Community Create-a-Team: SmashPass Polteageist

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Dubwool @ Leftovers/Sitrus/Lum/Salac Berry
Ability: Fluffy
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Body Press
- Payback/Substitute
- Cotton Guard
- Baton Pass

We have something that really wants to be passed buffs a la power trip, and we also have a meta full of physical attackers, so why not establish a lead that hard walls the opposition, and can pass out on turn 2 after soaking a blow? Cotton Guard + Fluffy makes Dubwool near-unbreakable on the physical front, and in the case body press/payback isn't good damage on the opposite site of the field, it can safely set up and pass to our polteageist for a safer set up, or a whammy from power trip.

Payback is for ghost coverage, though in the 88 speed tier it actually outspeeds a number of mons in the meta without investment (and a buffed body press on its own can sweep some teams). If you're ok with leaving that hole open, substitute makes the 2nd cotton guard and/or baton pass safer, and can be used to stall dynamax turns.

Lum berry is for a free set-up turn, as the sheep doesn't appreciate status, and can use the berry to scout and 'pass out. Leftovers/Sitrus are interchangable safety bulk options depending on how the rest of the team gets drafted, and Salac berry empowers the likehood of getting the pass off in the face of heavy scarfed damage, and passes another stage upgrade to either our Corviknight or Polteageist.
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Mimikyu @ Weakness Policy / Life Orb
Ability: Disguise
Level: 50
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant / Jolly Nature
- Shadow Sneak
- Play Rough
- Shadow Claw
- Swords Dance

Everyone has found out how amazing weakness policy is in general as an item on Tyranitar and Togekiss, but I figured that Weakness Policy Mimikyu would be something interesting to try since it works fine on its own, getting set up for free in the Mimikyu-Mimikyu Mirror as well as punishing those who are mindlessly spamming ghost moves such as shadow ball with specs Dragapult say vs. Polteageist. You can also do cute things like SD and get a Weakness Policy boost. It can also have use in niche situations such as getting a WP Boost against Excadrill and OHKOing with Max Phantasm or SDing on a Max Max Ferrothorn breaking Disguise with Gyro Ball and doing like 80%+ in general as well as even having a 20% chance to KO if Adamant with max phantasm.

Alternatively Jolly LO Mimikyu is fine which was what I was originally going to suggest again (CS suggested it before) as I think it is Needed. Standard set as it works just as well outside of SmashPass.
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Mimikyu @ Weakness Policy / Life Orb
Ability: Disguise
Level: 50
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant / Jolly Nature
- Shadow Sneak
- Play Rough
- Shadow Claw
- Swords Dance

Everyone has found out how amazing weakness policy is in general as an item on Tyranitar and Togekiss, but I figured that Weakness Policy Mimikyu would be something interesting to try since it works fine on its own, getting set up for free in the Mimikyu-Mimikyu Mirror as well as punishing those who are mindlessly spamming ghost moves such as shadow ball with specs Dragapult say vs. Polteageist. You can also do cute things like SD and get a Weakness Policy boost. It can also have use in niche situations such as getting a WP Boost against Excadrill and OHKOing with Max Phantasm or SDing on a Max Max Ferrothorn breaking Disguise with Gyro Ball and doing like 80%+ in general as well as even having a 20% chance to KO if Adamant with max phantasm.

Alternatively Jolly LO Mimikyu is fine which was what I was originally going to suggest again (CS suggested it before) as I think it is Needed. Standard set as it works just as well outside of SmashPass.

I don't know about WP on Mimiyku. WP doesn't acitivate on Disguise and Mimiyku can barely take a hit

I'd like to recommend a set I've been using lately with some success on the ladder.
Heliolisk @ Expert Belt
Timid Nature
Ability: Dry Skin
EVs: 252 SpA / 44 SpD / 212 Spe
- Dragon Pulse
- Volt Switch
- Hyper Voice
- Focus Blast

Being immune to Ghost and Water, as well as resisting Electric, Flying, and Steel, allow Heliolisk many opportunities to switch in on threats such as Mimikyu, Dragapult, Dracovish, and Rotom-W. Hyper Voice is a reliable STAB move and allows some level of speed control with Max Strike. Volt Switch is for keeping momentum as well as hitting things like Toxapex and breaking Mimikyu's Disguise. The coverage moves can be adjusted as needed, however I found these two to be fairly consistent. Dragon Pulse hits Dragapult and Dracovish super effectively, which are two mons Heliolisk can usually switch in to. Focus Blast is for hitting Steels like Excadrill and Ferrothorn. I chose Expert Belt mostly for more flexibility than having Specs while still having decent power. Max SpAtk allows Heliolisk to hit as hard as possible, while 212 Speed EVs with a Timid nature allow Heliolisk to outspeed everything up to base 100s. 44 SpDef EVs let Heliolisk survive LO Dragapult's Draco Meteor from full most of the time.
I imagine this would be better as a switch-in against threats preventing Polteageist's SmashPass, such as Mimikyu. However, with the boosts, Heliolisk becomes a very dangerous sweeper with its colorful coverage and pretty good offensive stats.
Crustle (M) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Sturdy
Level: 50
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Shell Smash
- Rock Slide
- Earthquake
- X-Scissor
Shell Smash necessitates more Shell Smash. No time to explain for myself. Please help me perfect this technology.
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