Metagame Chimera 1v1

I do want to mention that this by far is the most evil team I had to face on the ladder, and it's also the most beautiful.

ok now please stop playing so i never run into that thank you rumia

X) forgot to say that that was the point! Im quite the evil individual! Since i made it past 1500s on ladder with that team i think its time to dust off the old builder and make something a little less insufferable!

Now that I have attained the top 1 spot in Chimera ladder I feel content with my spot. Ill share the team i used to do this and break down the team and how it works.

The team in question
:pheromosa: :zacian: :kyurem-black: :salazzle: :rayquaza: :regigigas:


This team is very much meant to punch as hard as possible. If i cant ohko it, ill try and taunt it and wear it down more slowly, or to try and toxic stall it.

Some key sets:

FakeSpeed (Regi-Phero-Zac-KyuB-Sazz-Ray)

Regigigas (Kyurem-Black) @ Life Orb
Ability: Intrepid Sword
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Fake Out
- Knock Off
- Extreme Speed
- Giga Impact

This is the Bread and Butter of this team, and the team you should use if your opponent lacks bulk+a Normal resist, or if their only normal resist is Calyrex S, or whenever you think the best option is to hit it as hard as possible with a Normal type move. You should always open with Fake Out if able, and if it deals more than 33%, finish them off with Espeed. If it didn't deal more than 33%, you should probably follow with Giga Impact, unless you suspect your opponent has Multiscale/Shadow Shield, in which you should press Espeed. Salazzle's second moveslot is almost never pressed, and its mostly a possible backup if fakespeed didn't work. Knock deal the most dmg vs ghosts, but you could probably switch that moveslot with something else if you see fit, like Flare Blitz. If your opponent is using fakespeed with something faster than you, like Kartana, you could switch KyuB's place with Phero's to fakespeed them faster. Fun fact: the team is arranged so that if you mash click on the 6th slot during team preview you get the standard fakespeed set.

Power V-Create (Sazz-Phero-Zac-Regi-Ray-KyuB)/

Salazzle (Regigigas) @ Life Orb
Ability: Intrepid Sword
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- V-create
- Outrage
- Filler
- Filler

This is the strongest move you can fathom in this team. V-create can get some absurd damage, to the point that the other 3 moves are almost irrelevant. Outrage is the most relevant one since most team's fire resist is a Dragon, but you'll still not press it most of the time. Because of this, you can just swap out between Fusion Bolt+Stone Edge, Pjab+Giga Impact and straight up nothing for a bit more power. If you think its very likely youll find a Fire resist you can just run...

Outrage Button (KyuB-Sazz-Zac-Regi-Ray-Phero)

Kyurem-Black (Regigigas) @ Choice Band
Ability: Intrepid Sword
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- V-create
- Outrage
- Poison Jab
- Giga Impact

In general, using Dragon as your stab in any set is much safer than Fire because not only do less things resist Dragon, but If they resist your Stab Dragon has usually higher damage than Fire. This also applies to the Scarf set, where you can just switch Saz's and KyuB's place for the dragon stab, although there might be some situation where the raw power drop does come into play. This almost never happens with the Outrage button but with the scarf sets you occasionally miss it. Speaking of which...

Fast Scarf (Sazz-Regi-Zac-Phero-Ray-KyuB)/

Salazzle/Kyurem-Black (Pheromosa) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Intrepid Sword
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- V-create
- Outrage
- Fusion Bolt / Fire Lash
- Stone Edge / Dragon Claw

This is the set you should run if you think you can win if you hit your opponent first, but think fakespeed might get got. Its a similar principle as band, but you 100% outspeed Calyrex S every time and hit hard enough to ohko it. The Fire type set does appreciate the coverage but the Dragon one really doesnt mind having only 2 moves. Again, a Stab resisted Vcreate does less than a Stab neutral Outrage.

Teravolt V-Create (Sazz-Phero-KyuB-Regi-Ray-Zac)

Salazzle (Regigigas) @ Life Orb
Ability: Teravolt
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- V-create
- Outrage
- Swords Dance
- Fire Fang

Do you hate Flash Fire? Think you can just hit your opponent but fear Sturdy+Protect? Well then this is the set for you! Oftentimes you wont need Swords Dance, but its good to have if you get a water type or against more regular stall builds. Do note the low ish speed that might get you got against Kartana, Eternatus, etc.

The main Stallbreaking sets:

Fire Lash Taunt

Rayquaza (Regigigas) @ Leftovers
Ability: Teravolt
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Taunt
- Roost
- Fire Lash
- Dragon Claw

Corro Toxic Taunt (Ray-KyuB-Sazz-Zac-Phero-Regi)

Rayquaza (Zacian) @ Life Orb
Ability: Corrosion
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Taunt
- Roost
- Psych Up
- Toxic

Sadly, not every problem can be solved by hitting it so hard it stops being a problem. Some of them have to be solved by slowly chipping them until they are no longer a problem. These two sets exel at this. Both start by taunting the opponent, and then the Fire Lash set clicks fire lash until they're at Dragon Claw range and the CorroToxic set poisons it and looks at it until it dies. Psych Up is there to somewhat undermine Iron Defense+ Body Press (IronPress for short) by copying the defense boosts, something the non Taunt variant of this set appreciates. Each has its own set of weaknesses: Fire lash taunt has the potential to be outsped by the likes of Lugia and Eternatus, while CorroToxic lacks any attacking moves whatsoever, and its ruined by Magic Bounce and Magic Guard.

This team is by no means perfect and still has room for improvement. This team has random bad matchups against random teams that happen to have an Aggron due to not being able to create an special attacker, and there's still a few moveslots you barely use. Still, this is a pretty good team, and I'd like to submit it as a Sample. I hope this team can help people understand the meta so that they can build their own team. Just remember that your first team wont be good, and that good teams (including this one) start life as bad teams.

Lastly I'd like add to the discussion on V-Create. While it is fantastically strong, I don't think its broken. Fire resists are really common in current meta, with every other team having a Dragon Type due to so many legendaries being Dragon, and Water Bubble spam being pretty good as well. On top of that, teams that do need to take hits can create sets that can take even the strongest V-Creates with fur coat, resists, etc.

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the resources are now updated after more than 2.5 years! (sorry about that)

there are now six sample teams that you can choose from if building is too much of a headache, and i've finally linked the team organizer for those who want better visualization of their sets.

thanks to everyone for playing chimera and see you in gen 9!

You should add a link to the spreadsheet or smt of each sample in their pokepaste descriptions. Even if these are great teams, I don't know what the orders are
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The Perfect Team: Why It Eluded Me
This was originally going to be a RMT. I was planning on making as flexible a team as possible. A team with many, many, many combinations, more than I could possibly hope to actually be big-brained enough to use in actual play, each of them perhaps not overpowered, but utilizing good tools. But I failed. I don't even have a team to show y'all. So instead this is going to be a post about why I failed.

I decided to start off simply enough: ultimate flexibility meant using Pokemon with good tools at their disposal. Every Pokemon has a free item slot, so there's five slots left. Good typing and moves are far less rare or overbearing than good abilities or stats in my opinion, so I decided to focus on high BST Pokemon with good abilities as my beginning.

I added all three of these monstrous idiots, figuring I could work out more on them later. Zamazenta would also work but I would consider that not perfectly efficient because of the stat overlap with Zacian. Anyway, here is where I hit my issues.

I was looking for more stuff to add and they do indeed exist: Necrozma-Dusk-Mane, Kyogre, Groudon, a couple more. All flexible Pokemon that fit well in any slot. But there's no synergy between these Pokemon. While you can make many many okish Chimeras, this team has not been designed to make any of the truly powerful Chimeras that you want to spam.

Bluntly: what this attempt drove home is that it's better to have a couple Pokemon with bad stats but abilities such as Adaptability or Prankster or whatever on your team because it gives you the ability to flexibly create truly great Chimeras, which is more important than the raw number of Chimeras you theoretically have, because you're only ever running one at a time.

I wanted to post the closest I got, but ultimately the team was unfinished, untested, and every version was worse than the team I built that used Porygon-Z + Flygon + Calyrex-S + Drampa to spam Boomburst and make Drampa look cool.
:rotom-frost: :dialga: :nidoking: :calyrex-shadow: :accelgor: :palkia:
Behold, after a 17 combinations team... a THREE combinations team!
This is the second time I play this format. The first time, I just created a number of teams equal to the number of combinations I wanted to try. This time, after doing the same for a couple days, I actually tried to add some combinations, and I succeded. Not in creating a good team, as Don Vascus said everything starts out bad, but at making actually more than one combination XD
Team 1, SFLO: Rotom/Dialga/Nidoking/CalyrexS/Accelgor/Palkia
Team 2, F V-Create: Palkia/Nidoking/Accelgor/Dialga/Rotom/CalyrexS
Team 3 NP Astral Barrage: Dialga/Accelgor/Rotom/Palkia/Calyrex/Nidoking
I had to recreate the last two combinations from memory/by looking at the team, since I can't find where I wrote them down :( So I'm not sure if Dialga and Palkia should swap places in the last team combination.
I love Sheer Force Life Orb. Thus I wanted my first combination to be such a set. I also love BoltBeam and EdgeQuake as combinations to hit the highest amount of mons at least neutrally. BoltBeam is the only one that can get boosted so I chose it. Rotom has a more interesting movepool than Arctozolt, so I went with it. Sheer Force was needed and Nidoking has the best movepool of the various SF mons. For the statistics, I switched a bunch of times between Pheromosa and CalyrexS, but I went with the latter in the end. Slower, but with a cooler movepool for what I wanted to do.
Palkia has access to Bolt/Beam AND is a nice V-Create resist. Accelgor has both Water Shuriken to hit F.E.A.R. mons and Energy Ball to hit the rare water/ground mons that Bolt/Beam doesn't annihilate. Dialga is the last mon I put on the team. Best statistic/movepool combination for at least one of the other combinations and has to use LO.
Palkia is the best resist and Dialga has good statistics ene though it probably should be 252 hp/252+ Def for the job. Yeah, it dies to Outrage, but I didn't care at the time and I realized that Outrage best complements V-Create only thanks to Don Vascus' post.. WoW + Hex is something I wanted to try. You survive the first attack and with WoW the second. then you kill. Taunt might be useful against stall and Giga Drain is the only option to recover some health and also against normal types if needed be.
I don't remember the rationale behind it. Resist a bunch of different types, set up, hit with Barrage. The other two moves are almost never clicked but they're nice to have.
What I have learned? That SFLO is a bad set for this format. CB/CS with a good ability are much better. But I had fun, and learned a thing or two, so that is a win in my book. Not on the ladder, though LMAO I barely scratched the 1150s.
Next time I'll try better sets.