As of 9/14/2012 @ 10:00 AM PST, we are currently at Post 606
Okay, so I closed the last thread because it was starting to get a little ridiculous and I wanted to stop it from spiraling out of control. We're gonna take things in a different direction here. This format has been followed by JabbaTheGriffin in UU, and was restarted in OU by CrackinSkulls but died due to inactivity. I'd like to thank CrackinSkulls for being a good sport and helping out with this. Here are the rules taken from his OP:
CrackinSkulls steps in to clarify the objective of this thread since apparently people are not understanding that HP Bug Cresselia and Dusclops are not appropriate.
Here are the teams as of the time of this update (9/3@ 2:22 PM PST)
Here are some resources you may use.
Honko's 1v1 Damage Calculator
Honko's One v All Mass Damage Calculator
Okay, so I closed the last thread because it was starting to get a little ridiculous and I wanted to stop it from spiraling out of control. We're gonna take things in a different direction here. This format has been followed by JabbaTheGriffin in UU, and was restarted in OU by CrackinSkulls but died due to inactivity. I'd like to thank CrackinSkulls for being a good sport and helping out with this. Here are the rules taken from his OP:
This is very similar to the CCAT but rather than trying to create a successful team in general we are creating two teams that will pay against each other. The two teams are made by you by submitted sets that are geared both towards countering the other team and providing solid support/teammates to the rest of its own team.
So how it is going to work is that we will have 2 teams (obviously) and we start off by suggesting sets for team 1's first pokemon. We vote on a suggested set and then start suggesting sets for team 2's first pokemon that will be able to counter team one. The exact order will be {1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1}. Make sure the suggested sets include all details and refrain from using slashes as it makes countering it much more difficult. An example of a perfect looking set would be
Nidoking (M) @ Life Orb
Trait: Sheer Force
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt
- Earth Power
- Flamethrower
CrackinSkulls steps in to clarify the objective of this thread since apparently people are not understanding that HP Bug Cresselia and Dusclops are not appropriate.
CrackinSkulls said:The idea of this thread is NOT a counter that pokemon thread. It is a teambuilding game where pokemon are suggested for there respective team. At the end of the day these two teams will battle each other. We want to win this battle. So how do we ensure that... we make each set on our team counter our opponents and be as uncounterable as possible so our opponents are hard pressed to counter it with there next addition. Essentially we want to beat our opponent by countering them and preventing them from countering us. I feel that currently people are not understanding this. In the above Dusclops example, do we actually want to build a team around Dusclops!? This gives the opponent hundreds of options to choose from, Tyranitar which is a HUGE advantage because of sand, hell even a Bisharp becomes possible and very tough to counter. In short when you guys start a team do you honestly go "hmm lets make a team around chansey".
You guys are all intelligent people, use your intelligence, wit and cunning to accomplish this task by trapping your opponent just as you would in a match and using your match honed prediction to ensnare your opponent in a sticky web of cunning. Predict their choices and act upon them, play mind games, this game is supposed to bring out the best of our battle honed minds. If we are resorting to using Dusclops and Cresselia our opponent has us on the back foot in the first round from where they can dominate, bully and force into submission. So cunning OU players out there use your match skills to outpredict, outplay and beat the opponent. To quote Poppy in the Ubers thread " Pick discreetly, with the intention to bait, befoul, bludgeon, barf upon, and generally bring waste to the opposition."
If you guys are struggling to understand the concept have a look at the ubers thread or the previous OU one . Anyway i hope i could help you guys understand the game and keep this thread a little cleaner. Don't post nonsense posts keep them simple, clean and easy to follow. Good luck with the game.
Here are the teams as of the time of this update (9/3@ 2:22 PM PST)
Here are some resources you may use.
Honko's 1v1 Damage Calculator
Honko's One v All Mass Damage Calculator