Generation VIII Ladders Megathread
approved by ti and drampa
Hello everyone! This thread is for posting creative and underrated sets in Generation 8 Other Metagames, which encompasses all metagames in this subforum. This post will contain tips on how to make a good, well-structured post in this thread, so if you're lost you can refer to it or just ask around on PS/Discord.
First of all, it's important to note what constitutes a viable creative or underrated set.
- The set cannot already be widely used or common in the metagame.
- The set cannot be 100% outclassed by another set. For example, Mewtwonite Y in Mix and Mega is nearly always inferior to other Mega Stones.
- The set must fill a role that is viable in the metagame. For example, Cosmic Power + Power Trip sets in BH may not be completely outclassed, but in practice they underperform against any decent team.
Posts in this thread typically have up to three parts: the set description, the calcs, and the replays.
- The description is the backbone of the post. It should include an explanation of how the set functions, and which things it accomplishes that common equivalents cannot.
- Something that helps is providing examples of how the set functions in teambuilding and battling. For example, you can talk about how you typically use this Pokemon to make progress in a game, or which good Pokemon pair well with it.
- Being realistic about a set's weaknesses can actually help you against criticism. If your set is hard walled by a common Pokemon but you can successfully pair it with Pokemon that can take advantage of this, you can strengthen your case for the set being viable.
- In a similar vein, be realistic about how viable you think the set is. It's okay if some of your sets aren't that good, but referring to all of them as meta-breaking menaces is just asking for unproductive arguments.
- Since description is so important for really conveying the idea of a set, posts of sets without adequate descriptions will be deleted. Anything above a couple sentences should be fine to ensure your post stays up.
- Calcs are used to emphasize points made in the description by providing a clearer picture of a Pokemon's matchup against common threats.
- For example, if the role of an AAA set is to switch into Choice Specs Aerilate Noivern repeatedly to scout its move, showing that the set only takes 45% from Boomburst and can recover most of that off with Regenerator can help others understand how that matchup would play out in an actual game.
- That being said, calcs are not always necessary with good replays, and should only be used to enhance the description, not replace it.
- Replays are the best way to prove that the set really works in practice, not just on paper.
- Good replays show the set performing its intended role to significantly help the team. For example, the set could get several KOs, maintain hazards throughout the game, wall out an otherwise threatening Pokemon, or set up and sweep lategame.
- Additionally, replays should be against at least competent opponents. It doesn't say much about the set if the opponent lets several of their Pokemon faint to it instead of bringing in their hard counter. Replays against great players or tournament opponents are obviously preferable if you have them, but if you don't, mid-high Elo ladder replays will suffice.
- I recognize that finding replays can be difficult in some situations and is significantly more effort than just writing up a decent description. Even if it has no replays, your post will not be deleted as long as it has adequate descriptions. However, because of the extra layer that it provides, only sets with good replays will be eligible for Hall of Fame consideration.
Happy posting!