SV UU CM cress semi stall + peaking at 1614 (top 25) so far

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This team is interesting... it really is centered around muk-a and its knock off and poison touch. The team utilizes wish to keep it alive and has a lot of things to deal the threats. Heal bell blissey is also a gift from god since it makes the team better vs stuff like toxic quag, burns on smth like muk, and makes sludge bomb poisons hurt less. CM Cress is also a funny win con ive been testing, esp with tera poison its ability to setup late game and just clean esp since we lack physical psychic types and gard seems to have fallen off a bit. but lets get to the team!


Muk-A is the star of the team, with max sp. def and hp investment it means it can take unboosted special hits easily, meaning smth like skeledirge, unboosted enamorus, noivern, gengar, salamence, tornadus-t, zoroark-h, etc do not do enough to muk and it forces a lot of progress via poisons which most teams cant handle esp since knock off also has a 30% chance to poison meaning tinkaton is really the only safe switch in to it (which is helpful for CM cress late game since it loses its item). Drain punch is the last move to hit tyranitar but it may be fire punch as well to hit tinkaton and to exert more damage onto it while also hitting smth like scizor hard as hell who may try to use you as setup. Tera water helps in some MU's such as vs sun and eruption typhlosion, but it can also help in a MU where i need to get rid of the ground weakness.

Sooooo... the next member of the team is blissey, blissey is amazingly helpful and this spread while odd helps it take stray physical hits such as u-turn from gren, iron jugulis, and psyshock from smth like armarogue while also improving its MU into skeledirge (it has to be poisoned but it does help a lot), NP moltres-g, regidrago (ladder loves this pokemon), eruption typhlosion on sun teams, and more! But heal bell is where all the value is coming from, it means a quagsire clicking toxic and you do not have a rest chien on your team and means that you can force it to burn its toxic's on other pokemon esp since we have tera poison cress who can setup all over it. Tera ghost helps a lot in the MU where extra shadow ball damage is very very helpful or when you need to stop a spin for whatever reason. but blissey is rarely the mon to tera.

Cress is the next member of the team, even though its defenses got nerfed it still is a fat asf mon that can still check a lot of physical pokemon, ... but its main goal on the team is to come in late game and setup CM esp with tera poison giving it a toxic immunity. Cress can also be a good wall with tera poison to check otherwise big threats such as breloom, liligant-h, and other fighting types that may be a huge pain otherwise.


Well talon is interesting, its mainly anti u-turn spam and being able to fog and threaten tinkaton whlie forcing a burn on it to make it easier for cress to come in late game and sweep. Talon is an amazing pokemon because of its ability to be a threatening deffoger because of WoW and being able to wear them down .. smth like rocks tinkaton would rather keep itself healthy. It also counters scizor, and forces SD variants to tera fire or get burnt to a crisp or just risk eating a burn in general. WoW is also very valuable in burning specific pokemon such as dd ttar, haxorus, and stands in the way of liligant-h, and SD breloom.

Quagsire is pretty incredible... alongside muk-a, toxic is really smth that is really scary for most bulky teams to face.And once it toxic's a quagsire or gastrodon it makes it much easier to play around esp with muk-a knocking items off and spreading its own poisons. Unaware is unvaluable for checking stuff such as double dance enamorus, skeledirge (u have to not really switch into a wisp at low hp), dd mence, moltres-g, SD ceruledge, SD iron hands, and more. tera poison allows itself to be immune to poisons, resist fairy which is pretty helpful in the CM fairy MU, do better into h-liligant, breloom, and scizor, and also be able to remove toxic spikes in case muk-a got worn down.


Well alomomola is the last pokemon of the team, and its incredible of what it can do. It can pass wishes to all of its teammates to help them not use up extra recovery esp since recovery is only 8pp in this game and muk-alola cant recover so it really helps it take the hits much better. Regenerator is really incredible on the team, being able to scout smth such as gallade leaf blade, what arcanine-h wants to do, racking up extra damage with Whirlpool, poison damage, or draining a moves PP, to even giving itself wishes is amazing utilty. Play rough is also such a move, with its sp. def bulk it can take a hit from hydreigon and return with play rough doing a shit ton of damage and putting it into range of many other pokemon, it also helps into SD or DD haxorus, play rough also deters cyclizar from spinning hazards away as it kills and also makes it able to threaten breloom and liligant-h with big damage. Tera fairy is useful in the hydreigon, dd haxorus, and breloom/liligant-h MU as it can turn their hard hitting hits such as dark pulse, draco meteor, outrage, and bullet seed/leaf blade to smth that can be withstood.
Threats to this team:

1) LO SD scizor: this requires good prediction by making sure it can be safe ot go to quagsire to tera poison to take it on as it can easily snowball a game out of control esp since it comes in late game and can go ham. Tera into quag also has its own cons but if its late into a game it may be worth it. But the MU is hard if lets say it gets crit, drops to low health, or gets caught by a trailblaze on the switch.

2) Tera flying/ghost SD iron hands... this is just a very hard MU because quag cant really touch it and it gets free setup and once it gets going its very hard to stop in its track. prob the best stall breaker in the tier but i guess it depends on the team, your best bet is just trying to force a tera out of smth else or burning it with talon esp if you bet it doesnt have tpunch.

3) Resto Chesto Moltres-g: Just a generally hard MU for stall... since we dont have haze and our unaware user is quag it means ur way of beating it is forcing a rest and CM with Cress but that usually cannot work..

replays showcasing this team: (this showcases muk-a amazing utility to the team, alomomola's hit taking abilities to scout and switch out, and quagsire to wall a lot of physical sweepers) (shows how amazing toxic can be in stopping sweepers and showcases) (shows cress's amazing late game potential to just come in late game and sweep even though i was down a lot) (another game showcasing how cress can just come in late game esp once tinkaton and krookodile were worn down and go to town on the opposing team)

Very cool team. Pretty sure I played you on ladder and lost so it’s for sure solid. Now I hate to make a rate where I delete a Pokémon that’s central to how the team was initially built, but I have good reasons for my changes.

First of all, I think talonflame has lost most of its viability with the new drops. Additions of new knock off Pokémon and a lot of new speed tiers, as well as some new toys for bulk. I think that talonflame should be replaced with dicidueye-h simply because your meowscarada matchup is just really bad. It comes in and clicks knock off on everything and can seriously cripple you with spikes, taunt, and it’s stabs. Decid also gives you some better defensive stats and defog to replace talonflame. Defog talonflame was really Never that good anyways.

My next addition is Skeledirge. Cresselia is really good but Skeledirge is just far too good not to have any stall or semi stall team. It gives you additional protection against set up sweepers, especially those who use Tera blast to break through teams. Skeledirge can even use some spdef evs to give more support against the moltres matchup you struggle with.

Overall really cool team, however I think these changes make it objectively better in terms of meta threats. Feel free to tag me with any questions!
My next addition is Skeledirge. Cresselia is really good but Skeledirge is just far too good not to have any stall or semi stall team. It gives you additional protection against set up sweepers, especially those who use Tera blast to break through teams. Skeledirge can even use some spdef evs to give more support against the moltres matchup you struggle with.

Overall really cool team, however I think these changes make it objectively better in terms of meta threats. Feel free to tag me with any questions!
how does skeledirge really check moltres-g? without tera it gets owned and with tera. You have to basically be max/max+ to really deal with moltres-g and not be afraid of getting haxed down

252+ SpA Moltres-Galar Hurricane vs. 248 HP / 8 SpD Skeledirge: 207-244 (50.3 - 59.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

Hurricane 2hko's most and a confusion will just make u 70/30 urself if u win or lose... esp since it doesnt even threaten it right away... I believe the team can be ready to handle it and i would maybe go with CM bliss instead and just maybe go with skeledirge/keep cress on the team

thanks for the rate tho
how does skeledirge really check moltres-g? without tera it gets owned and with tera. You have to basically be max/max+ to really deal with moltres-g and not be afraid of getting haxed down

252+ SpA Moltres-Galar Hurricane vs. 248 HP / 8 SpD Skeledirge: 207-244 (50.3 - 59.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

Hurricane 2hko's most and a confusion will just make u 70/30 urself if u win or lose... esp since it doesnt even threaten it right away... I believe the team can be ready to handle it and i would maybe go with CM bliss instead and just maybe go with skeledirge/keep cress on the team

thanks for the rate tho
Moltres is one very specific matchup in which the team will always naturally struggle. If you invest Skeledirge that’s additional precaution. I think my suggestions generally help the team though. I encourage you to try it out.
i find decid-h to be a shaky check to meow but oh well, scouting with mola is prob the best im gonna get and being a fogger that hates switching into quag and cant really beat it kinda sucks. but so was talon, so i guess i have to make do with what i have
Moltres is one very specific matchup in which the team will always naturally struggle. If you invest Skeledirge that’s additional precaution. I think my suggestions generally help the team though. I encourage you to try it out.
Yeah i tested it. its putting up fairly well, if dirge gets banned that will be unfort. But yeah im almost top 10 now, thanks for the help
I think that talonflame should be replaced with dicidueye-h simply because your meowscarada matchup is just really bad. It comes in and clicks knock off on everything and can seriously cripple you with spikes, taunt, and it’s stabs. Decid also gives you some better defensive stats and defog to replace talonflame. Defog talonflame was really Never that good anyways.
1) ive been testing for a week now... but decid-h is a very very shaky check to meow cuz play rough

2) wouldnt talon be amazing for getting burns on meow? like knock off, play rough, and u-turn all get screwed by flame body and a flame body burn screws it over more than anything else