RU Cobalion


my cancer is sun and my leo is moon

Cobalion is a fast and bulky Steel-type capable of filling many roles and taking hits from the likes of Metagross, Zarude, Glastrier, Durant, and Obstagoon. It can set up Stealth Rock for its team and generate momentum with Volt Switch or use its solid offensive typing to work as a threatening Swords Dance wallbreaker. The one area Cobalion is truly lacking in is Special Defense, though; faster special attackers like Thundurus and Raikou can force it out, and it cannot consistently answer special attackers like Dragalge and Gardevoir unlike most other Steel-type Pokemon in the tier. Cobalion should always be paired with teammates that can cover that weakness.

name: Offensive Utility
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Iron Head
move 4: Volt Switch
item: Rocky Helmet / Chople Berry / Shuca Berry
ability: Justified
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe


This set takes advantage of Cobalion's great set of resistances and bulk to set up Stealth Rock for its team. Volt Switch turns Cobalion into an effective pivot, grabbing momentum after forcing a switch and racking up chip damage on Pokemon such as Suicune and Volcanion. Toxic can be used instead to punish Pokemon that block Volt Switch like Seismitoad, though it leaves Cobalion unable to generate momentum efficiently. Stone Edge can also be considered to punish Flying-type switch-ins like Noivern, Crobat, and Talonflame. Thunder Wave accomplishes this as well and is generally useful for crippling the opposing team. Maximum Speed is necessary to outpace Pokemon like Zarude and Mienshao. Attack EV investment is preferred over HP investment because Cobalion's natural bulk is typically sufficient. Justified in tandem with Cobalion's solid bulk allows Cobalion to switch into Knock Off from Pokemon like Obstagoon and Choice-locked Heracross very well. Rocky Helmet is the item of choice for Cobalion because it wears down many of the physical attackers Cobalion is sent into and punishes U-turn spam from Zarude. Chople Berry is another option that serves as a safety net against Close Combat from Zarude, Obstagoon, and Glastrier. Shuca Berry is a useful item for teams weak to Zygarde-10% and gives Cobalion a more secure matchup against Stakataka and Metagross. Finally, Leftovers can be used to give Cobalion additional longevity on slower teams.

Zarude makes for a good complement to Cobalion, checking Zygarde-10%, Suicune, and Seismitoad. Its ability to effortlessly switch into Seismitoad is especially notable, as Seismitoad is one of Cobalion's best checks thanks to its ability to block Volt Switch. Incineroar is a partner that can check Fire-type Pokemon like Chandelure, Alolan Marowak, and Darmanitan. Roserade can check Raikou, Xurkitree, and some Thundurus sets while also setting up Spikes and switching into Scald for Cobalion. Togekiss, Crobat, and Noivern check other Fighting-type Pokemon like Choice Scarf Mienshao and Heracross. Crobat and Noivern have the added bonus of forming a VoltTurn core with Cobalion, augmenting its ability to generate momentum and wear down the opposing team. Cobalion is a Steel-type that does not resist Fairy and Psychic, so it needs teammates that can help it handle Pokemon of those types. The aforementioned Zarude and Incineroar provide a Psychic-type immunity, which allows them to check threats like Necrozma and Indeedee, whereas Klefki and Assault Vest Galarian Slowbro can check offensive Fairy-type Pokemon like Gardevoir and Sylveon.

name: Swords Dance
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Iron Head
move 4: Stone Edge
item: Chople Berry / Shuca Berry
ability: Justified
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe


Swords Dance Cobalion uses its Speed and typing to become a threatening attacker and overpower some of its usual checks. This set uses Stone Edge to complement Cobalion's STAB moves, hitting Pokemon like Chandelure, Alolan Marowak, Golisopod, and Mantine. Chople Berry is the primary option for this set, making it much harder for Cobalion to be revenge killed by the likes of Choice Scarf Mienshao and Zarude. Shuca Berry is another option that allows Cobalion to set up on various Ground-type Pokemon, like Seismitoad and Rhyperior, and prevent Cobalion from being revenge killed by Zygarde-10%. Alternatively, Black Belt can be used to boost Cobalion's power without sacrificing its natural bulk like Life Orb would.

Certain Fire-type Pokemon like Chandelure, Darmanitan, and Salazzle can help to dent the bulky Water-type Pokemon that check Cobalion most consistently. Milotic also makes for a great teammate, as it can cripple many of these bulky Water-type Pokemon with Toxic and use Flip Turn to bring Cobalion in safely after luring in a Pokemon like Zarude. Spikes support from Klefki, Roserade, or Golisopod also helps wear down Water-types. Roserade itself also poses a threat to many of the Water-type Pokemon that threaten Cobalion and checks certain Electric-type Pokemon that may attempt to revenge kill a weakened Cobalion like Xurkitree and Raikou. Assault Vest Reuniclus can also check these Electric-type Pokemon while providing Future Sight support to help break through the likes of Seismitoad and Volcanion. Finally, Togekiss can check Choice Scarf Mienshao and Noivern, which threaten to revenge kill Cobalion.

Other Options

Calm Mind Cobalion sets can be used, but they lack the immediate power of Swords Dance and require Cobalion to use the inaccurate Focus Blast as its primary Fighting-type STAB move. Life Orb seems appealing on Swords Dance sets, but Cobalion wants to be able to take advantage of its bulk throughout the game. A defensive EV spread could be considered for slower teams, though other Steel-type Pokemon like Registeel and Stakataka typically perform that role better. Finally, Occa Berry can be used as an item to lure and take out Choice Scarf Darmanitan and defeat Flamethrower Noivern for teams particularly weak to them.

Checks and Counters

**Fire-type Pokemon**: Certain Fire-type Pokemon like Chandelure, Alolan Marowak, and Talonflame can switch into Stealth Rock Cobalion without Stone Edge thanks to their typing. While Stealth Rock Cobalion can use Volt Switch on them, it must be cautious of the occasional Choice Scarf Chandelure or Overheat Talonflame. Cobalion must also be cautious of Incineroar, which can survive Close Combat after Intimidate and OHKO it with Overheat.

**Bulky Water-type Pokemon**: Suicune, Volcanion, and Mantine can switch into Cobalion and threaten it with Scald. While it can break past many of them with Swords Dance sets, it's advisable to soften them up beforehand. Volt Switch is also effective at chipping most of these targets down. Seismitoad stands out as a check, being able to block Cobalion's Volt Switch and threaten it with Earthquake.

**Faster Pokemon**: Zygarde-10% and many Choice Scarf users like Mienshao, Darmanitan, Magnezone, and Xurkitree deal immense damage to Cobalion while also outspeeding it, though Mienshao and Zygarde-10% must be cautious of Chople or Shuca Berry. Cobalion must also be wary of some faster special attackers like Thundurus and Noivern, which can heavily dent it.

**Doublade**: While uncommon, Doublade poses a distinct threat to Cobalion, effortlessly taking any sort of attack Cobalion may throw at it even after a Swords Dance boost.

- Written by: [[HailFall, 308025]]
- Quality checked by: [[EonX, 91480], [Expulso, 202058]]
- Grammar checked by: [[CryoGyro, 331519], [The Dutch Plumberjack, 232216]]
Last edited:


- maybe mention Justified with good Defense making it a nice Knock Off shield in certain situations.

[Stealth Rock]

- Taunt also shuts down Defog attempts
- Mienshao is probably a better mention for max Speed since Cobalion needs very minimal investment to outspeed Togekiss
- Note Crobat and Noivern also form a nice VoltTurn core with Cobalion for faster-paced teams that can control the hazard game well

[Swords Dance]

- Note Roserade can even beat Waters on its own
- Togekiss also checks Scarf Mienshao and Noivern nicely, both of which can revenge Cobalion
- Milotic can check Darmanitan and utilize Toxic to cripple opposing bulky Waters while using Flip Turn to potentially get Cobalion in on a good matchup to set up

[Checks and Counters]

- I'd add in Incineroar to Fire types as Intimidate lets it tank a CC and KO back with Overheat when necessary.
- Seismitoad is a very notable Water-type vs Cobalion as it can't even use Volt Switch from the SR set to chip it down.
- I'd probably mention faster Pokemon somewhere. Mienshao and Darmanitan are dangerous Scarf users while Zygarde-10% and Raikou are naturally faster (though they must be warry of resist berries aside from Darmanitan)

Assuming these changes are added / made, [QC 1/2]

Cobalion is something of a jack of all trades that finds its place in RU as a fast and bulky steel capable of taking hits from the likes of Metagross, Zarude, Glastrier, Durant, and Obstagoon. Furthermore, it can set up Stealth Rock for its team and generate momentum with Volt Switch. Its ability Justified in tandem with its solid bulk allows it to switch into Knock Off from Pokemon like Obstagoon or Choice-locked Heracross and gain an Attack boost. Cobalion also boasts decent offenses with solid offensive typing, and can work as a threatening Swords Dance sweeper. Unfortunately, the one area Cobalion is truly lacking is special defense. Faster special attackers like Thundurus and Raikou can easily force it out, and it cannot consistently answer special attackers like Dragalge and Gardevoir unlike most other Steel-type Pokemon in the tier. Because of this, Cobalion should always be paired with teammates that can cover that weakness.

name: Offensive Utility
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Iron Head
move 4: Volt Switch
item: Rocky Helmet / Chople Berry / Shuca Berry
ability: Justified
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe


This set takes advantage of Cobalion's great set of resistances and bulk to set up Stealth Rock for its team. Volt Switch turns Cobalion into an effective pivot, grabbing momentum after forcing a switch. Volt Switch also allows cobalion to rack up chip damage on a number of Pokemon that check it, such as suicune or Volcanion. Toxic can be used instead to punish some of these Pokemon as they switch in, though it leaves Cobalion unable to generate momentum efficiently. [specifically, mention Seismitoad as a target for Toxic due to it blocking Volt] Taunt can be used to shut down other Stealth Rock users, and prevent defogging with proper prediction. Realistically, that doesn't work, since the birds are all faster so they get defog off if they go to it right away (you do outspeed togekiss, but ur steel stab threatens it anyways). I would prefer for you to mention Stone Edge as a way to hit Noivern/Crobat/Tflame harder, making it easier to keep rocks up against them. TWave is also worth mentioning for that. Maximum speed is necessary to outpace Pokemon like Zarude and Mienshao to KO them with the appropriate move. Attack EV investment is preferred over HP investment as Cobalion's natural bulk is typically sufficient. Rocky Helmet is the item of choice for Cobalion because it wears down many of the physical attackers Cobalion is sent into, and punishes U-turn spam from Zarude. Chople Berry is another option that serves as a safety net against stray close combats from Zarude, Obstagoon, and Glastrier. Shuca Berry is a useful item for teams weak to Zygarde-10% and gives Cobalion a more secure matchup against Stakataka and Metagross. Finally, Leftovers can be used to give Cobalion additional longevity on slower teams.

Zarude makes for a good compliment to Cobalion, checking Zygarde-10%, Suicune, and Xurkitree. [No idea where the Xurkitree mention came from, Zarude's not a great check anyways. Instead, mention how it effortlessly switches into pdef Seismitoad, a common check to Coba]. Roserade can check Raikou, Xurkitree, and some Thundurus sets while also setting up Spikes and switching into Scald for Cobalion. Incineroar is a partner that can check Fire-type Pokemon like Chandelure, Alolan Marowak, and Darmanitan. Togekiss, Crobat, and Noivern check other Fighting-type Pokemon like Choice Scarf Meinshao and Heracross. Crobat and Noivern have the added bonus of forming a VoltTurn core with Cobalion, augmenting its ability to generate momentum and wear down the opposing team.

Mention how Cobalion, despite being a Steel, isn't actually a Fairy or Psychic resist, so it needs teammates that provide those resistances. Slowbro-G is great for Fairies; Zarude and Incin work for Psychic types. (You include Zarude and Incin, but give this as a reason they are helpful).

name: Swords Dance
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Iron Head
move 4: Stone Edge
item: Chople Berry / Shuca Berry / Black Belt
ability: Justified
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe


Swords Dance Cobalion uses its speed and typing to become a threatening sweeper and overpower some of its usual checks. This set uses Stone Edge to compliment Cobalion's STAB moves, hitting Pokemon like Chandelure, Alolan Marowak, Golisopod, and Mantine. Shuca Berry allows Cobalion to set up on various Ground-type Pokemon like Seismitoad and Rhyperior, that would otherwise be too dangerous for it. Alternatively, Black Belt can be used to boost Cobalion's power without sacrificing its natural bulk like Life Orb would. [Dont make it a slash, black belt seems meh relative to resist berries] [First slash should be Chople so Scarf Zarude and Mienshao can't revenge you. Ideally, you weaken their Ground-types before attempting to setup and sweep.]

Certain Fire-type Pokemon like Chandelure, Darmanitan, and Salazzle can help to dent the bulky Water-type Pokemon that check Cobalion most consistently. [Good!! I really like this mention, they help SD Coba a lot] Milotic also makes for a great teammate, as it can cripple many of these bulky Water-type Pokemon with Toxic and use Flip Turn to bring Cobalion in safely after luring in a Pokemon like Zarude. Thunder Wave support from pokemon like Klefki or Thundurus can help to ensure Cobalion is not revenge killed easily. [Remove, Klefki isn't luring in anyone's fast Pokemon and TWave Thund is p niche] Araquanid can set up Sticky Web to help Cobalion sweep more consistently. Spikes support from Klefki, Roserade, or Golisopod also helps wear down fat waters. Roserade itself also poses a threat to many of the Water-type Pokemon that threaten Cobalion. Finally, Togekiss can check Choice Scarf Mienshao and Noivern, which both threaten to revenge kill Cobalion.

Mention Pokemon that can switch into the faster Electric-types (Thund, Raikou, scarf Xurk) often used to pick off a weakened Cobalion

Other Options

Calm Mind Cobalion sets can be used, but these lack the immediate power of Swords Dance and requires Cobalion to use the infamous Focus Blast as its primary Fighting-type STAB move. Life Orb seems appealing on Swords Dance sets, but tend to get worn down too easily as Cobalion wants to be able to take advantage of its bulk throughout the game. A defensive EV spread could be considered for slower teams, though typically other Steel-type Pokemon like Registeel or Stakataka would preform that role better. Finally, Occa Berry can be used as an item to lure Choice Scarf Darmanitan and defeat Flamethrower Noivern for teams particularly weak to it.

Checks and Counters

**Strong Special Attackers**: Pokemon like Dragalge and Regidrago can easily overwhelm Cobalion even through its Steel typing due to its poor Special Defense. [it feels weird to mention some pokemon Cobalion resists, outspeeds, and which don't have great bulk as a check to it. they dont check Coba, they just take advantage of it being a bad Dragon check]. Cobalion must also be wary of some faster Special Attackers like Thundurus and Noivern that are capable of dealing massive amounts of damage to it should Cobalion fail to immediately switch out. [Combine this sentence with the "Faster Pokemon" section].

**Fire-type Pokemon**: Certain Fire-type Pokemon like Chandelure, Alolan Marowak, and Talonflame can switch into Stealth Rock variants without Stone Edge easily thanks to their typing. While Stealth Rock Cobalion can volt switch on them, it must be cautious of the occasional Choice Scarf Chandelure or Overheat Talonflame. Cobalion must also be cautious of Incineroar, which can survive a Close Combat after Intimidate and OHKO it in turn with Overheat.

**Bulky Water-type Pokemon**: Suicune, Volcanion, and Mantine among others are capable of switching into Cobalion and forcing it out with Scald. While it can brute force past many of these with Swords Dance sets, its advisable to soften them up beforehand soas to lessen the risk of the target surviving and retaliating with a scald burn. Volt Switch is also effective at chipping most of these targets down. Seismitoad stands out in this regard, able to block Cobalion's Volt Switch and threaten it with Earthquake.

**Faster Pokemon**: Zygarde-10% along with many Choice Scarf users like Mienshao, Darmanitan, Magnezone, and Xurkitree are capable of dealing immense damage to Cobalion while also outspeeding it, though Mienshao and Zygarde-10% must be cautious of resist berries.

**Doublade**: While uncommon, Doublade poses a distinct threat to Cobalion, effortlessly taking any sort of attack Cobalion may throw at it even after a Swords Dance boost.

- Written by: [[HailFall, 308025]]
- Quality checked by: [[EonX, 91480], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]

(HailFall this needs 3 QC checks not 2 btw. EDIT: Nvm it does just need 2 for this mb!) Look over this, implement, and then tag me here or in Discord once you do.
GP 1/2

Cobalion is something of a jack of all trades that finds its place in RU as a fast and bulky Steel-type capable of filling many roles and taking hits from the likes of Metagross, Zarude, Glastrier, Durant, and Obstagoon. Furthermore, It can set up Stealth Rock for its team and generate momentum with Volt Switch., (comma) or use its solid offensive typing to Cobalion also boasts decent offenses with solid offensive typing, and can work as a threatening Swords Dance sweeper wallbreaker. Unfortunately, The one area Cobalion is truly lacking in is Special Defense. Faster special attackers like Thundurus and Raikou can force it out, and it cannot consistently answer special attackers like Dragalge and Gardevoir unlike most other Steel-type Pokemon in the tier. Because of this, Cobalion should always be paired with teammates that can cover that weakness.

name: Offensive Utility
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Iron Head
move 4: Volt Switch
item: Rocky Helmet / Chople Berry / Shuca Berry
ability: Justified
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe


This set takes advantage of Cobalion's great set of resistances and bulk to set up Stealth Rock for its team. Volt Switch turns Cobalion into an effective pivot, grabbing momentum after forcing a switch, (comma) and racks racking up chip damage on Pokemon such as Suicune or and Volcanion. Toxic can be used instead to punish Pokemon like Seismitoad that block Volt Switch like Seismitoad, though it leaves Cobalion unable to generate momentum efficiently. Stone Edge can also be considered to lure punish Flying-type Pokemon switch-ins like Noivern, Crobat, and Talonflame that may try to switch into it. Thunder Wave accomplishes this as well, and is generally useful utility for crippling the opposing team. Maximum Speed is necessary to outpace Pokemon like Zarude and Mienshao to KO them with the appropriate move. Attack EV investment is preferred over HP investment as because Cobalion's natural bulk is typically sufficient. Its ability Justified in tandem with its Cobalion's solid bulk allows it Cobalion to switch into Knock Off from Pokemon like Obstagoon or and Choice-locked Heracross and gain an Attack boost very well. Rocky Helmet is the item of choice for Cobalion because it wears down many of the physical attackers Cobalion is sent into, (comma) and punishes U-turn spam from Zarude. Chople Berry is another option that serves as a safety net against stray close combats Close Combat from Zarude, Obstagoon, and Glastrier. Shuca Berry is a useful item for teams weak to Zygarde-10% and gives Cobalion a more secure matchup against Stakataka and Metagross. Finally, Leftovers can be used to give Cobalion additional longevity on slower teams.

Zarude makes for a good complement to Cobalion, checking Zygarde-10%, Suicune, and Seismitoad. The Its ability to effortlessly switch into Seismitoad is especially notable, as Seismitoad is one of Cobalion's biggest best checks thanks to its ability to block Volt Switch. Incineroar is a partner that can check Fire-type Pokemon like Chandelure, Alolan Marowak, and Darmanitan. Roserade can check Raikou, Xurkitree, and some Thundurus sets while also setting up Spikes and switching into Scald for Cobalion. Togekiss, Crobat, and Noivern check other Fighting-type Pokemon like Choice Scarf Meinshao and Heracross. Crobat and Noivern have the added bonus of forming a VoltTurn core with Cobalion, augmenting its ability to generate momentum and wear down the opposing team. Despite being a Steel-type, Cobalion is a Steel-type that does not provide a Fairy- or Psychic-type resist Fairy and Psychic, so it needs teammates that can help it handle these Pokemon of those types. The aforementioned Zarude and Incineroar provide a Psychic-type immunity as well, which allows them to check threats like Necrozma and Indeedee, whereas Klefki and Assault Vest Galarian Slowbro can check offensive Fairy-type Pokemon like Gardevoir and Sylveon. (per)

name: Swords Dance
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Iron Head
move 4: Stone Edge
item: Chople Berry / Shuca Berry
ability: Justified
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe


Swords Dance Cobalion uses its Speed and typing to become a threatening sweeper attacker and overpower some of its usual checks. This set uses Stone Edge to complement Cobalion's STAB moves, hitting Pokemon like Chandelure, Alolan Marowak, Golisopod, and Mantine. Chople Berry is the primary option for this set, making it much harder for Cobalion to be revenge killed by the likes of Choice Scarf Mienshao and Zarude. Shuca Berry is another option which that allows Cobalion to set up on various Ground-type Pokemon, like Seismitoad and Rhyperior, that would otherwise be too dangerous for it, and prevent Cobalion from being revenge killed by Zygarde-10%. Alternatively, Black Belt can be used to boost Cobalion's power without sacrificing its natural bulk like Life Orb would.

Certain Fire-type Pokemon like Chandelure, Darmanitan, and Salazzle can help to dent the bulky Water-type Pokemon that check Cobalion most consistently. Milotic also makes for a great teammate, as it can cripple many of these bulky Water-type Pokemon with Toxic and use Flip Turn to bring Cobalion in safely after luring in a Pokemon like Zarude. Spikes support from Klefki, Roserade, or Golisopod also helps wear down fat waters Water-types. Roserade itself also poses a threat to many of the Water-type Pokemon that threaten Cobalion, and check certain Electric-type Pokemon that may attempt to revenge kill a weakened Cobalion like Xurkitree and Raikou. Assault Vest Reuniclus can also check these Electric-type Pokemon, while providing Future Sight support to help break through the likes of Seismitoad and Volcanion. Finally, Togekiss can check Choice Scarf Mienshao and Noivern, which both threaten to revenge kill Cobalion.

Other Options

Calm Mind Cobalion sets can be used, but these they lack the immediate power of Swords Dance and requires Cobalion to use the infamous inaccurate Focus Blast as its primary Fighting-type STAB move. Life Orb seems appealing on Swords Dance sets, but tend to get worn down too easily as Cobalion wants to be able to take advantage of its bulk throughout the game. A defensive EV spread could be considered for slower teams, though typically other Steel-type Pokemon like Registeel or and Stakataka would typically preform that role better. Finally, Occa Berry can be used as an item to lure Choice Scarf Darmanitan and defeat Flamethrower Noivern for teams particularly weak to them.

Checks and Counters

**Fire-type Pokemon**: Certain Fire-type Pokemon like Chandelure, Alolan Marowak, and Talonflame can switch into Stealth Rock variants Cobalion without Stone Edge thanks to their typing. While Stealth Rock Cobalion can use Volt Switch on them, it must be cautious of the occasional Choice Scarf Chandelure or Overheat Talonflame. Cobalion must also be cautious of Incineroar, which can survive a Close Combat after Intimidate and OHKO it with Overheat.

**Bulky Water-type Pokemon**: Suicune, Volcanion, and Mantine among others (if there are more relevant ones, just say em) can switch into Cobalion and threaten it with Scald. While it can brute force break past many of these them with Swords Dance sets, its advisable to soften them up beforehand. Volt Switch is also effective at chipping most of these targets down. Seismitoad stands out in this regard as a check, able to block Cobalion's Volt Switch and threaten it with Earthquake.

**Faster Pokemon**: Zygarde-10% along with and many Choice Scarf users like Mienshao, Darmanitan, Magnezone, and Xurkitree deal immense damage to Cobalion while also outspeeding it, though Mienshao and Zygarde-10% must be cautious of resist berries Chople or Shuca Berry. Cobalion must also be wary of some faster special attackers like Thundurus and Noivern, (comma) which that can heavily dent it.

**Doublade**: While uncommon, Doublade poses a distinct threat to Cobalion, effortlessly taking any sort of attack Cobalion may throw at it even after a Swords Dance boost.

- Written by: [[HailFall, 308025]]
- Quality checked by: [[EonX, 91480], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
remove add / fix (comments); (AC=add comma; RC=remove comma; SC=semicolon)
GP 2/2

Cobalion is a fast and bulky Steel-type capable of filling many roles and taking hits from the likes of Metagross, Zarude, Glastrier, Durant, and Obstagoon. It can set up Stealth Rock for its team and generate momentum with Volt Switch (RC) or use its solid offensive typing to work as a threatening Swords Dance wallbreaker. The one area Cobalion is truly lacking in is Special Defense, (AC) though; (SC) faster special attackers like Thundurus and Raikou can force it out, and it cannot consistently answer special attackers like Dragalge and Gardevoir unlike most other Steel-type Pokemon in the tier. Cobalion should always be paired with teammates that can cover that weakness.

name: Offensive Utility
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Iron Head
move 4: Volt Switch
item: Rocky Helmet / Chople Berry / Shuca Berry
ability: Justified
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe


This set takes advantage of Cobalion's great set of resistances and bulk to set up Stealth Rock for its team. Volt Switch turns Cobalion into an effective pivot, grabbing momentum after forcing a switch and racking up chip damage on Pokemon such as Suicune and Volcanion. Toxic can be used instead to punish Pokemon that block Volt Switch like Seismitoad, though it leaves Cobalion unable to generate momentum efficiently. Stone Edge can also be considered to punish Flying-type switch-ins like Noivern, Crobat, and Talonflame. Thunder Wave accomplishes this as well (RC) and is generally useful for crippling the opposing team. Maximum Speed is necessary to outpace Pokemon like Zarude and Mienshao. Attack EV investment is preferred over HP investment because Cobalion's natural bulk is typically sufficient. Justified in tandem with Cobalion's solid bulk allows Cobalion to switch into Knock Off from Pokemon like Obstagoon and Choice-locked Heracross very well. Rocky Helmet is the item of choice for Cobalion because it wears down many of the physical attackers Cobalion is sent into and punishes U-turn spam from Zarude. Chople Berry is another option that serves as a safety net against Close Combat from Zarude, Obstagoon, and Glastrier. Shuca Berry is a useful item for teams weak to Zygarde-10% and gives Cobalion a more secure matchup against Stakataka and Metagross. Finally, Leftovers can be used to give Cobalion additional longevity on slower teams.

Zarude makes for a good complement to Cobalion, checking Zygarde-10%, Suicune, and Seismitoad. Its ability to effortlessly switch into Seismitoad is especially notable, as Seismitoad is one of Cobalion's best checks thanks to its ability to block Volt Switch. Incineroar is a partner that can check Fire-type Pokemon like Chandelure, Alolan Marowak, and Darmanitan. Roserade can check Raikou, Xurkitree, and some Thundurus sets while also setting up Spikes and switching into Scald for Cobalion. Togekiss, Crobat, and Noivern check other Fighting-type Pokemon like Choice Scarf Meinshao Mienshao and Heracross. Crobat and Noivern have the added bonus of forming a VoltTurn core with Cobalion, augmenting its ability to generate momentum and wear down the opposing team. Cobalion is a Steel-type that does not resist Fairy and Psychic, so it needs teammates that can help it handle Pokemon of those types. The aforementioned Zarude and Incineroar provide a Psychic-type immunity, which allows them to check threats like Necrozma and Indeedee, whereas Klefki and Assault Vest Galarian Slowbro can check offensive Fairy-type Pokemon like Gardevoir and Sylveon.

name: Swords Dance
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Iron Head
move 4: Stone Edge
item: Chople Berry / Shuca Berry
ability: Justified
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe


Swords Dance Cobalion uses its Speed and typing to become a threatening attacker and overpower some of its usual checks. This set uses Stone Edge to complement Cobalion's STAB moves, hitting Pokemon like Chandelure, Alolan Marowak, Golisopod, and Mantine. Chople Berry is the primary option for this set, making it much harder for Cobalion to be revenge killed by the likes of Choice Scarf Mienshao and Zarude. Shuca Berry is another option that allows Cobalion to set up on various Ground-type Pokemon, like Seismitoad and Rhyperior, and prevent Cobalion from being revenge killed by Zygarde-10%. Alternatively, Black Belt can be used to boost Cobalion's power without sacrificing its natural bulk like Life Orb would.

Certain Fire-type Pokemon like Chandelure, Darmanitan, and Salazzle can help to dent the bulky Water-type Pokemon that check Cobalion most consistently. Milotic also makes for a great teammate, as it can cripple many of these bulky Water-type Pokemon with Toxic and use Flip Turn to bring Cobalion in safely after luring in a Pokemon like Zarude. Spikes support from Klefki, Roserade, or Golisopod also helps wear down Water-types. Roserade itself also poses a threat to many of the Water-type Pokemon that threaten Cobalion (RC) and check checks certain Electric-type Pokemon that may attempt to revenge kill a weakened Cobalion like Xurkitree and Raikou. Assault Vest Reuniclus can also check these Electric-type Pokemon (RC) while providing Future Sight support to help break through the likes of Seismitoad and Volcanion. Finally, Togekiss can check Choice Scarf Mienshao and Noivern, which threaten to revenge kill Cobalion.

Other Options

Calm Mind Cobalion sets can be used, but they lack the immediate power of Swords Dance and requires require Cobalion to use the inaccurate Focus Blast as its primary Fighting-type STAB move. Life Orb seems appealing on Swords Dance sets, but Cobalion wants to be able to take advantage of its bulk throughout the game. A defensive EV spread could be considered for slower teams, though other Steel-type Pokemon like Registeel and Stakataka typically preform perform that role better. Finally, Occa Berry can be used as an item to lure and take out Choice Scarf Darmanitan and defeat Flamethrower Noivern for teams particularly weak to them.

Checks and Counters

**Fire-type Pokemon**: Certain Fire-type Pokemon like Chandelure, Alolan Marowak, and Talonflame can switch into Stealth Rock Cobalion without Stone Edge thanks to their typing. While Stealth Rock Cobalion can use Volt Switch on them, it must be cautious of the occasional Choice Scarf Chandelure or Overheat Talonflame. Cobalion must also be cautious of Incineroar, which can survive Close Combat after Intimidate and OHKO it with Overheat.

**Bulky Water-type Pokemon**: Suicune, Volcanion, and Mantine can switch into Cobalion and threaten it with Scald. While it can break past many of them with Swords Dance sets, its it's advisable to soften them up beforehand. Volt Switch is also effective at chipping most of these targets down. Seismitoad stands out as a check, being able to block Cobalion's Volt Switch and threaten it with Earthquake.

**Faster Pokemon**: Zygarde-10% and many Choice Scarf users like Mienshao, Darmanitan, Magnezone, and Xurkitree deal immense damage to Cobalion while also outspeeding it, though Mienshao and Zygarde-10% must be cautious of Chople or Shuca Berry. Cobalion must also be wary of some faster special attackers like Thundurus and Noivern, which can heavily dent it.

**Doublade**: While uncommon, Doublade poses a distinct threat to Cobalion, effortlessly taking any sort of attack Cobalion may throw at it even after a Swords Dance boost.

- Written by: [[HailFall, 308025]]
- Quality checked by: [[EonX, 91480], [Expulso, 202058]]
- Grammar checked by: [[CryoGyro, 331519], [username2, userid2]]