PU Choice Scarf Emboar [QC 2/2] [GP 1/1] [DONE]


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name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Flare Blitz
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Knock Off
move 4: Earthquake / Head Smash
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Reckless
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
tera type: Dark / Fighting / Fire

Emboar makes use of Choice Scarf to counteract its middling Speed stat, becoming a terrifying revenge killer. Its main advantages over other revenge killers are its surprise factor and, more importantly, its incredible attacking power compounded by Reckless, with Reckless-boosted Flare Blitz making light work of threats like Scyther and Florges as well as breaking past common walls such as Wo-Chien and Bronzong. Knock Off complements Emboar's dual STAB moves well; it can slice through the likes of Delphox and Golurk with no drawbacks, as well as remove items from the likes of Gligar and Galarian Slowbro switching into it. Knock Off is usually the safest move to lock into due to its complete lack of drawbacks and its guarantee of progress with item removal. Earthquake is a useful mid-ground that can hit Fire-resistant Pokemon like Delphox and Arcanine and Fighting-resistant Pokemon like Toxtricity and Galarian Slowbro in the same slot while additionally avoiding negative contact effects like Bellibolt's Static, Skuntank's Aftermath, and chip damage from the various Rocky Helmet users in the tier. Head Smash is a risky coverage option that allows Emboar to hit Altaria super effectively while cleanly OHKOing Hisuian Braviary and making light work of Arcanine. Additionally, it retains some of the benefits of Earthquake by hitting Fire-types super effectively, and, as it's a Rock-type move, it has no immunities, unlike Earthquake. Head Smash is still a risky option because the recoil damage is a huge drawback, and its accuracy is poor. Wild Charge is another midground option that lets Emboar hit Water-types like Inteleon and Milotic and, like Head Smash, is boosted by Reckless. Tera Dark sharpens Knock Off into a strong STAB attack that can cleanly OHKO Delphox and 2HKO physically defensive Galarian Slowbro. Additionally, Tera Dark gives Emboar a relevant Psychic immunity in the face of Choice Scarf Meloetta and Galarian Articuno. Tera Fighting and Tera Fire can be used to bolster the already great power of Emboar's STAB attacks, letting it 2HKO Milotic and Arcanine with Tera Fighting Close Combat and 2HKO physically defensive Bellibolt and Gligar with Tera Fire Flare Blitz. Emboar's Choice Scarf-boosted Speed allows it to outrun even base 120 Speed Pokemon like Inteleon and Minior; however, Kilowattrel and various faster Choice Scarf users still outspeed and threaten Emboar.

Emboar fits well on balance teams, where it can act as a physical attacker and revenge killer, taking the pressure off of potential defensive teammates like Florges and Duraludon in the face of threats like Delphox, Heracross, and Salazzle. In order to get the most out of Emboar, it should be paired with pivoting support, bringing it in without it taking unnecessary chip damage against offensive threats like Inteleon and Delphox. Good examples of partners that can provide this are Kilowattrel, Gligar, and Bellibolt. Florges appreciates Emboar's ability to threaten Steel-types like Bronzong and Alolan Sandslash. In return, it can either pass Wish, which is incredibly helpful due to Emboar's tendency to be worn down quickly, or clean up games with Calm Mind after Emboar has broken a hole in the opposing team. Healing Wish support from the likes of Mesprit is useful to not only give Emboar a second wind after it's chipped down by recoil and attacks but also clear potential status like paralysis to allow it to clean. Other physical attackers like Decidueye and Golurk can beat Milotic and Galarian Slowbro, respectively, additionally working with Emboar to take chunks out of Bellibolt. Entry hazard removal is important because Emboar already has enough issues being worn down by its own attacks; spinners like Alolan Sandslash and Hitmontop and Defoggers like Altaria and Scyther can fill this role. Kilowattrel is a good naturally fast speed control option to help round out Emboar's team and prevents over-reliance on Emboar to force out opposing threats. Choice Scarf Emboar should be used over its Heavy-Duty Boots and Choice Band variants on slower teams that rely on Emboar to outspeed and force out threats for them.

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name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Flare Blitz
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Knock Off
move 4: Earthquake / Head Smash
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Reckless
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
tera type: Dark / Fighting / Fire


Making use of Choice Scarf to counteract its middling Speed stat, Emboar becomes a terrifying revenge killer, using its incredibly hard-hitting Reckless-boosted STAB attacks Flare Blitz (CC is not boosted) to make light work of offensive threats like Choice Band Staraptor (im not that high on this mention since Bandraptor is not that common. I would rather mention something like Scyther instead.) and Inteleon (It's not a great switchin but it resists Flare Blitz, so i would rather mention something like Florges or Kilowatt here.) as well as breaking past common walls such as Wo-Chien and Bronzong. (I think you want to empathize more that Reckless is THE reason to use Scarf Emboar, since the other competition like Paldean Tauros-F, Migo, Raptor, etc are normally more consistent at revenge killer. speaking of which, mention at the start how it suffers from pretty good competition.) Knock Off complements Emboar's dual stab well; it can slice through the likes of Delphox and Bruxish with no drawbacks, as well as remove items from the likes of Arcanine (I dont like this mention since Arc isnt really swapping into Emboar; would rather mention Belli here instead.) and Slowbro-G Galarian Slowbro switching into it. Earthquake is a useful mid-ground that can hit Fire-resistant Pokemon like Delphox and Arcanine and Fighting-resistant Pokemon like Florges and Slowking-G Galarian Slowbro in the same slot. Head Smash can be used as a risky coverage option that cleanly OHKOes Braviary-H and makes light work of Arcanine (mention how its huge recoil drawback makes it difficult to justify + mention altaria here somewhere.) (I would mention Wild Charge as an OO, but not as a slash. Its a decent midground into Water-types like Milo and Intel.) . A Jolly nature allows Emboar to outspeed key targets like Inteleon and Salazzle. (No need to mention this as Adamant should never be used on Scarf.) Tera Dark sharpens Knock Off into a strong STAB attack that can cleanly OHKO Delphox and 2HKO physically defensive Slowbro-G Galarian Slowbro. Tera Fighting and Tera Fire can be used to bolster the already great power of Emboar's STAB attacks, letting it 2HKO Milotic and Arcanine with Tera Fighting Close Combat and 2HKO physically defensive Bellibolt and Gligar with Tera Fire Flare Blitz.

Emboar fits great on balance teams, where it can act as a speed tier physical attacker and revenge killer, taking the pressure off of defensive teammates (such as?) in the face of threats like Delphox, Heracross, and Salazzle. Entry hazard support is incredibly beneficial, as it can chip down defensive Pokemon into range of Emboar's attacks (Mention some examples here, for example changes the 3HKO on Arc to a 2HKO with rocks.), and Emboar can remove Heavy-Duty Boots from the likes of Slowking-G Galarian Slowbro with Knock Off (could you mention how this helps entry hazard setters?), so hazard setters like Alolan Sandslash, Gligar, and Gastrodon make for great teammates. In order to get the most out of Emboar, it needs to be paired with pivoting support, bringing it in unscathed against slower offensive threats like Inteleon and Delphox. Good examples of partners that can provide this are Kilowattrel, Gligar, and Bellibolt. Florges appreciates Emboar's ability to threaten Steel-types like Bronzong and Alolan Sandslash and can either pass Wish with its utility set or clean up games with Calm Mind after Emboar has broken a hole in the opposing team.
(Mentioning some other physical attackers, especially ones that beat Galarbro and Milotic like Decidueye and Golurk, would be good to have here especially as they can work w emboar to chip down their shared threats like Belli)
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make sure to change the title to QC. I wanna recheck, so this is not 1/1 yet. lmk when you implement this.
name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Flare Blitz
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Knock Off
move 4: Earthquake / Head Smash
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Reckless
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
tera type: Dark / Fighting / Fire


Making use of Choice Scarf to counteract its middling Speed stat, Emboar becomes a terrifying revenge killer, its main advantage over other revenge killers being its incredible attacking power compounded by Reckless, with Reckless-boosted Flare Blitz making light work of threats like Scyther and Florges as well as breaking past common walls such as Wo-Chien and Bronzong. Knock Off complements Emboar's dual stab STAB well; it can slice through the likes of Delphox and Bruxish with no drawbacks, as well as remove items from the likes of Bellibolt and Galarian Slowbro switching into it. Earthquake is a useful mid-ground that can hit Fire-resistant Pokemon like Delphox and Arcanine and Fighting-resistant Pokemon like Florges and Galarian Slowbro in the same slot. Head Smash can be used as a risky coverage option that cleanly OHKOes Braviary-H Hisuian Braviary and makes light work of Arcanine, additionally giving Emboar a way to hit Altaria, though the recoil damage is a huge drawback. Wild Charge is another midground option that lets Emboar hit Water-types like Inteleon and Milotic. (I would mention that both wild charge and head smash are boosted by Reckless which can be appealing to some.) Tera Dark sharpens Knock Off into a strong STAB attack that can cleanly OHKO Delphox and 2HKO physically defensive Galarian Slowbro. (I would mention how it flips the Psychic MU which is big into the aformentioned Delphox as well as letting Emboar more reliably take on stuff like Galarcuno / Scarf Melo) Tera Fighting and Tera Fire can be used to bolster the already great power of Emboar's STAB attacks, letting it 2HKO Milotic and Arcanine with Tera Fighting Close Combat and 2HKO physically defensive Bellibolt and Gligar with Tera Fire Flare Blitz.

Emboar fits great on balance teams, where it can act as a physical attacker and revenge killer, taking the pressure off of potential defensive teammates like Florges and Duraludon in the face of threats like Delphox, Heracross, and Salazzle. Entry hazard support is incredibly beneficial, as it can chip down defensive Pokemon into range of Emboar's attacks, such as Stealth Rock letting Emboar 2HKO Arcanine and Bellibolt with Close Combat and Flare Blitz, respectively. Emboar is also able to remove Heavy-Duty Boots from the likes of Galarian Slowbro with Knock Off, opening them up to hazard damage, so hazard setters like Alolan Sandslash, Gligar, and Gastrodon make for great teammates. In order to get the most out of Emboar, it needs to be paired with pivoting support, bringing it in unscathed against offensive threats like Inteleon and Delphox. Good examples of partners that can provide this are Kilowattrel, Gligar, and Bellibolt. Florges appreciates Emboar's ability to threaten Steel-types like Bronzong and Alolan Sandslash and can either pass Wish with its utility set (CM can run wish too) or clean up games with Calm Mind after Emboar has broken a hole in the opposing team. Other physical attackers like Decidueye and Golurk can beat Milotic and Galarian Slowbro, respectively, additionally working with Emboar to take chunks out of Bellibolt.

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1/2 after implementation :heart:


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name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Flare Blitz
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Knock Off
move 4: Earthquake / Head Smash
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Reckless
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
tera type: Dark / Fighting / Fire


Making use of Choice Scarf to counteract its middling Speed stat, Emboar becomes a terrifying revenge killer, its main advantage over other revenge killers being its incredible attacking power compounded by Reckless, (specify that its not used for speed control, also the surprise factor)with Reckless-boosted Flare Blitz making light work of threats like Scyther and Florges as well as breaking past common walls such as Wo-Chien and Bronzong. Knock Off complements Emboar's dual STAB moves well; it can slice through the likes of Delphox and Bruxish (Bruxish can aqua jet, use a different example)with no drawbacks, as well as remove items from the likes of Bellibolt (change to something like gligar)and Galarian Slowbro switching into it. (talk about it being more spammable and safer to be locked into)Earthquake is a useful mid-ground that can hit Fire-resistant Pokemon like Delphox and Arcanine and Fighting-resistant Pokemon like Florges (doesnt do much to florges, replace)and Galarian Slowbro in the same slot. (Mention it being non-contact for stuff like static bellibolt, aftermath skuntank, an rocky helemet stuff)Head Smash can be used as a risky coverage option (add that it hits some of the same stuff as eq (like fire mons) but is less reliable cuz of acc)that cleanly OHKOes Hisuian Braviary and makes light work of Arcanine, additionally giving Emboar a way to hit Altaria, (altaria is the big target and should be mentioned first)(also mention it being spammable since rock has no immunities)though the recoil damage is a huge drawback. Wild Charge is another midground option that lets Emboar hit Water-types like Inteleon and Milotic and, like Head Smash, is boosted by Reckless. Tera Dark sharpens Knock Off into a strong STAB attack that can cleanly OHKO Delphox and 2HKO physically defensive Galarian Slowbro. Additionally, Tera Dark gives Emboar a relevant Psychic immunity in the face of Choice Scarf Meloetta and Galarian Articuno. Tera Fighting and Tera Fire can be used to bolster the already great power of Emboar's STAB attacks, letting it 2HKO Milotic and Arcanine with Tera Fighting Close Combat and 2HKO physically defensive Bellibolt and Gligar with Tera Fire Flare Blitz.
Mention that it creeps base 120s but is still outsped by kilowattrel and other scarf mons

Emboar fits great on balance teams, where it can act as a physical attacker and revenge killer, taking the pressure off of potential defensive teammates like Florges and Duraludon in the face of threats like Delphox, Heracross, and Salazzle. Entry hazard support is incredibly beneficial, as it can chip down defensive Pokemon into range of Emboar's attacks, such as Stealth Rock letting Emboar 2HKO Arcanine and Bellibolt with Close Combat and Flare Blitz, respectively. Emboar is also able to remove Heavy-Duty Boots from the likes of Galarian Slowbro with Knock Off, opening them up to hazard damage, so hazard setters like Alolan Sandslash, Gligar, and Gastrodon make for great teammates. (any mon like hazards, remove) In order to get the most out of Emboar, it needs('needs' is an exaggeration)to be paired with pivoting support, bringing it in unscathed (change 'unscathed' to something like '"without taking unnecessary damage")against offensive threats like Inteleon and Delphox. Good examples of partners that can provide this are Kilowattrel, Gligar, and Bellibolt. Florges appreciates Emboar's ability to threaten Steel-types like Bronzong and Alolan Sandslash and can either pass Wish or clean up games with Calm Mind after Emboar has broken a hole in the opposing team. (emphasize how useful wish is how easily emboars worn down)(also mention hwish mesprit)Other physical attackers like Decidueye and Golurk can beat Milotic and Galarian Slowbro, respectively, additionally working with Emboar to take chunks out of Bellibolt.
add something about hazard removal cuz of how easily worn down it is
add forms of speed control that go well with it (to emphasize the earlier point of it not being speed control itself)
talk about why to use it over hdb/cb emboar

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Maybe emphasize a bit more on how easily it's worn down, otherwise QC 2/2
This is now a ladybug-approved check lol, let me know if you have questions! 1/1 GP Team done
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name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Flare Blitz
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Knock Off
move 4: Earthquake / Head Smash
item: Choice Scarf
ability: Reckless
nature: Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
tera type: Dark / Fighting / Fire

Though not a speed control option itself, per GP standards Choice Scarf actually counts as a form of speed control Emboar makes use of Choice Scarf to counteract its middling Speed stat, becoming a terrifying revenge killer. Its main advantage advantages over other revenge killers are its surprise factor and, (AC) more importantly, (AC) its incredible attacking power compounded by Reckless, with Reckless-boosted Flare Blitz making light work of threats like Scyther and Florges as well as breaking past common walls such as Wo-Chien and Bronzong. Knock Off complements Emboar's dual STAB moves well; it can slice through the likes of Delphox and Golurk with no drawbacks, as well as remove items from the likes of Gligar and Galarian Slowbro switching into it. Knock Off is usually the safest move to lock into due to its complete lack of drawbacks and its guarantee of progress with item removal. Earthquake is a useful mid-ground that can hit Fire-resistant Pokemon like Delphox and Arcanine and Fighting-resistant Pokemon like Toxtricity and Galarian Slowbro in the same slot while additionally avoiding negative contact effects like Bellibolt's Static, Skuntank's Aftermath, and chip damage from the various Rocky Helmet users in the tier. Head Smash can be used as is a risky coverage option that allows Emboar to hit Altaria super effectively while additionally cleanly OHKOing Hisuian Braviary and making light work of Arcanine. Additionally, it retains some of the benefits of Earthquake by hitting Fire-types super effectively, and, as it's a Rock-type move, it has no immunities, unlike Earthquake. Head Smash is still a risky option because the recoil damage is a huge drawback, and its accuracy is poor. Wild Charge is another midground option that lets Emboar hit Water-types like Inteleon and Milotic and, like Head Smash, is boosted by Reckless. Tera Dark sharpens Knock Off into a strong STAB attack that can cleanly OHKO Delphox and 2HKO physically defensive Galarian Slowbro. Additionally, Tera Dark gives Emboar a relevant Psychic immunity in the face of Choice Scarf Meloetta and Galarian Articuno. Tera Fighting and Tera Fire can be used to bolster the already great power of Emboar's STAB attacks, letting it 2HKO Milotic and Arcanine with Tera Fighting Close Combat and 2HKO physically defensive Bellibolt and Gligar with Tera Fire Flare Blitz. Emboar's Choice Scarf-boosted Speed allows it to outrun even base 120 Speed Pokemon like Inteleon and Minior; however, though Kilowattrel naturally outspeeds and threatens Emboar, and there are various faster Choice Scarf users like Braviary that can do the same thing still outspeed and threaten Emboar.

Emboar fits great well on balance teams, where it can act as a physical attacker and revenge killer, taking the pressure off of potential defensive teammates like Florges and Duraludon in the face of threats like Delphox, Heracross, and Salazzle. In order to get the most out of Emboar, it should be paired with pivoting support, bringing it in without it taking unnecessary chip damage against offensive threats like Inteleon and Delphox. Good examples of partners that can provide this are Kilowattrel, Gligar, and Bellibolt. Florges appreciates Emboar's ability to threaten Steel-types like Bronzong and Alolan Sandslash. In return, it and can either pass Wish, which is incredibly helpful due to Emboar's tendency to be worn down very fast quickly, or clean up games with Calm Mind after Emboar has broken a hole in the opposing team. Healing Wish support from the likes of Mesprit is useful to not only give Emboar a second wind after its it's chipped down by recoil and attacks, (RC) but also clear potential status like paralysis to allow it to clean. Other physical attackers like Decidueye and Golurk can beat Milotic and Galarian Slowbro, respectively, additionally working with Emboar to take chunks out of Bellibolt. Hazard Entry hazard removal is important because Emboar already has enough issues with being worn down by its own attacks; , let alone taking entry hazards into consideration i think this is implied spinners like Alolan Sandslash and Hitmontop and Defoggers like Altaria and Scyther can fill this role. Kilowattrel is a good naturally fast speed control option to help round out Emboar's team and preventing overreliance on it prevents over-reliance on Emboar if you meant Kilowattrel feel free to replace to force out opposing threats. Choice Scarf Emboar should be used over its Heavy-Duty Boots and Choice Band variants on slower teams that rely on Emboar to outspeed and threaten force out threats for them.

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