Hello everyone, and welcome to the very third edition of the CAP STour Tour! We will use the following format for this tour:
Best of 3, with the first game being SV CAP and the 2nd game being SS CAP or SM CAP, with the loser picking between the 2. If there's a game 3, then the final tier will be played. It'll be like this for every round, so be sure to be prepared for SV, SS, and SM CAP!
To put it into bullet points:
- Game 1: SV CAP
- Game 2: Loser picks between SM CAP and SS CAP
- Game 3, if necessary: Remaining tier that has not been played yet
- The format for this tournament is best of 3, single elimination
- Matches are to be played on PS! in the corresponding CAP format
- Replays are not required, but are the only way of settling any disagreements
- Any tier changes that occur during a round will not be in effect until the following round
Reply to this thread to sign up!
Deadline for signups will be Sunday, August18th at 11:59 PM GMT-4.
Deadline for signups will be Sunday, August18th at 11:59 PM GMT-4.
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