[COMPLETED] Cloyster




<li>It has access to Shell Smash.</li>
<li>It has a great ability in Skill Link and plenty of moves that benefit from it.</li>
<li>Priority Ice Shard allows it to differentiate itself from other Shell Smash Pokemon.</li>
<li>High Defense allows it to take powerful physical hits.</li>



<li>Its Stealth Rock weakness in addition to its being vulnerable to every form of entry hazard means that it gets worn down quickly.</li>
<li>Weaknesses to many common offensive types (Electric, Fighting, Grass and Rock) limit its opportunities to set up.</li>
<li>Low Special Defense hinders Cloyster's ability to set up against the majority of special attackers, no matter how weak they are.</li>
<li>It suffers from low Speed and mediocre Attack.</li>

[Set Recommendations]

<p>Cloyster @ White Herb / Lum Berry<br />
Ability: Skill Link <br />
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe <br />
Adamant / Naive Nature<br />
- Shell Smash<br />
- Icicle Spear<br />
- Rock Blast<br />
- Ice Shard / Hydro Pump<br /></p>

<p>This is Cloyster's bread-and-butter set. Shell Smash Cloyster is a potent late-game sweeper and is best used on an offensive team. Shell Smash doubles Cloyster's Attack, Special Attack, and Speed in a single turn; however, it comes at the cost of loweringboth of Cloyster's defensive stats. The second slot features arguably Cloyster's best attack, Icicle Spear. Thanks to its being boosted by Skill Link, it achieves a consistent 125 Base Power in addition to STAB, and it will be sure to deal solid damage to a good portion of the metagame. Rock Blast benefits from Skill Link as well, becoming a threatening move which is vital in beating threats such as Mega Charizard, Gyarados, Volcarona, Talonflame, and Avalugg. Ice Shard allows Cloyster to prevent many revenge killers from disposing of it once it has been weakened (eg. Breloom, Dragonite, Talonflame, and Choice Scarf Noivern). However, if you'd rather fill the final moveslot with something with a little more oomph, you can try using Hydro Pump, which allows Cloyster to bypass many physical tanks, such as Skarmory, after a Shell Smash boost. However, you are better off using Ice Shard as it will prove to be more useful for a late-game sweeper like Cloyster.</p>

<p>The EV spread is pretty straightforward. Maximum Attack and Speed EVs ensure that Cloyster can cause as much destruction as possible after a Shell Smash boost while outspeeding Choice Scarf neutral base 100 Speed Pokemon, such as Salamence and Volcarona, and everything slower. A Naive nature allows Cloyster to outpace a greater portion of the metagame (although a good portion of Scarfed Pokemon that can outpace a +2 Adamant natured Cloyster get wrecked by a +2 Ice Shard) in addition to not lowering Cloyster's Special Attack. White Herb is the primary choice, allowing Cloyster to negate any stat drops after a Shell Smash, while Lum Berry prevents bulky Pokemon such as Slowbro from crippling Cloyster with a status ailment. Life Orb can be used to allow Cloyster to almost always beat the Pokemon that usually wall it after a Shell Smash, such as Ferrothorn and Skarmory.However, it comes at the cost of further shortening Cloyster's already short lifespan and making it that much easier to revenge kill. King's Rock can take advantage of the multi-hit attacks and with it, said multi-hit moves have a good chance to flinch the opposing Pokemon.</p>

<p>Cloyster appreciates Defog and Rapid Spin users as they can remove hazards from the field to ensure an easier sweep. Examples include Scizor, Forretress, and Starmie. Pokemon such as Greninja are effective at luring Rotom-W and other Water-types and can weaken them severely with their attacks. In a similar vein, Aegislash can utilize Hidden Power Fire to gain surprise kills on Scizor, Forretress, Ferrothorn, and Skarmory. Magnezone can also trap the previously mentioned Pokemon and clear the way for Cloyster to start wreaking havoc.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Countering Cloyster isn't hard, considering its pretty limited movepool in addition to mediocre offensive stats. Aegislash is one of the first counters to spring to mind, as it resists both Icicle Spear and Rock Blast and can retaliate with Sacred Sword. Thanks to its ability Unaware, Quagsire can tank repeated hits from Cloyster and wear it down with Toxic or burn it with Scald. In the Steel-type department, Ferrothorn, Magnezone, and Scizor all possess the bulk to take boosted hits from Cloyster and OHKO in return. However the latter two Pokemon must be wary of the occasional +2 boosted Hydro Pump. Cloyster is a classic example of a Pokemon suffering from the 'four-moveslot syndrome' as if it forgoes Ice Shard for Hydro Pump, it becomes prone to being revenge killed by priority attacks such as Breloom's Mach Punch. However, if it lacks Hydro Pump, it becomes relatively easy for physical walls such as Skarmory to take its attacks. Bulky Water-types such as Barbaracle and Rotom-W also spell doom for Cloyster, as they boast great Defense and can OHKO Cloyster in return with their STAB attacks. Lastly, Slowbro can tank anything that Cloyster has to throw at it with ease and cripple it with Thunder Wave.</p>

<p>Being part Ice-type is a double-edged blade for Cloyster. On one hand, it gains an awesome STAB move, but on the other, it takes 25% damage from Stealth Rock whenever it switches in, and is susceptible to both Spikes and Toxic Spikes. For this reason, having Stealth Rock on the field is a good first answer to Cloyster in any case.</p>
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I think Hydro Pump and Naive should be slashed in here, as a +2 Hydro Pump has a 50% chance to OHKO Skarmory after Stealth Rock, and Skarmory is definitely one of the better Cloyster counters around right now. It definitely takes a hit from the nerf to Hydro Pump, but I think it still ha its uses and should be considered on this set. I would probably use it over Razor Shell. I also think King's Rock deserves a mention, because Icicle Spear and Rock Blast have a 41% chance to flinch with these moves, which is simply amazing and definitely wins games and causes rage quits. I feel like Life Orb could also be mentioned because it lets it power through Skarmory with Icicle Spear 75% of the time. Other relevant calcs:

+2 252 Atk Life Orb Skill Link Cloyster Rock Blast (5 hits) vs. 248 HP / 244 Def Tentacruel: 300-355 (82.64 - 97.79%) -- 68.75% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock

+2 252 Atk Life Orb Skill Link Cloyster Rock Blast (5 hits) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Slowbro: 195-235 (49.49 - 59.64%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock

+2 252 Atk Life Orb Skill Link Cloyster Rock Blast (5 hits) vs. 248 HP / 232+ Def Rotom-W: 200-240 (66 - 79.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock

252 Atk Life Orb Skill Link Cloyster Icicle Spear (5 hits) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Quagsire: 175-215 (44.41 - 54.56%) -- 32.42% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock

+2 0 SpA Life Orb Cloyster Hydro Pump vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Aegislash: 187-222 (57.71 - 68.51%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock

+2 252 Atk Life Orb Skill Link Cloyster Icicle Spear (5 hits) vs. 252 HP / 48+ Def Ferrothorn: 300-355 (85.22 - 100.85%) -- 56.25% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock

+2 0 SpA Life Orb Cloyster Hydro Pump vs. 172 HP / 0 SpD Magnezone: 294-347 (90.74 - 107.09%) -- 81.25% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock

+2 252 Atk Life Orb Skill Link Cloyster Rock Blast (5 hits) vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Scizor: 290-345 (84.3 - 100.29%) -- 75% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
-As Razor Shell has no major use for now due to the absence of the majority of the Pokemon that you would use it on, I'll remove it.
-I will add Hydro Pump and slash naive nature.
-I won't mention King's Rock, there is no Other Options section and there are far better choices in White Herb, Lum Berry and Life Orb. Why rely on chance when you have the option to potentially survive much longer or guarantee kills on things that you normally wouldnt without WH or LO. (Edit; it can be mentioned in AC however I still feel that it is a waste).
-Life Orb has alot of drawbacks for a Pokemon that has horrid typing and is prone to be wrecked by SE priority. It will be mentioned in AC.

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Edit-ignore the extra think in the spectrum comments
Yay for diff phone amcheck ^_______^

<li>AIt has access to Shell Smash.</li>
<li>GIt has a great ability in Skill Link and moves to benefit from it.</li>
<li>Priority Ice Shard allows it to differentiate itself from other Shell Smash Pokemon.</li>
<li>High base Defense allows it to take powerful physical hits.</li>



<li>Stealth Rock weakness in addition to being vulnerable to every form of entry hazard means that it gets worn down quickly.</li>
<li>WA weakness to many common offensive types (Electric, Fighting, Grass and Rock) gives it few opportunities to set up.</li>
<li>Low base Special Defense stat hinders Cloyster's ability to set-(RH)(space)up against the majority of Sspecial Aattackers, no matter how weak they are.</li>
<li>SIt suffers from low base Speed and mediocre Attack.</li>

[Set Recommendations]

<p>Cloyster @ White Herb / Lum Berry<br />
Ability: Skill Link <br />
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe <br />
Adamant / Naive Nature<br />
- Shell Smash<br />
- Icicle Spear<br />
- Rock Blast<br />
- Ice Shard / Hydro Pump<br /></p>

<p>This is Cloyster's bread-and-butter set which allows it to be a potent late-game sweeper and is best used on an offensive team. Shell Smash boosts Cloyster's Attack and Speed double-(RH)fold, and allowings it to sweep unprepared teams clean;(hyphen) however,(AC) it comes at the cost of lowering both of Cloyster's Defense and already horrid Special Defense stat. The second slot features arguably Cloyster's best attack, Icicle Spear. As it is Cloyster's primary STAB attack in addition to being boosted by Skill Link, it will be sure to deal solid damage to a wgood portion(pls dont usethink spectrum) of the metagame that doesn't resist it. Rock Blast benefits from Skill Link as well;,(AC) becoming a threatening move which is vital in ensuring beating threats such as Mega Charizard, Gyarados, Volcarona, Talonflame,(AC) and Avalugg. Ice Shard allows Cloyster to prevent many revenge killers from disposing of it once it has been weakened (eg. Breloom, Dragonite, Talonflame, Choice Scarfed Noivern). However if you'd rather utilize the final moveslot with something with a little more 'umph', you can try using Hydro Pump which allows Cloyster to bypass many physical tanks such as Skarmory after a Shell Smash boost. However,(AC) you are better off using Ice Shard as it will prove to be more useful for a late-(AH)game sweeper like(firsut time ch anging this wow) Cloyster.</p>

<p>The EV spread is pretty straight-(RH)forward. Maximum Attack and Speed EVs ensure Cloyster to cause as much destruction as it can after a Shell Smash boost while outspeeding anything that is scarfed neutral base 100 Pokemon such as Salamence and Volcarona orand below. A Naive nature allows Cloyster to outpace a greater portion of the metagame (although a good portion of Scarfed pokemon that can outpace a +2 Adamant natured Cloyster get wrecked by a +2 Ice Shard) in addition to not lowering Cloyster's Special Attack. Life Orb can be used to allow Cloyster to almost always beat the Pokemon that usually wall it after a Shell Smash, exmamples being Ferrothorn and Skarmory. However,(AC) it comes at the cost of further shortening Cloyster's already short lifespan and making it that much easier to revenge kill. King's Rock can take advantage of the multi-hit attacks and with it, said multi-hit moves have a good chance to flinch the opposing Pokemon.</p>

<p>Cloyster appreciates Defog and Rapid Spin users as they can remove hazards from the field to ensure an easier sweep. Examples include Scizor, Forretress,(AC) and Starmie. Pokemon such as Greninja are effective at luring Rotom-W and other Water-types and can weaken them severely with its attacks. In a similar vain, Aegislash can utilize Hidden Power Fire to gain surprise kills on Scizor, Forretress, Ferrothorn and Skarmory. Magnezone can trap the previously mentioned(frowned upon to use aforementioned) Pokemon and clear the way for Cloyster to start wreaking havoc.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Countering Cloyster isn't hard, considering its pretty limited movepool in addition to mediocre offensive stats. Aegislash is one of the first counters to spring to mind, as it resists both Icicle Spear and Rock Blast and can retaliate with Sacred Sword. Thanks to its ability Unaware, Quagsire can tank repeated hits from Cloyster and wear it down with Toxic or burn it with Scald. In the Steel-type department, Ferrothorn, Magnezone,(AC) and Scizor all possess the bulk to take boosted hits from Cloyster and OHKO in return. However the latter 2two Pokemon must be wary of the occasional +2 boosted Hydro Pump. Cloyster is a classic example of a Pokemon suffering from the '4 four-moveslot syndrome' as if it forgoes Ice Shard for Hydro Pump, it then becomes prone to be revenge killed by priority attacks such as Breloom's Mach Punch. However,(AC) if it lacks Hydro Pump, it becomakes it relatively easy for tanks such as Skarmory to tanke its physical hits. Bulky Water-types such as Barbaracle and Rotom-W also spell doom for Cloyster, as they boast great physical dDefense stats and can OHKO Cloyster in return with their STAB attacks. Lastly, Slowbro can tank anything that Cloyster has to throw at it with ease and cripple it with Thunder Wave.</p>

<p>Being part Ice-type is a double-edged blade for Cloyster. On one hand, it gains an awesome STAB move, but on the other, it takes 25% damage from Stealth Rock whenever it switches in, and is liable to being hit by both Spikes and Toxic Spikes. For this reason, having Stealth Rock on the field is a good first answer to Cloyster.</p>
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<li>It has access to Shell Smash.</li>
<li>It has a great ability in Skill Link and plenty of moves to that benefit from it.</li>
<li>Priority Ice Shard allows it to differentiate itself from other Shell Smash Pokemon.</li>
<li>High Defense allows it to take powerful physical hits.</li>



<li>Its Stealth Rock weakness in addition to its being vulnerable to every form of entry hazard means that it gets worn down quickly.</li>
<li>A weakness Weaknesses to many common offensive types (Electric, Fighting, Grass and Rock) gives it few limit its opportunities to set up.</li>
<li>Low Special Defense hinders Cloyster's ability to set up against the majority of special attackers, no matter how weak they are.</li>
<li>It suffers from low Speed and mediocre Attack.</li>

[Set Recommendations]

<p>Cloyster @ White Herb / Lum Berry<br />
Ability: Skill Link <br />
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe <br />
Adamant / Naive Nature<br />
- Shell Smash<br />
- Icicle Spear<br />
- Rock Blast<br />
- Ice Shard / Hydro Pump<br /></p>

<p>This is Cloyster's bread-and-butter set.(full stop) which allows it to be a Shell Smash Cloyster is a potent late-game sweeper and is best used on an offensive team. Shell Smash boosts doubles Cloyster's Attack,(comma) Special Attack, and Speed doublefold in a single turn,(remove) and allows it to sweep unprepared teams clean; however, it comes at the cost of lowering both of Cloyster's defenses defensive stats. The second slot features arguably Cloyster's best attack, Icicle Spear. As it is Cloyster's primary STAB attack in addition to Thanks to its being boosted by Skill Link, it achieves a consistent 125 Base Power in addition to STAB, and it will be sure to deal solid damage to a good portion of the metagame that doesn't resist it. Rock Blast benefits from Skill Link as well, becoming a threatening move which is vital in ensuring beating threats such as Mega Charizard, Gyarados, Volcarona, Talonflame, and Avalugg. Ice Shard allows Cloyster to prevent many revenge killers from disposing of it once it has been weakened (eg. Breloom, Dragonite, Talonflame,(comma) and Choice Scarf Noivern). However,(comma) if you'd rather utilize fill the final moveslot with something with a little more 'umph' oomph, you can try using Hydro Pump,(comma) which allows Cloyster to bypass many physical tanks,(comma) such as Skarmory,(comma) after a Shell Smash boost. However, you are better off using Ice Shard as it will prove to be more useful for a late-game sweeper like Cloyster.</p>

<p>The EV spread is pretty straightforward. Maximum Attack and Speed EVs ensure that Cloyster to can cause as much destruction as it can possible after a Shell Smash boost while outspeeding anything Choice Scarf that is scarfed neutral base 100 Speed Pokemon,(comma) such as Salamence and Volcarona,(comma) and below everything slower. A Naive nature allows Cloyster to outpace a greater portion of the metagame (although a good portion of Scarfed pokemon Pokemon that can outpace a +2 Adamant natured Cloyster get wrecked by a +2 Ice Shard) in addition to not lowering Cloyster's Special Attack. Life Orb can be used to allow Cloyster to almost always beat the Pokemon that usually wall it after a Shell Smash, examples being such as Ferrothorn and Skarmory. However, it comes at the cost of further shortening Cloyster's already short lifespan and making it that much easier to revenge kill. King's Rock can take advantage of the multi-hit attacks and with it, said multi-hit moves have a good chance to flinch the opposing Pokemon.</p>

[Didn't mention any of the items listed on the set, though]

<p>Cloyster appreciates Defog and Rapid Spin users as they can remove hazards from the field to ensure an easier sweep. Examples include Scizor, Forretress, and Starmie. Pokemon such as Greninja are effective at luring Rotom-W and other Water-types and can weaken them severely with its their attacks [what group specifically does Greninja belong to in this case? Please specify]. In a similar vein, Aegislash can utilize Hidden Power Fire to gain surprise kills on Scizor, Forretress, Ferrothorn,(comma) and Skarmory. Magnezone can also trap the previously mentioned Pokemon and clear the way for Cloyster to start wreaking havoc.</p>

[Checks and Counters]

<p>Countering Cloyster isn't hard, considering its pretty limited movepool in addition to mediocre offensive stats. Aegislash is one of the first counters to spring to mind, as it resists both Icicle Spear and Rock Blast and can retaliate with Sacred Sword. Thanks to its ability Unaware, Quagsire can tank repeated hits from Cloyster and wear it down with Toxic or burn it with Scald. In the Steel-type department, Ferrothorn, Magnezone, and Scizor all possess the bulk to take boosted hits from Cloyster and OHKO in return. However the latter two Pokemon must be wary of the occasional +2 boosted Hydro Pump. Cloyster is a classic example of a Pokemon suffering from the 'four-moveslot syndrome' as if it forgoes Ice Shard for Hydro Pump, it becomes prone to be being revenge killed by priority attacks such as Breloom's Mach Punch. However, if it lacks Hydro Pump, it becomes relatively easy for physical walls tanks such as Skarmory to take its attacks physical hits. Bulky Water-types such as Barbaracle and Rotom-W also spell doom for Cloyster, as they boast great Defense and can OHKO Cloyster in return with their STAB attacks. Lastly, Slowbro can tank anything that Cloyster has to throw at it with ease and cripple it with Thunder Wave.</p>

<p>Being part Ice-type is a double-edged blade for Cloyster. On one hand, it gains an awesome STAB move, but on the other, it takes 25% damage from Stealth Rock whenever it switches in, and is liable to being hit by susceptible to both Spikes and Toxic Spikes. For this reason, having Stealth Rock on the field is a good first answer to Cloyster in any case.</p>

Lots of weird spacing errors, watch out for those when implementing

GP 1/1
Cloyster @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Skill Link
EVs: 244 Spd / 8 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Jolly Nature
- Spikes / Toxic Spikes
- Icicle Spear
- Rock Blast
- Rapid Spin / Toxic Spikes

Choice Scarf essentially offers priority (Toxic) Spikes and Rapid Spin. This hits 390 speed, trolling Talonflame when it tries to U-Turn. It can be used to check dragons, Adamant +1 Dragonite, Mega Charizard Y, probably other things, and it beats Gyarados. You can even Baton Pass a Swords Dance/Speed Boost to it, absorb a physical hit, and sweep. WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT?!

Edit: Focus Sash leads?

252 Atk Skill Link Cloyster Icicle Spear (5 hits) vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Smeargle: 365-435 (116.24 - 138.53%)
252 Atk Skill Link Cloyster Icicle Spear (5 hits) vs. 4 HP / 252 Def Smeargle: 230-275 (91.26 - 109.12%)
252 Atk Skill Link Cloyster Rock Blast (5 hits) vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Galvantula: 340-400 (120.56 - 141.84%)

Other notable stuff:

252 Atk Skill Link Cloyster Icicle Spear (5 hits) vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Gengar: 255-300 (97.32 - 114.5%)
252 Atk Skill Link Cloyster Icicle Spear (5 hits) vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Alakazam: 315-375 (125 - 148.8%)
252 Atk Skill Link Cloyster Icicle Spear (5 hits) vs. 248 HP / 0 Def Togekiss: 340-420 (91.15 - 112.6%)
252 Atk Skill Link Cloyster Rock Blast (5 hits) vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Mega Charizard X: 180-220 (60.6 - 74.07%)
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Sorry I didn't know where else to ask this. If I was not worried about speed or spatk EVs, what would be the best redistribution of those EVs in HP/def/spdef (has 252 in atk). Thanks in advance
Maybe I'm missing something obvious, but it seems silly not to at least mention Rapid Spin.

I'm sure this has been discussed elsewhere, but I had some modest success with hazard control Cloyster last gen. It's probably going to be outperformed by Tentacruel's/Forretress' toolbox in a straight support role, but it has generally superior offense-- both in terms of having Ice Spear, and being able to (at least) 2HKO every spinblocker that isn't named Aegislash.
What's the point of the 4 SpA EV's if I choose to run a fully physical Cloyster? Can I invest in HP/SpD/Def instead?
Which EV do you recommend? I went with HP because I thought his SpD was pretty pathetic. But idk if that's a reason to or not to invest in it.
Doesn't really matter, it probably won't ever be important in a battle, but an odd HP stat is cool to switch into SR four times and live {which I guess could be necessary in exceptional circumstances, I'unno}, so perhaps put it in one of its defences.