Gen 5 Chandelure (QC 1/1) (GP 1/1)


"Because... Scald is a shit Ferro answer!!!"

Just one floaty Candle boi...
Chandelure has a small niche in BW OU with its ability to form solid double Ghost-type cores with Jellicent on hyper offensive teams. In contrast to Gengar, Chandelure is able to OHKO Steel-types such as Ferrothorn and Scizor while also being threatening against bulkier Pokemon such as Landorus-T, Gliscor and Seismitoad. Chandelure also has Flame Body, which makes it difficult for Excadrill to spin against it, since it must risk getting burned while attempting to break its Air Balloon. Flame Body is also useful for burning Tyranitar, which Chandelure's partners Latios and Alakazam can take advantage of.

Unfortunately, Chandelure on its own faces several problems. First off, it is Stealth Rock weak, meaning that it can take a lot of damage for attempting to spinblock. It struggles immensely against the most common playstyles in the game, sand and rain, and is ultimately unable to spinblock Starmie and Tentacruel. Its Speed tier leaves it forced out by faster threats such as Latios and Keldeo. These reasons are why Chandelure is often passed over for Jellicent which has better defensive typing, better special bulk, and a stellar ability in Water Absorb.

name: Spinblocker
move 1: Flamethrower / Fire Blast
move 2: Shadow Ball
move 3: Hidden Power Ice
move 4: Flame Charge / Trick
item: Air Balloon / Choice Scarf
ability: Flame Body
nature: Timid
evs: 88 Def / 252 SpA / 168 Spe

- Written by: [[Gamer123556, 515642]]
- Quality checked by: [[Ophion, 433215]]
- Grammar checked by: [[CyroGyro, 331519]]
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I'm going to make it clear again. Playstyles are not capitalized (stall, hyper offense, bulky offense, etc).

In contrast to Gengar, it has Flame Body, which means that it can better threaten Excadrill with potential burns.
Also that it's much stronger thanks to its Special Attack, making it more adept at pressuring opposing teams and bulkier Pokemon like Landorus-T, Seismitoad, and Gliscor. Also specify it can burn when Excadrill uses Iron Head into it (cause Scarf obviously can't come in on EQ whatsoever). I want you to move the Flame Body point behind the stuff about its higher Special Attack and how it offensively pressures Steel (that's in a later bullet for details).

Tyranitar is also very hard-pressed to pursuit trap Chandelure especially since it risks taking a burn when doing so, which Chandelure's partners can take advantage of.
Very hard is an overstatement, just say Flame Body can result in Pursuit Tyranitar being burnt, letting Chandelure's partners take advantage of it.

Finally, Chandelure is able to offensively pressure Steels such as Ferrothorn and Scizor, which are common roadblocks to Alakazam spikes offensive teams.
Move this to before the Tyranitar Pursuit sentence. Also, say that it does this with its Fire STAB that OHKOes, since people would assume Gengar has Focus Blast so it can beat Ferrothorn.

Capitalize this, it's a move.

It's a move, capitalize.

Sand and Rain
Decapitalize, they're weathers (weather abilites like Sand Stream and Drizzle would be capitalized).

while it boasts incredible special attack
Special Attack is a stat, capitalize it.

its speed tier
Same as above.

Flamethrower or Fire Blast allows you to pressure Steels such as Ferrothorn and Scizor. Flamethrower is generally more accurate while Fire Blast's better power can be useful in occasion. Shadow Ball is solid neutral coverage as it allows you to pressure Reuniclus. Hidden Power Ice means that Chandelure can force damage on Landorus-Therian, Gliscor and Dragonite. Finally, Flame Charge can be useful as it raises Chandelure's speed for a potential sweep. An alternative set is Choice Scarf with Trick, which can cripple Excadrill as it is locked into an undesireable move and is much easier to play around as a result.
Remove this, it's not part of the minis template so it'd be inconsistent with the other BW ones and the SM ones. That said, I appreciate you put in the time and effort to put this together when not needed.
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I'm going to make it clear again. Playstyles are not capitalized (stall, hyper offense, bulky offense, etc).

Also that it's much stronger thanks to its Special Attack, making it more adept at pressuring opposing teams and bulkier Pokemon like Landorus-T, Seismitoad, and Gliscor. Also specify it can burn when Excadrill uses Iron Head into it (cause Scarf obviously can't come in on EQ whatsoever). I want you to move the Flame Body point behind the stuff about its higher Special Attack and how it offensively pressures Steel (that's in a later bullet for details).

Very hard is an overstatement, just say Flame Body can result in Pursuit Tyranitar being burnt, letting Chandelure's partners take advantage of it.

Move this to before the Tyranitar Pursuit sentence. Also, say that it does this with its Fire STAB that OHKOes, since people would assume Gengar has Focus Blast so it can beat Ferrothorn.

Capitalize this, it's a move.

It's a move, capitalize.

Decapitalize, they're weathers (weather abilites like Sand Stream and Drizzle would be capitalized).

Special Attack is a stat, capitalize it.

Same as above.

Remove this, it's not part of the minis template so it'd be inconsistent with the other BW ones and the SM ones. That said, I appreciate you put in the time and effort to put this together when not needed.

Implemented. Ready for a QC!
this is cryo
GP 1/1
Chandelure is able to carve out has a small niche in BW OU with its ability to form solid double Ghost-type cores with Jellicent on hyper offensive teams. In contrast to Gengar, Chandelure is much better against able to OHKO Steel-types such as Ferrothorn and Scizor while also being threatening against bulkier Pokemon such as Landorus-T, Gliscor, (comma) and Seismitoad. The Steel-type matchup is particularly important as Chandelure can reliably OHKO them with its STAB moves, which Gengar can't accomplish with Focus Blast. Moreover, Chandelure also has Flame Body, which makes it difficult for Excadrill to spin against it, since it must risk getting burned by Flame Body while attempting to break its Air Balloon. Flame Body is also useful against for burning Tyranitar as it can be burned without having to rely on Will-o-Wisp without relying on Will-O-Wisp, which Chandelure's partners Latios and Alakazam can take advantage of.

Unfortunately, Chandelure on its own faces several problems. First off, it is Stealth Rock weak, meaning that it ends up taking a 25% HP chip from attempting to spinblock the Pokemon it is supposed to it can take a lot of damage for attempting to spinblock. It struggles immensely against the most common playstyles, (comma) sand and rain, in the game: sand and rain and is ultimately unable to spinblock Starmie and Tentacruel. Lastly, while it boasts incredible Special Attack and a solid offensive movepool, its Its Speed tier leaves a lot to be desired as it gets forced out by faster threats such as Latios and Keldeo. It is these reasons These reasons are why Chandelure is often passed over as a sole spinblocker for Jellicent as a sole spinblocker, who has which has a better defensive typing, better special bulk, and a stellar ability in Water Absorb.

name: Spinblocker
move 1: Flamethrower / Fire Blast
move 2: Shadow Ball
move 3: Hidden Power Ice
move 4: Flame Charge / Trick
item: Air Balloon / Choice Scarf
ability: Flame Body
nature: Timid
evs: 88 Def / 252 SpA / 168 Spe

- Written by: [[Gamer123556, 515642]]
- Quality checked by: [[Ophion, 433215]]
- Grammar checked by: [[name, id]]