Galarian Weezing is an important physical wall in the tier for its ability to check relevant threats such as Galarian Zapdos and Mamoswine while also being disruptive with tools such as Will-O-Wisp, Toxic Spikes, and Pain Split, and its ability to reliably absorb Knock Off and U-turn benefits its team. At the same time, however, it's particularly susceptible to VoltTurn cores due to the Pokemon present in these cores, such as Galarian Zapdos, being able to pivot in strong special wallbreakers like Basculegion-F and Hisuian Zoroark which can then make progress into Galarian Weezing's team. It can also be passive at times against setup sweepers, and especially has trouble with Pokemon that can deal massive damage through setup or Choice items like Crawdaunt and Gyarados, which Galarian Weezing dislikes taking hits from because it lacks reliable forms of recovery. Galarian Weezing can also struggle with physical sweepers that Terastallize into a Fire-type to set up freely on it.
name: Defensive
move 1: Strange Steam
move 2: Will-O-Wisp
move 3: Pain Split
move 4: Defog / Toxic / Sludge Bomb / Toxic Spikes
item: Rocky Helmet / Leftovers
ability: Levitate
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
tera type: Steel
Strange Steam allows Galarian Weezing to hit the Fighting-types it commonly switches into such as Chesnaught, Galarian Zapdos, and Slither Wing and threaten Pokemon such as Cyclizar, Krookodile, and Wo-Chien. Will-O-Wisp allows Galarian Weezing to cripple the physical attackers it comes in on such as Mamoswine, Mienshao, and Krookodile and burn Pokemon with Defiant such as Bisharp and Galarian Zapdos that may be switching in to take advantage of Defog. Pain Split gives longevity to the set, and Defog allows Galarian Weezing to reverse the progress of the various entry hazard setters it switches into such as Hippowdon, Chesnaught, and Krookodile. Toxic can be used to target Pokemon that might commonly switch in to absorb a predicted Will-O-Wisp, such as Armarogue and Volcanion, or to pressure walls and other switch-ins to Galarian Weezing such as Entei, Slowbro, and Basculegion-F. Sludge Bomb allows Galarian Weezing to hit Fairy-types such as Gardevoir, Ribombee, and opposing Galarian Weezing and potentially poison and wear down switch-ins such as Volcanion, Talonflame, and Slowbro. Toxic Spikes takes advantage of Pokemon switching out against Galarian Weezing and passive foes like Umbreon and opposing Galarian Weezing, wearing down the opposing team to allow a cleaner to win the game. Leftovers provides Galarian Weezing passive recovery, which helps with its longevity, while Rocky Helmet allows Galarian Weezing to punish physical attackers such as Maushold and Galarian Zapdos. Levitate allows Galarian Weezing to easily counter Ground-type Pokemon such as Krookodile and Flygon and gives it a valuable immunity to Spikes. Tera Steel allows Galarian Weezing to resist its two weaknesses in Psychic and Steel, making it better at taking the STAB moves of Pokemon such as Jirachi, Bisharp, and Gardevoir. Additionally, Tera Steel has synergy with Levitate, and the two allow Galarian Weezing to be one of the few Pokemon capable of resisting Mamoswine's STAB combination.
Galarian Weezing fits best on bulky offense and balance structures for its ability to spread burns to improve the longevity of partners and reliably switch into Ground-, Bug-, Fighting-, and Dark-type moves. Galarian Weezing pairs well with Steel-types such as Registeel, Hisuian Goodra, and Empoleon, since Galarian Weezing can switch into Earthquakes targeted at them and wall the Fighting-types of the tier such as Mienshao, Galarian Zapdos, and Slither Wing, while they can take the Psychic- and Steel-type attacks from Pokemon such as Bisharp, Jirachi, Slowbro, and Necrozma that threaten Galarian Weezing in return. Dark-types such as Umbreon pair well with Galarian Weezing because they are also good switch-ins to Psychic-types such as Slowbro and Armarouge. Fighting-types such as Slither Wing, Mienshao, and Galarian Zapdos can threaten to OHKO the Steel-types that switch in freely to Galarian Weezing. Galarian Weezing also appreciates teammates that can deal with the Fire-types of the tier, namely Armarouge and Entei, such as Umbreon, Volcanion, and Slowbro, and several of the aforementioned specially defensive Pokemon such as Umbreon, Hisuian Goodra, and Cyclizar are capable of switching into the Ghost-type attacks from Pokemon such as Gengar and Hisuian Zoroark that threaten Galarian Weezing. Defog allows Galarian Weezing to support its team through entry hazard removal, and its ability to set layers of Toxic Spikes can allow for Pokemon such as Registeel and Suicune to set up and win the game. Toxic Spikes can be paired with Hex users such as Gengar and Knock Off users such as Krookodile to remove opposing Heavy-Duty Boots. Non-Defog Galarian Weezing also benefits from partner Cyclizar and Noivern, as both Pokemon can remove hazards to allow Galarian Weezing to use alternate moves to be less passive.
Other Options
Neutralizing Gas is a niche secondary option, as it helps against Regenerator Pokemon like Cyclizar and Amoonguss along with other interactions such as shutting off Basculegion-F's Adaptability, Bisharp and Galarian Zapdos's Defiant, and Maushold's Technician. When using Neutralizing Gas, Galarian Weezing should be paired with a reliable Ground-resistant Pokemon such as Chesnaught or Slither Wing. Flamethrower can be used to hit Steel-types like Bisharp and Magnezone super effectively. Taunt can be used to prevent slower Pokemon such as Slowbro and Hippowdon from recovering, setting up, or setting hazards. Heavy-Duty Boots can be run to negate Stealth Rock damage, and Clear Smog can be used to prevent Pokemon such as Oricorio-E or Pokemon that run Tera Fire such as Bisharp from using Galarian Weezing as setup opportunities.
Checks and Counters
**Steel-types**: Steel-types like Jirachi, Empoleon, and Magnezone resist Strange Steam and can hit Galarian Weezing for super effective damage, often dealing enough damage to threaten an OHKO or 2HKO.
**Psychic-types**: Most Psychic-types in the tier such as Slowbro, Armarouge, and Necrozma are capable of switching into Galarian Weezing fairly easily and threatening an OHKO. Slowbro and Reuniclus are able to switch in and threaten to sweep with Calm Mind by using Galarian Weezing as a way to safely start setting up.
**Special Wallbreakers**: Strong special attackers in the tier such as Hisuian Zoroark, Gengar, Basculegion-F, and Volcanion are capable of threatening Galarian Weezing without fear of retaliation due to Galarian Weezing's passive nature.
**Defiant And Competitive Pokemon**: Bisharp and Galarian Zapdos are both able to switch into Galarian Weezing's Defog, though they can both be burnt by Will-O-Wisp. Caution should be taken, however, as both Pokemon are capable of outspeeding and OHKOing Galarian Weezing, either with Tera in Galarian Zapdos's case or with enough chip damage in both cases. Empoleon is able to cleanly switch into Galarian Weezing and usually doesn't mind being burned, threatening an OHKO at +2 with Stealth Rock up against Galarian Weezing.
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Galarian Weezing is an important physical wall in the tier for its ability to check relevant threats such as Galarian Zapdos and Mamoswine while also being disruptive with tools such as Will-O-Wisp, Toxic Spikes, and Pain Split, and its ability to reliably absorb Knock Off and U-turn benefits its team. At the same time, however, it's particularly susceptible to VoltTurn cores due to the Pokemon present in these cores, such as Galarian Zapdos, being able to pivot in strong special wallbreakers like Basculegion-F and Hisuian Zoroark which can then make progress into Galarian Weezing's team. It can also be passive at times against setup sweepers, and especially has trouble with Pokemon that can deal massive damage through setup or Choice items like Crawdaunt and Gyarados, which Galarian Weezing dislikes taking hits from because it lacks reliable forms of recovery. Galarian Weezing can also struggle with physical sweepers that Terastallize into a Fire-type to set up freely on it.
name: Defensive
move 1: Strange Steam
move 2: Will-O-Wisp
move 3: Pain Split
move 4: Defog / Toxic / Sludge Bomb / Toxic Spikes
item: Rocky Helmet / Leftovers
ability: Levitate
nature: Bold
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
tera type: Steel
Strange Steam allows Galarian Weezing to hit the Fighting-types it commonly switches into such as Chesnaught, Galarian Zapdos, and Slither Wing and threaten Pokemon such as Cyclizar, Krookodile, and Wo-Chien. Will-O-Wisp allows Galarian Weezing to cripple the physical attackers it comes in on such as Mamoswine, Mienshao, and Krookodile and burn Pokemon with Defiant such as Bisharp and Galarian Zapdos that may be switching in to take advantage of Defog. Pain Split gives longevity to the set, and Defog allows Galarian Weezing to reverse the progress of the various entry hazard setters it switches into such as Hippowdon, Chesnaught, and Krookodile. Toxic can be used to target Pokemon that might commonly switch in to absorb a predicted Will-O-Wisp, such as Armarogue and Volcanion, or to pressure walls and other switch-ins to Galarian Weezing such as Entei, Slowbro, and Basculegion-F. Sludge Bomb allows Galarian Weezing to hit Fairy-types such as Gardevoir, Ribombee, and opposing Galarian Weezing and potentially poison and wear down switch-ins such as Volcanion, Talonflame, and Slowbro. Toxic Spikes takes advantage of Pokemon switching out against Galarian Weezing and passive foes like Umbreon and opposing Galarian Weezing, wearing down the opposing team to allow a cleaner to win the game. Leftovers provides Galarian Weezing passive recovery, which helps with its longevity, while Rocky Helmet allows Galarian Weezing to punish physical attackers such as Maushold and Galarian Zapdos. Levitate allows Galarian Weezing to easily counter Ground-type Pokemon such as Krookodile and Flygon and gives it a valuable immunity to Spikes. Tera Steel allows Galarian Weezing to resist its two weaknesses in Psychic and Steel, making it better at taking the STAB moves of Pokemon such as Jirachi, Bisharp, and Gardevoir. Additionally, Tera Steel has synergy with Levitate, and the two allow Galarian Weezing to be one of the few Pokemon capable of resisting Mamoswine's STAB combination.
Galarian Weezing fits best on bulky offense and balance structures for its ability to spread burns to improve the longevity of partners and reliably switch into Ground-, Bug-, Fighting-, and Dark-type moves. Galarian Weezing pairs well with Steel-types such as Registeel, Hisuian Goodra, and Empoleon, since Galarian Weezing can switch into Earthquakes targeted at them and wall the Fighting-types of the tier such as Mienshao, Galarian Zapdos, and Slither Wing, while they can take the Psychic- and Steel-type attacks from Pokemon such as Bisharp, Jirachi, Slowbro, and Necrozma that threaten Galarian Weezing in return. Dark-types such as Umbreon pair well with Galarian Weezing because they are also good switch-ins to Psychic-types such as Slowbro and Armarouge. Fighting-types such as Slither Wing, Mienshao, and Galarian Zapdos can threaten to OHKO the Steel-types that switch in freely to Galarian Weezing. Galarian Weezing also appreciates teammates that can deal with the Fire-types of the tier, namely Armarouge and Entei, such as Umbreon, Volcanion, and Slowbro, and several of the aforementioned specially defensive Pokemon such as Umbreon, Hisuian Goodra, and Cyclizar are capable of switching into the Ghost-type attacks from Pokemon such as Gengar and Hisuian Zoroark that threaten Galarian Weezing. Defog allows Galarian Weezing to support its team through entry hazard removal, and its ability to set layers of Toxic Spikes can allow for Pokemon such as Registeel and Suicune to set up and win the game. Toxic Spikes can be paired with Hex users such as Gengar and Knock Off users such as Krookodile to remove opposing Heavy-Duty Boots. Non-Defog Galarian Weezing also benefits from partner Cyclizar and Noivern, as both Pokemon can remove hazards to allow Galarian Weezing to use alternate moves to be less passive.
Other Options
Neutralizing Gas is a niche secondary option, as it helps against Regenerator Pokemon like Cyclizar and Amoonguss along with other interactions such as shutting off Basculegion-F's Adaptability, Bisharp and Galarian Zapdos's Defiant, and Maushold's Technician. When using Neutralizing Gas, Galarian Weezing should be paired with a reliable Ground-resistant Pokemon such as Chesnaught or Slither Wing. Flamethrower can be used to hit Steel-types like Bisharp and Magnezone super effectively. Taunt can be used to prevent slower Pokemon such as Slowbro and Hippowdon from recovering, setting up, or setting hazards. Heavy-Duty Boots can be run to negate Stealth Rock damage, and Clear Smog can be used to prevent Pokemon such as Oricorio-E or Pokemon that run Tera Fire such as Bisharp from using Galarian Weezing as setup opportunities.
Checks and Counters
**Steel-types**: Steel-types like Jirachi, Empoleon, and Magnezone resist Strange Steam and can hit Galarian Weezing for super effective damage, often dealing enough damage to threaten an OHKO or 2HKO.
**Psychic-types**: Most Psychic-types in the tier such as Slowbro, Armarouge, and Necrozma are capable of switching into Galarian Weezing fairly easily and threatening an OHKO. Slowbro and Reuniclus are able to switch in and threaten to sweep with Calm Mind by using Galarian Weezing as a way to safely start setting up.
**Special Wallbreakers**: Strong special attackers in the tier such as Hisuian Zoroark, Gengar, Basculegion-F, and Volcanion are capable of threatening Galarian Weezing without fear of retaliation due to Galarian Weezing's passive nature.
**Defiant And Competitive Pokemon**: Bisharp and Galarian Zapdos are both able to switch into Galarian Weezing's Defog, though they can both be burnt by Will-O-Wisp. Caution should be taken, however, as both Pokemon are capable of outspeeding and OHKOing Galarian Weezing, either with Tera in Galarian Zapdos's case or with enough chip damage in both cases. Empoleon is able to cleanly switch into Galarian Weezing and usually doesn't mind being burned, threatening an OHKO at +2 with Stealth Rock up against Galarian Weezing.
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