abilities.
Misty Surge (?) to enable terrain teams (most likely would need its own thing, unsure if those teams run different versions of Geezing, but most likely should at least have it here just in case) for Misty Surge, you'd probably want to mention terrain stuff + the ability for teammates like Bisharp to avoid status. You'd also want to mention coverage moves like Memento (with Misty Surge to get something in like Bisharp)
The downside to using these abilities is that Weezing loses it's immunity to Ground granted to it by Levitate, along with make it grounded, causing it to take damage from Spikes, although it also allows Weezing to absorb Toxic Spikes as an upside.

(?) Misty Explosion can be paired with Misty Surge
(again very unclear, it's technically a true pairing but at that point running it on a real set realistically doesn't fall under "Defensive G-Weezing" and most likely should be cut to avoid fluff)

Flamethrower can be used to hit Steel Types super effectively, and Taunt can be used to prevent slower Pokemon such as Slowbro or Hippowdon from recovering, setting up, or setting hazards.

136 Speed EVs can be run to speed tie with most Bisharp, or alternatively 184 Speed EVs can be run to outspeed Bisharp running 100 Speed EVs.

Checks and Counters

**Steel Types**: Steel Types are both immune to resist Strange Steam and can hit Weezing for super effective damage, often dealing enough damage to threaten a OHKO or 2HKO. Jirachi is able to 2HKO Weezing with a chance to flinch, preventing any attempts at burning it, and Goodra-Hisui is able to switch in and ignore both Strange Steam and shrug off Will-O-Wisp, and threaten a Flash Cannon or predicted Draco Meteor.

**Psychic Types**: The Psychic Types of the tier can all switch in to Weezing fairly easily and threaten OHKOs, with Weezing having very few options aside using Toxic to dissuade them. Slowbro and Reuniclus are able to switch in and threaten to sweep with Calm Mind, and both benefit from being burned instead of being inflicted with toxic, along with both also being able to prevent Leftovers recovery with Psychic Noise. Grammar stuff to fix like above, as well as mentioning that Reuniclus especially uses Galarian Weezing as setup fodder and offensive Psychic-types like Armarouge and Necrozma are really threatening, etc.

Defiant And Competitive Pokemon**: These Pokemon are able to switch in to Weezing on potential defogs to gain +2 in their respective abilities's stats and threaten massive damage. Bisharp and Zapdos-Galar are both able to do this effectively, however they can both be burnt by Will-O-Wisp. Caution should be taken however, as both Pokemon are capable of outspeeding and OHKOing Weezing, either with tera in Zapdos's case or with enough chip damage in both cases. Empoleon however is able to cleanly switch in to Weezing and usually doesn't mind being burnt, threatening an OHKO at +2 with Stealth Rocks up against Weezing.

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Heyo, first off congrats on getting your first anaylsis to QC! There is quite a bit of work to do here with regards to grammar and the overall flow of the analysis, but you're headed in the right direction. Please implement the changes to the best of your ability (making sure all instances of grammar is especially tidied up, like using "Galarian x" instead of "x-Galar") and I'll look it over again for the official QC1.
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Galarian Weezing is an important physical wall in the tier for it's ability to check relevant threats such as Galarian Zapdos and Mamoswine while also being disruptive with tools such as Will-O-Wisp, Toxic Spikes, and Pain Split. At the same time however, its particularly susceptible to VoltTurn cores, especially ones including Magnezone and Raikou, and can have a hard time being the dedicated Fairy- or Poison-type for teams due to other Pokemon such as Gardevoir and Fezendipiti also being able to fulfill those roles just as well or better. Add a few more sentences to talk about it in totality, generally an overview should give top-level insight into what it does (checks gapdos and mamo? good, weak to voltturn? true, absorbs knock off and can run helmet easy? yup, etc.)

Name: Defensive
Move 1: Strange Steam
Move 2: Will-O-Wisp
Move 3: Pain Split
Move 4: Defog / Toxic / Sludge Bomb / Toxic Spikes
Item: Rocky Helmet / Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Bold
Evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Tera type: Steel

Strange Steam allows Galarian Weezing to hit the Fighting-types it commonly switches into such as Chesnaught, Galarian Zapdos, and Slither Wing and threaten Pokemon such as Cyclizar, Krookodile, and Quagsire. Will-O-Wisp allows Galarian please use the full name in all future references Weezing to burn the physical attackers it comes in on such as Mamoswine, Mienshao, and Krookodile to both reduce damage for itself and it's teammates, and also to burn Pokemon with Defiant such as Bisharp and Galarian Zapdos who may be switching in to take advantage of Defog. Pain Split gives longevity to the set, notably allowing Weezing to recover to nearly full vs. the likes of against Chansey when at low health, and allowing Weezing to take advantage of the opponent using recovery moves to negate or reduce the amount recovered while healing Weezing in turn. Defog allows Weezing act as entry hazard removal for teams, allowing Weezing to reverse the progress of the various hazard setters it switches into such as Quagsire, Hippowdon, Chesnaught, and Forretress. Toxic can be used to target Pokemon who might commonly switch in to absorb a predicted Will-O-Wisp, such as Armarogue and Volcanion, or to pressure walls and other switch-ins to Weezing such as?. Sludge Bomb allows Weezing to hit Fairy-types such as Gardevoir, Ribombee, and opposing Weezings, and also allows Weezing to potentially poison and wear down switch-ins like?. Toxic Spikes is an option that allows Weezing to act as a hazard setter, taking advantage of Pokemon switching out against Weezing and passive opponents to set up a win condition for it's team or to pressure grounded opponents without Heavy-Duty-Boots. Leftovers provides Weezing passive recovery which helps with it's longevity and allows it to stick around for longer, while Rocky Helmet allows Weezing to punish physical attackers such as Maushold and Galarian Zapdos. Levitate allows Galarian Weezing to easily counter Ground-type Pokemon such as Krookodile and Quagsire, and also gives Weezing a valuable immunity to Spikes. Tera Steel is the Tera type of choice as it allows Weezing to resist it's two weaknesses in Psychic and Steel, and additionally still have positive synergy with Levitate, as well as allowing Weezing to be one of the few Pokemon capable of resisting Mamoswine's STAB combination.

Weezing fits best on bulky offense or balance structures for it's ability to remove entry hazards with Defog, spread burns to improve the longevity of partners special walls, and reliably switch in to take Ground- and Fighting-type moves, along with it's ability to potentially set layers of Toxic Spikes to allow for Pokemon such as Registeel or Suicune to set up and win the game. Weezing pairs well with Steel-Types such as Registeel, Hisuian-Goodra, and Empoleon since Weezing can switch in to Earthquakes targeted at them and wall the Fighting-types of the tier, while Steels they can take the Psychic-type and Steel-type attacks that threaten Weezing in turn. Dark types such as Umbreon also pair well with Weezing for the same reason of being a good switch-in to the Psychic-types of the tier like?, and Fighting-types such as Slither Wing, Mienshao, and Galarian Zapdos can threaten and OHKO the Steel-types that switch in freely to Weezing. Non-Defog Weezing also benefits from partner Cyclizar as Cyclizar can remove hazards to allow Galarian Weezing to use alternate moves to be less passive. Weezing also appreciates teammates who can deal with the Fire-types of the tier, namely Armarouge and Entei, such as Umbreon, Cyclizar, Volcanion, and Slowbro.

Other Options

Neutralizing Gas is a niche secondary option as it helps against Regenerator Pokemon as it shuts off their ability along with other interactions such as shutting off Basculegion-F's Adaptability, Bisharp and Galarian Zapdos's Defiant, and Maushold's Technician, other abilities.
Misty Surge allows Weezing to set Misty Terrain for partners, preventing status and allowing partner Pokemon such as Bisharp to set up without fear of burns and allowing an avenue for Unburden Pokemon like Grafaiai and Hitmonlee activate their ability with a Misty Seed. Memento can be used alongside Misty Surge to allow partner Bisharp and other grounded setup sweepers to enter the field and safely set up. Flamethrower can be used to hit Steel-types like? super effectively, and Taunt can be used to prevent slower Pokemon such as Slowbro or Hippowdon from recovering, setting up, or setting hazards.

Checks and Counters

**Steel-types**: Steel-types resist Strange Steam and can hit Weezing for super effective damage, often dealing enough damage to threaten a OHKO or 2HKO. Jirachi is able to 2HKO Weezing with a chance to flinch, preventing any attempts at burning it, and Goodra-Hisui is able to switch in and ignore both Strange Steam and shrug off Will-O-Wisp, and threaten a Flash Cannon.

**Psychic-types**: Most Psychic-types in the tier are capable of switching into Weezing fairly easily and threaten an OHKO, with Weezing having very few options aside using Toxic to dissuade them. Slowbro and Reuniclus especially are able to switch in and threaten to sweep with Calm Mind by using Weezing as a way to safely start setting up, and both benefit from being burned instead of being inflicted with toxic, along with both also being able to prevent Leftovers recovery with Psychic Noise. Additionally, other offensive Psychic-types such as Armarouge and Necrozma are able to similarly threaten OHKOs and potentially set up on Weezing.

**Defiant And Competitive Pokemon**: Bisharp and Galarian Zapdos are both able to switch in to Weezing's Defogs, however they can both be burnt by Will-O-Wisp. Caution should be taken however, as both Pokemon are capable of outspeeding and OHKOing Weezing, either with tera in Zapdos's case or with enough chip damage in both cases. Empoleon however is able to cleanly switch in to Weezing and usually doesn't mind being burnt, threatening an OHKO at +2 with Stealth Rocks up against Weezing.

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Much better, still a fair amount of recurring grammatical errors (-types instead of Types, Galarian needs to be before every instance of Weezing, etc.) but once these are implemented it should be ready for QC2.
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Galarian Weezing is an important physical wall in the tier for it's ability to check relevant threats such as Galarian Zapdos and Mamoswine while also being disruptive with tools such as Will-O-Wisp, Toxic Spikes, and Pain Split. It's also able to easily run Rocky Helmet to punish not only physical attackers in general such as the aforementioned Galarian Zapdos but especially Maushold, Talking about items, especially slashable ones, isnt necessary in the overview unless it's a defining feature of the mon - here, you can instead emphasize its ability to switch into common moves like knock off and uturn and is able to reliably absorb Knock Offs for the benefit of it's team. At the same time however, its particularly susceptible to VoltTurn cores, especially ones including Magnezone and Raikou, Explain that this is because Pokemon in these cores that Gweez can switch into like Gapdos can easily pivot out into a strong special wallbreaker like Herscu or Horo and make progress against Gweez's team and can have a hard time being the dedicated Fairy or Poison type for teams due to other Pokemon such as Gardevoir and Fezendipiti also being able to fulfill those roles just as well or better "Dedicated fairy or poison" is vague reasoning and these mons don't really fill the same roles. It also can struggle to make meaningful progress into anything that it doesn't outright resist or beat Explain more clearly that Gweez can end up being passive vs setup Pokemon, and that its low spdef makes it weak to special attackers, "can't make progress against something it can't beat" doesn't provide much information, such as special attackers like Volcanion and Armarouge and Pokemon that can deal massive neutral damage Add that Gweez hates taking this damage because it doesn't have any reliable recovery through setup or Choice Items like Crawdaunt and Gyarados Add that many physical sweepers can set up on it freely with Tera Fire.

Name: Defensive
Move 1: Strange Steam
Move 2: Will-O-Wisp
Move 3: Pain Split
Move 4: Defog / Toxic / Sludge Bomb / Toxic Spikes
Item: Rocky Helmet / Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Bold
Evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Tera type: Steel

Set Details

Strange Steam allows Galarian Weezing to hit the Fighting types it commonly switches into such as Chesnaught, Galarian Zapdos, and Slither Wing and threaten Pokemon such as Cyclizar, Krookodile, and Quagsire Generally you want to talk about and give examples of B+ or better Pokemon Wo-Chien. Will-O-Wisp allows Galarian Weezing to burn cripple it's best to avoid "dex info" i.e information that can be easily googled or obtained via /dt the physical attackers it comes in on such as Mamoswine, Mienshao, and Krookodile to both reduce damage for itself and it's teammates Similarly dex info because burn reducing damage is common knowledge, and also to burn Pokemon with Defiant such as Bisharp and Galarian Zapdos who may be switching in to take advantage of Defog. Pain Split gives longevity to the set, notably allowing Galarian Weezing to recover to nearly full against Chansey when at low health Again, no need to mention B- and below mons directly. Defog allows Galarian Weezing act as hazard removal for teams, allowing Galarian Weezing to reverse the progress of the various hazard setters it switches into such as Quagsire, Hippowdon, Chesnaught, and Forretress Krookodile. Toxic can be used to target Pokemon who might commonly switch in to absorb a predicted Will-O-Wisp, such as Armarogue and Volcanion, or to pressure walls and other switch-ins to Galarian Weezing such as Entei, Slowbro, or Armarouge Basculegion-F. Sludge Bomb allows Galarian Weezing to hit Fairy-types such as Gardevoir, Ribombee, and opposing Galarian Weezings, and also allows Galarian Weezing to potentially poison and wear down switch-ins such as Volcanion, Talonflame, and Slowbro. Toxic Spikes is an option that allows Galarian Weezing to act as a hazard setter, taking takes advantage of Pokemon switching out against Galarian Weezing and passive opponents examples of passive foes? to set up a win condition for it's team or to pressure grounded opponents without Heavy-Duty-Boots. Leftovers provides Galarian Weezing passive recovery which helps with it's longevity and allows it to stick around for longer, while Rocky Helmet allows Weezing to punish physical attackers such as Maushold and Galarian Zapdos. Levitate allows Galarian Weezing to easily counter Ground-type Pokemon such as Krookodile and Quagsire Flygon, and also gives Galarian Weezing a valuable immunity to Spikes. Tera Steel is the Tera type of choice as it allows Galarian Weezing to resist it's two weaknesses in Psychic and Steel examples of Psychic and steel attackers, and additionally still have positive synergy with Levitate , as well as allowing Galarian Weezing to be one of the few Pokemon capable of resisting Mamoswine's STAB combination.

Galarian Weezing fits best on bulky offense or balance structures for it's ability to remove entry hazards with Defog, spread burns to improve the longevity of partners, and reliably switch in to take Ground-type and Fighting-type moves also Bug and Dark, . (add period) Descriptions of slashable options shouldn't go in the first line - you can add something for Defog here along with it's ability to potentially set layers of Toxic Spikes to allow for Pokemon such as Registeel or Suicune to set up and win the game Tspikes can also be paired with Hex users like Gengar and Knock users like Krook to remove Boots. Galarian Weezing pairs well with Steel-Types such as Registeel, Hisuian-Goodra, and Empoleon since Galarian Weezing can switch in to Earthquakes targeted at them and wall the Fighting-types of the tier examples, while they can take the Psychic and Steel-type attacks examples of the mons that use these attacks that threaten Galarian Weezing in turn. Dark types such as Umbreon also pair well with Galarian Weezing for the same reason of being a good switch-in to the Psychic types of the tier such as Slowbro and Armarouge, and Fighting-types such as Slither Wing, Mienshao, and Galarian Zapdos can threaten and OHKO the Steel types that switch in freely to Galarian Weezing. Non-Defog Galarian Weezing also benefits from partner Cyclizar Noivern can also be mentioned here as Cyclizar can remove hazards to allow Galarian Weezing to use alternate moves to be less passive. Galarian Weezing also appreciates teammates who can deal with the Fire-types of the tier, namely Armarouge and Entei, such as Umbreon, Volcanion, and Slowbro. Add that the aforementioned specially defensive Pokemon like Cyclizar, Hoodra, and Umbreon can switch into Ghost-type attackers that threaten Gweez

Other Options

Neutralizing Gas is a niche secondary option as it helps against Regenerator Pokemon along with other interactions such as shutting off Basculegion-F's Adaptability, Bisharp and Galarian Zapdos's Defiant, and Maushold's Technician Add that it should only be used alongside a reliable Ground resist like Chesnaught. Misty Surge allows Galarian Weezing to set Misty Terrain for partners, preventing status and allowing partner Pokemon such as Bisharp to set up without fear of burns and allowing an avenue for Unburden Pokemon like Grafaiai and Hitmonlee activate their ability with a Misty Seed. Memento can be used alongside Misty Surge to allow partner Bisharp and other grounded setup sweepers to enter the field and safely set up. It's just... bad Flamethrower can be used to hit Steel-types like Bisharp and Magnezone super effectively, and Taunt can be used to prevent slower Pokemon such as Slowbro or Hippowdon from recovering, setting up, or setting hazards. Add that Boots is an item option, and Clear Smog can be decent for preventing Oricorio-E or Tera Fire mons from using it as setup fodder

Checks and Counters

**Steel-types**: Steel-types like Jirachi, Empoleon, and Magnezone resist Strange Steam and can hit Galarian Weezing for super effective damage, often dealing enough damage to threaten a OHKO or 2HKO. Jirachi is able to 2HKO Galarian Weezing with a chance to flinch, preventing any attempts at burning it, and Goodra-Hisui is able to switch in and ignore both Strange Steam and shrug off Will-O-Wisp, and threaten a Flash Cannon. Exact descriptions of how they beat Gweez isn't necessary; the fact that they can deal super effective damage is enough justification

**Psychic-types**: Most Psychic-types in the tier Again, instead of descriptions just list examples like Slowbro, Armarouge and Necrozma are capable of switching into Galarian Weezing fairly easily and threaten an OHKO. Slowbro and Reuniclus especially are able to switch in and threaten to sweep with Calm Mind by using Galarian Weezing as a way to safely start setting up, and both benefit from being burned instead of being inflicted with toxic, along with both also being able to prevent Leftovers recovery with Psychic Noise. Additionally, other offensive Psychic-types such as Armarouge and Necrozma are able to similarly threaten OHKOs and potentially set up on Galarian Weezing.

**Special Wallbreakers**: Add something about strong special attackers in general like Herscu, Horo, Volc, Gengar being able to threaten Gweez while it's too passive to do anything back

**Defiant And Competitive Pokemon**: Bisharp and Galarian Zapdos are both able to switch in to Galarian Weezing's Defogs, however they can both be burnt by Will-O-Wisp. Caution should be taken however, as both Pokemon are capable of outspeeding and OHKOing Galarian Weezing, either with tera in Zapdos's case or with enough chip damage in both cases. Empoleon is able to cleanly switch in to Galarian Weezing and usually doesn't mind being burnt, threatening an OHKO at +2 with Stealth Rocks up against Galarian Weezing.

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Great work, implement and tag me for review
The content looks good, but some of the writing is redundant and a little disorganised in places, for example you talk about Gweez being weak to special attackers in the overview twice, and in the paragraph about partners you should talk about general partners to Gweez first, while those that pair with specific moves such as Tspikes and Defog should be mentioned later as they are specific. Also keep in mind that you should expect the reader to have a general knowledge of competitive Pokémon - you don't have to explain every interaction. Just tidy up these things a bit, and make sure your train of thought is easy to follow - each mention of a type of partner, the function of a move, etc should be contained in its own sentence. A specific example to change is that you talk about steel and dark partners in separate sentences which ends up in some repetition, so combine the two sentences instead.
After that, you can go ahead and tag the GP team!


Galarian Weezing is an important physical wall in the tier for it's its ability to check relevant threats such as Galarian Zapdos and Mamoswine while also being disruptive with tools such as Will-O-Wisp, Toxic Spikes, and Pain Split, and it's its ability to reliably absorb Knock Offs Off and U-turns for the benefit of it's U-turn benefits its team. At the same time, (AC) however, its it's particularly susceptible to VoltTurn cores due to the Pokemon present in these cores, (AC) such as Galarian Zapdos, (AC) being able to pivot into in strong special wallbreakers like Basculegion-F and Hisuian Zoroark, (AC) which who can then make progress vs. (RP) into Galarian Weezing's team. It can also have trouble with being be passive at times against setup sweepers, (RC) and especially has trouble with Pokemon who that can deal massive damage through setup or Choice items like Crawdaunt and Gyarados, which Galarian Weezing dislikes taking hits from due to having no because it lacks reliable forms of recovery. Galarian Weezing can also struggle due to many with physical sweepers being capable of using Tera Fire that Terastallize into a Fire-type to set up freely on Galarian Weezing it.

name: Defensive
move 1: Strange Steam
move 2: Will-O-Wisp
move 3: Pain Split
move 4: Defog / Toxic / Sludge Bomb / Toxic Spikes
item: Rocky Helmet / Leftovers
ability: Levitate
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
tera type: Steel
(I'm not sure if these fields are case sensitive but I'm making them lowercase for consistency.)

Strange Steam allows Galarian Weezing to hit the Fighting types Fighting-types it commonly switches into such as Chesnaught, Galarian Zapdos, and Slither Wing and threaten Pokemon such as Cyclizar, Krookodile, and Wo-Chien. Will-O-Wisp allows Galarian Weezing to cripple the physical attackers it comes in on such as Mamoswine, Mienshao, and Krookodile, (RC) and also to burn Pokemon with Defiant such as Bisharp and Galarian Zapdos who that may be switching in to take advantage of Defog. Pain Split gives longevity to the set, and Defog allows Galarian Weezing to reverse the progress of the various entry hazard setters it switches into such as Hippowdon, Chesnaught, and Krookodile. Toxic can be used to target Pokemon who that might commonly switch in to absorb a predicted Will-O-Wisp, such as Armarogue and Volcanion, or to pressure walls and other switch-ins to Galarian Weezing such as Entei, Slowbro, or and Basculegion-F. Sludge Bomb allows Galarian Weezing to hit Fairy-types such as Gardevoir, Ribombee, and opposing Galarian Weezings, (RC) Weezing and also allows Galarian Weezing to potentially poison and wear down switch-ins such as Volcanion, Talonflame, and Slowbro. Toxic Spikes takes advantage of Pokemon switching out against Galarian Weezing and passive opponents foes like Umbreon and opposing Galarian Weezings Weezing, wearing down the opposing team to set up allow a win condition for it's team cleaner to win the game. (Consulted with author in Discord DMs.) Leftovers provides Galarian Weezing passive recovery, (AC) which helps with it's its longevity, while Rocky Helmet allows Galarian Weezing to punish physical attackers such as Maushold and Galarian Zapdos. Levitate allows Galarian Weezing to easily counter Ground-type Pokemon such as Krookodile and Flygon, (RC) and also gives Galarian Weezing it a valuable immunity to Spikes. Tera Steel allows Galarian Weezing to resist it's its two weaknesses in Psychic and Steel, (AC) making it better at taking the STAB moves of from Pokemon such as Jirachi, Bisharp, (AC) and or Gardevoir. (AP) Additionally, and additionally still have Tera Steel has synergy with Levitate, as well as allowing and the two allow Galarian Weezing to be one of the few Pokemon capable of resisting Mamoswine's STAB combination.

Galarian Weezing fits best on bulky offense or and balance structures for it's its ability to spread burns to improve the longevity of partners, (RC) and reliably switch in to take into Ground-, Bug-, Fighting-, and Dark-type moves. Galarian Weezing pairs well with Steel-types such as Registeel, Hisuian-Goodra Hisuian Goodra, and Empoleon, (AC) since Galarian Weezing can switch in to into Earthquakes targeted at them and wall the Fighting-types of the tier such as Mienshao, Galarian Zapdos, and Slither Wing, while they can take the Psychic- and Steel-type attacks from Pokemon such as Bisharp, Jirachi, Slowbro, and Necrozma that threaten Galarian Weezing in turn, and Dark types return. Dark-types such as Umbreon also pair well with Galarian Weezing for the same reason of being a because they are also good switch-in switch-ins to the Psychic types of the tier Psychic-types (fluff) such as Slowbro and Armarouge. Fighting-types such as Slither Wing, Mienshao, and Galarian Zapdos can threaten and to OHKO the Steel types Steel-types that switch in freely to Galarian Weezing. Galarian Weezing also appreciates teammates who that can deal with the Fire-types of the tier, namely Armarouge and Entei, such as Umbreon, Volcanion, and Slowbro, and several of the aforementioned specially defensive Pokemon such as Umbreon, Hisuian Goodra, and Cyclizar are capable of switching into the Ghost-type attacks from Pokemon such as Gengar and Hisuian Zoroark that threaten Galarian Weezing. Defog allows Galarian Weezing to support it's its team through entry hazard removal, and it's its ability to potentially set layers of Toxic Spikes can allow for Pokemon such as Registeel or and Suicune to set up and win the game. Toxic Spikes can be paired with Hex users such as Gengar and Knock Off users such as Krookodile to remove opposing Heavy-Duty-Boots Heavy-Duty Boots. Non-Defog Galarian Weezing also benefits from partner Cyclizar and Noivern, (AC) as both Pokemon can remove hazards to allow Galarian Weezing to use alternate moves to be less passive.

Other Options

Neutralizing Gas is a niche secondary option, (AC) as it helps against Regenerator Pokemon like Cyclizar and Amoonguss along with other interactions such as shutting off Basculegion-F's Adaptability, Bisharp and Galarian Zapdos's Defiant, and Maushold's Technician, (RC)and when . (AP) When using this option Neutralizing Gas, (AC) Galarian Weezing should be paired with a reliable Ground-type resist Ground-resistant Pokemon such as Chesnaught or Slither Wing. Flamethrower can be used to hit Steel-types like Bisharp and Magnezone super effectively. Taunt can be used to prevent slower Pokemon such as Slowbro or and Hippowdon from recovering, setting up, or setting hazards. Heavy-Duty-Boots Heavy-Duty Boots can be run to negate Stealth Rock damage, and Clear Smog can be used to prevent Pokemon such as Oricorio-Pom-Pom Oricorio-E or Pokemon that run Tera Fire such as Bisharp from using Galarian Weezing as setup opportunities.

Checks and Counters

**Steel-types**: Steel-types like Jirachi, Empoleon, and Magnezone resist Strange Steam and can hit Galarian Weezing for super effective damage, often dealing enough damage to threaten a an OHKO or 2HKO.

**Psychic-types**: Most Psychic-types in the tier such as Slowbro, Armarouge, and Necrozma are capable of switching into Galarian Weezing fairly easily and threaten threatening an OHKO. Slowbro and Reuniclus especially are able to switch in and threaten to sweep with Calm Mind by using Galarian Weezing as a way to safely start setting up.

**Special Wallbreakers**: Strong special attackers in the tier such as Hisuian Zoroark, Gengar, Basculegion-F, and Volcanion are capable of threatening Galarian Weezing without fear of retaliation due to Galarian Weezing's passive nature.

**Defiant And Competitive Pokemon**: Bisharp and Galarian Zapdos are both able to switch in to into Galarian Weezing's Defogs Defog, however though they can both be burnt by Will-O-Wisp. Caution should be taken, (AC) however, as both Pokemon are capable of outspeeding and OHKOing Galarian Weezing, either with Tera in Galarian Zapdos's case or with enough chip damage in both cases. Empoleon is able to cleanly switch in to into Galarian Weezing and usually doesn't mind being burnt burned, threatening an OHKO at +2 with Stealth Rocks Rock up against Galarian Weezing.

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