Copyediting Cetitan [GP 0/1]

**Draft Order**: Round 7 onwards

**Price Range**: 5-7 points

**Overview**: Cetitan uses its colossal HP stat and wide array of coverage to act as the format's premier Slush Rush sweeper. It can tailor its bulk to allow it to Belly Drum against a variety of foes, and Ice Shard can protect it from being revenge killed afterwards. Unfortunately, its numerous type weaknesses and average base Attack make it somewhat Tera-reliant, and it can be hard to fit onto teams with a stronger Tera Captain. It also faces competition from the cheaper Beartic and Alolan Sandslash.

[strategy comments]
Common Roles
**Snow Sweeper**: Cetitan can make use of Belly Drum and Slush Rush to boost its offensive stats to fearsome levels. It can be difficult to find a safe turn to set up, especially without Tera, but the payoff is massive. The limited turns of snow must also be considered, because Cetitan is easily outsped without its ability active. Icy Rock on a teammate can make its sweeps more reliable.

**Wallbreaker**: A midgame Belly Drum can easily force kills without snow, or the player can opt to run Sheer Force and/or boosting items like Life Orb or Choice Band to make progress without the need for setup.

**Tank**: Cetitan's bulk and access to Thick Fat and Yawn make it a decent tank. Its lack of reliable recovery and weakness to entry hazards mean it will often need to focus on defensively checking a single foe.

Common Moves
**Primary STAB Moves**: Icicle Crash, Ice Spinner, Ice Shard

**Setup Moves**: Belly Drum

**Utility Moves**: Substitute, Yawn, Rest, Body Slam

**Coverage**: Earthquake, Superpower, Liquidation, Heavy Slam, Play Rough, Knock Off, High Horsepower, Tera Blast

Niche Moves
**Curse**: Curse is a secondary setup option that preys on the opponent's physical offense. The Speed drops make it fit best with defensive Tera Types and Thick Fat.

**Facade**: If Will-O-Wisp or Toxic Spikes are expected and Cetitan has a free move slot, Facade can be a powerful neutral coverage option.

**Snowscape**: Although Cetitan generally prefers snow to be set by teammates, it can also do so itself if the team is unable to support it for some reason.

**Avalanche**: Avalanche can be stronger than other STAB attacks on bulky Cetitan sets.

Common Items
**Sitrus Berry**: Belly Drum has great synergy with Sitrus Berry, effectively reducing the HP cost (as long as Cetitan's HP is divisible by two). It's important to support these sets with entry hazard removal, however.

**Heavy-Duty Boots**: Cetitan is extremely weak to all entry hazards, and greatly appreciates the ability to avoid them on most sets.

**Life Orb**: Life Orb is a classic pairing with Sheer Force, boosting Icicle Crash, Liquidation, and Play Rough with no drawbacks. It will have to remain wary of entry hazards and recoil from other attacks like Earthquake and Ice Shard.

Niche Items
**Assault Vest**: Cetitan's Special Defense can get deceptively high with some investment and and an Assault Vest, allowing it to take on some special attackers with ease (provided entry hazards are kept away).

**Damage-Boosting Items**: Expert Belt pairs well with Cetitan's coverage moves if they're super effective against relevant targets. Choice Band or items like Never-Melt Ice can help boost Cetitan's wallbreaking power in other matchups.

**Resistance Berries**: Resistance berries can be used to lure in foes with type advantages or protect it from priority moves like Bullet Punch or Mach Punch mid-sweep.

**Lum Berry**: Burn and Paralysis can seriously limit Cetitan's potential, and Lum Berry can provide a turn of safety from them as Cetitan sets up or eliminates the status user.

**Weakness Policy**: Cetitan's Ice type and bulk make Weakness Policy easy to activate against some weaker attackers, leading to a devastating counterattack.

Cetitan relies heavily on Tera to serve as a reliable attacker. It often fills the role of a budget Tera Captain, occasionally using Tera over a more expensive Captain. It will often want to use Tera Types that match its coverage moves to boost their power and gain a better defensive profile. These include Tera Water, Ground, Fairy, and Steel. Tera Electric and Fire can be useful for denying status.

Draft Strategy
Cetitan fits best on teams that need more physical offense and a secondary Tera Captain. Certain roles will need to be filled by high-tier Pokemon before it can succeed.

**Snow Setter**: Cetitan's ideal draft is one with a Slowking or Galarian Slowking. Chilly Reception gets it onto the field safely and provides it with snow, which is necessary for Slush Rush sets and provides a Defense boost to other sets before Tera. Other snow setters like Alolan Ninetales or Abomasnow can also work, though they lack the pivoting ability of the Slowking formes so it's much harder to set up Cetitan sweeps.

**Entry Hazard Removal**: Reliable Rapid Spin or even Defog are extremely important for freeing up Cetitan's item slot and allowing it to function without fear of Stealth Rock. Great Tusk, Iron Treads, and Talonflame are some good options for removing entry hazards, and Hatterene can help keep them off the field to begin with.

**Entry Hazard Setters**: Entry hazard support can help Cetitan wallbreak or sweep. Stealth Rock and Spikes in particular can help it deal more consistent damage. It can also use Knock Off to remove Heavy-Duty Boots.

Checks and Counters
**Status Conditions**: Burn and Paralysis can shut down nearly all Cetitan sets, Poison puts it on a timer, and Sleep will likely mean it's not waking up before being KOed.

**Disruption / Phazing**: It can be difficult to get Cetitan into a position where it can set up and sweep with enough turns of snow remaining. An Encore or Roar the turn it uses Belly Drum can waste a significant amount of time, HP, and even its Sitrus Berry.

**Priority**: Cetitan can be picked off by strong priority moves in the snow if it's weakened by Belly Drum and a stray hit as it sets up. Vacuum Wave is immediately threatening because it hits for super effective damage and isn't weakened by snow. Some opposing priority users without Extreme Speed have to respect the threat of Ice Shard, however.

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Anyways - so then I cursed her.
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Draft Leader
**Draft Order**: Round 7 onwards

**Price Range**: 5-7 points

**Overview**: Cetitan uses its colossal HP stat and wide array of coverage to act as the format's premier Slush Rush sweeper. It can tailor its bulk to allow it to Belly Drum against a variety of foes, and Ice Shard can protect it from being revenge killed afterwards. Unfortunately, its numerous type weaknesses and average base Attack make it somewhat Tera-reliant, and it can be hard to fit onto teams with a stronger Tera Captain. It also faces competition from the cheaper Beartic and Alolan Sandslash.

[strategy comments]
Common Roles
**Snow Sweeper**: Cetitan can make use of Belly Drum and Slush Rush to boost its offensive stats to fearsome levels. It can be difficult to find a safe turn to set up with snow, especially without Tera, but the payoff is massive.

**Wallbreaker**: A midgame Belly Drum can easily force kills without snow, or the player can opt to run Sheer Force and/or boosting items like Life Orb or Choice Band to make progress without the need for setup.

**Tank**: Cetitan's bulk and access to Thick Fat and Yawn make it a decent tank. Its lack of reliable recovery and weakness to entry hazards mean it will often need to focus on defensively checking a single foe.

Common Moves
**Primary STAB Moves**: Icicle Crash, Ice Spinner, Ice Shard

**Setup Moves**: Belly Drum

**Utility Moves**: Substitute, Yawn, Rest

**Coverage**: Earthquake, Superpower, Liquidation, Heavy Slam, Play Rough, Knock Off, High Horsepower, Tera Blast

Niche Moves
**Curse**: Curse is a secondary setup option that preys on the opponent's physical offense. The Speed drops make it fit best with defensive Tera Types and Thick Fat.

**Facade**: If Will-O-Wisp or Toxic Spikes are expected and Cetitan has a free move slot, Facade can be a powerful neutral coverage option.

**Snowscape**: Although Cetitan generally prefers snow to be set by teammates, it can also do so itself if the team is unable to support it for some reason.

**Avalanche**: Avalanche can be stronger than other STAB attacks on bulky Cetitan sets.

**Body Slam**: Body Slam can be used on bulky sets to spread paralysis. util

Common Items
**Sitrus Berry**: Belly Drum has great synergy with Sitrus Berry, effectively reducing the HP cost. It's important to support these sets with entry hazard removal, however. mention that the hp must be divisible by 2 for this to work

**Heavy-Duty Boots**: Cetitan is extremely weak to all entry hazards, and greatly appreciates the ability to avoid them on most sets.

**Life Orb**: Life Orb is a classic pairing with Sheer Force, boosting Icicle Crash, Liquidation, and Play Rough with no drawbacks. It will have to remain wary of entry hazards and recoil from other attacks like Earthquake and Ice Shard.

Niche Items
**Assault Vest**: Cetitan's Special Defense can get deceptively high with some investment and and an Assault Vest, allowing it to take on some special attackers with ease (provided entry hazards are kept away).

**Damage-Boosting Items**: Expert Belt pairs well with Cetitan's coverage moves if they're super effective against relevant targets. Choice Band or items like Never-Melt Ice can help boost Cetitan's wallbreaking power in other matchups.

**Resistance Berries**: Resistance berries can be used to lure in foes with type advantages or protect it from priority moves like Bullet Punch or Mach Punch mid-sweep.

**Lum Berry**: Burn and Paralysis can seriously limit Cetitan's potential, and Lum Berry can provide a turn of safety from them as Cetitan sets up or eliminates the status user.

**Weakness Policy**: Cetitan's Ice type and bulk make Weakness Policy easy to activate against some weaker attackers, leading to a devastating counterattack.

Cetitan relies heavily on Tera to serve as a reliable attacker. It often fills the role of a budget Tera Captain, occasionally using Tera over a more expensive Captain. It will often want to use Tera Types that match its coverage moves to boost their power and gain a better defensive profile. These include Tera Water, Ground, Fairy, and Steel. Tera Electric and Fire can be useful for denying status.

Draft Strategy
Cetitan fits best on teams that need more physical offense and a secondary Tera Captain. Certain roles will need to be filled by high-tier Pokemon before it can succeed.

**Snow Setter**: Cetitan's ideal draft is one with a Slowking or Galarian Slowking. Chilly Reception gets it onto the field safely and provides it with snow, which is necessary for Slush Rush sets and provides a Defense boost to other sets before Tera. Other snow setters like Alolan Ninetales or Abomasnow can also work, though they lack the pivoting ability of the Slowking formes so it's much harder to set up Cetitan sweeps.

**Entry Hazard Removal**: Reliable Rapid Spin or even Defog are extremely important for freeing up Cetitan's item slot and allowing it to function without fear of Stealth Rock. Great Tusk, Iron Treads, and Talonflame are some good options for removing entry hazards, and Hatterene can help keep them off the field to begin with.

Checks and Counters
**Status Conditions**: Burn and Paralysis can shut down nearly all Cetitan sets, Poison puts it on a timer, and Sleep will likely mean it's not waking up before being KOed.

**Disruption / Phazing**: It can be difficult to get Cetitan into a position where it can set up and sweep with enough turns of snow remaining. An Encore or Roar the turn it uses Belly Drum can waste a significant amount of time, HP, and even its Sitrus Berry.

**Priority**: Cetitan can be picked off by strong priority moves in the snow if it's weakened by Belly Drum and a stray hit as it sets up. Some opposing priority users have to respect the threat of Ice Shard, however. prolly worth a vacuum wave mention since its not weakened by snow and is se?

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QC 1/2
**Draft Order**: Round 7 onwards

**Price Range**: 5-7 points

**Overview**: Cetitan uses its colossal HP stat and wide array of coverage to act as the format's premier Slush Rush sweeper. It can tailor its bulk to allow it to Belly Drum against a variety of foes, and Ice Shard can protect it from being revenge killed afterwards. Unfortunately, its numerous type weaknesses and average base Attack make it somewhat Tera-reliant, and it can be hard to fit onto teams with a stronger Tera Captain. It also faces competition from the cheaper Beartic and Alolan Sandslash.

[strategy comments]
Common Roles
**Snow Sweeper**: Cetitan can make use of Belly Drum and Slush Rush to boost its offensive stats to fearsome levels. It can be difficult to find a safe turn to set up with snow, especially without Tera, but the payoff is massive. Maybe add something here about how the limited snow turns can make it hard for you to get a good opportunity to sweep?

**Wallbreaker**: A midgame Belly Drum can easily force kills without snow, or the player can opt to run Sheer Force and/or boosting items like Life Orb or Choice Band to make progress without the need for setup.

**Tank**: Cetitan's bulk and access to Thick Fat and Yawn make it a decent tank. Its lack of reliable recovery and weakness to entry hazards mean it will often need to focus on defensively checking a single foe.

Common Moves
**Primary STAB Moves**: Icicle Crash, Ice Spinner, Ice Shard

**Setup Moves**: Belly Drum

**Utility Moves**: Substitute, Yawn, Rest, Body Slam

**Coverage**: Earthquake, Superpower, Liquidation, Heavy Slam, Play Rough, Knock Off, High Horsepower, Tera Blast

Niche Moves
**Curse**: Curse is a secondary setup option that preys on the opponent's physical offense. The Speed drops make it fit best with defensive Tera Types and Thick Fat.

**Facade**: If Will-O-Wisp or Toxic Spikes are expected and Cetitan has a free move slot, Facade can be a powerful neutral coverage option.

**Snowscape**: Although Cetitan generally prefers snow to be set by teammates, it can also do so itself if the team is unable to support it for some reason.

**Avalanche**: Avalanche can be stronger than other STAB attacks on bulky Cetitan sets.

Common Items
**Sitrus Berry**: Belly Drum has great synergy with Sitrus Berry, effectively reducing the HP cost (as long as Cetitan's HP is divisible by two). It's important to support these sets with entry hazard removal, however.

**Heavy-Duty Boots**: Cetitan is extremely weak to all entry hazards, and greatly appreciates the ability to avoid them on most sets.

**Life Orb**: Life Orb is a classic pairing with Sheer Force, boosting Icicle Crash, Liquidation, and Play Rough with no drawbacks. It will have to remain wary of entry hazards and recoil from other attacks like Earthquake and Ice Shard.

Niche Items
**Assault Vest**: Cetitan's Special Defense can get deceptively high with some investment and and an Assault Vest, allowing it to take on some special attackers with ease (provided entry hazards are kept away).

**Damage-Boosting Items**: Expert Belt pairs well with Cetitan's coverage moves if they're super effective against relevant targets. Choice Band or items like Never-Melt Ice can help boost Cetitan's wallbreaking power in other matchups.

**Resistance Berries**: Resistance berries can be used to lure in foes with type advantages or protect it from priority moves like Bullet Punch or Mach Punch mid-sweep.

**Lum Berry**: Burn and Paralysis can seriously limit Cetitan's potential, and Lum Berry can provide a turn of safety from them as Cetitan sets up or eliminates the status user.

**Weakness Policy**: Cetitan's Ice type and bulk make Weakness Policy easy to activate against some weaker attackers, leading to a devastating counterattack.

Cetitan relies heavily on Tera to serve as a reliable attacker. It often fills the role of a budget Tera Captain, occasionally using Tera over a more expensive Captain. It will often want to use Tera Types that match its coverage moves to boost their power and gain a better defensive profile. These include Tera Water, Ground, Fairy, and Steel. Tera Electric and Fire can be useful for denying status.

Draft Strategy
Cetitan fits best on teams that need more physical offense and a secondary Tera Captain. Certain roles will need to be filled by high-tier Pokemon before it can succeed.

**Snow Setter**: Cetitan's ideal draft is one with a Slowking or Galarian Slowking. Chilly Reception gets it onto the field safely and provides it with snow, which is necessary for Slush Rush sets and provides a Defense boost to other sets before Tera. Other snow setters like Alolan Ninetales or Abomasnow can also work, though they lack the pivoting ability of the Slowking formes so it's much harder to set up Cetitan sweeps.

**Entry Hazard Removal**: Reliable Rapid Spin or even Defog are extremely important for freeing up Cetitan's item slot and allowing it to function without fear of Stealth Rock. Great Tusk, Iron Treads, and Talonflame are some good options for removing entry hazards, and Hatterene can help keep them off the field to begin with.

Can potentially add a mention about hazard setters to assist in getting chip damage for cetitan to break

Checks and Counters
**Status Conditions**: Burn and Paralysis can shut down nearly all Cetitan sets, Poison puts it on a timer, and Sleep will likely mean it's not waking up before being KOed.

**Disruption / Phazing**: It can be difficult to get Cetitan into a position where it can set up and sweep with enough turns of snow remaining. An Encore or Roar the turn it uses Belly Drum can waste a significant amount of time, HP, and even its Sitrus Berry.

**Priority**: Cetitan can be picked off by strong priority moves in the snow if it's weakened by Belly Drum and a stray hit as it sets up. Vacuum Wave is immediately threatening because it hits for super effective damage and isn't weakened by snow. Some opposing priority users without Extreme Speed have to respect the threat of Ice Shard, however.

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Imo was already nearly perfect, only made two small comments.

QC 2 Approved

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