AG Choice Scarf Kyogre [QC 2/2] [GP: 1/1]

name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Water Spout
move 2: Origin Pulse
move 3: Ice Beam
move 4: Thunder
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Drizzle
nature: Timid
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe

With its good Special Attack stat and Drizzle on its side, Choice Scarf Kyogre can find many opportunities to revenge kill foes such as Calyrex-S, Dragon Dance Zygarde-C, Necrozma-DM, and Zacian-C. Water Spout allows Kyogre to OHKO foes such as Zacian-C, Calyrex-S, and unboosted Xerneas when at full health. Origin Pulse provides a good STAB move once Kyogre is too weakened for Water Spout, 2HKOing key foes such as Necrozma-DM, Zacian-C, and specially defensive Yveltal. Ice Beam forces out Dragon-types such as weakened defensive Eternatus, Zekrom, and Zygarde-C. Thunder deals heavy damage to other Kyogre and transformed Ditto, and is Kyogre's best move against Palkia.

Choice Scarf Kyogre fits best on balance and bulky offense teams, as it can force out offensive leads like Zacian-C and Calyrex-S as well as defensive leads like Necrozma-DM and specially defensive Yveltal. Teammates like Zacian-C and Calyrex-S pressure Kyogre's counters such as Blissey, Ferrothorn, Kyurem-W, and Eternatus, with Nasty Plot Calyrex-S in particular being able to pass Special Attack boosts to Kyogre. In return, Kyogre can pressure their checks in Necrozma-DM or Yveltal, notably limiting Necrozma-DM's source of recovery with Drizzle. Defoggers such as Ho-Oh and specially defensive Yveltal help Kyogre remain at full health, with Ho-Oh in particular limiting Ferrothorn like no other. Pokemon such as Necrozma-DM, Groudon, and Ferrothorn can set up entry hazards, allowing Kyogre to pressure Eternatus, Kyurem-W, and Ferrothorn a lot better and OHKO Focus Sash Calyrex-S. Kyogre is incapable of reliably checking boosted Xerneas, Zygarde-C behind a Substitute, Groudon after a few Max Airstream boosts, and boosted Zekrom. Necrozma-DM and Zacian-C can prove to be useful for patching up the Xerneas matchup, while bulky Lunala can effectively limit all of Zygarde-C, Groudon, and Zekrom.

Other Options
Surf and Scald can be used as more accurate alternatives to Origin Pulse. Scald can be useful for burning Pokemon like Zacian-C and Ferrothorn in a pinch, which can be threatening to Kyogre without Water Spout. However, Surf and Scald lack in power, more often failing to deal enough damage.

Checks and Counters
**Bulky Dragon-types**: Bulky Dragon-types like Eternatus, Utility Umbrella Kyurem-W, Giratina, and Palkia can take even full power Water Spout from Kyogre , forcing it out. Eternatus, Palkia, and Giratina can also pressure Kyogre into PP exhaustion. However, Giratina is a shaky check due to its recovery being Rest.

**Ferrothorn**: Ferrothorn can stomach any attack from Choice Scarf Kyogre relatively comfortably, force it out with Power Whip, regain health with Leech Seed, and force progress with Spikes or Knock Off.

**Blissey**: Blissey counters Kyogre very well due to its enormous special bulk and Utility Umbrella. It easily outlasts Kyogre between Toxic, Confide, and Soft-Boiled.

**Regieleki**: Regieleki outspeeds Choice Scarf Kyogre and can deal heavy damage to it. Offensive lead variants are able to OHKO Kyogre, while utility ones can also set dual screens to make Kyogre's revenge killing more difficult.

- Written by: [[Frozoid, 532881]]
- Quality checked by: [[Guard, 360582], [Rotten, 491896]]
- Grammar checked by: [[CryoGyro,331519]]
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name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Water Spout
move 2: Ice Beam
move 3: Thunder
move 4: Origin Pulse
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Drizzle
nature: Timid
evs: 4 Hp HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe

-remove whitespace here-
Kyogre is one of the most threatening Special Attacker in AG.
-an introductory sentence such as this is usually fine, but in Choice Scarf Kyogre's place, you have to realize that it'll share the same dex page with it's better sets above it so it's a little awkward to introduce it in a general sense like this- With its good Special Attack stat and ability adding weather effects to its favor, Kyogre can find many opportunities to knock revenge kill opponents such as Calyrex-S, Dragon Dance Zygarde-C and Necrozma-DM, and Zacian-C out, due to Choice Scarf allows allowing it to outspeed every Pokemon in the tier except Regieleki. Water Spout allows Kyogre to deal heavy damage to opponents and its 150 Base Power -we don't explicitly state base powers; same goes for stats, accuracy, etc.- at full health guarantees guaranteeing several OHKOes -name some examples; be sure to specifically state what Pokemon are OHKOed by Water Spout and not by Origin Pulse (Zacian-C and Calyrex-S are some great examples)-. Thunder allows it to deal heavy damage to other Kyogre and transformed Ditto, and is its best move against Palkia. Ice Beam provides it with the ability to steer away Dragon-types such as a chipped Eternatus and Zygarde-C. Under Dynamax, Ice Beam turns into Max Hailstorm, allowing it to set up weather hazard hail for Shedinja which is a nuisance for Kyogre otherwise. Origin Pulse provides a good STAB type option when not on full health and allows it to 2HKO many key opponents such as Necrozma-DM and a slightly weakened bulky Yveltal. Maximum Speed investment with Timid nature allows it to move first against most opponents outspeed Calyrex-S and Jolly Zacian-C while 252 Special Attack EVs guarantee several OHKOs and 2HKOs. -we only explain EV investment if they allow you to hit a specific benchmark; in this case, a Timid nature with max Speed is important to explain because you don't outspeed Calyrex-S and Jolly Zacian-C with a Modest nature, but since we can't point out specific benchmarks for 252 SpA, its not necessary to mention it in the first place-

Kyogre fits best as a lead in balanced teams as it can force out offensive leads like Zacian-C, Calyrex-S as well as defensive leads like Necrozma-DM and bulky Yveltal Tyranitar -Yveltal's a more relevant example-. Teammates like Zacian-C and Xerneas Calyrex-S provide it support by checking pressuring its common counters such as Chansey, Blissey, Ferrothorn, Kyurem-W, and Eternatus. In return, Kyogre can pressure their checks in Necrozma-DM and Yveltal, notably limiting Necrozma-DM's source of recovery with Drizzle. Defoggers such as Ho-Oh and specially defensive Yveltal provide immense support by clearing entry hazards helping Kyogre to remain at full health, with Ho-Oh in particular limiting Ferrothorn like no other while also checking some of its counters such as Ferrothorn and Shedinja -Shedinja's not very relevant, so I reworded this bit-. Pokemon such as Excadrill Necrozma-DM, Ferrothorn, and Groudon can set up entry hazards allowing Kyogre to pressure Eternatus, Kyurem-W, and Ferrothorn a lot better and OHKO common Focus Sash users such as Marshadow and Calyrex-S through its potential Focus Sash while also being able to clear hazards using Rapid Spin -as Stealth Rock Excadrill's only used on Hyper Offense, and with Choice Scarf Kyogre not being a good fit on said playstyle, Excadrill is not a great example as an entry hazard setter-. Kyogre's ability to OHKO Defensive walls such as Necrozma-DM is appreciated by Zacian-C which otherwise has very limited checks. -I incorporated this in an earlier sentence- Zygarde-C as a teammate allows Kyogre to safely switch out when against Regieleki. -Regieleki's not that common, so this isn't important to mention- Kyogre is uncapable of reliably checking a boosted Xerneas, Zygarde-C behind a Substitute, Groudon at +1 Speed, and Zekrom. As a result, the aforementioned Necrozma-DM and Zacian-C can prove to be useful for patching up the Xerneas matchup, while bulky Lunala can effectively limit all of Zygarde-C, Groudon, and Zekrom.

Other Options
Surf and Scald can be used instead of Origin Pulse due to its poor accuracy. Scald can be useful as it can burn and cripple opponents like Zacian-C and Ferrothorn in a pinch, which can be threatening for it Kyogre without a full-powered Water Spout. Surf is often used for more Base Power than Scald but However, both lack in enough power and are sometimes unable to deal heavy enough damage to opponents. Ancient Power allows Kyogre to lure Shedinja in and OHKO but has no use except that. Waterfall or Liquidation can be used in order to check Chansey and Blissey but Kyogre's mediocre Attack stat makes it unviable to use on other opponents. -these are too niche, unfortunately-

Checks and Counters
**Specially Defensive Walls Bulky Dragon-Types**: Specially defensive walls Bulky Dragon-types like Eternatus, Utility Umbrella Kyurem-W Ferrothorn, Giratina, and Palkia can take hits from Kyogre even when its at full health and potentially force it out. Ferrothorn can use Leech Seed and slowly wear Kyogre down while at the same time recovering through Leech Seed. Eternatus, Palkia, and Giratina can pressure Kyogre into PP exhaustion. However, Giratina is a bit shaky check due to it having access to no other recovery move other than Rest. Eternatus can badly poison Kyogre using Toxic and can recover its health using Recover. Kyurem-W easily shrugs off anything Kyogre can throw at it, while forcing it out and potentially making irreversible progress with Sheer Cold. Palkia can counter force Kyogre to switch out with Thunder and force Kyogre to switch out.

**Ferrothorn**: Ferrothorn can stomach any attack from Choice Scarf Kyogre relatively comfortably, force it out with Power Whip, regain health with Leech Seed, and force progress with Spikes or Knock Off.

**Chansey and Blissey**: Thanks to their gigantic bulk, both Chansey and Blissey can counter Kyogre pretty well. Both can badly poison it using Toxic and cripple it using Confide while access to Soft-Boiled ensures that they can easily recover from Kyogre's hits.

**Regieleki**: Regieleki outspeeds Kyogre and can deal heavy damage to it. Offensive variants as a lead are able to OHKO Kyogre while defensive utility ones can also set dual screens allowing other Pokemon in the opponents team to gain advantage.

**Other Checks**: Other less viable checks include Shedinja, Kyurem-W. Shedinja can force Kyogre out due to Kyogre having no super effective moves to counter it. Kyurem-W equipped with Utility Umbrella can take hits from Kyogre and hit it with super effective Freeze-Dry. -Kyurem-W fits better into the first category, and, as you said, Shedinja is unreliable due to Max Hailstorm-

- Written by: [[Frozoid, 532881]]
- Quality checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]
pretty impressive for your first try, 1/2
dm me on discord if you have any questions
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name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Water Spout
move 2: Ice Beam
move 3: Thunder
move 4: Origin Pulse
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Drizzle
nature: Timid
evs: 4 Hp HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe

-remove whitespace here-
Kyogre is one of the most threatening Special Attacker in AG.
-an introductory sentence such as this is usually fine, but in Choice Scarf Kyogre's place, you have to realize that it'll share the same dex page with it's better sets above it so it's a little awkward to introduce it in a general sense like this- With its good Special Attack stat and ability adding weather effects to its favor, Kyogre can find many opportunities to knock revenge kill opponents such as Calyrex-S, Dragon Dance Zygarde-C and Necrozma-DM, and Zacian-C out, due to Choice Scarf allows allowing it to outspeed every Pokemon in the tier except Regieleki. Water Spout allows Kyogre to deal heavy damage to opponents and its 150 Base Power -we don't explicitly state base powers; same goes for stats, accuracy, etc.- at full health guarantees guaranteeing several OHKOes -name some examples; be sure to specifically state what Pokemon are OHKOed by Water Spout and not by Origin Pulse (Zacian-C and Calyrex-S are some great examples)-. Thunder allows it to deal heavy damage to other Kyogre and transformed Ditto, and is its best move against Palkia. Ice Beam provides it with the ability to steer away Dragon-types such as a chipped Eternatus and Zygarde-C. Under Dynamax, Ice Beam turns into Max Hailstorm, allowing it to set up weather hazard hail for Shedinja which is a nuisance for Kyogre otherwise. Origin Pulse provides a good STAB type option when not on full health and allows it to 2HKO many key opponents such as Necrozma-DM and a slightly weakened bulky Yveltal. Maximum Speed investment with Timid nature allows it to move first against most opponents outspeed Calyrex-S and Jolly Zacian-C while 252 Special Attack EVs guarantee several OHKOs and 2HKOs. -we only explain EV investment if they allow you to hit a specific benchmark; in this case, a Timid nature with max Speed is important to explain because you don't outspeed Calyrex-S and Jolly Zacian-C with a Modest nature, but since we can't point out specific benchmarks for 252 SpA, its not necessary to mention it in the first place-

Kyogre fits best as a lead in balanced teams as it can force out offensive leads like Zacian-C, Calyrex-S as well as defensive leads like Necrozma-DM and bulky Yveltal Tyranitar -Yveltal's a more relevant example-. Teammates like Zacian-C and Xerneas Calyrex-S provide it support by checking pressuring its common counters such as Chansey, Blissey, Ferrothorn, Kyurem-W, and Eternatus. In return, Kyogre can pressure their checks in Necrozma-DM and Yveltal, notably limiting Necrozma-DM's source of recovery with Drizzle. Defoggers such as Ho-Oh and specially defensive Yveltal provide immense support by clearing entry hazards helping Kyogre to remain at full health, with Ho-Oh in particular limiting Ferrothorn like no other while also checking some of its counters such as Ferrothorn and Shedinja -Shedinja's not very relevant, so I reworded this bit-. Pokemon such as Excadrill Necrozma-DM, Ferrothorn, and Groudon can set up entry hazards allowing Kyogre to pressure Eternatus, Kyurem-W, and Ferrothorn a lot better and OHKO common Focus Sash users such as Marshadow and Calyrex-S through its potential Focus Sash while also being able to clear hazards using Rapid Spin -as Stealth Rock Excadrill's only used on Hyper Offense, and with Choice Scarf Kyogre not being a good fit on said playstyle, Excadrill is not a great example as an entry hazard setter-. Kyogre's ability to OHKO Defensive walls such as Necrozma-DM is appreciated by Zacian-C which otherwise has very limited checks. -I incorporated this in an earlier sentence- Zygarde-C as a teammate allows Kyogre to safely switch out when against Regieleki. -Regieleki's not that common, so this isn't important to mention- Kyogre is uncapable of reliably checking a boosted Xerneas, Zygarde-C behind a Substitute, Groudon at +1 Speed, and Zekrom. As a result, the aforementioned Necrozma-DM and Zacian-C can prove to be useful for patching up the Xerneas matchup, while bulky Lunala can effectively limit all of Zygarde-C, Groudon, and Zekrom.

Other Options
Surf and Scald can be used instead of Origin Pulse due to its poor accuracy. Scald can be useful as it can burn and cripple opponents like Zacian-C and Ferrothorn in a pinch, which can be threatening for it Kyogre without a full-powered Water Spout. Surf is often used for more Base Power than Scald but However, both lack in enough power and are sometimes unable to deal heavy enough damage to opponents. Ancient Power allows Kyogre to lure Shedinja in and OHKO but has no use except that. Waterfall or Liquidation can be used in order to check Chansey and Blissey but Kyogre's mediocre Attack stat makes it unviable to use on other opponents. -these are too niche, unfortunately-

Checks and Counters
**Specially Defensive Walls Bulky Dragon-Types**: Specially defensive walls Bulky Dragon-types like Eternatus, Utility Umbrella Kyurem-W Ferrothorn, Giratina, and Palkia can take hits from Kyogre even when its at full health and potentially force it out. Ferrothorn can use Leech Seed and slowly wear Kyogre down while at the same time recovering through Leech Seed. Eternatus, Palkia, and Giratina can pressure Kyogre into PP exhaustion. However, Giratina is a bit shaky check due to it having access to no other recovery move other than Rest. Eternatus can badly poison Kyogre using Toxic and can recover its health using Recover. Kyurem-W easily shrugs off anything Kyogre can throw at it, while forcing it out and potentially making irreversible progress with Sheer Cold. Palkia can counter force Kyogre to switch out with Thunder and force Kyogre to switch out.

**Ferrothorn**: Ferrothorn can stomach any attack from Choice Scarf Kyogre relatively comfortably, force it out with Power Whip, regain health with Leech Seed, and force progress with Spikes or Knock Off.

**Chansey and Blissey**: Thanks to their gigantic bulk, both Chansey and Blissey can counter Kyogre pretty well. Both can badly poison it using Toxic and cripple it using Confide while access to Soft-Boiled ensures that they can easily recover from Kyogre's hits.

**Regieleki**: Regieleki outspeeds Kyogre and can deal heavy damage to it. Offensive variants as a lead are able to OHKO Kyogre while defensive utility ones can also set dual screens allowing other Pokemon in the opponents team to gain advantage.

**Other Checks**: Other less viable checks include Shedinja, Kyurem-W. Shedinja can force Kyogre out due to Kyogre having no super effective moves to counter it. Kyurem-W equipped with Utility Umbrella can take hits from Kyogre and hit it with super effective Freeze-Dry. -Kyurem-W fits better into the first category, and, as you said, Shedinja is unreliable due to Max Hailstorm-

- Written by: [[Frozoid, 532881]]
- Quality checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]
pretty impressive for your first try, 1/2
dm me on discord if you have any questions
Thanks for reviewing! I made the required changes
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name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Water Spout
move 2: Ice Beam Origin Pulse
move 3: Thunder Ice Beam
move 4: Origin Pulse Thunder
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Drizzle
nature: Timid
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe

re-ordered the moveset to make it more accurate

With its good Special Attack stat and ability adding weather effects to its favor, Kyogre can find many opportunities to revenge kill opponents foes such as Calyrex-S, Dragon Dance Zygarde-C, Necrozma-DM, and Zacian-C due to Choice Scarf allowing it to outspeed every Pokemon in the tier except Regieleki. Water Spout allows Kyogre to deal heavy damage to opponents at full health guaranteeing several OHKOes such as Zacian-C, Calyrex-S, and unboosted Xerneas. Origin Pulse provides a good STAB move if Kyogre is situationally not at full health, while still 2HKOing many key opponents such as Necrozma-DM, Zacian-C, and specially defensive Yveltal. Ice Beam provides it with the ability to steer away Dragon-types such as weakened defensive Eternatus, Zekrom, and Zygarde-C. Thunder allows it to deal heavy damage to other Kyogre and transformed Ditto, and is its best move against Palkia. Ice Beam provides it with the ability to steer away Dragon-types such as a chipped Eternatus and Zygarde-C. moved Origin Pulse provides a good STAB type option when not on full health and allows it to 2HKO many key opponents such as Necrozma-DM and a slightly weakened bulky Yveltal. moved Maximum Speed investment with a Timid nature allows it to outspeed Calyrex-S and Jolly Zacian-C.

Choice Scarf Kyogre fits best as a lead in on balance and bulky offense teams as it can force out offensive leads like Zacian-C and Calyrex-S as well as defensive leads like Necrozma-DM and bulky specially defensive Yveltal. Teammates like Zacian-C and Calyrex-S provide it support by pressuring its common counters such as Chansey, Blissey, Ferrothorn, Kyurem-W, and Eternatus. In return, Kyogre can pressure their checks in Necrozma-DM and Yveltal respectively, notably limiting Necrozma-DM's source of recovery with Drizzle. Defoggers such as Ho-Oh and specially defensive Yveltal provide immense support by clearing entry hazards helping Kyogre to remain at full health, with Ho-Oh in particular limiting Ferrothorn like no other. Pokemon such as Necrozma-DM, Groudon, and Ferrothorn can set up entry hazards allowing Kyogre to pressure Eternatus, Kyurem-W, and Ferrothorn a lot better and OHKO Calyrex-S through its potential Focus Sash. Kyogre is uncapable of reliably checking a boosted Xerneas, Zygarde-C behind a Substitute, Groudon at +1 Speed after a few Max Airstream boosts scarf kyogre speed ties with +1 groudon, and boosted Zekrom. As a result, the aforementioned Necrozma-DM and Zacian-C can prove to be useful for patching up the Xerneas matchup, while bulky Lunala can effectively limit all of Zygarde-C, Groudon, and Zekrom.

Other Options
Surf and Scald can be used instead of Origin Pulse due to its poor accuracy. Scald can be useful as it can burn and cripple opponents like Zacian-C and Ferrothorn in a pinch, which can be threatening to Kyogre without a full-powered Water Spout. However both lack in power and are sometimes unable to deal enough damage to opponents.

Checks and Counters
**Bulky Dragon-Types**: Bulky Dragon-types like Eternatus, Utility Umbrella Kyurem-W, Giratina, and Palkia can take hits from Kyogre even when its at full health as they resist Water Spout, and force forcing it out. Eternatus, Palkia, and Giratina can also pressure Kyogre into PP exhaustion. However, Giratina is a bit shaky check due to it having access to no other recovery move other than Rest. Eternatus can badly poison Kyogre using Toxic and can recover its health using Recover, consistently heal off its attacks with Recover, and weaken it with Dynamax Cannon. Kyurem-W easily shrugs off anything Kyogre can throw at it, while forcing it out and potentially making irreversible progress with Sheer Cold. Palkia can force Kyogre to switch out with Thunder and force Kyogre to switch out.

**Ferrothorn**: Ferrothorn can stomach any attack from Choice Scarf Kyogre relatively comfortably, force it out with Power Whip, regain health with Leech Seed, and force progress with Spikes or Knock Off.

**Chansey and Blissey**: Thanks to their its gigantic bulk, both Chansey and chansey is niche Blissey can counter Kyogre pretty very well due to its enormous special bulk and Utility Umbrella, letting it bypass the effects of Drizzle. Both can Additionally, it can badly poison it using Toxic and cripple it using Confide while access to Soft-Boiled ensures that they it can easily recover from Kyogre's hits.

**Regieleki**: Regieleki outspeeds Kyogre and can deal heavy damage to it. Offensive variants as a lead are able to OHKO Kyogre while utility ones can also set dual screens allowing other Pokemon in the opponents team to gain advantage.

- Written by: [[Frozoid, 532881]]
- Quality checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]] make sure you do this
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]
Nice work! Make sure you implement this using the reply method. QC 2/2
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name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Water Spout
move 2: Ice Beam Origin Pulse
move 3: Thunder Ice Beam
move 4: Origin Pulse Thunder
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Drizzle
nature: Timid
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe

re-ordered the moveset to make it more accurate

With its good Special Attack stat and ability adding weather effects to its favor, Kyogre can find many opportunities to revenge kill opponents foes such as Calyrex-S, Dragon Dance Zygarde-C, Necrozma-DM, and Zacian-C due to Choice Scarf allowing it to outspeed every Pokemon in the tier except Regieleki. Water Spout allows Kyogre to deal heavy damage to opponents at full health guaranteeing several OHKOes such as Zacian-C, Calyrex-S, and unboosted Xerneas. Origin Pulse provides a good STAB move if Kyogre is situationally not at full health, while still 2HKOing many key opponents such as Necrozma-DM, Zacian-C, and specially defensive Yveltal. Ice Beam provides it with the ability to steer away Dragon-types such as weakened defensive Eternatus, Zekrom, and Zygarde-C. Thunder allows it to deal heavy damage to other Kyogre and transformed Ditto, and is its best move against Palkia. Ice Beam provides it with the ability to steer away Dragon-types such as a chipped Eternatus and Zygarde-C. moved Origin Pulse provides a good STAB type option when not on full health and allows it to 2HKO many key opponents such as Necrozma-DM and a slightly weakened bulky Yveltal. moved Maximum Speed investment with a Timid nature allows it to outspeed Calyrex-S and Jolly Zacian-C.

Choice Scarf Kyogre fits best as a lead in on balance and bulky offense teams as it can force out offensive leads like Zacian-C and Calyrex-S as well as defensive leads like Necrozma-DM and bulky specially defensive Yveltal. Teammates like Zacian-C and Calyrex-S provide it support by pressuring its common counters such as Chansey, Blissey, Ferrothorn, Kyurem-W, and Eternatus. In return, Kyogre can pressure their checks in Necrozma-DM and Yveltal respectively, notably limiting Necrozma-DM's source of recovery with Drizzle. Defoggers such as Ho-Oh and specially defensive Yveltal provide immense support by clearing entry hazards helping Kyogre to remain at full health, with Ho-Oh in particular limiting Ferrothorn like no other. Pokemon such as Necrozma-DM, Groudon, and Ferrothorn can set up entry hazards allowing Kyogre to pressure Eternatus, Kyurem-W, and Ferrothorn a lot better and OHKO Calyrex-S through its potential Focus Sash. Kyogre is uncapable of reliably checking a boosted Xerneas, Zygarde-C behind a Substitute, Groudon at +1 Speed after a few Max Airstream boosts scarf kyogre speed ties with +1 groudon, and boosted Zekrom. As a result, the aforementioned Necrozma-DM and Zacian-C can prove to be useful for patching up the Xerneas matchup, while bulky Lunala can effectively limit all of Zygarde-C, Groudon, and Zekrom.

Other Options
Surf and Scald can be used instead of Origin Pulse due to its poor accuracy. Scald can be useful as it can burn and cripple opponents like Zacian-C and Ferrothorn in a pinch, which can be threatening to Kyogre without a full-powered Water Spout. However both lack in power and are sometimes unable to deal enough damage to opponents.

Checks and Counters
**Bulky Dragon-Types**: Bulky Dragon-types like Eternatus, Utility Umbrella Kyurem-W, Giratina, and Palkia can take hits from Kyogre even when its at full health as they resist Water Spout, and force forcing it out. Eternatus, Palkia, and Giratina can also pressure Kyogre into PP exhaustion. However, Giratina is a bit shaky check due to it having access to no other recovery move other than Rest. Eternatus can badly poison Kyogre using Toxic and can recover its health using Recover, consistently heal off its attacks with Recover, and weaken it with Dynamax Cannon. Kyurem-W easily shrugs off anything Kyogre can throw at it, while forcing it out and potentially making irreversible progress with Sheer Cold. Palkia can force Kyogre to switch out with Thunder and force Kyogre to switch out.

**Ferrothorn**: Ferrothorn can stomach any attack from Choice Scarf Kyogre relatively comfortably, force it out with Power Whip, regain health with Leech Seed, and force progress with Spikes or Knock Off.

**Chansey and Blissey**: Thanks to their its gigantic bulk, both Chansey and chansey is niche Blissey can counter Kyogre pretty very well due to its enormous special bulk and Utility Umbrella, letting it bypass the effects of Drizzle. Both can Additionally, it can badly poison it using Toxic and cripple it using Confide while access to Soft-Boiled ensures that they it can easily recover from Kyogre's hits.

**Regieleki**: Regieleki outspeeds Kyogre and can deal heavy damage to it. Offensive variants as a lead are able to OHKO Kyogre while utility ones can also set dual screens allowing other Pokemon in the opponents team to gain advantage.

- Written by: [[Frozoid, 532881]]
- Quality checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]] make sure you do this
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]
Nice work! Make sure you implement this using the reply method. QC 2/2
Thanks for reviewing! I will implement the changes!
GP 1/1
name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Water Spout
move 2: Origin Pulse
move 3: Ice Beam
move 4: Thunder
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Drizzle
nature: Timid
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe

With its good Special Attack stat and ability adding weather effects to its favor Drizzle on its side, Choice Scarf Kyogre can find many opportunities to revenge kill foes such as Calyrex-S, Dragon Dance Zygarde-C, Necrozma-DM, and Zacian-C due to Choice Scarf allowing it to outspeed every Pokemon in the tier except Regieleki. Water Spout allows Kyogre to deal heavy damage to opponents at full health guaranteeing several OHKOes OHKO foes such as Zacian-C, Calyrex-S, and unboosted Xerneas when at full health. Origin Pulse provides a good STAB move if Kyogre is situationally not at full health, while still 2HKOing many once Kyogre is too weakened for Water Spout, 2HKOing key opponents foes such as Necrozma-DM, Zacian-C, and specially defensive Yveltal. Ice Beam provides it with the ability to steer away forces out Dragon-types such as weakened defensive Eternatus, Zekrom, and Zygarde-C. Thunder allows it to deals heavy damage to other Kyogre and transformed Ditto, and is its Kyogre's best move against Palkia. Maximum Speed investment with Timid nature allows it to outspeed Calyrex-S and Jolly Zacian-C.

Choice Scarf Kyogre fits best on balance and bulky offense teams, (comma) as it can force out offensive leads like Zacian-C, (comma) and Calyrex-S as well as defensive leads like Necrozma-DM and specially defensive Yveltal. Teammates like Zacian-C and Calyrex-S provide it support by pressuring its common pressure Kyogre's counters such as Blissey, Ferrothorn, Kyurem-W, and Eternatus, (comma) with Nasty Plot Calyrex-S in particular being able to pass Special Attack boosts onto Kyogre making it incredibly hard to deal with. In return, Kyogre can pressure their checks in Necrozma-DM and or Yveltal respectively, notably limiting Necrozma-DM's source of recovery with Drizzle. Defoggers such as Ho-Oh and specially defensive Yveltal provide immense support by clearing entry hazards helping help Kyogre to remain at full health, with Ho-Oh in particular limiting Ferrothorn like no other. Pokemon such as Necrozma-DM, Groudon, and Ferrothorn can set up entry hazards, (comma) allowing Kyogre to pressure Eternatus, Kyurem-W, and Ferrothorn a lot better and OHKO Focus Sash Calyrex-S through its potential Focus Sash. Kyogre is uncapable incapable of reliably checking a boosted Xerneas, Zygarde-C behind a Substitute, Groudon after a few Max Airstream boosts, and boosted Zekrom. As a result, the aforementioned Necrozma-DM and Zacian-C can prove to be useful for patching up the Xerneas matchup, while bulky Lunala can effectively limit all of Zygarde-C, Groudon, and Zekrom.

Other Options
Surf and Scald can be used instead of Origin Pulse due to its poor accuracy as more accurate alternatives to Origin Pulse. Scald can be useful as it can burn and cripple opponents for burning Pokemon like Zacian-C and Ferrothorn in a pinch, which can be threatening to Kyogre without a full-powered Water Spout at full power. However both lack in power and are sometimes unable to deal enough damage to opponents. However, Surf and Scald lack in power, more often failing to deal enough damage.

Checks and Counters
**Bulky Dragon-types**: Bulky Dragon-types like Eternatus, Utility Umbrella Kyurem-W, Giratina, and Palkia can take hits even full power Water Spout from Kyogre even when its at full health as they resist Water Spout, forcing it out. Eternatus, Palkia, and Giratina can also pressure Kyogre into PP exhaustion. However, Giratina is a bit shaky check due to it having access to no other recovery move other than its recovery being Rest. Eternatus can badly poison Kyogre using Toxic, consistently heal off its attacks with Recover, and weaken it with Dynamax Cannon. Kyurem-W easily shrugs off anything Kyogre can throw at it, while forcing it out and potentially making irreversible progress with Sheer Cold. Palkia can force Kyogre to switch out with Thunder.

**Ferrothorn**: Ferrothorn can stomach any attack from Choice Scarf Kyogre relatively comfortably, force it out with Power Whip, regain health with Leech Seed, and force progress with Spikes or Knock Off.

**Blissey**: Blissey can counters Kyogre very well due to its enormous special bulk and Utility Umbrella, letting it bypass the effects of Drizzle. Additionally, it can badly poison it using Toxic and cripple it using Confide while access to Soft-Boiled ensures that it can easily recover from Kyogre's hits. It easily outlasts Kyogre between Toxic, Confide, and Soft-Boiled.

**Regieleki**: Regieleki outspeeds Choice Scarf Kyogre and can deal heavy damage to it. Offensive lead variants as a lead are able to OHKO Kyogre, (comma) while utility ones can also set dual screens allowing other Pokemon in the opponents team to gain advantage to make Kyogre's revenge killing more difficult.

- Written by: [[Frozoid, 532881]]
- Quality checked by: [[Guard, 360582], [Rotten, 491896]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]
up! The AG QC team had to rework the existing Kyogre analysis and finalize the OO + checks and counters sections before merging this new set.
In the future, when writing a new set for a Pokemon that already has an existing analysis with OO and checks and counters written, either exclude these sections or work with the existing analysis + QC team to update them.