ORAS OU Charizard Y Breaks and Azumarill Cleans (1513 and not done yet)

Recently I decided to begin laddering up on the ORAS OU Ladder with a new team. I constructed this from scratch and am pretty proud of the way it has turned out as i have only lost about 2 or 3 games at the most. As you can see from the title, the purpose of this team is for Charizard Y to break the opposing team and for Azumarill to clean late game.

I started with Charizard Y, knowing it breaks many walls in the OU Meta with a good movepool and nice stats

Having another water type in mind and needing a hazard remover, i chose Latias over starmie because it is still a goodcheck to Keldeo and other mons that have a matchup against Charizard


Next i chose Tyranitar as it covers some of Latias's weaknesses as well as being a reliable switch in and trap option to Latias and some other threats


Needing a stealth rocker and a bulky switch in to the many viable physical attackers in this meta, i chose Bulky Chomp.


Needing a physical attacker, hopefully a water type, and to have a ice and fighting resist, i chose azumarill. The typing plus the ridiculous power was too good to pass up.


Finally, my first uncommon set, Magnezone. Wanting another ice resist, and a fairy resist as well as an attack to hit water types super-effectively. Zone isnt here to trap steels, but it comes in handy.


The Team

shiny char y.png

Charizard @ Charizardite Y
252 Spa 252 Spe 4 Spdef
Timid 0 Att Ivs
Fire Blast
Focus Blast
Roost/Dragon Pulse

CHarizard does what it does, it breaks walls and weakens opposing teams for my other mons to win. Fire blast is the best stab move it has, though less accurate, the difference in power between FB and flamethrower is a big difference. Solarbeam for coverage and power in the sun, Focus Blast for tran and ttars mostly, among other uses. I like dragon pulse because its a 100% accurate move besides SB which is nice to catch dragons on the switch, though Roost is a nice recovery especially with the rocks being a problem.

shiny latias.png

Latias @ Life Orb
72 Hp 184 Spa 252 Spe
Timid 0 Att Ivs
Draco Meteor
Healing Wish

Latias is a great mon, good natural bulk with speed and power. 72 Hp is necessary to live specs Keldeo hits in-particular. I am running Draco as it is a superpowerful move plus i mean who doesnt advertise for aim? I also run Psyshock for Keldeos and Venusaurs. Defog is for the obvious, as Charizard hates rocks. Healing Wish is also great to help Charizard and other mons.


Tyranitar @ Choice Scarf
252 Att 252 Spe 4 Spdef
Jolly 0 Spa Ivs
Stone Edge

Tyranitar is essential to this team. He can change the weather if i need to not have drought active, he can trap many huge threats such as Latias and Gengar. With its already amazing natural, it is also a great switch in to many attacks though it has no bulk invested.


Garchomp @ Rocky Helmet
Rough Skin
248 Hp 168 Def 76 Spdef 16 Spe
Impish 0 Spa Ivs
Dragon Tail
Stealth Rock

I needed a defensive rocker who could phaze certain teams. The main point of this set is to rack up the rocky helmet + rough skin damage. I will switch into chomp when threats such as MLop and Azu are on the field, it makes finishing them off that much easier. Toxic is to wear down walls such as Hippowdon and to cripple Ttar, and EQ is Chomp's main stab.


Azumarill @ Choice Band
Huge Power
168 Hp 252 Att 88 Spe
Adamant 0 Spa Ivs
Aqua Jet
Play Rough

Azumarill is the clean man. The banded aqua jet does so much damage to most threats. 88 spe outruns 84 spe Azumarill which is used to outspeed uninvested base 60s. Waterfall and Play Rough are the common stab moves, superpower is for Ferrothorn, and aqua jet is for priority. This comes in most useful against Mlop. Without a clear answer on my team, i keep chomp around, switch in and injure Lop to the point of an aqua jet after a bit of sandstorm and stealth rock damage rack up.

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Magnezone @ Assault Vest
Magnet Pull
248 Hp 248 Spa 12 Spe
Modest 0 Att Ivs
Flash Cannon
Volt Switch
Hidden Power Fire

The 12 Spe Evs are used to outrun common 84 spe Cb Azu. Now you are probably wondering why AV? Well, hyper voices and moonblasts alike due my team in, and i dont have a special sponge. This set is great to switch into manaphy or any fairy to force them out as with the AV the damage is minimal. It can even take some SE hits and get a vswitch into a better matchup, and it traps and kills (not a ohko, but they cant kill me) scizor and ferro.

This team isnt without its flaws, and that is why it is here. All help is appreciated! Thanks for your time. I am also on showdown every once in a while, under the name Banette is life. Cause i mean you know what they say, Banette is love Banette is life.
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Hi there! Nice looking RMT you have put together here. Just FYI, the hide tab at the top isn't working.
So into the team, I first off believe Roost is the better move on Char-Y, as T-Tar can trap the Dragons (AKA Lati@s) for it. But for the mostpart, the team looks very well constructed. The only change I would make is Magnezone to Clefable. Despite it not actually resisting Ice and Fairy, it can handle users of both, as well as many special and physical attackers. Water types cannot do too much to it either, but with Azumarill, Char-Y and Lati your team is good against Water types anyways. Clefable can still beat Scizor and Ferro, while being a sort of "glue" to hold the team together with its reliable recovery. It can also serve as a win con against some teams through the use of CM. Focus Blast lure Clefable is also an option to help out Char-Y.
Hi there! Nice looking RMT you have put together here. Just FYI, the hide tab at the top isn't working.
So into the team, I first off believe Roost is the better move on Char-Y, as T-Tar can trap the Dragons (AKA Lati@s) for it. But for the mostpart, the team looks very well constructed. The only change I would make is Magnezone to Clefable. Despite it not actually resisting Ice and Fairy, it can handle users of both, as well as many special and physical attackers. Water types cannot do too much to it either, but with Azumarill, Char-Y and Lati your team is good against Water types anyways. Clefable can still beat Scizor and Ferro, while being a sort of "glue" to hold the team together with its reliable recovery. It can also serve as a win con against some teams through the use of CM. Focus Blast lure Clefable is also an option to help out Char-Y.
Not sure because i already have a fairy in Azumarill, but what kinda set/spread would you recommend?
Sorry for the late reply. This set works quite well:

Clefable @ Leftovers
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 HP / 172 Def / 84 SpD
Calm Nature
- Calm Mind
- Moonblast
- Soft-Boiled
- Flamethrower