CT youre so offensive [UU]

CT youre so offensive [UU] [1500 rated team]

Instead of making a new RMT I figured I would just edit all the major changes in and continue the love!

well to start off im not too up-to-date with the new HGSS move sets, but im catching on and im looking forward to some good advice on this team :)


I have completely overhauled almost the entire team and now the success of this team is just amazing, so with some more expert insight it could hit top UU team on shoddy!

and onto the team!


Uxie @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP/76 Def/180 SDef
Calm nature (+SDef, -Atk)
- Thunder Wave
- Thunderbolt
- Knock Off
- Stealth Rock

ok, not too many changes here. scarf uxie is now knock off and status lead. knock off usually hurts most leads as much as giving them a scarf does. on the switch I can thunder wave taking out another poke. stealth rocks are self explanatory. I chose thunderbolt to avoid the obvious STAB psychic which helps with people who switch in expecting to resist psychic. I usually end up using uxie as bait to see what moves opponents use or as a damage sponge to return with a knock off crippling yet another poke. uxie is mostly special defensive since I now have torterra and wheezing to take physical hits


Gallade (M) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Steadfast
EVs: 4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spd
Jolly nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Ice Punch
- Thunderpunch
- Psycho Cut
- Close Combat

a once replaceable almost useless member of the team, is now my core revenge killer and late game sweeper. ice/thunder punch combo is great for type coverage. close combat and psycho cut do some ridicules damage even as jolly/scarf. Gallade used to be adamant, but after some trouble with rock polish / agility / other scarfers I decided to go jolly and give up a bit of power to guarantee that revenge kill!


Feraligatr (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Torrent
EVs: 4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spd
Jolly nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Dragon Dance
- Waterfall
- Crunch
- Ice Punch

feraligatr is an early game scouter and punisher if given the chance. its a pretty standard DD life orb sweeper however, I gave him crunch over earthquake since torterra has it and people just never seem to expect to get hit by a crunch. I love it when they send in ghost/psychic bulk to wall feraligatr only to find they just got 1HKO or 2HKO. sometimes I find him dying too fast because I tend to use him to absorb attacks he can resist then DD while he takes another hit and usually gets off 1-2 attacks before dying to his life orb... perhaps I should give him leftovers?


Torterra (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Overgrow
EVs: 252 HP/4 Atk/252 Def
Impish nature (+Def, -SAtk)
- Substitute
- Leech Seed
- Wood Hammer
- Earthquake

I tried many different versions of torterra and I always found him dying way too quick and never being able to get a rock polish or swords dance off to correctly hurt things or possibly sweep. so I decided to try a 3rd pokemon on my team with sub and torterra just happens to have leech seed which makes it all the better ;D at first all he had was wood hammer and stealth rocks (to let uxie have more room for other moves) but I found the lack of earthquake just made him a bit too useless, so I swapped away SR and earthquake spam from behind a sub is all kinds of win


Toxicroak (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Dry Skin
EVs: 4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spd
Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Sucker Punch
- Substitute
- Focus Punch
- Ice Punch

toxicroak.. is.... just.... tooo..... goooood....! Ive tried to use him a hundred times before and it never seemed to work. he was the first poke on this team to receive substitute. focus punch from behind a sub doesnt even need to be explained.. but sucker punching something trying to break the sub is just as great! hes almost unstoppable if I can correctly predict if my opponent is going to attack or just sub when they attempt to status me. he is also a GREAT water attack absorber late game when feraligatr has bit the dust.


Weezing (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP/252 Def/4 SDef
Bold nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Will-o-wisp
- Pain Split
- Substitute
- Dark Pulse

wall of doom! psychic is the only hit he takes super effective! will-o-wisp anything and everything! pain split when he gets low and this is your basic weezing..... however! I decided to give him a sub when I noticed a huge chunk of attacks he was soaking couldnt do over 25% damage! it can take 2-3 attacks to break his sub while he has all day to shoot out will-o-wisps. I had ALOT of trouble using the flamethrower/thunderbolt combo and I noticed most of the pokes he goes up against are hit either super effective or neutral by dark pulse. all in all this is a very unique weezing that has proven himself


scarf, sucker punch and honchkrow are all no longer issues

since this team has been tweaked in the past few days and easily pushed 1500 rating I have seen very few things that counter me o_o

im sure I will be adding to this as time goes on

Your team is extremely weak to Choice Scarf Honchkrow and Swords Dance Absol. Scarf Honchkrow weakens your team completely. Uxie is OHKO'd by Night Slash, Mismagius is also OHKO'd, Clefable is OHKO'd by Superpower, Gallade dies from Drill Peck. Swellow takes 64.75% - 76.25% damage and Slowbro takes 38.58% - 45.69% damage. That is not good but with constant switching, Honchkrow dies from Stealth Rock damage. However if Uxie dies then Hitmontop or Donphan can easily Rapid Spin those away opening Honckrow for a sweep. Anyways, Absol switches on your Slowbro's Psychic and gets a Swords Dance. Absol takes 56.83% - 67.53% damage from Slowbro's Surf. Then it outspeeds Slowbro and OHKO's with Night Slash. Swellow dies from +2 Sucker Punch.

To solve this, I suggest changing Gallade's item. From Choice Band > Choice Scarf. With Choice Scarf you can easily kill those threats that would easily exterminate your team. Also, having Choice Scarf Gallade would add a Revenge Killer to your team. With this, Honchkrow is easily exterminated with Ice Punch, Absol is also OHKO'd by Close Combat. If you want to try 'em use the given set below. Hope I helped! Good Luck!!

Gallade@Choice Scarf
Jolly Nature | 4 HP 252 / Atk / 252 Spe
Close Combat | Psycho Cut | Ice Punch | Earthquake
I think your Uxie could be a little different. I think you should change the item to Leftovers and change Thunderbolt for U-Turn. It gives you a good way to scout the opponent and switch appropriate counters in for free.

On Swellow, it may be a good idea to change U-Turn for Quick Attack if you want it that badly. However, generally the moveset you have for Swellow is much better.

Since you want HG/SS stuff, on Mismagius, you should use Nasty Plot over Calm Mind. Boost Mismagius' SPA stat to insane levels :p

The Choice Scarf Gallade set recommended does work, however, priority Sucker Punch from Honchkrow (I'm pretty sure its there) does hurt Gallade a lot. I think maybe you should try Blaziken. It also solves your Absol problem. Yes, it is weak to Psychic and Absol may have Psycho Cut, but it helps against Honchkrow as its faster and is able to resist Sucker Punch.
Blaziken @ Life Orb
4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
-Vacuum Wave
-Fire Blast
-Super Power
-HP Grass
Gives you some much needed priority too while you're at it. I think this might help your Honchkrow/Absol problem. This Blaziken set also helps against Chansey who would wall the majority of your team (most are special attackers. Gallade is the only physical attacker).

Gallade is great, but have you tried Swords Dance in place of Psycho Cut or Earthquake?

That's all I can see. Good luck.
Choice Scarf Gallade could work against Scarf Honchkrow that stay in on it and don't have/use Sucker Punch (as in, they have to be surprised), but it's pretty useless against Absol. It has no chance to survive a Swords Danced Sucker Punch, and even without a Swords Dance, Jolly Absol has a chance to OHKO as long as it's holding a Life Orb.

Also, not even Adamant Scarf Honchkrow can OHKO Uxie, barring a critical hit on Night Slash. It does 58% on average to 252 HP/44 Def Uxie. Since it has Thunderbolt, Uxie seems like a pretty good Scarf Honchkrow check. Giving Slowbro Thunder Wave instead of Toxic would help a lot against Honchkrow, I suggest doing that since you said Honchkrow almost always beats you. Is there any particular reason why you use two Calm Mind sweepers? Have both of them been helpful in the same battle, or do you just end up either sweeping with one or losing both to Honchkrow?

If you really want to keep Protect on Swellow, I'd suggest dropping U-turn for Quick Attack. It is very easy to bait low HP Honchkrow that are giving you problems into trying to Sucker Punch Swellow before they go down, and in those scenarios, Quick Attack allows you to take it out while also activating your orb. Over time, you may be better able to predict when Swellow can switch in for free, which is actually quite often considering its immunites to two common types and statuses, as long as you don't let your opponent get Stealth Rock down. Not having to use a moveslot on Protect can give you much more versatility, allowing you to use Quick Attack and U-turn, or even Pursuit for things such as Mismagius or Alakazam who face OHKOs if they stay in and can threaten pretty much your whole team with the exception of your Calm Mind users.

Since you aren't crazy about Choice Band Gallade, I suggest that you try out Expert Belt. Gallade has moves with great type coverage to get use out of the 20% boost often, and it can often make opponents think that you're holding a Choice item. A moveset of Close Combat/Ice Punch/Psycho Cut/Shadow Sneak (with a Jolly nature to outspeed non-Scarf Honchkrow) is what I'd recommend- the only type that Earthquake hits significantly harder than STAB Close Combat is Poison, but STAB Psycho Cut outdamages Earthquake against Poison-types, plus it hits Weezing who would wall you otherwise. If you want to be able to hit Slowbro harder, Leaf Blade could go over one of the last three moves.

Good luck with your team. Hopefully you'll find some of this useful!
hey guys, I have had a chance to rest the team some more and scarf gallade has just proven himself awesome!

I also replaced clefable with raikou, who also has the ice/ele combo and is a lot faster

details are edited on the first post ;D

thanks for the help and keep it coming!
Ok since you have Scarf Gallade, why not have Trick on him? It could take the place of Ice Punch. Not much dragons in UU, and Flying types get nailed Raikou, Grass types get hit with Swellow and Slowbro. That way if u switch into a wall, trick a Scarf onto it(Say like Steelix, Claydol,Clefable or Registeel or Regirock. Then you have just crippled their wall, so pretty much you can wreak havoc.

Like iliketurkeybacon said, Expert Belt Gallade is good too. Have Shadow Sneak priority is always a plus. It can hit Sub-NP Mismagiuss trying to set up.

psycho cut has been pretty handy with predictions, mainly people sending in ghosts to take the close combat to find a STAB super effective attack :D

Psychic is NOT super effective agianst ghost.
Kay, here we go.

Uxie: U-turn/Psychic over Thunderbolt, preferably the latter.

Gallade: Run Scarf instead, and this moveset works better: Close Combat/Psycho Cut/Night Slash/Trick.

Swellow: Protect is an awful move on non-lead Swellow, switch to Quick Attack immediately.

Missy: Use Sub/Shadow Ball/Nasty Plot/Thunderbolt for optimum coverage.

Sorry, but I don't have much time to offer more thorough feedback. Good luck with the team.
I think maybe you should try Blaziken. It also solves your Absol problem. Yes, it is weak to Psychic and Absol may have Psycho Cut, but it helps against Honchkrow as its faster and is able to resist Sucker Punch.
Blaziken @ Life Orb
4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
-Vacuum Wave
-Fire Blast
-Super Power
-HP Grass
Gives you some much needed priority too while you're at it. I think this might help your Honchkrow/Absol problem. This Blaziken set also helps against Chansey who would wall the majority of your team (most are special attackers. Gallade is the only physical attacker).

gotta say man, epic thanks!
I replaced mismagius with this blaziken and things have been great!
though I do prefer using flamethrower over fire blast
instead of making a whole new RMT I edited in all the major changes I made to the team

huge success with these changes! I easily reached 1500 rating on shoddy
On uxie change tbolt/twave to uturn. IT allows you to switch to a counter quickly and scout ur opponents pokes.
Also look at medicham - its got the exact same set as gallade, same speed but higher attack so u should consider changing it ofr medi.
Overall great team, as is gettiing to 1500 point on shoddy.
look at medicham - its got the exact same set as gallade, same speed but higher attack so u should consider changing it ofr medi.

Ive looked into medicham, there were a few issues I had with it. one was medicham has hardly any defenses and can usually be 1HKO x_x another was a lack of core fighting STAB move. if high jump kick misses medicham can end up doing more damage to itself than the opponent (and if they are smart with ghost switch in its even worst) and close combat has 60% more base power than brick break