Guts Conkeldurr is one of UU's most devastating wallbreakers. Once burned by Flame Orb, it can evade status from defensive staples like Amoonguss and Tangrowth. Knock Off and Facade offer virtually perfect coverage alongside its powerful Close Combat, allowing it to dismantle defensive cores. STAB Mach Punch is also a great tool, functioning as a strong priority attack that can threaten faster Pokemon like Mamoswine and Lycanroc-D. Conkeldurr is a bit weighed down by its proneness to being worn down from Flame Orb, however. This is made a larger problem by its poor Speed, which allows the tier's many faster threats to overwhelm it, as well as its iffy defensive typing, which doesn't give it many notable resistances and leaves it open to Pokemon like Moltres, Primarina, and Salamence. Conkeldurr also faces competition from Fighting-types like Buzzwole and Keldeo, which provide solid secondary typings and better Speed tiers.
name: Guts Wallbreaker
move 1: Close Combat
move 2: Facade
move 3: Knock Off
move 4: Mach Punch
item: Flame Orb
ability: Guts
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Facade heavily damages various Pokemon that resist Close Combat, including Nidoqueen, Amoonguss, and Primarina. Knock Off hits Psychic-types, such as Mew and Galarian Slowbro, and nails the occasional Ghost-type, like Chandelure or Aegislash. Mach Punch is a strong priority move that can pressure faster foes like Lycanroc-D and Obstagoon while picking off weakened threats in general. Drain Punch can be used as Conkeldurr's primary STAB move, giving it more longevity and a safe attacking option. However, Close Combat is largely preferred for its massive damage output. An Adamant nature is preferred in order to maximize Conkeldurr's wallbreaking potential. A Jolly nature is an option for outspeeding Adamant Azumarill, though it doesn't accomplish much else.
Conkeldurr generally fits well on more offensively oriented builds. Some balance teams appreciate the offensive pressure it offers, too. Late-game sweepers like Scizor and Lycanroc-D are able to clean up after Conkeldurr softens up the opposing team. Conkeldurr itself appreciates entry hazard support from setters like Krookodile and Nidoqueen, allowing it to muscle past foes more easily. After Stealth Rock damage, it has a solid chance to OHKO foes like Celesteela and Nidoqueen with Close Combat or Facade. Pivots that can bring Conkeldurr in, like Rotom-W, Jirachi, and Rotom-H, can help circumvent its slightly middling defensive utility. Because Conkeldurr can wear itself down with Flame Orb chip, Wish from Jirachi or Sylveon can also support it well. Tapu Bulu also solves this problem, passively recovering Conkeldurr's health with Grassy Terrain. It can also bypass one of Conkeldurr's most effective checks in Colbur Berry Palossand. Conkeldurr can struggle to work around faster Psychic-types like Starmie and Mew due to their Mach Punch resistance. This makes checks to them, like Krookodile and Celesteela, solid teammates. Flying-types can also be an issue for the same reason, with defensive Salamence proving particularly troublesome for its ability to comfortably switch in from full health thanks to Intimidate. Pokemon capable of pressuring them, like Nihilego and Lycanroc-D, make good teammates as a result. Mamoswine is a particularly useful teammate, pressuring Salamence and other Flying-types as well as supporting Conkeldurr with STAB Ice Shard for fast threats.
Other Options
A Bulk Up set with investment in Special Defense can function as a solid bulky sweeper, though it can struggle to make consistent progress with the tier's many strong Fairy- and Psychic-types. Conkeldurr could hold Assault Vest to more easily switch into Scald from Pokemon like Tentacruel and Quagsire while also checking special attackers such as Nihilego. However, this often prevents it from being able to maximize its offensive potential, and it is still quite prone to being worn down. Poison Jab is a coverage option that hits Fairy-types super effectively, but Conkeldurr can usually muscle through them with Facade.
Checks and Counters
**Faster Pokemon**: Conkeldurr's low Speed and Flame Orb use leave it quite vulnerable to being overwhelmed by faster Pokemon. Mew, Nidoqueen, and Azumarill outspeed Conkeldurr, resist Mach Punch, and can pressure it with powerful STAB moves.
**Bulky Psychic-types**: Reuniclus and Mew can take Knock Off from full HP while severely damaging Conkeldurr with STAB Psychic-type attacks. Reuniclus can also employ Grassy Seed on Terrain teams, allowing it to stomach Knock Off more easily. Necrozma can tank a hit thanks to Prism Armor, either setting up on Conkeldurr or powering through it with STAB Photon Geyser.
**Bulky Fairy-types**: Miscellaneous defensive Fairy-types can tank a hit and smack Conkeldurr with super effective STAB moves. Although it takes hefty damage from Facade, bulky Primarina can restore its health as it dents Conkeldurr with Draining Kiss, while its Choice Specs sets can outrun and OHKO it outright. Sylveon can take Facade once and threaten Conkeldurr with Hyper Voice, healing damage taken with Wish. If it's running Neutralizing Gas, Galarian Weezing is a particularly solid check to Conkeldurr, severely cutting its Attack.
**Flying-types**: Flying-types can often take Mach Punch fairly well and pressure Conkeldurr with super effective STAB attacks. Defensive Salamence is a particularly good check for its ability to always take a hit from full HP thanks to Intimidate, allowing it to switch into Conkeldurr and threaten it with Dual Wingbeat. Togekiss can also be a solid check, 4x resisting Conkeldurr's STAB moves and revenge killing it with Air Slash. Moltres resists Mach Punch and can power through Conkeldurr with Hurricane. Galarian Moltres and Celesteela don't resist Mach Punch but can still tank it to revenge kill Conkeldurr.
- Written by: [[Hilomilo, 313384]]
- Quality checked by: [[avarice, 346653], [Twilight, 344575], [martha, 384270]]
- Grammar checked by: [[CryoGyro, 331519], [P Squared, 168392]]
Guts Conkeldurr is one of UU's most devastating wallbreakers. Once burned by Flame Orb, it can evade status from defensive staples like Amoonguss and Tangrowth. Knock Off and Facade offer virtually perfect coverage alongside its powerful Close Combat, allowing it to dismantle defensive cores. STAB Mach Punch is also a great tool, functioning as a strong priority attack that can threaten faster Pokemon like Mamoswine and Lycanroc-D. Conkeldurr is a bit weighed down by its proneness to being worn down from Flame Orb, however. This is made a larger problem by its poor Speed, which allows the tier's many faster threats to overwhelm it, as well as its iffy defensive typing, which doesn't give it many notable resistances and leaves it open to Pokemon like Moltres, Primarina, and Salamence. Conkeldurr also faces competition from Fighting-types like Buzzwole and Keldeo, which provide solid secondary typings and better Speed tiers.
name: Guts Wallbreaker
move 1: Close Combat
move 2: Facade
move 3: Knock Off
move 4: Mach Punch
item: Flame Orb
ability: Guts
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Facade heavily damages various Pokemon that resist Close Combat, including Nidoqueen, Amoonguss, and Primarina. Knock Off hits Psychic-types, such as Mew and Galarian Slowbro, and nails the occasional Ghost-type, like Chandelure or Aegislash. Mach Punch is a strong priority move that can pressure faster foes like Lycanroc-D and Obstagoon while picking off weakened threats in general. Drain Punch can be used as Conkeldurr's primary STAB move, giving it more longevity and a safe attacking option. However, Close Combat is largely preferred for its massive damage output. An Adamant nature is preferred in order to maximize Conkeldurr's wallbreaking potential. A Jolly nature is an option for outspeeding Adamant Azumarill, though it doesn't accomplish much else.
Conkeldurr generally fits well on more offensively oriented builds. Some balance teams appreciate the offensive pressure it offers, too. Late-game sweepers like Scizor and Lycanroc-D are able to clean up after Conkeldurr softens up the opposing team. Conkeldurr itself appreciates entry hazard support from setters like Krookodile and Nidoqueen, allowing it to muscle past foes more easily. After Stealth Rock damage, it has a solid chance to OHKO foes like Celesteela and Nidoqueen with Close Combat or Facade. Pivots that can bring Conkeldurr in, like Rotom-W, Jirachi, and Rotom-H, can help circumvent its slightly middling defensive utility. Because Conkeldurr can wear itself down with Flame Orb chip, Wish from Jirachi or Sylveon can also support it well. Tapu Bulu also solves this problem, passively recovering Conkeldurr's health with Grassy Terrain. It can also bypass one of Conkeldurr's most effective checks in Colbur Berry Palossand. Conkeldurr can struggle to work around faster Psychic-types like Starmie and Mew due to their Mach Punch resistance. This makes checks to them, like Krookodile and Celesteela, solid teammates. Flying-types can also be an issue for the same reason, with defensive Salamence proving particularly troublesome for its ability to comfortably switch in from full health thanks to Intimidate. Pokemon capable of pressuring them, like Nihilego and Lycanroc-D, make good teammates as a result. Mamoswine is a particularly useful teammate, pressuring Salamence and other Flying-types as well as supporting Conkeldurr with STAB Ice Shard for fast threats.
Other Options
A Bulk Up set with investment in Special Defense can function as a solid bulky sweeper, though it can struggle to make consistent progress with the tier's many strong Fairy- and Psychic-types. Conkeldurr could hold Assault Vest to more easily switch into Scald from Pokemon like Tentacruel and Quagsire while also checking special attackers such as Nihilego. However, this often prevents it from being able to maximize its offensive potential, and it is still quite prone to being worn down. Poison Jab is a coverage option that hits Fairy-types super effectively, but Conkeldurr can usually muscle through them with Facade.
Checks and Counters
**Faster Pokemon**: Conkeldurr's low Speed and Flame Orb use leave it quite vulnerable to being overwhelmed by faster Pokemon. Mew, Nidoqueen, and Azumarill outspeed Conkeldurr, resist Mach Punch, and can pressure it with powerful STAB moves.
**Bulky Psychic-types**: Reuniclus and Mew can take Knock Off from full HP while severely damaging Conkeldurr with STAB Psychic-type attacks. Reuniclus can also employ Grassy Seed on Terrain teams, allowing it to stomach Knock Off more easily. Necrozma can tank a hit thanks to Prism Armor, either setting up on Conkeldurr or powering through it with STAB Photon Geyser.
**Bulky Fairy-types**: Miscellaneous defensive Fairy-types can tank a hit and smack Conkeldurr with super effective STAB moves. Although it takes hefty damage from Facade, bulky Primarina can restore its health as it dents Conkeldurr with Draining Kiss, while its Choice Specs sets can outrun and OHKO it outright. Sylveon can take Facade once and threaten Conkeldurr with Hyper Voice, healing damage taken with Wish. If it's running Neutralizing Gas, Galarian Weezing is a particularly solid check to Conkeldurr, severely cutting its Attack.
**Flying-types**: Flying-types can often take Mach Punch fairly well and pressure Conkeldurr with super effective STAB attacks. Defensive Salamence is a particularly good check for its ability to always take a hit from full HP thanks to Intimidate, allowing it to switch into Conkeldurr and threaten it with Dual Wingbeat. Togekiss can also be a solid check, 4x resisting Conkeldurr's STAB moves and revenge killing it with Air Slash. Moltres resists Mach Punch and can power through Conkeldurr with Hurricane. Galarian Moltres and Celesteela don't resist Mach Punch but can still tank it to revenge kill Conkeldurr.
- Written by: [[Hilomilo, 313384]]
- Quality checked by: [[avarice, 346653], [Twilight, 344575], [martha, 384270]]
- Grammar checked by: [[CryoGyro, 331519], [P Squared, 168392]]
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