Copyediting Choice Scarf Jirachi (Psychic) [QC 2/2] [GP 0/1]


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Jirachi @ Choice Scarf
Name: Choice Scarf (Psychic)
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Iron Head
- Trick
- U-turn
- Healing Wish / Ice Punch

Jirachi plays a niche role as a late-game sweeper or fast support on Psychic teams. Iron Head, in tandem with Choice Scarf, provides an opportunity to win endgames with consecutive flinches. Furthermore, Choice Scarf allows it to outspeed and KO foes like Choice Specs Flutter Mane and non-Choice Scarf Iron Valiant, both of which can prove to be troublesome for Psychic teams. Trick can be used to punish defensive switch-ins like Skarmory and Toxapex, forcing them to hold Choice Scarf and rendering them effectively null, thus allowing Psychic teams to make valuable progress against Steel, Flying, Water, and Poison teams. U-turn helps Jirachi function as a fast pivot after luring in common checks like Kingambit and Archaludon, thus retaining momentum. Healing Wish gives it the opportunity to operate as a fast support. Alternatively, Ice Punch can be used to reliably check Gliscor and non-Choice Scarf Landorus.

Hoopa-U's neutrality to Ghost-type moves and great special bulk allows it to function as a viable partner for Jirachi, checking foes like Gholdengo and Spectrier that it isn't able to deal with. Teammates like Deoxys-S can set Spikes to punish Jirachi's checks like Gholdengo and Heatran and aid its late-game sweep. Alternatively, Choice Specs Deoxys-S in tandem with Psychic Terrain can prove to be a valuable wallbreaker with Expanding Force. Hatterene provides a switch-in to Dark-type foes like Darkrai, Hydreigon, and Hisuian Samurott, which may prove troublesome for Jirachi. Furthermore, Hatterene prevents foes from setting entry hazards thanks to Magic Bounce, thus deterring their attempts to get chip damage on Jirachi. Choice Scarf Iron Boulder acts as an incredible wallbreaking partner, checking foes like Ogerpon-H, Volcanion, Volcarona, and Moltres. In addition to that, it can also forego its Choice Scarf and opt to use Swords Dance, since Jirachi takes up the role of the late-game sweeper. Latias and Latios leverage their phenomenal wallbreaking potential to aid Jirachi by checking Dragon-type foes like Archaludon and Gouging Fire. In exchange, Jirachi deals with annoying Fairy-type foes like Iron Valiant and non-Choice Scarf Flutter Mane. Indeedee leverages its immunity to Ghost-type moves to help Jirachi while also setting Psychic Terrain to protect its teammates from Kingambit's Sucker Punch. In exchange, Jirachi's access to Healing Wish allows teammates like Latias and Indeedee to free a moveslot. Gallade pairs well with Jirachi, as it checks troublesome Poison-types like Toxapex and Amoonguss with Psycho Cut while also hitting Steel-types like Kingambit and Heatran with Sacred Sword. In exchange, Jirachi forces a Choice Scarf on walls like Toxapex and Skarmory using Trick, preventing them from recovering and allowing Gallade to perform a more comfortable sweep. Slowbro and Galarian Slowking form a strong defensive core, with the former being able to switch in to Excadrill and Landorus-T, while the latter can switch into foes like Galarian Moltres and Hydreigon. Furthermore, itemless Slowbro can conveniently check Ceruledge's Poltergeist, which is extremely troublesome for Jirachi. Lastly, Espathra and Jirachi form a strong late-game sweeper core, with Espathra leveraging Speed Boost and Calm Mind to spam Stored Power, while Jirachi attempts to chip away at those immune or resistant to it, like Alolan Muk and Hisuian Goodra.

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von dutch
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Jirachi plays a niche role as a late-game sweeper or fast support on Psychic teams. Iron Head, in tandem with Choice Scarf, provides an opportunity to win endgames with consecutive flinches, as it is automatically faster than most of the metagame already implied with scarf as the item. Trick can be used to punish defensive switch-ins like Skarmory and Toxapex, forcing them to hold Choice Scarf and preventing them from taking advantage of their resistance to Iron Head this reads as if they cant swap into iron head after theyre tricked, they can, just reword this to them being rendered null essentially. U-turn helps Jirachi function as a fast pivot after luring in common checks like Kingambit and Archaludon mention retaining momentum. Healing Wish gives Jirachi the opportunity to operate as a fast support. Alternatively, Ice Punch can be used to reliably check Gliscor and non-Choice Scarf Landorus while also aiming to freeze foes like Corviknight, Mandibuzz, and Galarian Moltres dont really like writing fishing for hax in analyses, isnt rly conducive to the analysis and generally shouldnt be mentioned, especially if youre writing that you can trick these mons anyway.

Teammates like Deoxys-S can set Spikes to punish Jirachi's checks such as ? and aid its late-game sweep. Alternatively, Choice Specs Deoxys-S in tandem with Psychic Terrain can prove to be a valuable wallbreaker with Expanding Force. Hatterene provides a solution solution seems kinda od, just say switch in or something to Dark-type foes like Darkrai, Hydreigon, and Hisuian Samurott, which may prove troublesome for Jirachi. Furthermore, Hatterene prevents foes from setting entry hazards thanks to Magic Bounce, thus deterring their attempts to get chip damage on Jirachi. Iron Boulder acts as an incredible wallbreaking partner for Jirachi, checking foes like Ogerpon-H, Volcanion, and Moltres. In addition to that, it can also forego its Choice Scarf you didnt explicitly mention choice scarf, so say Choice Scarf Iron Boulder and opt to use Swords Dance, since Jirachi takes up the role of the late-game sweeper. Latias and Latios leverage their phenomenal wallbreaking potential to aid Jirachi by checking Dragon-type foes like Archaludon and Gouging Fire. In exchange, Jirachi deals with annoying Fairy-type foes like Iron Valiant and non-Choice Scarf Flutter Mane. Indeedee leverages its immunity to Ghost-type moves to aid Jirachi while also setting Psychic Terrain to protect its teammates from Kingambit's Sucker Punch. Gardevoir checks troublesome Poison-types like Toxapex and Amoonguss, while also hitting Steel-types like Kingambit and Heatran with Focus Blast. Gallade is better than Gardevoir in a lot of scenarios, if you want healing wish you would just use indeedee instead for role compression, so just use gallade over garde in this example In exchange, Jirachi's access to Healing Wish allows teammates like Latias, Indeedee, and Gardevoir to free a moveslot, with Latias being able to use Defog to remove hazards for Jirachi. Hoopa-U's neutrality to Ghost-type moves and great special bulk allows it to function as a viable partner for Jirachi, checking foes like Gholdengo and Spectrier, which Jirachi isn't may not be able to deal with. Slowbro and Galarian Slowking form a strong defensive core, with the former being able to switch in to Excadrill and Landorus-T, while the latter can switch into foes like Galarian Moltres and Hydreigon. Furthermore, itemless Slowbro can conveniently check Ceruledge's Poltergeist, which is extremely troublesome for Jirachi. Lastly, Espathra and Jirachi form a strong late-game sweeper core, with Espathra leveraging Speed Boost and Calm Mind to spam Stored Power, while Jirachi attempts to chip away at those immune or resistant to it, like Alolan Muk and Hisuian Goodra.

1/2 :)

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  • Hoopa-U needs priority mention earlier and not so late. This set Scarf or just being restraint with Gholdengos existence only expressed the importance of always having this as a teammate. And you mentioned Kingambit and hoooa u can creep and ko it , focus / drain is rly nice

    - this Mon is horrible and you can barely fit rocks so reading this as a person that plays this tier feels like it paints something a little disconnection with the overall analysis.I don’t really see focus on Trick / Healing Wish much in teams options and by a mon being a little more niche by nature the intro sentence / beginning of teammates section should oversell what exactly needs this support value on Psychic. We mention Toxapex and Skarmory in the P1 but ig sure Jirachi can trick a pokemon that it itself struggles with but what exactly benefits off Toxapex being cripped on Psychic. Skarmory is on Steel and Flying and it makes sense for Flying but one of the roadblocks to this set for Steel is Gholdengo and Hoopa-U is the Mon that really need emphasize and what exactly it’s doing.
  • “In exchange, Jirachi deals with annoying Fairy-type foes like Iron Valiant and non-Choice Scarf Flutter Mane.” This feels like a crucial pointer that primarily gives the reader an example on Flutter Mane . This feels like one of the main appeals for a shitmon so why not have a scarf explanation section in P1 for it or in the intro sentence
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1/1 GP Team done
Great stuff, lmk if you have any questions!

Jirachi @ Choice Scarf
Name: Choice Scarf (Psychic)
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Iron Head
- Trick
- U-turn
- Healing Wish / Ice Punch

Jirachi plays a niche role as a late-game sweeper or fast support Pokemon just double checking, it can only do one or the other and not both? if it can do both simultaneously, use "and" on Psychic teams. Iron Head, in tandem with Choice Scarf, provides an opportunity to win endgames with consecutive flinches. Furthermore, Choice Scarf allows it to outspeed and KO foes like Choice Specs Flutter Mane and non-Choice Scarf Iron Valiant, both of which can prove to be troublesome for Psychic teams. Trick can be used to punish defensive switch-ins like Skarmory and Toxapex, forcing them to hold Choice Scarf and rendering them effectively null, thus allowing Psychic teams to make valuable progress against Steel, Flying, Water, and Poison teams. U-turn helps Jirachi function as a fast pivot after luring in common checks like Kingambit and Archaludon, thus retaining momentum. Healing Wish gives it the opportunity to operate as a fast support Pokemon. support is acting as an adjective here and above so I feel like you need to put a noun Alternatively, Ice Punch can be used to reliably check Gliscor and non-Choice Scarf Landorus.

Hoopa-U's neutrality to Ghost-type moves and great special bulk allows it to function as a viable partner for Jirachi, checking foes like Gholdengo and Spectrier that it isn't able to deal with otherwise. Teammates like Deoxys-S can set Spikes to punish Jirachi's checks like Gholdengo and Heatran and aid its late-game sweep. Alternatively, Choice Specs Deoxys-S in tandem with Psychic Terrain can prove to be a valuable wallbreaker with Expanding Force. Hatterene provides a switch-in to Dark-type foes like Darkrai, Hydreigon, and Hisuian Samurott, which may prove troublesome for Jirachi. Furthermore, Hatterene prevents foes from setting entry hazards thanks to Magic Bounce, thus deterring their attempts to get chip damage on Jirachi. Choice Scarf Iron Boulder acts as an incredible wallbreaking partner, checking foes like Ogerpon-H, Volcanion, Volcarona, and Moltres. In addition to that, it can also forego its Choice Scarf and opt to use Swords Dance, since Jirachi takes up the role of the late-game sweeper. Latias and Latios leverage their phenomenal wallbreaking potential to aid Jirachi by checking Dragon-type foes like Archaludon and Gouging Fire. In exchange, Jirachi deals with annoying Fairy-type foes like Iron Valiant and non-Choice Scarf Flutter Mane. Indeedee leverages its immunity to Ghost-type moves to help Jirachi while also setting Psychic Terrain to protect its teammates from Kingambit's Sucker Punch. In exchange, Jirachi's access to Healing Wish allows teammates like Latias and Indeedee to free a moveslot. Gallade pairs well with Jirachi, as it checks troublesome Poison-types like Toxapex and Amoonguss with Psycho Cut while also hitting Steel-types like Kingambit and Heatran with Sacred Sword. In exchange, Jirachi forces a Choice Scarf on walls like Toxapex and Skarmory using Trick, preventing them from recovering and allowing Gallade to perform a more comfortable sweep. Slowbro and Galarian Slowking form a strong defensive core, with the former being able to switch in to into Excadrill and Landorus-T, while the latter can switch into foes like Galarian Moltres and Hydreigon. Furthermore, itemless Slowbro can conveniently check Ceruledge's Poltergeist, which is extremely troublesome for Jirachi. Lastly, Espathra and Jirachi form a strong late-game sweeper core, with Espathra leveraging Speed Boost and Calm Mind to spam Stored Power, while Jirachi attempts to chip away at those immune to or resistant to it, I would specify what "it" means here, it's a bit unclear like Alolan Muk and Hisuian Goodra.

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