related fact: The first few mafia games on Smogon, not on the Game Listing thread, years ago, were clue based.
I think clues could add an interesting element to mafia games. Usually in (Smogon) mafia, you find out who the mafia is through:
- interpreting results of an ability (inspector, sheriff, tracker, watcher)
- the village 'leader' analyzing claims (whose abilities are too similar? is a person's role PM forged because of a typo or other missing information?)
- reading into people's posts/messages
Inspectors are often village leaders, who receive results from other people like the tracker, watcher, etc. and ultimately decide if their results mean anything in terms of guilt or innocence, since they know for the most part what exactly is going on each night. So basically the first two methods of finding out mafia are usually reserved for one single person. While usually the concept of a village leader works very well in mafia, it kind of detracts from other players contributing in finding and ultimately starting a lynch on a mafia member. People might say it isn't fun or involving for someone to just follow a leader, although again, I'll say it's a quite effective strategy for a play to win mindset.
The last way I listed to find out if someone is mafia is rarely seen on Smogon, and I like it that way. I've played mafia on other forums/websites, and this kind of centered gameplay is always some bullshit. 'He is mafia obviously because he accuses so and so!' or 'The reason I voted him was just to see his reaction or to see if anyone defends him!'. To me, you can make any kind of statement like that on almost anyone, and get nowhere. I think the reason you don't see this kind of stuff on Smogon is because of the dominance of first two methods. However, it does have its positive value in that it gets more players involved in the game.
So what do clues have to do with this? It introduces another method to figure out who is a mafia member. It's different than the first two in that the village leader isn't solely responsible/having fun/able in figuring it out, which I think is probably the most 'fun' part of mafia for the villagers, yet it is usually reserved only for the leader. Clues get everyone involved in the game like the third method, but it isn't as 'bullshit' as the third method, where you try to 'scumhunt' on basically nothing.
With yet another way for a mafia member to be found out, it probably would be best to limit the information gaining roles and/or give the mafia more perks, based on the difficulty of the clues. The clues themselves should be well crafted, varying, but also not totally obvious, and maybe near impossible to figure out without another clue. As a host, I think it would be a challenge itself to make such clues.
So in summary, I think clues offer a way for every one of the villagers to get involved in the game and have 'fun', while it isn't as dumb as analyzing someone's guilt based on how they are posting. Clues give an advantage to the village, so the host should keep that in mind when designing and creating the game.