Hello everyone. So we have our new meta for October a bit early (We could win Natdex Spotlight Ladder for October). I've spent some of my day playing the new metagame and it's quite fun so far. There's a lot of strong pokemon for but overall, it seems to be varied meta so far. I'm going to share my thoughts on every pokemon so far from what I've seen and used to give my opinion.

- Fastest mon in the tier, seems like a U-turning bot but is pretty much item locked and its STABs are pretty bad especially with no coverage. Weaker version of Scyther imo

- I want this mon to be good but I think it's just too slow to run offensive sets reliably unless you're running TR. It should lean into its defensive typing, checking stuff like Specs Sylveon and Porygon-Z and Stealth Rocking.

- Rolled my favourite Steel-type. Sweeping sets are held back by bad coverage options. One of our few Trick Room setters so it has potential in that role.

- Somewhat a fat special special wall (Specs Sylveon is 3hkoing dumbass mon) but typing is strong into the ghosts and Curse seems like a decent late game wincon. A meta pick for sure.

- Houndstone has potential in Sand thanks to Sand Spit Sandaconda however Fluffy defensive sets are my personal go-to. Being able to 1v1 +0 Attack Bisharp is amazing thanks to Body Press. Somewhat checks Emboar, and you can end up checking most of the physical attackers in the tier. Upper half Pokemon for sure.

- Amoonguss as usual is a very annoying mon thanks to Spore and good bulk. As long as sleep is legal here, Amoonguss can never not be good.

Quackborg believes in this and I've even lost to it, definitely not a consistent choice by any means. Some things will hard sit on it but surprise factor due to good coverage can catch out what it intends to catch out if your opponent isn't thinking. Not outright garbage but on the lower side of viability.

- We don't have too many bulky rockers other than Sandaconda and invested Perrserker and Rhydon is the fattest of them all while still packing high damage output. Will need to explore it more but it's one of the better Bisharp answers even with its Steel weakness.

- Haven't seen Vigoroth seriously yet and still figuring it out what it can do. Has some good traits however, reliable recovery, Toxic, Yawn, Knock Off. It will have its place on certain teams but I can't imagine it being a metagame staple this month.

- I faced this recently and it has Baton Pass for pivoting, quite useful coming in as a defensive pivot with access to Strength Sap. Especially if you need a Blastoise answer, this can get the job done.

- Now this is a mon that will definitely be a metagame staple. Looking for Emboar and Bisharp switchins, it's here. Spamming Glare to spread paralysis and setting up rocks and Shed Skin Rest can keep you healthy. Just pair it with Water-type answers and you should be good.

- Unlike its hisui forme, Samurott seems pretty underwhelming at first glance, sharing your speed tier with Bisharp isn't particularly good, though you possess Sacred Sword to OHKO it. Samurott has some potential for sure maybe SD sets or mixed attacking but not an impressive mon in my eyes.

- I am Honchkrow's biggest supporter and I'll let that be known rn. It's quite versatile in sets like Scarf, Scope Lens Super Luck and probably special sets since it has access to NP. Also being faster than Bisharp by 1 base speed is big for it since it ends up being one of its better offensive answers.

- Better but slower Ninjask. Scyther is better on merits of actually doing damage outside of U-turn and having better coverage like CC and Knock Off. SD sets have some potential but since there's a good number of defensive pieces that can handle it, it requires good team support to be successful, which I don't think is particularly hard.

- I class Clawitzer as one of the most dangerous wallbreakers in the format. Essentially getting STAB on Aura Sphere, Dark Pulse and Dragon Pulse make Clawitzer an efficient wallbreaker which target the vast majority of the metagame at large. You need specific pieces like SpD Blastoise or Spdef Sylveon to not lose a mon each time. Drawbacks are prediction reliant on specs and low speed. Specs Sylveon is also slightly more consistent.

- A lot of people are scared of Bisharp in the metagame. It's a hard hitting mon with STAB Knock Off which is quite threatening in a tier that has 4/35 mons being Ghost types and it's also the freest move in the game. Sucker Punch is also very efficient at cleaning and Eviolite gives it a lot of bulk. It certainly has its counterplay ranging from Sandaconda, Houndstone (Colbur can beat SD), Honchkrow, your own Bisharp speed tieing, Emboar and some more but it will have a high impact overall in the meta.

- Sinistcha and Houndstone fighting for the best defensive ghost but I'll give it to Sinstcha, the Grass typing comes into play to keep Blastoise in check while having a Spore switchin for Amoonguss. Heatproof cancels out its fire weakness too but band Emboar will still nuke it and Bisharp invalidates its entire game unless you fish for 30% Scald burn. Has very good traits and exploitable drawbacks, a solid pick atm.

- My favourite Ultra Beast. Guzzlord is probably going to end up being a very specific pokemon that will do what you need it to do but not a spammable pick you can slot on any team. Despite its low defences, it has a high HP stat and fully investing in one defence makes it bulky on that side. Typing is kinda whatever defensively however...

- Porygon-Z would be pretty dangerous if we had less Steels and less Ghosts though PZ can hit ghosts with Shadow Ball (except Zoroark). I find that there's more consistent special breakers like Sylveon and Clawitzer but PZ is not a slouch on damage whatsoever. Also might be the most consistent TR setter thanks to possessing Teleport.

- Sylveon with a Choice Specs is one of the scariest wallbreakers in the tier. It also ends up being one of the best special walls in the tier, handling mons like CM Sinistcha, Shell Smash Blastoise, PZ and others with Toxic + Wish. A top 5 mon in my eyes.

- I was thinking this mon would be complete trash but suicide lead Sturdy seems solid ngl. Could also go like Rock Polish offensive sweeper with LO, still slower than base 110s at +2 but you possess Sucker Punch to kill Gengar and Zoroark.

- I think Vikavolt is getting passed atm because people aren't running webs on it else Bisharp proceeds to 6-0. I think Agility sets could be interesting, has a special attack and its STABs aren't too bad, only walled by Dugtrio-A and that mon has no bulk to take Energy Ball. Some have mentioned specs but it's even slower than some of the other special breakers I've mentioned.

- Noivern is one of only 4 Defoggers and 5 overall removal options, while possessing a great speed tier make it an ideal pokemon to run and it's the only defogger imo that can actually run it comfortably.

- Blastoise is probably the most dangerous sweeper in the tier. Nothing is outrunning it at +2 Speed other than like Scarf Noivern and Accelgor (they don't exist) and it's bulky enough not to fold to Sucker Punches unless it's significantly chipped. You need specific mons not to outright lose to it on preview like SpDef Sylveon and bulky opposing Blastoise but most Blastoise are just sweeping anyway.

- Haven't seen one yet. Has Glare like Sandaconda + rocks with quite the colourful movepool. Serene Grace can also be a funny ability. Only time will tell how this mon will end up being used.

- Dugtrio unlike its Water cousin we've seen in previous meta not accomplishing much, Dugtrio's speed tier is not bad here, if you want an offensive rocker with a good defensive typing, Dugtrio fulfils that niche. Threatens the Steels, Sylveon. Sub Toxic isn't too bad either to bait in its switchins like defensive Blastoise and Sinistcha. Sandaconda too if it didn't just Shed Skin its toxic off on the same turn.

- Gengar is quite similar to Zoroark-H but has stronger dual STAB. Gengar will just do Gengar things with its good utility movepool like Trick, Wisp, Destiny Bond and so on. NP sets are also quite threatening but are kept in check by Sucker Punchers so you probably need to run Sub to get the most use out of NP.

- At first I was afraid of this mon since it hits so hard but it's like Rampardos, speed lets it down but at least there's Scarf to fix that issue and also defensive set up sets with Bulk Up + Flame Charge. Definitely a mon you have to respect since it's hard to switch into its STABs + Knock + Wild Charge.

- Munki seems like it would fall to the back into obscurity but Scarf has some merit. Unfortunately, being weak to Dark is an issue in this meta and being Ghost weak isn't great either but it's one of the best answers to Amoonguss and does possess coverage to hit Steels.

- AKA the trolling mon. Normal/Ghost giving it an immunity to Ghost means you are walled by yourself unless you fit another attack other than STAB which would lead to you not being able to outplay Sucker but you can just do what Gengar does with Sub NP + Sball + Focus Miss and it's the same result. Also has Trick + Wisp to cripple opposing foes.

- Might be one of the more overrated mons. It can hit hard but is somewhat reliant on Band and Houndstone sits on this forever but Scrappy makes its STAB spammable and it has Superpower to hit Steels.

- Accelgor the suicide lead or maybe smth else but the former is very easy to pull off. 2nd fastest mon in the tier and while Accelgor is not breaking the tier offensively, it's just that hazards should be respected with lower Defog usage.

- r/stunfisk will enjoy having their resident mon legal but it seems alright over all. It can check Steels quite reliably but its Ground and Water weakness are big red flags, leaving it vulnerable to Rhydon and Sandaconda but it still has some good moves like Yawn and Toxic and also 1v1s Bisharp and makes Blastoise think about setting up before getting Discharged or Yawned.

- Magmortar is interesting, has Tbolt to hit waters and Focus Blast with a speed tier in a position to outrun some of the common stuff running about but it's not anything crazy to due to frailty but I think it has a place. Belly Drum could be interesting as well.

- Doublade's massive physical bulk is undermined by its abyssmal SpD which needs maximum investment for it not getting folded by Sylveon. It's still quite bulky without Def investment but it's very reliant on its item and Knock Off is common on non-Dark Pokemon like Perrserker and its SpD bulk is still middling. At least it can take one hit from Bisharp and OHKO with Sacred Sword on Eviolite-less sets (assuming Doublade is 0 Atk).
Thanks for reading.