Chingling (Analysis)


my god if you don't have an iced tea for me when i
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Top Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
I kind of wanted to do a Gen4 LC analysis, and there wasn't much left to do so...


Quality Control 3/3
------- Grammar Checks 2/2
------- DONE


<p>Despite having a relatively varied support movepool, Chingling is often left in the shadows of its fellow Psychic-types. Bronzor, Slowpoke, and even Natu are better choices in the majority of cases, due to their superior typings and bulk. Chingling's defenses and offenses alike leave a lot to be desired, and its Speed is also below average. Due to these shortfalls, a double status set is pretty much Chingling's only shot at getting onto a team.</p>

name: Double Status
move 1: Hypnosis
move 2: Thunder Wave
move 3: Heal Bell / Substitute
move 4: Psychic
item: Oran Berry
nature: Timid
evs: 236 HP / 36 Def / 236 Spe


<p>This set attempts to make Chingling as useful as it possibly can be, and in some ways
, the set succeeds. With its passable defenses, Chingling can take hits and strike back with its array of support options. Hypnosis and Thunder Wave form the crux of this set. After hopefully surviving an attack, use Hypnosis to put the opposing Pokemon to sleep. The opponent will hopefully switch out to another Pokemon, which can then be paralyzed by Thunder Wave, unless it is immune to Electric-type moves, such as Chinchou and Ground-type Pokemon. With two Pokemon of the opposing team afflicted with status, Chingling's teammates should have an easier time setting up and sweeping.</p>


<p>Heal Bell can remove any inconvenient status afflicting Chingling's teammates, whereas Substitute eases prediction on a switch - Chingling often only gets one chance to inflict status, so it would be unfortunate to have this chance rendered useless by Mankey or a Ground-type
. It also helps Chingling avoid the ubiquitous Sucker Punch, allowing it one more shot at inflicting the opponent with status. Psychic ensures that Chingling does not become useless when Taunted, however unlikely an occurrence that may be. Knock Off is an option over Heal Bell if Scarfed Pokemon particularly threaten your team. However, Heal Bell is usually the superior support option.</p>

<p>As Chingling's defenses are not particularly stellar, it should be switching in only on resistances or immunities. Thankfully, Ground is a relatively common attacking type
. Any Choice-locked Ground-type attack provides a free switch-in to Chingling and an opportunity to inflict status upon the opponent. Switching in on Fighting-types is also an option, but some Fighting-types, such as Machop, are powerful enough to break through Chingling's defenses regardless of resistance. Additionally, some opponents possess other threatening options that can easily take down Chingling; one example is Croagunk with Dark Pulse.</p>

[Team Options]

<p>Houndour makes a fantastic partner to Chingling. Chingling is not only resistant or immune to Fighting- and Ground-type attacks, two of Houndour's most common weaknesses, but it also benefits from Houndour's ability to severely damage the opponent. Carvanha works in a similar fashion, but does not lure the Ground-type attacks that Chingling craves. While not having the typing synergy that Houndour possesses, Dratini can run amok against statused teams, especially after a Dragon Dance.</p>

[Optional Changes]

<p>Chingling has some interesting offensive options, but is outclassed offensively by Natu, who has better typing and coverage, and Abra, who dwarfs Chingling in power. The yellow bell also gets Trick Room, but has neither Slowpoke's bulk nor the suicide lead potential of Shuppet. Chingling has access to Calm Mind and Charge Beam, but is too slow and too frail to make use of the boosts.</p>


<p>Unfortunately, anything with a relatively strong attack can OHKO Chingling, or at least come very close to doing so. While the Double Status set can be a nuisance, one needs to worry more about Chingling's potential partners than about Chingling itself
, Houndour and Dratini in particular. A combination of Scarf Mankey and Scarf Gligar can outmaneuver any of Chingling's statusing attempts, while also knocking seven bells out of it with U-turn. Most Pokemon are powerful and fast enough to outspeed Chingling and dispatch it with their most powerful attack.</p>
Dual Screens and Recover needs to be mentioned in OC, if not getting its own set. Few Pokemon come to mind that have access to both screens and Recover / Roost / Slack Off, and Chingling also has Levitate to boast. It also has Role Play, which it can use to flee from Wynaut. I am eagerly looking forward to testing it. If it's good, I'll post the set.

edit: haven't been able to test it yet. But i like the current set, so approved. When I am able to test it and if it proves good, I'll write it up so it can be added.

grammar edits in pink
prose edits in blue


<p>Despite having a relatively varied support movepool, Chingling is often left in the shadows of its fellow Psychic-types. Bronzor, Slowpoke and even Natu are better choices in the majority of cases, due to their superior typings and bulk. Chingling's defenses and offenses alike leave a lot to be desired, and its Speed is also below average. Due to these shortfalls, Chingling is only worth using for a double status set.</p>

name: Double Status
move 1: Hypnosis
move 2: Thunder Wave
move 3: Heal Bell / Substitute
move 4: Psychic
item: Oran Berry
nature: Timid
evs: 236 HP / 36 Def / 236 Spe


<p>This set attempts to squeeze any possible usefulness out of Chingling, and in some ways succeeds. With its passable defenses, Chingling can absorb attacks and strike back with its array of support options. Hypnosis and Thunder Wave form the crux of this set; after hopefully surviving an attack, use Hypnosis to put the opposing Pokemon to sleep. The opponent should hopefully switch out to another Pokemon, which will be paralyzed by Thunder Wave, unless it is a Ground-type or immune to Electric-type moves, such as Chinchou. With two Pokemon of the opposing team afflicted with status, teammates should have an easier time setting up and sweeping.</p>


<p>Heal Bell can remove inconvenient status incurred upon Chingling's teammates, whereas Substitute eases prediction on a switch - Chingling often only gets one chance to inflict status, so it would be unfortunate to have this chance rendered useless by Mankey or a Ground-type; it also avoids the ubiquitous Sucker Punch, allowing Chingling one more shot at statusing the opponent. Psychic ensures that Chingling does not become useless when Taunted, however unlikely an occurrence that may be. Knock Off is an option over Heal Bell if Scarfed Pokemon particularly threaten your team. However, Heal Bell is usually the superior support option.</p>

<p>As Chingling's defenses are not particularly stellar, it should be switching in only on resistances or immunities. Thankfully, Ground is a relatively common attacking type, the main user of which is Gligar. Any Choice-locked Ground-type attack provides ample opportunity for Chingling to inflict status upon the opponent. Switching in on Fighting-types is also an option, but some Fighting-types, such as Machop, are powerful enough to break through Chingling's defenses regardless of the resistance. Additionally, some opponents possess other threatening options with which to dispose of Chingling; one example is Croagunk with Dark Pulse.</p>

[Team Options]

<p>Houndour makes a fantastic partner to Chingling. Chingling is not only resistant or immune to Fighting- and Ground-type attacks, two of Houndour's most common weaknesses, but also capable of benefiting from Houndour's ability to severely damage the opponent if given the chance to set up a Substitute. Carvanha works in a similar fashion, but does not lure the Ground-type attacks that Chingling craves. While not having the type synergy that Houndour possesses, Dratini runs amok against statused teams when given the chance to set up a Dragon Dance.</p>

[Optional Changes]

<p>Chingling has some interesting offensive options, but is outclassed offensively by Natu, who has better typing and coverage, and Abra, who dwarfs Chingling in power. The yellow bell also gets Trick Room, but has neither the bulk that Slowpoke possesses nor any way to safely allow the entrance of a sweeper - Shuppet performs better as
a suicide Trick Room lead. Chingling has access to Calm Mind and Charge Beam, but it is often too slow and too frail to make use of the boosts.</p>


<p>Unfortunately, anything with a relatively strong attack can OHKO Chingling, or at least come very close to doing so. While the status can be a nuisance, one needs to worry more about Chingling's potential partners than about Chingling itself - Houndour and Dratini in particular. A combination of Scarf Mankey and Scarf Gligar can outmaneuver any attempts at status that Chingling could dream of, while also knocking seven bells out of it with U-turn. Most Pokemon are powerful enough and fast enough to outspeed Chingling and dispatch of it with the appropriate move.</p>
Good writing, not many problems at all.
hell's bells




<p>Despite having a relatively varied support movepool, Chingling is often left in the shadows of its fellow Psychic-types. Bronzor, Slowpoke, and even Natu are better choices in the majority of cases, due to their superior typings and bulk. Chingling's defenses and offenses alike leave a lot to be desired, and its Speed is also below average. Due to these shortfalls, Chingling is only worth using for a double status set a double status set is pretty much Chingling's only shot at getting onto a team.</p>

name: Double Status
move 1: Hypnosis
move 2: Thunder Wave
move 3: Heal Bell / Substitute
move 4: Psychic
item: Oran Berry
nature: Timid
evs: 236 HP / 36 Def / 236 Spe


<p>This set attempts to make squeeze any possible usefulness out of Chingling as useful as it possibly can be, and in some ways the set succeeds. With its passable defenses, Chingling can take hits absorb attacks and strike back with its array of support options. Hypnosis and Thunder Wave form the crux of this set. After hopefully surviving an attack, use Hypnosis to put the opposing Pokemon to sleep; the opponent should hopefully switch out to another Pokemon, which will can then be paralyzed by Thunder Wave, unless it is a Ground-type or immune to Electric-type moves, such as Chinchou. With two Pokemon of the opposing team afflicted with status, teammates should have an easier time setting up and sweeping.</p>


<p>Heal Bell can remove any inconvenient status afflicting incurred upon Chingling's teammates, whereas Substitute eases prediction on a switch - Chingling often only gets one chance to inflict status, so it would be unfortunate to have this chance rendered useless by Mankey or a Ground-type; it also helps Chingling avoid avoids the ubiquitous Sucker Punch, allowing Chingling it one more shot at statusing the opponent. Psychic ensures that Chingling does not become useless when Taunted, however unlikely an occurrence that may be. Knock Off is an option over Heal Bell if Scarfed Pokemon particularly threaten your team. However, Heal Bell is usually the superior support option.</p>

<p>As Chingling's defenses are not particularly stellar, it should be switching in only on resistances or immunities. Thankfully, Ground is a relatively common attacking type, the main user of which is Gligar. Any Choice-locked Ground-type attack provides ample opportunity for Chingling to switch in and inflict status upon the opponent. Switching in on Fighting-types is also an option, but some Fighting-types, such as Machop, are powerful enough to break through Chingling's defenses regardless of the resistance. Additionally, some opponents possess other threatening options that can easily take down with which to dispose of Chingling; one example is Croagunk with Dark Pulse.</p>

[Team Options]

<p>Houndour makes a fantastic partner to Chingling. Chingling is not only resistant or immune to Fighting- and Ground-type attacks, two of Houndour's most common weaknesses, but it also capable of benefiting benefits from Houndour's ability to severely damage the opponent if given the chance to set up a Substitute. Carvanha works in a similar fashion, but does not lure the Ground-type attacks that Chingling craves. While not having the type typing synergy that Houndour possesses, Dratini can run runs amok against statused teams, especially after a Dragon Dance when given the chance to set up a Dragon Dance.</p>

[Optional Changes]

<p>Chingling has some interesting offensive options, but is outclassed offensively by Natu, who has better typing and coverage, and Abra, who dwarfs Chingling in power. The yellow bell also gets Trick Room, but has neither Slowpoke's bulk the bulk that Slowpoke possesses nor the suicide lead potential of Shuppet any way to safely allow the entrance of a sweeper - Shuppet performs better as a suicide Trick Room lead. Chingling has access to Calm Mind and Charge Beam, but it is often too slow and too frail to make use of the boosts.</p>


<p>Unfortunately, anything with a relatively strong attack can OHKO Chingling, or at least come very close to doing so. While the Double Status set can be a nuisance, one needs to worry more about Chingling's potential partners than about Chingling itself - Houndour and Dratini in particular. A combination of Scarf Mankey and Scarf Gligar can outmaneuver any of Chingling's statusing attempts attempts at status that Chingling could dream of, while also knocking seven bells out of it with U-turn. Most Pokemon are powerful and fast enough and fast enough to outspeed Chingling and dispatch of it with their most powerful attack the appropriate move.</p>

watch out for the spacing between words
the grammar is pretty good
most of the edits are prose related, i tried to concise things a bit since you tend to write in a style that, while suitable for other pieces of writing, makes the analysis kind of labourious to read
just my opinion however!

Who cares if I'm late by 20 days, thanks HolidayCrashers.

Ready for the 2nd Grammar Check :D
GP Check 2 / 2


<p>Despite having a relatively varied support movepool, Chingling is often left in the shadows of its fellow Psychic-types. Bronzor, Slowpoke, and even Natu are better choices in the majority of cases, due to their superior typings and bulk. Chingling's defenses and offenses alike leave a lot to be desired, and its Speed is also below average. Due to these shortfalls, a double status set is pretty much Chingling's only shot at getting onto a team.</p>

name: Double Status
move 1: Hypnosis
move 2: Thunder Wave
move 3: Heal Bell / Substitute
move 4: Psychic
item: Oran Berry
nature: Timid
evs: 236 HP / 36 Def / 236 Spe


<p>This set attempts to make Chingling as useful as it possibly can be, and in some ways, the set succeeds. With its passable defenses, Chingling can take hits and strike back with its array of support options. Hypnosis and Thunder Wave form the crux of this set. After hopefully surviving an attack, use Hypnosis to put the opposing Pokemon to sleep; t. The opponent shouldwill hopefully switch out to another Pokemon, which can then be paralyzed by Thunder Wave, unless it is a Ground-type or immune to Electric-type moves, such as Chinchou and Ground-type Pokemon. With two Pokemon of the opposing team afflicted with status, Chingling's teammates should have an easier time setting up and sweeping.</p>


<p>Heal Bell can remove any inconvenient status afflicting Chingling's teammates, whereas Substitute eases prediction on a switch - Chingling often only gets one chance to inflict status, so it would be unfortunate to have this chance rendered useless by Mankey or a Ground-type; i. It also helps Chingling avoid the ubiquitous Sucker Punch, allowing it one more shot at statusinflicting the opponent with status. Psychic ensures that Chingling does not become useless when Taunted, however unlikely an occurrence that may be. Knock Off is an option over Heal Bell if Scarfed Pokemon particularly threaten your team. However, Heal Bell is usually the superior support option.</p>

<p>As Chingling's defenses are not particularly stellar, it should be switching in only on resistances or immunities. Thankfully, Ground is a relatively common attacking type, the main user of which is Gligar. Any Choice-locked Ground-type attack provides ample opportunity for Chingling to switch in and free switch-in to Chingling and an opportunity to inflict status upon the opponent. Switching in on Fighting-types is also an option, but some Fighting-types, such as Machop, are powerful enough to break through Chingling's defenses regardless of resistance. Additionally, some opponents possess other threatening options that can easily take down Chingling; one example is Croagunk with Dark Pulse.</p>

[Team Options]

<p>Houndour makes a fantastic partner to Chingling. Chingling is not only resistant or immune to Fighting- and Ground-type attacks, two of Houndour's most common weaknesses, but it also benefits from Houndour's ability to severely damage the opponent. Carvanha works in a similar fashion, but does not lure the Ground-type attacks that Chingling craves. While not having the typing synergy that Houndour possesses, Dratini can run amok against statused teams, especially after a Dragon Dance.</p>

[Optional Changes]

<p>Chingling has some interesting offensive options, but is outclassed offensively by Natu, who has better typing and coverage, and Abra, who dwarfs Chingling in power. The yellow bell also gets Trick Room, but has neither Slowpoke's bulk nor the suicide lead potential of Shuppet. Chingling has access to Calm Mind and Charge Beam, but is too slow and too frail to make use of the boosts.</p>


<p>Unfortunately, anything with a relatively strong attack can OHKO Chingling, or at least come very close to doing so. While the Double Status set can be a nuisance, one needs to worry more about Chingling's potential partners than about Chingling itself -, Houndour and Dratini in particular. A combination of Scarf Mankey and Scarf Gligar can outmaneuver any of Chingling's statusing attempts, while also knocking seven bells out of it with U-turn. Most Pokemon are powerful and fast enough to outspeed Chingling and dispatch it with their most powerful attack.</p>


And with that I think we're done, unless there are any others qualms or queries :)

E: Agh darn I caught most of those. Thanks for picking up on that Oglemi, though it isn't that major! :P
Yes, I have a major qualm and query.

You have an odd spacing here:

Thankfully, Ground is a relatively common attacking type . Any Choice-locked

The period is sitting in the middle of nowhere. :)