"You know, if you're gonna make me Mega evolve, at least design me with a little less phallic imagery"
GP Approvals: RitterCat
Status: DONE!
<li>Blastoise offers one very important thing: Rapid Spin. In fact, Mega Blastoise is perhaps the best bulky Rapid Spin user.</li>
<li>Mega Blastoise's humongous special offense and decent defenses let it threaten Ghost-types amongst other opponents while grabbing many opportunities to spin, and then batter the opposition.</li>
<li>It has a great special movepool, with attacks such as Aura Sphere, Dark Pulse, and Dragon Pulse taken advantage of by Mega Launcher</li>
<li>Its pure Water typing and bulk make it less vulnerable to common attacks.</li>
<li>The fact that Mega Blastoise is Water-type and takes up a Mega slot may limit teambuilding significantly.</li>
<li>It faces competition from other Rapid Spin users such as Starmie, as well as other Mega Pokemon.</li>
<li>It is relatively slow; even when it's fully invested, it's still going to be outsped frequently.</li>
<li>A lack of recovery somewhat diminishes Blastoise's bulk.</li>
[Set Recommendations]
<p>name: Rapid Spin<br />
move 1: Rapid Spin<br />
move 2: Scald / Water Pulse / Hydro Pump<br />
move 3: Dark Pulse<br />
move 4: Aura Sphere / Ice Beam</p>
ability: Rain Dish<br />
item: Blastoisenite<br />
evs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD<br />
nature: Modest</p>
<p>This is Mega Blastoise's best set, taking advantage of its great special offenses and using Rapid Spin to aid hazard-weak teammates. Unlike other Rapid Spin users, Mega Blastoise easily matches up against most spinblockers due to its bulk, neutrality to Ghost-type attacks, indifference to being burned by the common Will-o-Wisp, and ability to KO them with its boosted Dark Pulse. 252/0 Aegislash, for example, is easily 2HKOed in its Shield Forme, while Trevenant has a high chance of being OHKOed at full health. Outside of Rapid Spinning, Mega Blastoise can play the role of a bulky tank that can take some attacks and then hit back; however, keep in mind that because it lacks recovery and Leftovers, it can't be relied on to take too much damage. Therefore, it is not advised to switch in too often or too carelessly, and it is recommended to use Rapid Spin on a Pokemon that can't deal much back to it, such as an offensively-weak tank or wall.</p>
<p>Aside from its obvious Water-type STAB attack and Dark Pulse, Mega Blastoise's coverage attacks are the only attacks left for debate. Aura Sphere is used mainly to deal reliable damage against Steel-types such as Ferrothorn, while Ice Beam gives Blastoise equally important coverage against Dragon- and Grass-types.</p>
[Checks and Counters]
<p>Despite Mega Blastoise's great bulk, it lacks reliable recovery and will go down eventually to random attacks, sandstorm, status, and other forms of damage. Pokemon with decently powerful Grass- and Electric-type attacks threaten it, as Blastoise isn't fast enough to outrun most offensive threats. Mega Venusaur and Rotom-W are examples of this, as they can take the Water-types attacks that Mega Blastoise aims at them and hit back with their own STAB attacks. Another dangerous foe is Toxicroak, which can set up Swords Dance on variants of Mega Blastoise without Ice Beam and deals major damage with Sucker Punch and Fighting-type moves. On the more defensive side of things, specially defensive Pokemon such as Florges, Goodra, and Sylveon can tank its attacks, and either set up, attack back, or cripple it with Toxic.</p>
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