Staff Notice: Any derailment & bad faith posts within the thread will be met with little tolerance, any repeat offenders within the thread may get threadbanned. Please respect the work of others and understand the nature of the project DJTHED's working on! Thank you. 
May 2020 Edit:
This project has mostly been on hold for many years now for multiple reasons. The main reason being that I've basically moved on from this to work other things. So this is essentially just a dead thread. However, now given recent breakthroughs in Pokemon Sword and Shield Animation Data Parsing, I will be shifting the focus of this project to something else.
By parsing, I mean that the raw animation files from Swords and Shield are now readable and importable in other 3D software, like Blender. and given that Sword and Shield doesn't yield great visual results when trying to do screen rips of Gen 8 Pokemon, I figured this would be a great opportunity to provide 3D Renders in the 3DS Style renders I've been known for doing here for quite a while now. I've actually been waiting to do this since the release of SwSh late last year, but it took a lot longer than I expected for the animations to be fully parsed. It is understandable, though, as the people behind that breakthrough are mostly doing this on their own accord and are essentially just volunteers. It's not reasonable make them feel obligated to do that kind of work hastily.
Pokemon Sword and Shield Custom 3DS Style Animated Renders
Anyway, this is essentially what this project will be now. I will do my best (along with QxC4eva with some help) to provide all Gen 8 Pokemon, and onward, 3DS Style animated renders using assets ripped from the game files, and modifying what is necessary to pull off the effect convincingly in the final renders done in Blender to fit alongside the existing 3DS Screen Rips used for all of the Pokemon Gen 7 and before.
And quick note, anyone is free to use these Gen 8 3DS style renders for whatever they'd like to use them for. I hold no restrictions in this regard. Smogon and Showdown are of course free to use these, but anyone else may as well if they so choose.
If anyone still wants to know what this thread was all about back in 2015, here's the original OP. Just remember that the project within the OP is no longer active and I don't intend to accept requests related to this.
Original Thread OP from 2015:

May 2020 Edit:
This project has mostly been on hold for many years now for multiple reasons. The main reason being that I've basically moved on from this to work other things. So this is essentially just a dead thread. However, now given recent breakthroughs in Pokemon Sword and Shield Animation Data Parsing, I will be shifting the focus of this project to something else.
By parsing, I mean that the raw animation files from Swords and Shield are now readable and importable in other 3D software, like Blender. and given that Sword and Shield doesn't yield great visual results when trying to do screen rips of Gen 8 Pokemon, I figured this would be a great opportunity to provide 3D Renders in the 3DS Style renders I've been known for doing here for quite a while now. I've actually been waiting to do this since the release of SwSh late last year, but it took a lot longer than I expected for the animations to be fully parsed. It is understandable, though, as the people behind that breakthrough are mostly doing this on their own accord and are essentially just volunteers. It's not reasonable make them feel obligated to do that kind of work hastily.
Pokemon Sword and Shield Custom 3DS Style Animated Renders
Anyway, this is essentially what this project will be now. I will do my best (along with QxC4eva with some help) to provide all Gen 8 Pokemon, and onward, 3DS Style animated renders using assets ripped from the game files, and modifying what is necessary to pull off the effect convincingly in the final renders done in Blender to fit alongside the existing 3DS Screen Rips used for all of the Pokemon Gen 7 and before.
- The 3D Models (Wireframes/Meshes) themselves I intend to always be unmodified. The models will be ripped from the game files, along with their armature, and imported into Blender with no further modification
- The 3D Animation files from the games will be imported into Blender just like the models with no significant or any modification, unless if a technical issue comes up requiring a tweak here or there.
- The Color Textures for the Pokemon I intend to modify to provide thicker outlines. Main reason for this is because the textures created for the Pokemon games on the Nintendo Switch were intended to be displayed on models that would be rendered on large, high resolution monitors or TVs, instead of a 240p handheld screen. So the existing textures have a larger resolution than the textures used to have on the 3DS (4x the total pixels on average per Pokemon texture), and the drawn line detail in the textures themselves are a lot thinner than they were on the 3DS. If you want more detail on this, check this post.
And quick note, anyone is free to use these Gen 8 3DS style renders for whatever they'd like to use them for. I hold no restrictions in this regard. Smogon and Showdown are of course free to use these, but anyone else may as well if they so choose.
If anyone still wants to know what this thread was all about back in 2015, here's the original OP. Just remember that the project within the OP is no longer active and I don't intend to accept requests related to this.
Original Thread OP from 2015:
This is my first time using the Smogon Forums, so hello everyone. I do believe this is the right forum to post this in... though calling these sprites/renders 'pixel art' is a bit of a stretch. :P
For the past few months, someone on The VG Source, who goes by "Random Talking Bush", has been leading the Pokémon X/Y/OR/AS Model Ripping Project. They've ripped 45.4% of Pokémon from X/Y/OR/AS so far as of October 12th, 2015, and more to come. I looked into the project and experimented with the models. In a nutshell, while I was experimenting, I wondered if I could replicate the look of the Pokémon almost exactly how they look in-game, and possibly make custom animations for the X/Y sprites we use on Pokémon Showdown.
So I tried that, and these are the results I've been having so far:
I did this first with my personal favorite Pokémon, Leafeon.
And I did Fennekin next as requested from a friend.
New sprites animated in Blender--Rendered using Blender Render.
Current Requests (Some of which are my own):
For the past few months, someone on The VG Source, who goes by "Random Talking Bush", has been leading the Pokémon X/Y/OR/AS Model Ripping Project. They've ripped 45.4% of Pokémon from X/Y/OR/AS so far as of October 12th, 2015, and more to come. I looked into the project and experimented with the models. In a nutshell, while I was experimenting, I wondered if I could replicate the look of the Pokémon almost exactly how they look in-game, and possibly make custom animations for the X/Y sprites we use on Pokémon Showdown.
So I tried that, and these are the results I've been having so far:
I did this first with my personal favorite Pokémon, Leafeon.


And I did Fennekin next as requested from a friend.


New sprites animated in Blender--Rendered using Blender Render.
Leafeon (NOT Implemented in Showdown):
Fennekin, Gallade, Snorlax, and Umbreon (All except Fennekin Implemented in Showdown):
Mega Absol (Implemented in Showdown):
Mega Tyranitar (NOT Implemented in Showdown):
Vaporeon (NOT Implemented in Showdown):
Gardevoir (Implemented in Showdown):
Typhlosion (Implemented in Showdown):
Mega Pidgeot (NOT Implemented in Showdown):
Substitute (Implemented in Showdown):
Pikachu-Belle (Implemented in Showdown):
Fennekin, Gallade, Snorlax, and Umbreon (All except Fennekin Implemented in Showdown):
Mega Absol (Implemented in Showdown):
Mega Tyranitar (NOT Implemented in Showdown):
Vaporeon (NOT Implemented in Showdown):
Gardevoir (Implemented in Showdown):
Typhlosion (Implemented in Showdown):
Mega Pidgeot (NOT Implemented in Showdown):
Substitute (Implemented in Showdown):
Pikachu-Belle (Implemented in Showdown):
Current Requests (Some of which are my own):
Will for sure do sometime in the future:
- Salamence
- Flareon
- Jolteon
- Espeon
- Glaceon
- Pikachu (All Cosplay Costumes)
- Skarmory
- Xatu
- Charizard-Mega-X (Currently having problems getting the fire to look right)
- Pidgey
- Suicune
- Blaziken-Mega (Currently having problems getting the fire to look right)
- Keldeo/Keldeo-Resolute
- Sylveon
- Salamence-Mega
- Machamp
- Marowak
- Sceptile-Mega
- Mienshao
- Rapidash (Currently having problems getting the fire to look right)
- Haxorus
- Ninetales
- Furret
- Vivillon
- Scizor-Mega
- Steelix-Mega
- Porygon
- Porygon2
- Porygon-Z
- Tropius
- Lucario/Lucario-Mega
- Slaking
- Dedenne
- Landorus-T
- Ekans
- Raichu
- Scrafty
- Lati@s-Mega
- Torterra
- Yanmega
- Reshiram
- Hariyama
- Electabuzz
- Ambipom
- Ludicolo
- Medicham
- Greninja
- Charizard/Charizard-Mega-Y
- Beedrill-Mega
- Raticate
Last edited by a moderator: