Cooking Up a RMT [UU]


The team isnt Stallish, Nor is it hyper offensive, it acheives a mix between the two that some people would call "bulky offense". The team revolves around Uxie crippling faster sweepers at all costs, to let Aggron come in and cause some havoc. Sceptile picks off the bulkier defensive pokemon that Aggron has a hard time with, namely Claydol and Slowbro, while Milotic and Uxie prove their worth as some of the best walls to UU's biggest threat's. Kangaskhan and Hitmontop provide some strong priority that picks of some faster sweepers such as Houndoom, Absol and Kabutops

I have tinkered with this team quite a lot, with the original version made around 2 weeks ago. I laddered with it under the name of "MasterChef" (hence the name of the RMT) and it reached a rating of close to 1400 in a day (1530 I think it is on now) which is great considering I havent played UU for that long (around 2 months). I have had some great success with this team and I look foward to more in the future.


Kangaskhan @ Lum Berry
24 HP/ 252 Att/ 232 Spe
Adamant nature/ Scrappy Ability
~Fake Out
~Low Kick
~Sucker Punch
Strategy/ Comments: The Head Chef aims to do what his monkey Brethren does: Fake Out the opponent to remove a sash and continue to hurt the opponnet through the use of STAB Return. What sets it apart from Ambipom is that Scrappy ability, letting me get perfect coverage on everything, as well as hitting the common lead Frosslass. mismagius cant set up on me, nor can Spiritomb as it gets hit with a super Effective low Kick. He can return later on in the game because of his bulk and has really saved my ass with the valuable Fake Out, as well as priority in Sucker Punch. Lum Berry may seem a bit unorthodox now that Roserade is OU but it helps with random status moves, and against the somewhat rare Persians Hypnosis. Against some common UU leads I:

Ambipom: Sometimes I will stay, but I ussually just switch to Uxie

Frosslass: Fake it out and hit it with a return. It can either lay down one layer of spikes or take me with it.

Alakazam: Sometimes I fake out, I dont know why, but I generally stay in and keep hitting it

Cloyster: Fake out + Low Kick. Switch to Aggron when it goes boom

Moltres: Fake it out and switch to Milotic

Uxie: Fake out, go to my own Uxie

Honckrow: Fake out + return

Arcanine: Fake out then go to Milotic

Dugtrio: Fake out and Sucker Punch. Too weak to do anything to me

Last Thoughts: A nice, somewhat unpredictable lead that can prove valuable coming back late game with its strong STAB priority. Must look out for Gallade though. Double hit seems a bit odd, but it can prove usefull against sub Mismagius and Rotom. Probably can beat those two with Return though so its not a big deal


Uxie @ Leftovers
252 HP/ 252 Def/ 6 SpD
Bold Nature/ Levitate Ability
~Stealth Rock
~Thunder Wave
Strategy/ Comments: It may sleep on the Job, but I would never utter the words "Your Fired!" (oops wrong show) and send this little Fairy out of my kitchen. Without Uxie, my team would absolutley crawl up and die in the faces of things like Gallade, Hitmonchan/ Top and most other physical threats. The basic Idea is to set up rocks, Paralyse something, then U turn out to the counter. U turn works well considering just how much has to switch out of Uxie and gets me the switch advantage, While Psychic is here for general STAB and the fact Venusaur and other poison types piss the shit out of me. Its fair to say Uxie is the glue of this team
Last Thoughts: I had tested out Heal Bell, but it was only situational and these moves serve a much better purpose.


Milotic @ Leftovers
252 HP/ 240 Def/ 8 SpA/ 8 Spe
Bold Nature/ Marvel Scale Ability
~Ice Beam
~Sleep Talk
Strategy/ Comments: mmmm seafood. When choosing a bulky water for my team I could look past Milotic, while Lanturn had advantages over Raikou and Rotom, Milotic can counter a heck of a lot more thanks to that massive special defense and wondorous ability, meaning if I abuse Marvel Scale I can live through some strong Close Combats and Ground type moves once Uxie has to retire. All around I needed a counter to that pesky Arcanine, and generally a lot of other fire types that hurt this team a bit if they get enough damage off (see: Blaziken). It also provides me with some nice attacking options when my team is having trouble with Rhyperior, Donphan etc. (However Sceptile Beats them, but he acts more as a revenge killer. 8 Speed EV's lets me beat Adamant +252 Spe Aggron.
Last Thoughts: Not really a lot more to say, its very standard, I have to look out for Raikou though, he causes problems for Milotic and this team.


Sceptile @ Choice Specs
4 HP/ 252 SpA/ 252 Spe
Timid Nature/ Overgrow Ability
~Leaf Storm
~Energy Ball
~Hidden Power [ICE]
~Focus Blast
Strategy/ Comments: My primary form of revenge killing and a very valuable member of my team, able to beat out and scare so many things, including Rhyperior, Slowbro, Milotic and co. Because Roserade is gone now I resort to using Sceptile, and while it dosent soak up toxic spikes on impact it outspeeds everything but Swelllow and Electrode. I find it extremly hard to switch in and especially when Leaf Storm MISSES against something like Slowbro or Milotic it really costs me (especially Slowbro) and I have to pretty much give up. Chansey and Registeel still wall this set even with Focus Blast and its shitty accuracy, so Hitmontop can prove usefull in beating them. HP Ice takes nothing away from my offensive stats and can prove usefull in hitting Altaria, weakened Grass types and other slow flying pokemon.
Last Thoughts: I freakin love this thing. While it may act as a Hit and Run/ revenge killer it can still pick things off late game with Energy Ball


Aggron @ Leftovers
4 HP/ 252 Att/ 252 Spe
Adamant Nature/ Rock Head Ability
~Head Smash
~Focus Punch
Strategy/ Comments: Porbably the weak link in the team. He is here because Swellow causes me a bit of trouble and can switch in on it, set up a sub and start killing things. Toxic beats common switch in such as Slowbro and Claydol. When it works its awesome, it can come in on defensive pokemon like Umbreon or Choiced Normals/ Flyers/ any resisted physical move, but sometimes it dosent even see use and I have to use it as fodder to get something like Sceptile or Hitmontop in safely. this was originally a Registeel but I got sick of the lack of offense and the basic premise of Registeel is 'come in, wall something, in comes counter, switch out' and it dosent work well with Gallade running around (neither does Aggron, but He isnt meant to be a wall)
Last Thoughs: I am hearing about using HP Grass to beat Quasire and Rhyperior, however Focus Punch dents Rhyperior and I can hit Quagsire with Toxic. The Speed EV's are here to outspeed some walls in UU (namely no speed Milotic) and to just get a jump on slower pokemon.


Hitmontop @ Leftovers
252 HP/ 252 Att/ 6 Spe
Adamant nature/ Technichian Ability
~Low Kick
~Mach Punch
~Stone Edge
Strategy/ Comments: Offers a nice Dark and rock resist meaning he can pick off things like Houndoom and Absol, as mentioned earlier. Low Kick gets the technichian boost against chansey and eevee forms ( I think) and comes with the added bonus of not lowering my defenses, it also reaches high BP against common walls, such as Milotic (100) and Rhyperior (120). I primarily ise Stone Edge for Altaria, also for other fliers, although earthquake was tested and deserves some merits for getting through poison types. He can still beat Mismagius, a +2 Timid Shadow Ball cant KO while Pursuit is a 2HKO. Raikou cant really set up as Low Kick and Mach Punch can beat it unless physically bulky, while +1 Thunderbolt cant KO. Priority is valuable in a metagame full of fast fragile sweepers, so Hitmontop is a very valuable Pokemon on my team
Other Thoughts: Fake out to whore technichian more, although I dont know where it could fit.
Hey I have to give credit to the user "Hello there" for the threat list because awesome

Black means pretty easy
Green means a tad annoying but worked around
Red means its a pain

Absol: Hitmontop can pressure it with mach punch, it tends to switch into my Uxie so I always Thunder Wave it, as an unboosted Night Slash cant KO
Aggron: Hitmontop, Uxie, Milotic outspeeds
Alakazam: can be annoying but I ussualy go to Uxie and T wave it
Altaria: Stall Altaria is a pain, generally Milotic and Uxie are who I go to.
Ambipom: Uxie generally, Aggron if it lacks Brick Break or Low Kick
Arcanine: Milotic
Azumarill: As much as I love it its a pain in the ass for this team, but Sceptile can revenge it
Blastoise: Sceptile
Blaziken: Uxie most times, sometimes Milotic, and Hitmontop revenges
Chansey: lol Aggron can set up a sub and Hitmontop scares it off
Claydol: Milotic, Sceptile
Clefable: Hitmontopz
Donphan: too bulky for my liking but Milotic generally
Drapion: FUCK DRAPION Hitmontop generally but SD Crits are pains in the ass
Dugtrio: Cant really trap anything besides Sceptile of whom its a speed tie
Electrode: Just about anything because its too weak to touch my team, Kangaskhan Fakes out the lead so it only sets up rain dance at best
Espeon: Alakazam wannabe?
Feraligatr: Sceptilez
Gallade: uxie always
Gardevoir: rare, but in general Kanghaskan
Hariyama: Cant hurt Uxie.
Hitmonlee: Uxie
Hitmontop: moar Uxie
Honchkrow: Choiced sets can be outpredicted and Aggron loves coming in on choiced pursuit or Brave Bird
Houndoom: Hitmontop <3
Kabutops : Hitmontop when he is at around 60%, Milotic sometimes
Lanturn: Aggron, Sceptile, Hitmontop, kanghaskhan, anything with a physical move
Ludicolo: Um pain in the ass generally Uxie and T Wave it and hitmontop can muscle through it while not taking too much from its attacks
Magneton: Teh Hitmontop
Mesprit: Uxie, CM versions are gay, Milotic if it has no TBolt
Miltank: Hitmontop
Mismagius: well its always threatening especially the bulky ghost set which is the best one by far, Kanghaskan dosent take much from its attacks, it ussually switches in on Hitmontop where pursuit is a 2HKO
Moltres: Milotic
Nidoking: Uxie
Omastar: fuck in Rain this thing is a beast, when its not- Sceptile, Milotic, Hitmontop
Raikou: A tad annoying but Hitmontop can survive a +1 Thunderbolt and hit it with a Low kick or Mach Punch
Regirock: Sceptile, Milotic, Hitmontop
Registeel: Hitmontop
Rhyperior: Sceptile, Hitmontop, Milotic
Rotom: Kanghaskhan
Spectile: have to sacrifice something but yes this thing is annoying
Scyther: generally Kanghaskhan but Uxie can take an uboosted Bug Bite and T Wave it
Slowbro: Fucking Slowbro, Sceptile ussually but not when LEAF STORM MISSES at which point I have nothing
Spiritomb: Lum Berry Kanga
Steelix: Milotic, Sceptile, Hitmontop
Swellow: AGGRON!
Tangrowth: same as Slowbro except if its not in the sun Milotic can ice Beam that shitty special defense
Torterra: Sceptile, thats about it
Toxicroak: Uxie <3
Umbreon: Always set up with Aggron, sometimes go to Hitmontop
Uxie: Just wear it down as it has no reliable recovery
Venusaur: In the same boat as Tangrowth
Weezing: Uxie, Milotic
Good team. Though I highly recommend trying Arcanine, with it's new move Morning Sun it's really good, Also, fire types aren't exactly a problem to this team(If your keeping Milotic) as you can kill them with Hitmontop...Anyways try this.

Arcanine@Life Orb
Ability: Flash Fire
EV: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe /
Timid Nature
-Sunny Day
-Fire blast
-Morning Sun

You'd never be able to pull off a set with Fire and Grass as your only attacking types in OU, but with the lack of Heatran and Dragon-types in UU, this set doesn't actually fare too bad. Sunny Day helps Arcanine so much: it boosts Fire Blast's power by a further 1.5x, effectively giving it a second STAB boost in addition to a Flash Fire boost if you've managed to pick it up (use Sceptile as bait) By the way Flash Fire Fire Blast in the Sun does 62% on average to Calm Chansey Sunny Day removes SolarBeam's charge turn, letting you blast Slowbro, Regirock, Rhyperior, and Milotic into oblivion; it halves the damage of Water attacks against Arcanine, effectively removing your Water weakness; and in the sun, Morning Sun will heal 66% of Arcanine's health with every use, letting it make the most of its natural bulk...And Hey, Arcanine can also help your Sceptile...
Hmmm... nice team. Though you're right, you really do have a weak link with Aggron.

Basically, you want another Normal resist, other than Registeel. I suggest Regirock over Steelix, because of the Fire resist.

You'd want a Tank - 252 Atk, about 20 Spd, and the rest poured into HP or Defenses.
Go with Stone Edge/Hammer Arm/Explosion/Earthquake. You can replace Earthquake or Hammer Arm with SR, and free up Uxie for Yawn, if you want.

Anyways, good luck with the team, hope I helped.
Hey guys thanks for the rates I will test out Regirock > Aggron as Arcanine seems like a bit...meh, especially If I have to set up sunny day all the time