Classic SM Ubers Tournament - Semifinals
We are turning back time to enjoy this wonderful and balanced metagame.
Tournament Rules:
- General tournament rules and regulations can be found here.
- This is a standard SM Ubers tournament.
- Best of three, single elimination.
- Matches are to be played on Pokemon Showdown!
- I would strongly encourage you to play your games on the Smogon Tournaments PS! Server since it automatically saves replays.
- Do not make baseless activity posts, get in contact with your opponent and report missed times / scheduling issues only.
- Standard clauses apply.
- All the usual Smogon rules regarding activity, timer, disconnection, and ghosting rules apply.
- There will be hard deadlines.
- Species Clause: A player cannot have two Pokemon with the same PokeDex number on his team.
- Evasion Clause: The moves Double Team and Minimize are banned. (No other evasion boosting things are banned).
- OHKO Clause: The moves Horn Drill, Guillotine, Sheer Cold, and Fissure are banned.
- Endless Battle Clause: Anything capable of intentionally creating an endless battle is banned.
- Moody Clause
- Sleep Clause
- Baton Pass Clause
- Necrozma-Dawn Wings, Necrozma-Dusk Mane, Blacephalon, Stakataka, Naganadel and Zeraora are banned
- Ultranecrozium Z, Solganium Z, Lunalium Z, Mimikium Z and Kommonium Z are banned
- A move tutor got introduced in USM. Please refer to these two threads for the banned moves (1/2).
- If you get caught using a banned Pokémon or move the game will end with a loss for you, but you are still allowed to play the remaining games if possible
Deadline 2nd of August.
It is now required to post your replays!
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