Class's 2nd RMT: OU Balance

My last team was an offensive based team that I couldn't progress with even with suggested changes so I ended up scrapping the whole thing.

This team has done pretty well for me so far, I win more than I lose, but when I lose its usually because of a certain Poke or two, and that's why I'm bringing this team to the RMT forums.

Team at a glance:


In depth:

The Lead


Jirachi @ Choice Scarf
Serene Grace
Jolly, 80 Hp, 252 Atk, 176 Spe

Iron Head
Stealth Rock
Grass Knot

Ok. Lead Jirachi. This guy is my favorite OU lead by far. Iron Head is a clean 2hko on a lot of common leads like Azelf and Aerodactyl. However, there were four leads that I would go up against that I couldn't do anything against. They were Heatran, Swampert, Infernape, and Metagross. Three of these I could use Salamence to revenge kill against with EQ, Starmie could also take Infernape and Heatran, and Dusknoir could deal with Metagross. However, I had nothing to beat Swampert, which I was seeing more and more often. Because of this, I decided to get rid of U-Turn and throw in Grass Knot, which is a clean 2hko against him. Now when I face Swamperts, they either get SR up and I take no damage, or they don't get it up and I take ~70% from EQ. Either way, I come out ahead.

Leads and how I deal with them(Green is no problem, YellowOrange is dependable, Red is usually bad):
Metagross: Trick Choice Scarf. If they Stealth Rocked, I set up SR on the switch in, if they EQ me, I switch to Salamence and Draco Meteor the switch in.
Azelf: Go for the 2hko with Iron Head.
Aerodactyl: Same as Azelf.
Infernape: Switch to Starmie and Surf, they usually switch, but if they stay in it's a 1 or 2hko, I don't remember which.
Heatran: Switch to Blissey, T-Wave their switch in. If they Sub up first, I'm in trouble.

Uxie: These guys are annoying, usually set up SR, switch to Blissey, and T-Wave their switch in. They aren't a threat though.
Abomasnow: Trick Choice Scarf. Easy to deal with.
Gyarados: Switch to Starmie, usually take a big hit and they die or they switch. If they crit, it gets ugly real quick.
Bronzong: Stealth Rock and switch to Dusknoir.
Hippowdon: Stealth Rock and switch to Starmie.

The Special Wall


Blissey @ Leftovers
Natural Cure
Calm, 252 Def, 80 SpA, 176 SpD

Thunder Wave

Blissey, the bane of special attackers. I decided since I'm going for a balanced team, I need a special wall, and Blissey is the perfect candidate. I opted for T-Wave because Toxic doesn't do much for this team and being able to switch in safer and outspeed more Pokes is nice. Scizor loves to switch in to Blissey, and if they get T-Waved on the switch and are weakened, Flamethrower will do 70-96% to them, depending on their EVs. Fighting attacks against Blissey get redirected to Dusknoir, then to Starmie if they get smart and start using special attacks instead of Fighting(namely mix users like Infernape). Aromatherapy is to deal with annoying Toxic, Burn, and Paralyze which significantly hamper various parts on my team (though it's fairly obvious, Burn ruins Scizor, Paralyze ruins Salamence and Jirachi, etc.)

The Physical Wall/Rapid Spin Blocker


Dusknoir @ Leftovers
Impish, 252 Hp, 28 Atk, 228 Def

Pain Split
Ice Punch
Fire Punch

In my opinion, Dusknoir is really underrated. He has low health, but makes up for that with a good move pool and amazing defensive stats. Will-O-Wisp hampers physical attackers on the other team and allows me to bring in my attacker easier. Pain Split on a full health switch in nets me a good gain in health and cuts theirs down well. Ice Punch will 1-2hko a lot of Dragons like Flygon and Salamence and Fire Punch will 1-3hko a lot of pesky Steels like Forretress, Scizor, and Metagross. I use this guy to take impending U-Turns as it only does 5-20% damage to him(Flygon, Scizor, Jirachi). Shadow attacks directed at him are sent back to Blissey, but generally after the second time doing this, they try to Trick a Choice Scarf and I have to switch to Jirachi or I'm dead.

Rapid Spinner/Special Attacker


Starmie @ Leftovers
Natural Cure
Timid, 132 Hp, 156 Def, 220 Spe

Rapid Spin

I need a rapid spinner and Starmie is by far my favorite user of it. Self proficient with Recover, can counter Gyarados and Infernape, and Surf and Thunderbolt are good coverage overall. Like with most of my team, the EVs are taken right from the strategy Pokedex. Starmie also works a back up wall if Dusknoir fails. Not much else to say.

Revenge Killer/Trapper


Scizor @ Life Orb
Adamant, 176 Hp, 100 Atk, 56 Spe, 176 SpD

Bullet Punch

This is a very strange Scizor that I found on the strategy pokedex while mulling over how I wanted to put him in my team, but I find it to be pretty effective. Bullet Punch ohkos Gengar and a lot of weakened Pokes. U-Turn is good for scouting and along with Pursuit keep non-fire Rotom and Latias in check. Truth be told, I have found the lack of a fighting move a detriment, and I'm considering replacing Pursuit because Roost has helped me work off Spike and Life Orb damage. Thoughts and suggestions on this would be great. Overall, Scizor has worked great as clean up, as a revenge killer, as a Physical sweeper, basically everything he can do he has done it and done it well. It's no wonder he's used so much.

Mixed Attacker/Clean Up


Salamence @ Choice Scarf
Naughty, 252 Atk, 176 Spe, 80 SpA

Fire Blast
Draco Meteor

Mixed attacking Scarfmence. He's a great revenge killer when Scizor won't cut it, OHKOing Heatran, Infernape, Scizor, and OHKOing almost everything that has already been weakened like Gyarados, Rotom, Swampert, and Latias. His outrage late game after I've already taken out the Steels works great and has sealed many victories. Outspeeds and 2hkos most walls as well. One of the exceptions being Snorlax, which is a problem for my team. Scarfmence picks up where I'm lacking in the offensive department and fills out the team nicely.


As usual, green is no problem, yelloworange can be done, and red is dangerous. Purple is impossible.

Gengar: Walled by Blissey, KO'd by Scizor.
Curselax: This thing is a HUGE problem, nothing on my team can take it down after it has its Curses up. Need help.
Heatran: Walled by Blissey, KO'd by Salamence's EQ or Starmie's Surf.
Infernape: Starmie.
Choice Tyranitar: KO'd by Jirachi, Scizor, Salamence, or Starmie.
DDTar: Will-O-Wisp or T-Wave to hamper it, then stalled out by Dusknoir, or KO'd by the same as Choice Tyranitar.
Rotom: Worn down by Blissey or Starmie working with SR. KO'd by Salamence or Scizor in most cases.
Azelf: Easily KO'd by most of my team.
Jolteon: Stopped cold by Blissey.
Latias: Stopped by Blissey, killed by Scizor or Salamence.
Jirachi: Worn down by Dusknoir.
Vaporeon: Can't do anything against Blissey, Starmie usually beats it or I wear it down and revenge kill it with Mence.
Gastrodon: Recently had a huge stall war with this guy, Swampert with recover. Taken down by Jirachi.
Swampert: Jirachi. Salamence if it's weak. Scizor if its REALLY low.
Blissey: Jirachi, Scizor, or Salamence deals with it. Either Trick a Scarf or 2hko. The statuses it puts out can be removed by my own Blissey. It's no problem.
Machamp: Sub versions are really annoying, eventually beat out by a combination of my Pokes. Non sub or Resttalk versions are easily beat by Mence or Jirachi.
Venusaur: Blissey and Dusknoir beat it. Salamence if all else fails.
Scizor: Dusknoir.
Forretress: Dusknoir.
Magnezone: Blissey.
Gyarados: Starmie. If its weak and Starmie isn't around, revenge killed by Scizor.
Flygon: Dusknoir. Starmie or Scizor revenge kill if its weak.
Gliscor: Dusknoir with Ice Punch/Will-O-Wisp.
Metagross: Dusknoir, Starmie, Salamence. It all depends on the circumstances.
Bronzong: Dusknoir or Salamence.
Skarmory: Starmie, Salamence, Dusknoir, Blissey.
Hippowdon: Starmie. Jirachi's Grass Knot does a bit over 40% to it if its low I can take it out with it.
Lucario: Revenge killed by Salamence. Dusknoir can beat it with Fire Punch if its high on health or Lucario is statused.
Togekiss: Everything outside of Dusknoir can beat it.
Empoleon: Stopped in its tracks by Blissey, but killing it is another story. Starmie or Salamence will have to step in and hope not to get killed. Substitute and Agility make it all the more annoying.
Celebi: Blissey, Scizor if it doesn't have Hidden Power Fire.
Breloom: Dusknoir or Jirachi. Scizor and Salamence can revenge kill.
Suicune: Calm mind is really hard to take down and I have to revenge kill or kill with Starmie before he gets too many Calm Minds
Scarf and Physical Jirachi: Easily taken down by Dusknoir
Calm Mind Jirachi: Same as Suicune really... can't take down once he has those Calm Minds in.
Raikou: Same as Suicune and Calm Mind Jirachi, except I can't use Starmie
Lucario: Salamence has to revenge kill or Dusknoir has to hamper before he eats a +2 Crunch
Well, that's the team. Thanks for reviewing.

it's very Marowak weak.

JK, I was the one with the Trick Room team earlier that ate your team with Marowak, just wanted to say that I like your format, and that your post is clean and inviting. I'd say more, but I'm terrible at rating. Just wanted you to know that your "too much effort" was worth it.
Hey there,

Your team is actually pretty solid. You have all the main threats covered, but there are probably some changes that can be made to cover most of the others:

First off, that Scizor set doesn't seem too great. I'd actually switch U-Turn to Swords Dance and change Pursuit to Brick Break. This gives you a pretty nice late-game sweeper provided you take down stuff like Gyarados and Zapdos. Making this switch also decently covers your Crocune weakness since with Swords Dance, Scizor can beat it in the long run. Remember, without Swords Dance on Scizor, Suicune still 6-0es you.

Second, I really don't think ScarfMence as useful as Classic MixMence would probably be on your team. There's nothing ScarfMence helps you check that isn't covered already. Rather, MixMence allows you to really wreck major damage on most bulky offensive and, with a little prediction, even stall teams. However, the Physically Bulky DD Mence is also available and helps you in handling Machamp, Lucario, and even CMJirachi to some extent while giving you a vicious stat-upping sweeper. Bulky DD Mence also helps you in beating many offensive teams if they lose their Scizor.

Next, I'd change Dusknoir to a new Rotom-forme. More specifically the Oven form. There's not much Dusknoir does that is better than the Rotoms. Dusknoir is not a very great Scizor check compared to Rotom seeing as though Rotom resists Bullet Punch. Rotom also covers Gyarados.

Lastly, if you make these changes, Starmie as a rapid spinner wouldn't be useful seeing as though Mence is the only one affected by Stealth Rock. Rotom also counters Gyarados better than Starmie could ever hope to do. For that reason, you can switch starmie to something like Gyarados or Latias (as long as it counters Infernape!). In any case, that slot should be more offensive. If you wish to keep Starmie, switch to a Choice Specs version with Trick and Hydro Pump. Those versions deal lots of damage and Trick is always helpful.

Other than that, it's a nice team.

All the colour hurts by eyes btw. :P

Anyway very well built team. There are no obious flaws, you have few to no common weaknesses and many resistances to practically every type.

Do not change scizor too much and make him a sweeper, I think you should keep him the same and give him superpower over pursuit (or brick break, i prefer superpower) And stick with the same Evs/item. The only thing is, are those speed Evs really helping??? Consider moving them to Attack or Hp whichever route you choose.

I think you should change Salemence to the DD swepper::

@Life Orb
Naughty 232 Atk / 24 SAtk / 252 Spe
Dragon Dance

Might be the same from the Smogon Analysis not sure but I like it on most of my teams. It will definately help you clean up better and is just as useful in the mid-game as the Salemence you have now.
Draco Meteor for Dragon dance is a very good trade off for your poition.

And thats bout all I got

Good Luck
I put Swords Dance and Superpower on Scizor instead of U-Turn and Pursuit, I changed Rotom to Dusknoir (though unwillingly), I changed Starmie to a LO Latias, and I made Salamence a DDer. So far its been working pretty good. Thanks for the help guys.