Counter that Pokemon - Mk III
approved by SilentVerse | probably co-lead by the big man as well
approved by SilentVerse | probably co-lead by the big man as well

Welcome everyone to the new edition of the Counter that Pokemon project! Last time it was a great success, spawning some interesting discussion and inspiring new ideas. The metagame has changed quite a bit since the last thread: Dark-type Honchkrow, Sharpedo and Krookodile have left us, as well as Cofagrigus. We've however obtained Nidoqueen, and permanent weather in the form of Hail. The metagame has changed dramatically, in other words. That said, I'm going to keep this boring introduction short and explain a little better what the CtP project is.
Q: What are we going to do?
A: The idea is to build two teams that, while not necessarily very good in general, are designed to counter each other to the best of their abilities. We will choose the pokes that will compose the two teams in an alternated fashion: if "1" represents a pick for the Team 1, and "2" a pick for the Team 2, the picks will look like this: 1 - 2 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 - 1, so except from the first and the last choice, each team will select two pokes consecutively, attempting to neuter the portion of the other team already known, pose new threats for the opponents, and avoid creating excessive weaknesses that could be easily exploited later. The project will end with a battle between the two teams, to "determine" which team countered "better" the opponent.
Q: How does the picking process work?
A: There are two phases when picking a pokemon for any of the two teams: a discussion phase and a voting phase. In the first phase you propose new sets, give feedback on others' proposals, and generally discuss what direction we should follow for the team that's picking currently. The second phase is a single bold voting, where everyone can express his or her preference for the set he or she thinks is best suited for the team. The discussion phase will last roughly 48-72 hours for each pokemon we to pick to allow everyone to propose a set and comment on the already listed ones; the voting will be faster, with a duration of 24-48 hours (I'll adjust the durations according to participation / relevance of discussion / other factors).
1. One set per person. A valid set should include all of the following elements: sprite / image, name of the pokemon, item, ability, nature, EVs, IVs (you can omit this in case they're obvious), moveset, and a description about why your suggestion fits the current team (please avoid one-line submissions). Lack of any of those elements can result in your set not being listed for voting.
2. No slashes in movesets. The only exceptions are: Blizzard / Ice Beam, Thunder / Thunderbolt, Hurricane / Air Slash, SolarBeam / Leaf Storm or Energy Ball. If the team selects the appropriate weather inducer, the weather dependant move will be chosen, and the other one if the team choose to go weatherless.
3. Do not complain about the sets listed for voting. If your set wasn't listed for some reasons, contact me in private; I'll happily give advice on how to make a better suggestion, or will edit the voting slate if it was just a mistake.
4. When voting, make sure to bold your vote and nothing else in your post.
5. Voting for your own set is allowed, for now. However please keep in mind that there's nothing to win here, so if I see everyone just voting consistently for himself or herself, I'll modify this rule and disallow self voting.
6. If there is a tie in a vote, one or both of the topic leaders (me or SilentVerse, depending on availability) will cast their vote to break them.
7. The standard RU banlist applies, along with common clauses.
8. Standard Smogon rules obviously apply here. Please be polite while discussing, avoid flaming, trolling or other disruptive posting habits.
If you need any clarification on rules, or the general CtP process, feel free to PM/VM me.