Charizard @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Blaze
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Roost
- Fire Blast
- Hurricane / Focus Blast
- Defog / Toxic
With Talonflame rising to NU, Charizard has had some literal boots to fill. It has done so extremely well, becoming a staple on PU teams. This set is simply one of many it can viably run, but is its most effective. Its STAB moves in Fire Blast and Hurricane offer great coverage for the metagame, hitting all but Rock-types and Lanturn. Focus Blast alleviates the Rock weakness, although its low accuracy can be detrimental at times. Charizard gets plenty of Defog opportunities due to the many switches Charizard forces against common Pokemon like Ribombee and Weezing. Toxic is useful for crippling common switch-ins such as Lanturn and Jellicent. Charizard checks many Pokemon, including Ribombee, Toxicroak, and Whimsicott, so Pokemon that appreciate Charizard checking these Pokemon, such as Scrafty and Tsareena, make for great partners. Ribombee appreciates Charizard spreading Toxic to shared checks such as Gigalith. Charizard sports an awful 4x weakness to Rock as well as a weakness to Electric, so Ground-types and Electric immunities such as Palossand and Togedemaru are useful.
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