Time to bring back a few old friends.

Pokemon: Justice
Type: Steel
Abilities: Long Reach / Levitate / Gear Diffusion (Powers up Fire and Electric moves by 50%)
Signature Moves:
Imperial Ray
Type: Fire
Classification: Special
Power: 100
Accuracy: 90
PP: 10 (max 16)
Effect: Has a 30% chance to flinch the target.
Michael Blade
Type: Steel
Classification: Physical
Power: 100
Accuracy: 90
PP: 10 (max 16)
Effect: Has a high critical hit ratio and a 10% chance to paralyze.
Gamma Ray
Type: Electric
Classification: Special
Power: 150
Accuracy: 100
PP: 5 (max 8)
Effect: Takes a turn to charge. Does Fire damage as well, and bypasses Ground immunity.
Signature Z-Move: X-Laser
Type: Fire
Power: 190
Classification: Special
Effect: Requires Focus Energy and Justiceium Z. Always results in a critical hit.
Stats: 100/135/100/135/85/90 (Total: 645)
Other Notable Moves: Sacred Sword, Focus Energy, Magnet Bomb, Metal Claw, Dragon Claw, Taunt, Dragon Tail, Iron Tail, Dual Chop, Counter, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Hyper Beam, Quick Attack, Double Edge, Fury Cutter, Counter, Shift Gear
Overview: Well, she was the big baddie in the first game, so we got a powerful Steel type here. She got Levitate for...floating, I guess, Long Reach for her long fingers and tail, and her signature ability, Gear Diffusion, referencing her Fire and Electric manipulation. Her movepool also refers several attacks she had in the Guilty Gear XX AC#PR game, in which is the reason she's slower than usual, but somewhat faster than other Steel types. She also has her signature moves for her 3 original overdrives and Instant Kill move (which here is basically a very powerful Z-Move with the chance of the opponent to survive at least. Shift Gear represents Omega Shift here. She counts since she's the mother of Dizzy....
Type: Steel
Abilities: Long Reach / Levitate / Gear Diffusion (Powers up Fire and Electric moves by 50%)
Signature Moves:
Imperial Ray
Type: Fire
Classification: Special
Power: 100
Accuracy: 90
PP: 10 (max 16)
Effect: Has a 30% chance to flinch the target.
Michael Blade
Type: Steel
Classification: Physical
Power: 100
Accuracy: 90
PP: 10 (max 16)
Effect: Has a high critical hit ratio and a 10% chance to paralyze.
Gamma Ray
Type: Electric
Classification: Special
Power: 150
Accuracy: 100
PP: 5 (max 8)
Effect: Takes a turn to charge. Does Fire damage as well, and bypasses Ground immunity.
Signature Z-Move: X-Laser
Type: Fire
Power: 190
Classification: Special
Effect: Requires Focus Energy and Justiceium Z. Always results in a critical hit.
Stats: 100/135/100/135/85/90 (Total: 645)
Other Notable Moves: Sacred Sword, Focus Energy, Magnet Bomb, Metal Claw, Dragon Claw, Taunt, Dragon Tail, Iron Tail, Dual Chop, Counter, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Hyper Beam, Quick Attack, Double Edge, Fury Cutter, Counter, Shift Gear
Overview: Well, she was the big baddie in the first game, so we got a powerful Steel type here. She got Levitate for...floating, I guess, Long Reach for her long fingers and tail, and her signature ability, Gear Diffusion, referencing her Fire and Electric manipulation. Her movepool also refers several attacks she had in the Guilty Gear XX AC#PR game, in which is the reason she's slower than usual, but somewhat faster than other Steel types. She also has her signature moves for her 3 original overdrives and Instant Kill move (which here is basically a very powerful Z-Move with the chance of the opponent to survive at least. Shift Gear represents Omega Shift here. She counts since she's the mother of Dizzy....

Pokemon: Dizzy
Type: Dark/Ice
Abilities: Magic Bounce / Long Reach / Natural Care
Signature Moves:
Imperial Ray
Type: Fire
Classification: Special
Power: 100
Accuracy: 90
PP: 10 (max 16)
Effect: Has a 30% chance to flinch the target.
Glass Reflector
Type: Ice
Classification: Status
Power: -
Accuracy: -
PP: 10 (max 16)
Effect: Reflects back non-contact moves for 1 turn.
Gamma Ray-
Type: Electric
Classification: Special
Power: 25/100
Accuracy: 100
PP: 5 (max 8)
Effect: Hits 3 times, the first 2 hits being 25 power, the last being 100 power. Does both Fire and Ice damage for the 2 hits respectively.
Signature Z-Move: Emotional Gamma Ray
Type: Fire
Power: 180
Classification: Special
Effect: Requires Focus Energy and Dizzium Z. Causes the opponent to flinch for the next turn.
Stats: 90/105/60/155/65/120 (Total: 595)
Other Notable Moves: Hyper Beam, Dragon Claw, Ice Beam, Flamethrower, Crunch, Taunt, Torment, Recover, Tearful Look, Heal Bell, Dragon Tail, Fury Cutter, Icicle Crash, Flame Burst, Lava Plume, Ice Shard, Blizzard, Fire Blast, Dark Pulse, Sacred Sword, Light Screen, Reflect, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Mirror Coat, Counter
Overview: ...And she's the mother of Sin Kaske, her and Ky's son. Basically a far less bulky, more Specially powerful version of Justice, with different enough differences to not make her a clone. Her typing is for her wings, though she also has Fire-type moves for Necro. She also has Magic Bounce and her signature move, Glass Reflector, referencing her projectile-reflecting move (here being non-contact moves). Also, Natural Care for her supposed ability to revive Gears.
Type: Dark/Ice
Abilities: Magic Bounce / Long Reach / Natural Care
Signature Moves:
Imperial Ray
Type: Fire
Classification: Special
Power: 100
Accuracy: 90
PP: 10 (max 16)
Effect: Has a 30% chance to flinch the target.
Glass Reflector
Type: Ice
Classification: Status
Power: -
Accuracy: -
PP: 10 (max 16)
Effect: Reflects back non-contact moves for 1 turn.
Gamma Ray-
Type: Electric
Classification: Special
Power: 25/100
Accuracy: 100
PP: 5 (max 8)
Effect: Hits 3 times, the first 2 hits being 25 power, the last being 100 power. Does both Fire and Ice damage for the 2 hits respectively.
Signature Z-Move: Emotional Gamma Ray
Type: Fire
Power: 180
Classification: Special
Effect: Requires Focus Energy and Dizzium Z. Causes the opponent to flinch for the next turn.
Stats: 90/105/60/155/65/120 (Total: 595)
Other Notable Moves: Hyper Beam, Dragon Claw, Ice Beam, Flamethrower, Crunch, Taunt, Torment, Recover, Tearful Look, Heal Bell, Dragon Tail, Fury Cutter, Icicle Crash, Flame Burst, Lava Plume, Ice Shard, Blizzard, Fire Blast, Dark Pulse, Sacred Sword, Light Screen, Reflect, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Mirror Coat, Counter
Overview: ...And she's the mother of Sin Kaske, her and Ky's son. Basically a far less bulky, more Specially powerful version of Justice, with different enough differences to not make her a clone. Her typing is for her wings, though she also has Fire-type moves for Necro. She also has Magic Bounce and her signature move, Glass Reflector, referencing her projectile-reflecting move (here being non-contact moves). Also, Natural Care for her supposed ability to revive Gears.