This is my team for the Rotation Battle Friendly. I need help with this team because i have many weaknesses I'm trying to avoid, yet certain combinations work too well to just brush them off my team.
Item-Chesto Berry/Leftovers
Evs-252 Hp, 252 defense, 4 special attack
Calm Mind
Ice Beam/Sleep Talk/Thunder
The main boss of this team. It is one of my two set up sweepers and forms one half of the core made with Jirachi dubbed "Kyochi" because Jirachi in the rain can wall certain threats that would use fire-type moves as coverage, such as White Kyurem and Mewtwo. This guy alone is my answer to most Arceus Calm Minders, and it is my primary Groudon disrupter.
Item-Sitrus Berry/Leftover
Evs-252 Hp, 224 Special Defense, 32 Speed
Thunder Wave
Iron Head
Zen Headbutt/Protect
The second half of my walling combo. I wanted to use a slightly different Ev spread that could put the speed Evs into Defense instead, but I received an Ev'd Jirachi, though it might still work. This Pokemon with Kyogre's presence does a great job of walling Mewtwo, Kyurem-W and the like, and because of rotation, with prediction it can wall those two without Kyogre's help. Thunderwave can put down most sweepers in their tracks, Iron Head is for Mewtwo, Kyurem-W etc, while Zen Headbutt is for the rare case of a bulky water or electric, such as Palkia. Wish can provide free healing for my team, while protect would allow Jirachi to heal itself.
Tornadus-Incarnate Forme
Item-Focus Sash
Evs- 4 HP, 252 S. Attack, 252 Speed
Rain Dance
This is the Tailwinder of the team that should be able to allow me to revenge kill Dragon Dancing threats without the use of the crippling choice scarf. If this fails, I can use Jirachi's resistances and Thunder Wave to achieve this instead. In the case of Garchomp, who resists Thunder Wave and is faster than my whole team bar Tornadus, my next pokemon can easily put it out of commission. Hurricane is used for grass type coverage, Taunt is to stop other potential Tailwinds, while Rain Dance can gain control of the weather in case the rain is absent.
Arceus-Ground Type

Evs- 252 Hp 4 Special Attack 252 Speed
Item-Earth Plate
The main counters to most forms of Dialga and Zekrom, this pokemon here is my nullifier to electric attacks and is my other boosting sweeper. The reason I used a special ground type as opposed to physical ones is because I could then be able to go ahead and counter Bulk Up Dialga as well.
Giratina-Origin Forme

Item-Griseous Orb
Evs- Have yet to decide
Will-o-Wisp/Aura Sphere
Shadow Force/Shadow Claw/Shadow Sneak
Dragon Pulse/Draco Meteor
Thunder/Energy Ball/Whatever
I honestly cannot even decide whether to use this or the Altered Forme to counter physical Arceus better. However, this one has better mixed potential. I'm still confused as whether to use Giratina at all because it would stack up on my ice weaknesses. The only real reason i have for Giratina's usage is to deal with physical boosting Arceus in the first instance.

Item-Life Orb/Yache Berry/Haban Berry
Ev's 252 Attack, 120 special attack, the rest in speed
Bolt Strike
Dragon Claw/Outrage
Focus Blast
This is my premier all stops to Kyogre, and my secondary Tailwind setter. The reason I used this over Black Kyurem is because a life orb Bolt Strike is gauranteed to KO even the bulkiest of Kyogres. Focus Blast is there to try and solve my problems with Ferrothorn.
Conclusion-I really need help with this team. With so many members on my team having Ice Weaknesses, and not enough reliable ways of dealing with special walls and ferrothorn, I am now asking for your opinions on my team. Thank you.

Item-Chesto Berry/Leftovers
Evs-252 Hp, 252 defense, 4 special attack
Calm Mind
Ice Beam/Sleep Talk/Thunder
The main boss of this team. It is one of my two set up sweepers and forms one half of the core made with Jirachi dubbed "Kyochi" because Jirachi in the rain can wall certain threats that would use fire-type moves as coverage, such as White Kyurem and Mewtwo. This guy alone is my answer to most Arceus Calm Minders, and it is my primary Groudon disrupter.

Item-Sitrus Berry/Leftover
Evs-252 Hp, 224 Special Defense, 32 Speed
Thunder Wave
Iron Head
Zen Headbutt/Protect
The second half of my walling combo. I wanted to use a slightly different Ev spread that could put the speed Evs into Defense instead, but I received an Ev'd Jirachi, though it might still work. This Pokemon with Kyogre's presence does a great job of walling Mewtwo, Kyurem-W and the like, and because of rotation, with prediction it can wall those two without Kyogre's help. Thunderwave can put down most sweepers in their tracks, Iron Head is for Mewtwo, Kyurem-W etc, while Zen Headbutt is for the rare case of a bulky water or electric, such as Palkia. Wish can provide free healing for my team, while protect would allow Jirachi to heal itself.
Tornadus-Incarnate Forme

Item-Focus Sash
Evs- 4 HP, 252 S. Attack, 252 Speed
Rain Dance
This is the Tailwinder of the team that should be able to allow me to revenge kill Dragon Dancing threats without the use of the crippling choice scarf. If this fails, I can use Jirachi's resistances and Thunder Wave to achieve this instead. In the case of Garchomp, who resists Thunder Wave and is faster than my whole team bar Tornadus, my next pokemon can easily put it out of commission. Hurricane is used for grass type coverage, Taunt is to stop other potential Tailwinds, while Rain Dance can gain control of the weather in case the rain is absent.
Arceus-Ground Type

Evs- 252 Hp 4 Special Attack 252 Speed
Item-Earth Plate
The main counters to most forms of Dialga and Zekrom, this pokemon here is my nullifier to electric attacks and is my other boosting sweeper. The reason I used a special ground type as opposed to physical ones is because I could then be able to go ahead and counter Bulk Up Dialga as well.
Giratina-Origin Forme

Item-Griseous Orb
Evs- Have yet to decide
Will-o-Wisp/Aura Sphere
Shadow Force/Shadow Claw/Shadow Sneak
Dragon Pulse/Draco Meteor
Thunder/Energy Ball/Whatever
I honestly cannot even decide whether to use this or the Altered Forme to counter physical Arceus better. However, this one has better mixed potential. I'm still confused as whether to use Giratina at all because it would stack up on my ice weaknesses. The only real reason i have for Giratina's usage is to deal with physical boosting Arceus in the first instance.

Item-Life Orb/Yache Berry/Haban Berry
Ev's 252 Attack, 120 special attack, the rest in speed
Bolt Strike
Dragon Claw/Outrage
Focus Blast
This is my premier all stops to Kyogre, and my secondary Tailwind setter. The reason I used this over Black Kyurem is because a life orb Bolt Strike is gauranteed to KO even the bulkiest of Kyogres. Focus Blast is there to try and solve my problems with Ferrothorn.
Conclusion-I really need help with this team. With so many members on my team having Ice Weaknesses, and not enough reliable ways of dealing with special walls and ferrothorn, I am now asking for your opinions on my team. Thank you.