Critical Hits for Multi-Hit Moves

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Critical Hits for Multi-Hit Moves

Well, after a debate, we might as well get this out of the way, given the stat boosters vote is not really going to impact this. Here are critical hits at the moment.
Data Audit Thread said:
Critical Hits:

A critical hit adds three (3) BAP to any attack before applying weakness and resistance. Critical hits ignore Reflect and Light Screen, and only apply stat boosts if positive boosts exceed negative boosts. Super Luck increases the Critical Hit Stage of a Pokemon by 1, and Sniper increases the damage dealt by critical hits to five (5) instead of three (3) for a one-hit move, three (3) instead of two (2) for a two-hit move, and two (2) instead of one (1) for a multi-hit move.
Referee Resource Thread said:
Critical Hit: Adds 3 damage to any attack (before applying weakness and resistance). Critical Hits ignore Reflect and Light Screen and only apply stat boosts if positive boosts exceed negative boosts. Super Luck doubles the Critical Hit Stage of a Pokemon, and Sniper increases the damage dealt by critical hits to 5 instead of 3. The easiest way to determine whether or not a Critical Hit lands this is to use a Random Number Generator. Without any boosts or abilities, if a value lands on 625/10000 or below, the resulting attack will land a Critical Hit.
A couple of methods were thrown up to deal with the issue that one crit in a multi-hit move makes the entire attack pierce screens. These methods are:

  • zarator's method: Link
  • Fractional method: Link
Anyhow, the slate. This will be IRV, so vote everything in preference order, with first option most preferred. The options are:
[BOX]What should we do in terms of dealing with Critical Hits & Multi-Hit Moves?
Implement zarator's method
Implement the fractional method
Retain the current method[/BOX]
A vote for zarator's method means zarator's method gets chosen. A vote for the fractional method means the fractional method gets chosen. A vote for the current method means... Nothing changes.

First to four #1 Votes is majority, time to vote.
What should we do in terms of dealing with Critical Hits & Multi-Hit Moves?
Retain the current method
Implement zarator's method
Implement the fractional method
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