Dawn of Kankuro: 1580+ on Shoddy

Background info:

First, off I'd like to give a huge thanks to DawnBringer. He was my Smogon tutor for weeks, and helped me develop this team. Without him I probably wouldn't of gotten so high on the ladder. Thanks Dawn, your a great friend and tutor :). Thanks to this team I think I will finally apply to be a Smogon tutor. Well, all of Shoddy probably knows my team. This team has been extremely sucessful for me this past 2 weeks getting me to a Deviation under 40. So this is a retirement RMT.

Team at aGlance:


Now it's time to take a look at the team in more depth. In this RMT I will cover each member of my team's role as in-depth as possible. I'll also list weaknesses, strengths, and other surprise factors in my team. Hope you enjoy my RMT.



Tyranitar (M) @ Focus Sash

Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 6 HP/252 Atk/252 Spd
Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Crunch
- Counter
- Earthquake
- Stealth Rock

Description: This guy is probably one of the most important members of my team. He destroys most Physical leads (with the exception of Trick leads and Fake Out Infernape). He also can set up Stealth Rock pretty nicely. Because of Tyranitar's mind-blowing base attack he can deal out damage very nicely. He takes out at least 1 Pokemon about 75% of the time. No one expects Counter unless they know my team.



Mamoswine (M) @ Life Orb

Ability: Snow Cloak
EVs: 6 HP/252 Atk/252 Spd
Jolly nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Earthquake
- Ice Shard
- Ice Fang
- Stone Edge

Description: Another guy who fits very well into my team. With this EV spread, Mamoswine can outspeed Max Adamant Lucario, and pummel it with Earthquake. It's pretty funny when people switch in Gyarados on him, then get OHKO'd by Stone Edge with Stealth Rock up (barring BulkyGyara). Mamoswine has the strongest Ice Shard in the game, which saves me so much. He can actually weaken up Celebi if Celebi isn't running too many speed EVs. He can take out Zapdos pretty well also as long as rocks are up. This Mamoswine requires precise prediction, which fits this team very well.



Heatran (M) @ Choice Scarf

Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 6 Atk/252 Spd/252 SAtk
Hasty nature (+Spd, -Def)
- Fire Blast
- Dragon Pulse
- Earth Power
- Explosion

Description: Heatran is probably the most common Choice Scarf users in the metagame today. That may hurt me a bit, but Heatran is a real team player on this team. He absorbs Fire attacks, and makes an excellent revenge killer. He also outspeeds neutral Kingdra after 1 Dragon Dance and then hits with Dragon Pulse. I've thought of getting rid of scarf, and running a Subset but I decided not to. Heatran is almost always alive at the game, and cleans up remaining Pokemon pretty well.




Starmie @ Life Orb

Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 6 HP/252 Spd/252 SAtk
Timid nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Thunderbolt
- Hydro Pump
- Ice Beam
- Grass Knot

This guy is so effective on my team due to the fact that they expect a spinner. I originally had Starmie as a spinner, but for some reason I found it as a waste of a turn. Hydro Pump 2HKOs Rotom, and people usually switch him in on Starmie expecting me to Rapid Spin. Ice Beam hits Celebi pretty hard, and Grass Knot is for Swamperts who think they can stop him, or when I don't want to risk a Hydro Pump miss. I feel that Hydro Pump is a risky move, but as DawnBringer said "The reward is higher than the risk in this case". The only problem is it getting worn down by Sandstorm and Life Orb. I'm contemplating adding Expert Belt over Life Orb.---



Zapdos @ Leftovers

Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 HP/184 Def/36 Spd/36 SAtk
Calm nature (+SDef, -Atk)
- Roost
- Thunderbolt
- Heat Wave
- Hidden Power [Grass]

This is a kinda funky Zapdos set. I kind of made it a mixed wall I guess. It actually works pretty well. With these Special Attack EV investments, Heat Wave 2HKO's Celebi, and Thunderbolt hits Heatran if they think I'm going to Heat Wave Scizor. Hidden Power Grass is for Swampert, but I'm considering replacing it for Hidden Power Ice. That spot was originally Light Screen, but I found myself not really using it. Zapdos's spot was originally held by Life Orb Gyarados. I found that with Life Orb, Sandstorm, and Stealth Rock it was pretty much dead weight on my team. It also opened up a Heracross weakness, so I added this guy.---



Scizor (M) @ Life Orb

Ability: Technician
EVs: 20 HP/252 Atk/236 Spd
Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Swords Dance
- Bullet Punch
- Superpower
- X-Scissor

My epic clean up man. I have 236 speed EVs to outspeed all other Scizors and Modest Magnezone. But now everyone is running ScarfZone, so I may have to modify his EVs a bit. He actually can hit Skarmory with Superpower after 1 SD. Other than that he is pretty self explanatory.

Team Weaknesses:

- For some reason, SkarmBliss gives this team a hard time. Usually I can use Scizor or Heatran with the right prediction to take them out.
This guy is really tricky. My only safe switch in after he's put something to sleep is Zapdos.
He absolutely walls Mamoswine, but I can usually take him out with Heatran or Scizor.
Really annoying. Mamoswine or Heatran can take him out depending on the set.
Revenge kills stuff. I usually hit it with Mamo or Scizor

I'll add some more later.

Ph3artehph1r3, it isn't necessary to qoute the whole team if you don't have anything relevant to say.

Kankuro, I would like to strat by saying that this is an excellent team. Considering that you are retiring it, I don't want to be so nitpicky, but I woul like to suggest switching your Scarftran to a subset. This way you can go with SR, and switch Tyranitra so that he can use Superpower, which will allow you to negate SkarmBliss.

Excellent thought out team.

EDIT: Oh sorry for forgetting to edit >.>

For what PerfectBlue said, you might want to overall just switch Starmie, he wont last long
Looks solid.
Edit: I know u want to retire it, but wanted to say
Life orb starmie is not going to last in the sand, at least give it recover. I recommend dropping it for something else though.
Most immediate problem i see is DD gyarados, and ur starmie doesn't check it. Something like vaporeon would work well over starmie imo.
Switch Starmie to Expert Belt and drop Grass Knot for Psychic. Grass Knot is absolutely pitiful on Starmie. Also, this team severely needs a mixed sweeper. Being walled by SkarmBliss means you need to change your team structure. Why not use Tyraniboah? That could help with SkarmBliss problems rather easily, and makes a fool out of Bronzong so that Mamo can sweep easier. Dark Pulse / Flamethrower / Sub / Focus Punch
Since you in fact are up on the leaderboard, it's obviously not really necessary to rate the team, per se. I will give some of my thoughts, however;

If you give Heatran a Subset, with SR (as suggested by darkrartisan), you're no longer in need of Stealth Rock on Tyranitar. In that wacant spot, I will suggest Taunt. Taunt+Counter is just such an amazing strategy. It also allow you to screw over any setuplead, and seeing as a Skarmory or Forretress-lead laying down Spikes will hurt this team badly, that is a good thing!
Scarf-Heatran is just way too easy to play around and toy with, to my liking, and Sub just lets you screw a lot of opposing Pokémon who think they come in safe.

I will also say good job on making a very good team, and getting that high up! ;)
Thanks so far for the advice guys. I'm definitely going to be getting rid of Life Orb on Starmie. As for mixed sweepers, I don't know of any that would fit well into my team without opening up any weaknesses. But thanks for input :)
You have no real switch into CB Tyranitar/Mix Tyranitar/DD Tar. Sure Scizor can revenge them, poorly, but I guess he still can, but you really have no immediate switch into a CB Stone Edge. I'd consider throwing on some bulk in there, maybe a Lucario on over your Scizor, but that priority is necessary. There really is not much you can do without changing this team, but since you're retiring it, I'm not gonna go into that much.

You also have a pretty big weakness to CM LO Suicune, and DD gyarados once they set up. After a CM or 2, your Starmie won't be scaring away that many Suicune, and your Zapdos is dead once it tries switching in. You really can only try predicting around and hope to get Scizor in on an Ice Beam, while Cune has low enough health to get ko'd from bullet punch. Regardless though, you're going to be having a lot of trouble with Suicune.

Gyarados after a DD can come in and really trouble your team. Your Starmie has no bulk, so it really won't be helping out to much with that. If you made your starmie bulkier, it could help with switching into Gyarados, and possible KO'ing it. You really have to pray for a Stone Edge miss if you want to be able to survive a +1 Gyarados.

Lastly, you'll be having some trouble with Mix Mences. Their hit and run play style can really ruin this team, as you really don't have a pokemon that can repeatedly switch into it, so you're going to be put in the hole a lot. This leads me back to making your Starmie a bit moe bulky, as it will help you take hits a lot better than you normally would be.

Well, those pokemon can cause you quite some trouble so if you ever plan on using this team, just tell me and I'll help you fix this team up a bit.

It's a good team overall, I've played it quite a few times, which is why I know you have trouble with those pokemon. ^_^

Good Luck with the team.
yeah I'm noticing Gyarados could prove problematic for this team.
One surefire change would probably to drop Stamie for Vaporeon packed with HP electric. However if you're more interested in sweeping than passing wishes and shit, then Suicune would be more appropriate here.
It misses out of some speed from Starmie, but the welcomed defences are welcomed and it also gives you a reliable switch to T-tars and Gyara.
for a semi bulky sweeper, try these EVs: 172 HP / 120 SpA / 216 Spe

Also, this RMT is pretty neat to look at I must say ;)
yeah I'm noticing Gyarados could prove problematic for this team.
One surefire change would probably to drop Stamie for Vaporeon packed with HP electric. However if you're more interested in sweeping than passing wishes and shit, then Suicune would be more appropriate here.
It misses out of some speed from Starmie, but the welcomed defences are welcomed and it also gives you a reliable switch to T-tars and Gyara.
for a semi bulky sweeper, try these EVs: 172 HP / 120 SpA / 216 Spe

Also, this RMT is pretty neat to look at I must say ;)
Hmm, Suicune wouldn't be a bad idea. Thanks for the input olie :)