Kindly, but powerful. This robot is equipped with the almighty Leaf Shield, which can deflect any attack. When the shield's down, that's your chance!
"Hey, fairies! Let's crank up the speed! It's lunatic tiiiime! Welcome to a world of madness!"
Pokémon: Wood Man
Typing: Grass
Ability: Leaf Guard / Filter
Moves: Iron Defense, Leaf Storm, Petal Blizzard, Wood Hammer, Rototiller, Synthesis, Ingrain, Leaf Tornado, Protect, Razor Leaf, Magical Leaf, Stomp, Superpower, Nature Power, Natural Gift, Grass Knot, Retaliate
New Move: Leaf Shield (Physical Solar Beam but doesn't insta-charge in Sun and, during the "charging" phase, creates four "leaves" around the user. While the "leaves" are active, all incoming moves deal halved damage, but each 18.75% of the user's Max HP depleted from those destroys a leaf, with contact moves being guaranteed to knock out another, though with Rocky Helmet recoil. Upon reaching the "attack" phase, BP is 30*[Amount of leaves remaining], the move failing if none remain.)
Stats: 90/125/140/55/105/55 [BST 570]
Reasoning: Wood Man is Mono Grass because he's made from wood, and uses the least amount of metal among the Robot Masters, so that's why he skips out on the Steel type. Filter and Iron Defense because what little metal he has is a thin film on the wood that makes up most of his body, presumably as anti-rotting lamination. Leaf Guard and his signature move are both from the weapon you get after beating him in Mega Man 2, which the latter was named after. His stats are from how he's physically one of the stronger Robot Masters, but also unfortunately quite sluggish. Other things are based on tree things and how he doesn't like when nature is harmed. (Plus there's the fact that in his boss fight, when he sends the leaves across the screen, more leaves fall from the sky)
Typing: Grass
Ability: Leaf Guard / Filter
Moves: Iron Defense, Leaf Storm, Petal Blizzard, Wood Hammer, Rototiller, Synthesis, Ingrain, Leaf Tornado, Protect, Razor Leaf, Magical Leaf, Stomp, Superpower, Nature Power, Natural Gift, Grass Knot, Retaliate
New Move: Leaf Shield (Physical Solar Beam but doesn't insta-charge in Sun and, during the "charging" phase, creates four "leaves" around the user. While the "leaves" are active, all incoming moves deal halved damage, but each 18.75% of the user's Max HP depleted from those destroys a leaf, with contact moves being guaranteed to knock out another, though with Rocky Helmet recoil. Upon reaching the "attack" phase, BP is 30*[Amount of leaves remaining], the move failing if none remain.)
Stats: 90/125/140/55/105/55 [BST 570]
Reasoning: Wood Man is Mono Grass because he's made from wood, and uses the least amount of metal among the Robot Masters, so that's why he skips out on the Steel type. Filter and Iron Defense because what little metal he has is a thin film on the wood that makes up most of his body, presumably as anti-rotting lamination. Leaf Guard and his signature move are both from the weapon you get after beating him in Mega Man 2, which the latter was named after. His stats are from how he's physically one of the stronger Robot Masters, but also unfortunately quite sluggish. Other things are based on tree things and how he doesn't like when nature is harmed. (Plus there's the fact that in his boss fight, when he sends the leaves across the screen, more leaves fall from the sky)

"Hey, fairies! Let's crank up the speed! It's lunatic tiiiime! Welcome to a world of madness!"
Pokémon: Clownpiece
Typing: Fairy/Fire
Ability: Fairy Aura / Manipulation of Madness (Non-contact Special moves a 20% chance of inflicting Confusion.)
Moves: Moonblast, Rock Slide, Stone Edge, Smack Down, Moonlight, Night Daze, Rock Tomb, Astonish, Ember, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Inferno, Shadow Ball, Swagger, Taunt, Hex, Confuse Ray, Will-O-Wisp, Dark Pulse, Endure, Trick, Burn Up, Solar Beam, Morning Sun, Sunny Day, Flash Cannon, Dazzling Gleam, Swift, Signal Beam, Disarming Voice, Aura Sphere, Fire Spin, Night Shade, Uproar, Psybeam, Nasty Plot, Misty Terrain, Worry Seed, Rage Powder, Torment
Stats: 90/70/40/135/110/110 [BST 555]
Reasoning: Fairy because she's, well, a fairy... that got turned into sentient lifeforce. Fire because she's a Hell Fairy armed with a torch and weaponizes it in some of her spellcards. Fairy Aura dials up the volatility of Fairy-type moves, befitting of a Fairy turned into sentient lifeforce. (though it's moreso adaptability for one of her types in practice) Rock moves and Moonblast/Moonlight because some of her spellcards weaponize Moon-shaped danmaku that blocks out both her fire and yours, excluding the star-shaped danmaku of course. Sun moves because of her first spellcard "Hell Sign 'Eclipse of Hell'" implying that the other thing alongside the Moon is supposed to represent the sun, plus contrasting the moon she's invading nicely. Other parts of her attacks tend to either be star-shaped danmaku or laser beams.
Typing: Fairy/Fire
Ability: Fairy Aura / Manipulation of Madness (Non-contact Special moves a 20% chance of inflicting Confusion.)
Moves: Moonblast, Rock Slide, Stone Edge, Smack Down, Moonlight, Night Daze, Rock Tomb, Astonish, Ember, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Inferno, Shadow Ball, Swagger, Taunt, Hex, Confuse Ray, Will-O-Wisp, Dark Pulse, Endure, Trick, Burn Up, Solar Beam, Morning Sun, Sunny Day, Flash Cannon, Dazzling Gleam, Swift, Signal Beam, Disarming Voice, Aura Sphere, Fire Spin, Night Shade, Uproar, Psybeam, Nasty Plot, Misty Terrain, Worry Seed, Rage Powder, Torment
Stats: 90/70/40/135/110/110 [BST 555]
Reasoning: Fairy because she's, well, a fairy... that got turned into sentient lifeforce. Fire because she's a Hell Fairy armed with a torch and weaponizes it in some of her spellcards. Fairy Aura dials up the volatility of Fairy-type moves, befitting of a Fairy turned into sentient lifeforce. (though it's moreso adaptability for one of her types in practice) Rock moves and Moonblast/Moonlight because some of her spellcards weaponize Moon-shaped danmaku that blocks out both her fire and yours, excluding the star-shaped danmaku of course. Sun moves because of her first spellcard "Hell Sign 'Eclipse of Hell'" implying that the other thing alongside the Moon is supposed to represent the sun, plus contrasting the moon she's invading nicely. Other parts of her attacks tend to either be star-shaped danmaku or laser beams.
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