Draft Charizard

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**Draft Order**: Round 7 onwards

**Price Range**: 3-4 points

**Overview**: Charizard is a low-price offensive Fire-type, boasting a pretty decent move pool and usable base stats. It can leverage these traits to force progress in matchups where foes cannot resist its attacks. It can also provide significant wallbreaking in sun with its Fire-type STAB moves and Solar Power. However, it is far from the centerpiece of any team and should be benched more than it's brought. Its Speed and offenses are leagues away from top metagame threats, and it can only really leverage its typing and coverage in matchups where they particularly excel in order to force progress.

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Common Roles
**Special Attacker**: Charizard most often wants to function as a special attacker, using high-Base Power STAB moves like Fire Blast and Hurricane in matchups where the opponent lacks Pokemon that resist them.

**Setup Sweeper**: Charizard can make use of setup moves such as Belly Drum and Dragon Dance as well as a plethora of physical coverage to run usable physical attacking sets. Physically offensive sets often need the boosts to force progress.

Common Moves
**Primary STAB Moves**: Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Overheat, Hurricane, Air Slash, Flare Blitz, Acrobatics

**Setup Moves**: Belly Drum, Dragon Dance, Flame Charge

**Utility Moves**: Will-O-Wisp, Roar, Dragon Tail, Substitute, Brick Break

**Coverage**: Scorching Sands, Focus Blast, Ancient Power, Dragon Pulse, Tera Blast, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Thunder Punch, Dragon Claw, Crunch

Niche Moves
**Endure**: Endure can be paired with a Custap Berry to gain a Speed advantage as well as to safely use up an item to boost Acrobatics.

**Swords Dance**: Swords Dance could be useful into bulkier teams, but Charizard's mediocre stats and lack of reliable recovery make it more difficult to use than other options.

**Sunny Day**: Charizard can set up Sunny Day for itself to boost its own Fire-type STAB moves from the sun and gain an additional Solar Power boost.

**Solar Beam**: Solar Beam can be a good option under sun or with a Power Herb as solid type coverage.

Common Items
**Heavy-Duty Boots**: Heavy-Duty Boots negates the 50% damage Charizard would take from Stealth Rock, allowing it to safely switch in and maintain enough health to set up or take hits.

Niche Items
**Custap / Salac Berry**: Custap Berry is a useful one-time stop to a foe that is already set up to sweep, and Salac Berry can threaten a sweep with Belly Drum or work on its own against worn-down teams lacking priority. Endure lets Charizard guarantee that the Berry activates, and Acrobatics benefits from a damage boost afterwards.

**Sitrus Berry**: Sitrus Berry is useful on Belly Drum Charizard, letting it get back some of the health it just lost and powering up Acrobatics.

**Damage-boosting Items**: Items such as Choice Specs, Charcoal, Expert Belt, and even Life Orb can be useful on Charizard to boost damage, but they are often not worth taking Stealth Rock damage for. Life Orb is especially tricky to use, racking up copious amounts of chip damage.

Charizard doesn't need Tera to function, but it can be useful if there is no other option for a secondary Tera user. It can Tera into one of its own types to boost its STAB moves even further or pick a defensive type such as Tera Water, Ground, and Grass to cover for its own weaknesses. Generally, good Tera types such as Tera Fairy, Steel, and Ghost may also be used, but they do not provide a lot of inherent synergy with Charizard itself. With whatever type it uses, it can also benefit from the extra coverage of Tera Blast, but be wary because most teams should have a better, more expensive Tera Captain than Charizard that can prioritize Tera in most situations.

Draft Strategy
Charizard is a budget Fire-type that is primarily considered late into a draft. Teams should not rely on it to function, as it is best used every once in a while when given a particularly strong matchup. It can be slotted onto most teams due to its low price point and insignificance as a defensive Pokemon. With this in mind, there are still a couple of roles to consider that could enhance Charizard's effectiveness in its role.

**Strong Entry Hazard Removal**: Having strong entry hazard removal enables Charizard to run more of its setup sets without being forced to run Heavy-Duty Boots. Pokemon such as Terapagos, Iron Treads, and Blastoise are all premier removal options.

**Sun**: Charizard can provide decent wallbreaking on sun teams if a cheap option is needed. Torkoal and Ninetales can set sun to give it more immediate wallbreaking power. Sun-boosted teammates like Great Tusk and Scream Tail can also cover its weaknesses and provide valuable support to it.

Checks and Counters
**Bulky Fire- and Flying-resistant Pokemon**: Charizard's strongest and most reliable moves are its STAB moves, letting many Rock-, Water-, and Dragon-type Pokemon check it effectively. Pokemon such as Raging Bolt, Tyranitar, and Azumarill are effective at this role.

**Off-beat Bulky Foes**: It can be particularly annoying for Charizard to face particularly bulky Pokemon that are neutral to its STAB moves but can't be reliably hit super effectively. Pokemon such as Ting-Lu, Uxie, and Scream Tail are particularly annoying for it in this regard.

**Revenge Killers**: Charizard's mediocre Speed allows it to be easily revenge killed by many top threats, as a majority of teams have at least 2 good Pokemon that naturally outspeed it. There are also many offensive Water-type Pokemon that are potent in this metagame. Pokemon such as Ogerpon-W, Greninja, and Palafin can all revenge kill most Charizard sets with ease.

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qc 1/2 - didn't realize this guy lost roost, yikes lol
**Draft Order**: Round 7 onwards

**Price Range**: 3-4 Points

**Overview**: Charizard is a low price offensive Fire type. For its price, it has a pretty decent move pool and usable base stats, and can force progress in matchups where opponents lack good resists. However, it is far from the centerpiece of any team and should be benched more than it's brought. Its speed and offenses are leagues away from top metagame threats, and can only really leverage its typing and coverage in matchups where they particularly excel in order to force progress. Mention somewhere in here that it becomes a much stronger wallbreaker under sun

[strategy comments]
Common Roles
**Special Attacker**: Charizard most often wants to function as a special attacker, using high base power STAB moves like Fire Blast and Hurricane in matchups where the opponent lacks good resists.

**Setup Sweeper**: Charizard can make use of setup moves such as Belly Drum and Dragon Dance, as well as a plethora of physical coverage, to run usable physical attacking sets. Physically offensive sets often need the boosts to force progress.

Common Moves
**Primary STAB Moves**: Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Overheat, Hurricane, Air Slash, Flare Blitz, Acrobatics

**Setup Moves**: Belly Drum, Dragon Dance, Flame Charge

**Utility Moves**: Will-O-Wisp, Roar, Dragon Tail, Substitute

**Coverage**: Scorching Sands, Focus Blast, Ancient Power, Dragon Pulse, Tera Blast, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Thunder Punch, Dragon Claw, Crunch

Niche Moves
**Endure**: Endure can be paired with an item such as Salac Berry or Custap Berry to gain a speed advantage, as well as to safely use up an item to potentially boost Acrobatics.

**Swords Dance**: Swords Dance is another setup option, which could be useful into bulkier teams, but Charizard's mediocre stats and lack of reliable recovery make it more difficult to use than other options.

**Sunny Day**: Charizard can set up Sunny Day for itself to boost its own STAB fire moves from the sun and for the additional Solar Power boost.

**Rest**: Rest is Charizard's only form of recovery, and can be useful in certain matchups. Sleep Talk is commonly used with Rest, but Chesto Berry can be even more useful by saving a move slot on setup Charizard and by powering up Acrobatics.

**Brick Break**: Brick Break is primarily useful to break screens, but can also provide decent chip damage on certain foes. Other attacks will generally do more damage. Just put this in common utility

**Focus Punch**: Focus Punch is specifically useful in matchups where the opponent has a decent rock type such as Tyranitar that Charizard may want to land a surprise KO on. This is commonly used with Substitute, though this strategy could backfire if they happen to carry Rock Blast. too niche

Add Solar Beam - good coverage that synergizes with sun sets

Common Items
**Heavy Duty Boots**: Boots are an obvious choice on Charizard, negating the 50% damage it would take from Stealth Rock, allowing it to safely switch in and maintain enough health to set up or take hits.

**Sitrus Berry**: Sitrus Berry is useful on Belly Drum Charizard, letting it get back some of the health it just lost and powering up Acrobatics. Move to niche

**Choice Items**: Charizard can often run a choice item if it is simply expected to lead and click a STAB move, or if hazard removal is particularly easy in a given matchup. Just combine this with damage boosting items - scarf can be mentioned separately if you think it's worth mentioning, id put it at like top of niche

Niche Items
**Custap / Salac Berry**: Custap Berry and Salac Berry of these options are particularly useful with Endure and to power up Acrobatics. Custap Berry is a useful one-time stop to a foe who is already set up to sweep, and Salac Berry can threaten a sweep on its own against worn down teams lacking priority. Belly Drum is probably worth mentioning with salac

**Chesto Berry**: Chesto Berry is useful with Rest, and this combination can also power up Acrobatics.

**Other damage boosting items**: Items such as Charcoal, Expert Belt, and even Life Orb can be useful on Charizard to boost damage, but will often not feel worth taking Stealth Rock damage for. Life Orb will especially be tricky to use, racking up copious amounts of chip damage.

Few other potential niche items - Power Herb (with solar beam), Eject Pack (with overheat) boots is probably used 99% of the time though so maybe too niche

Charizard doesn't need Tera to function, but it can be useful if there is no other option for a secondary Tera user. It can Tera into one of its own types to boost its STAB moves even further, or pick a defensive type such as Water, Ground, or Grass to cover for its own weaknesses. Generally good Tera types such as Fairy, Steel, and Ghost may also be used, but do not provide a lot of inherent synergy with Charizard itself. With whatever type it uses, it can also benefit from the extra coverage of Tera Blast, but be wary because most teams should have a better, more expensive Tera Captain than Charizard that will prioritize Tera in most situations.

Draft Strategy
Charizard is a budget fire type that is primarily considered late into a draft. Teams should not rely on Charizard to function, as it is best used every once in a while when given a particularly strong matchup. Charizard can be slotted onto most teams due to its low price point and insignificance as a defensive Pokemon. With this in mind, there are still a couple of roles to consider that could enhance Charizard's effectiveness in its role.

**Strong Hazard Removal**: Having strong hazard removal enables Charizard to run more of its setup sets without being forced to run Heavy Duty Boots. Pokemon such as Great Tusk Blastoise, Terapagos, and Iron Treads are all premier removal options. Changed tusk here since i added it below

**Sun**: Charizard can provide decent wall breaking on Sun teams if a cheap option is needed. Torkoal and Ninetales can set Sun to give Charizard more immediate breaking power. Sun-boosted teammates like Great Tusk and Scream Tail can also cover Charizard's weaknesses and provide valuable support to it.

Checks and Counters
**Bulky Resists**: Charizard's strongest and most reliable moves are its STAB moves, letting many Rock-, Water-, and Dragon-type Pokemon check it effectively. Pokemon such as Raging Bolt, Tyranitar, and Azumarill are effective at this role. Charizard may need to run physical or mixed attacking sets to find coverage for these foes.

**Off-beat Bulky Foes**: It can also be particularly annoying for Charizard to face particularly bulky Pokemon that are neutral to its STABs, but can't be reliably hit Super Effectively. Pokemon such as Ting-Lu, Uxie, and Scream Tail are particularly annoying for Charizard in this regard. It often needs setup to attempt to break past these foes.

**Revenge Killers**: Charizard's mediocre speed allows it to be easily revenge killed by many top threats, as a majority of SV teams will have at least 2 good Pokemon that naturally outspeed. There are also many offensive Water-type Pokemon that are potent in this metagame. Pokemon such as Ogerpon-W, Greninja, and Palafin can all revenge kill most Charizard sets with ease. Charizard will either need some form of speed boosting or needs to rely on teammates to deal with these foes.

**Unaware Users**: Charizard's setup sets can often be stopped by most Unaware Pokemon. Clefable, Skeledirge, and Clodsire all generally deal with Charizard fairly well. It needs to run coverage moves or just not bother with setup to respond to these checks. Too niche, most of these fit in above categories

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**Draft Order**: Round 7 onwards

**Price Range**: 3-4 Points

**Overview**: Charizard is a low price offensive Fire type. Could add a bit more here. Also could combine with the following sentence for better flow. For its price, it has a pretty decent move pool and usable base stats, and can force progress in matchups where opponents lack good resists. It can also provide significant wallbreaking in Sun with its STAB Fire-type moves and Solar Power. However, it is far from the centerpiece of any team and should be benched more than it's brought. Its speed and offenses are leagues away from top metagame threats, and can only really leverage its typing and coverage in matchups where they particularly excel in order to force progress.

[strategy comments]
Common Roles
**Special Attacker**: Charizard most often wants to function as a special attacker, using high base power STAB moves like Fire Blast and Hurricane in matchups where the opponent lacks good resists.

**Setup Sweeper**: Charizard can make use of setup moves such as Belly Drum and Dragon Dance, as well as a plethora of physical coverage, to run usable physical attacking sets. Physically offensive sets often need the boosts to force progress.

Common Moves
**Primary STAB Moves**: Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Overheat, Hurricane, Air Slash, Flare Blitz, Acrobatics

**Setup Moves**: Belly Drum, Dragon Dance, Flame Charge

**Utility Moves**: Will-O-Wisp, Roar, Dragon Tail, Substitute, Brick Break

**Coverage**: Scorching Sands, Focus Blast, Ancient Power, Dragon Pulse, Tera Blast, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Thunder Punch, Dragon Claw, Crunch

Niche Moves
**Endure**: Endure can be paired with a Custap Berry to gain a speed advantage, as well as to safely use up an item to potentially boost Acrobatics.

**Swords Dance**: Swords Dance is another setup option, which could be useful into bulkier teams, but Charizard's mediocre stats and lack of reliable recovery make it more difficult to use than other options.

**Sunny Day**: Charizard can set up Sunny Day for itself to boost its own STAB fire moves from the sun and for the additional Solar Power boost.

**Rest**: Rest is Charizard's only form of recovery, and can be useful in certain matchups. Sleep Talk is commonly used with Rest, but Chesto Berry can be even more useful by saving a move slot on setup Charizard and by powering up Acrobatics. Unsure to include it. Without Roost, Rest feels too desperate for a recovery option for Zard to include. Same applies to Chesto Berry being mentioned later.

**Solar Beam**: Solar Beam can be a good option when using Sun or with a Power Herb as solid type coverage.

Common Items
**Heavy Duty Boots**: Boots are an obvious choice on Charizard, negating the 50% damage it would take from Stealth Rock, allowing it to safely switch in and maintain enough health to set up or take hits.

Niche Items
**Custap / Salac Berry**: Custap Berry and Salac Berry of these options are particularly useful with Endure and to power up Acrobatics. Custap Berry is a useful one-time stop to a foe who is already set up to sweep, and Salac Berry can threaten a sweep with Belly Drum, or just on its own against worn down teams lacking priority.

**Sitrus Berry**: Sitrus Berry is useful on Belly Drum Charizard, letting it get back some of the health it just lost and powering up Acrobatics.

**Chesto Berry**: Chesto Berry is useful with Rest, and this combination can also power up Acrobatics.

**Damage boosting items**: Items such as Choice Specs, Charcoal, Expert Belt, and even Life Orb can be useful on Charizard to boost damage, but will often not feel worth taking Stealth Rock damage for. Life Orb will especially be tricky to use, racking up copious amounts of chip damage.

Charizard doesn't need Tera to function, but it can be useful if there is no other option for a secondary Tera user. It can Tera into one of its own types to boost its STAB moves even further, or pick a defensive type such as Water, Ground, or Grass to cover for its own weaknesses. Generally good Tera types such as Fairy, Steel, and Ghost may also be used, but do not provide a lot of inherent synergy with Charizard itself. With whatever type it uses, it can also benefit from the extra coverage of Tera Blast, but be wary because most teams should have a better, more expensive Tera Captain than Charizard that will prioritize Tera in most situations.

Draft Strategy
Charizard is a budget fire type that is primarily considered late into a draft. Teams should not rely on Charizard to function, as it is best used every once in a while when given a particularly strong matchup. Charizard can be slotted onto most teams due to its low price point and insignificance as a defensive Pokemon. With this in mind, there are still a couple of roles to consider that could enhance Charizard's effectiveness in its role.

**Strong Hazard Removal**: Having strong hazard removal enables Charizard to run more of its setup sets without being forced to run Heavy Duty Boots. Pokemon such as Terapagos, Iron Treads, and Blastoise are all premier removal options.

**Sun**: Charizard can provide decent wall breaking on Sun teams if a cheap option is needed. Torkoal and Ninetales can set Sun to give Charizard more immediate breaking power. Sun-boosted teammates like Great Tusk and Scream Tail can also cover Charizard's weaknesses and provide valuable support to it.

Checks and Counters
**Bulky Resists**: Charizard's strongest and most reliable moves are its STAB moves, letting many Rock-, Water-, and Dragon-type Pokemon check it effectively. Pokemon such as Raging Bolt, Tyranitar, and Azumarill are effective at this role. Charizard may need to run physical or mixed attacking sets to find coverage for these foes.

**Off-beat Bulky Foes**: It can also be particularly annoying for Charizard to face particularly bulky Pokemon that are neutral to its STABs, but can't be reliably hit Super Effectively. Pokemon such as Ting-Lu, Uxie, and Scream Tail are particularly annoying for Charizard in this regard. It often needs setup to attempt to break past these foes.

**Revenge Killers**: Charizard's mediocre speed allows it to be easily revenge killed by many top threats, as a majority of SV teams will have at least 2 good Pokemon that naturally outspeed. There are also many offensive Water-type Pokemon that are potent in this metagame. Pokemon such as Ogerpon-W, Greninja, and Palafin can all revenge kill most Charizard sets with ease. Charizard will either need some form of speed boosting or needs to rely on teammates to deal with these foes.

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Yeah this looks pretty good.
1/1, GP Team done
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**Draft Order**: Round 7 onwards

**Price Range**: 3-4 points

**Overview**: Charizard is a low price low-price offensive Fire type Fire-type, boasting a pretty decent move pool and usable base stats. It can leverage these traits to force progress in matchups where opponents lack good resists foes cannot resist its attacks. It can also provide significant wallbreaking in sun with its STAB Fire-type STAB moves and Solar Power. However, it is far from the centerpiece of any team and should be benched more than it's brought. Its Speed and offenses are leagues away from top metagame threats, and it can only really leverage its typing and coverage in matchups where they particularly excel in order to force progress.

[strategy comments]
Common Roles
**Special Attacker**: Charizard most often wants to function as a special attacker, using high-Base Power base power STAB moves like Fire Blast and Hurricane in matchups where the opponent lacks good resists Pokemon that resist them.

**Setup Sweeper**: Charizard can make use of setup moves such as Belly Drum and Dragon Dance (RC) as well as a plethora of physical coverage (RC) to run usable physical attacking sets. Physically offensive sets often need the boosts to force progress.

Common Moves
**Primary STAB Moves**: Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Overheat, Hurricane, Air Slash, Flare Blitz, Acrobatics

**Setup Moves**: Belly Drum, Dragon Dance, Flame Charge

**Utility Moves**: Will-O-Wisp, Roar, Dragon Tail, Substitute, Brick Break

**Coverage**: Scorching Sands, Focus Blast, Ancient Power, Dragon Pulse, Tera Blast, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Thunder Punch, Dragon Claw, Crunch

Niche Moves
**Endure**: Endure can be paired with a Custap Berry to gain a Speed advantage (RC) as well as to safely use up an item to potentially boost Acrobatics.

**Swords Dance**: Swords Dance is another setup option, which could be useful into bulkier teams, but Charizard's mediocre stats and lack of reliable recovery make it more difficult to use than other options.

**Sunny Day**: Charizard can set up Sunny Day for itself to boost its own Fire-type STAB fire moves from the sun and for the gain an additional Solar Power boost.

**Solar Beam**: Solar Beam can be a good option when using Sun under sun or with a Power Herb as solid type coverage.

Common Items
**Heavy Duty Heavy-Duty Boots**: Heavy-Duty Boots are an obvious choice on Charizard, negating negates the 50% damage it Charizard would take from Stealth Rock, allowing it to safely switch in and maintain enough health to set up or take hits.

Niche Items
**Custap / Salac Berry**: Custap Berry and Salac Berry of these options are particularly useful with Endure and to power up Acrobatics. Custap Berry is a useful one-time stop to a foe who that is already set up to sweep, and Salac Berry can threaten a sweep with Belly Drum (RC) or just work on its own against worn down worn-down teams lacking priority. Endure lets Charizard guarantee that the Berry activates, and Acrobatics benefits from a damage boost afterwards. (AP) moved the first sentence to the end cause it fit better there, & reworded to add more context as to why endure/acrobatics work well with the berries

**Sitrus Berry**: Sitrus Berry is useful on Belly Drum Charizard, letting it get back some of the health it just lost and powering up Acrobatics.

**Damage boosting Damage-boosting Items**: Items such as Choice Specs, Charcoal, Expert Belt, and even Life Orb can be useful on Charizard to boost damage, but will they are often not feel worth taking Stealth Rock damage for. Life Orb will is especially be tricky to use, racking up copious amounts of chip damage.

Charizard doesn't need Tera to function, but it can be useful if there is no other option for a secondary Tera user. It can Tera into one of its own types to boost its STAB moves even further (RC) or pick a defensive type such as Tera Water, Ground, or and Grass to cover for its own weaknesses. Generally, (AC) good Tera types such as Tera Fairy, Steel, and Ghost may also be used, but they do not provide a lot of inherent synergy with Charizard itself. With whatever type it uses, it can also benefit from the extra coverage of Tera Blast, but be wary because most teams should have a better, more expensive Tera Captain than Charizard that will can prioritize Tera in most situations.

Draft Strategy
Charizard is a budget Fire-type that is primarily considered late into a draft. Teams should not rely on Charizard it to function, as it is best used every once in a while when given a particularly strong matchup. Charizard It can be slotted onto most teams due to its low price point and insignificance as a defensive Pokemon. With this in mind, there are still a couple of roles to consider that could enhance Charizard's effectiveness in its role.

**Strong Entry Hazard Removal**: Having strong entry hazard removal enables Charizard to run more of its setup sets without being forced to run Heavy Duty Heavy-Duty Boots. Pokemon such as Terapagos, Iron Treads, and Blastoise are all premier removal options.

**Sun**: Charizard can provide decent wall breaking wallbreaking on sun teams if a cheap option is needed. Torkoal and Ninetales can set sun to give Charizard it more immediate breaking wallbreaking power. Sun-boosted teammates like Great Tusk and Scream Tail can also cover Charizard's its weaknesses and provide valuable support to it.

Checks and Counters
**Bulky Resists Fire- and Flying-resistant Pokemon**: Charizard's strongest and most reliable moves are its STAB moves, letting many Rock-, Water-, and Dragon-type Pokemon check it effectively. Pokemon such as Raging Bolt, Tyranitar, and Azumarill are effective at this role. Charizard may need to run physical or mixed attacking sets to find coverage for these foes (RP)

**Off-beat Bulky Foes**: It can also be particularly annoying for Charizard to face particularly bulky Pokemon that are neutral to its STABs (RC) STAB moves but can't be reliably hit super effectively. Pokemon such as Ting-Lu, Uxie, and Scream Tail are particularly annoying for Charizard it in this regard. It often needs setup to attempt to break past these foes (RP)

**Revenge Killers**: Charizard's mediocre Speed allows it to be easily revenge killed by many top threats, as a majority of SV teams will have at least 2 good Pokemon that naturally outspeed it. There are also many offensive Water-type Pokemon that are potent in this metagame. Pokemon such as Ogerpon-W, Greninja, and Palafin can all revenge kill most Charizard sets with ease. Charizard will either need some form of speed boosting or needs to rely on teammates to deal with these foes (RP) (This section should focus on what beats charizard, not how it gets around its checks - that should all be covered elsewhere)

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