46.91 PS
86.41 SS
101.04 PT
156.50 ST
PT + ST = 257.54
539.15 BSR
Notable Defining Moves: Discharge, Glare (-5 BSR)
This is an effective spread for a higher special Attack and lower Speed. 120/73 physical bulk is fairly average, made up for the great Special Defense. The Speed benchmark is quite interesting you; you underspeed a paralyzed max Speed Gholdengo without investment, but you also underspeed Malaconda. This implies to me a Pokemon that would work as a Volt Switch user. This is going to be a common trend for CAP35 spreads lower than 55 Speed; since we are immune to Glare, we are one of the more effective Pokemon to both switch into Malaconda, and reposition against it slower than it can, hopefully grabbing yourself crucial momentum against sun. I believe Volt Switch to be a more core move for this spread than Glare.
HP 136/Atk 75/Def 77/SpA 88/SpD 98/Spe 56 (BST 530)
PS 64.88
SS 79.58
PT 114.47
ST 140.53
BSR 525.94
Defining Moves: Ice Beam (-10 BSR), Glare (-5 BSR)
136 75 77 88 98 56 530 64.88 79.58 114.47 140.53 525.94
56 Speed is a magic number for Speed, outspeeding a paralyzed max Speed Gholdengo without investment. For an Ice Beam spread, 88 SpA is quite tame, but considering the addition of Glare and the higher mixed bulk and speed tier, it makes sense. I like this spreads more "average" approach; while the special bulk is significant, it goes for a more average spread across speed, physical bulk, and power rather than really focusing on one or two of them, leaving room for moves to punish the Ground-types.
WIP #1
120 HP / 90 Atk / 66 Def / 106 SpA / 103 SpD / 65 Spe (550 BST)
PS: 80.98
SS: 98.57
PT: 93.20
ST: 135.22
BSR: 538.82
Defining Moves: Super Fang (-7.5 BSR)
WIP #2
70 HP / 80 Atk / 92 Def / 101 SpA / 148 SpD / 76 Spe (567 BST)
PS: 79.44
SS: 102.22
PT: 89.98
ST: 136.82
BSR: 539.06
Of the two, I think spread 2 is a little more interesting. It's one of the spreads the I think firmly retains its identity as a wall (the 148 Special Defense helps with that) while making it notably more offensive. The lack if Ice Beam is a good call from a balanced standpoint given its higher Speed. With that being said, I think since you lack Ice Beam you can probably actually bring the Special Attack even lower to allow the Speed to hit better "paralysis" benchmarks. Notably, 85 base Speed with 4 EVs would outpace paralyzed Zamazenta. The drop in power would
need to exist to balance this out, as its STAB power would make Zamazenta basically a huge threat to every spread.
The first spread is a fine option for outspeeding Venomicon and I have no suggestions for; I think it works perfectly well as is.
This is an Ice Spinner-focused spread
(580 BST)
Defining Moves: Volt Switch, Super Fang
There is a lot of merit to a stronger Knock Off and Ice Spinner. Especially on a spread with enough Special Attack to follow up on a Knock Off against something like Dragapult with Electric STAB. The low Speed synergizes very will with Volt Switch. It also has good mixed bulk to boot! I appreciate the restraint with the Special Attack; I think it would be tempting to drop the Speed even lower to really boost up both Attack and Special Attack but it lives in a sweet spot where you underspeed Malaconda but are still undersped by Slowking-Galar. I don't have much else to add to be improved, this is a spread that gets stuff done and exercises a reasonable limit to lowering Speed to juice up the other stats.
200 HP / 42 Atk / 34 Def / 91 SpA / 98 SpD / 59 Spe (530)
PS: 43.35
SS: 75.92
PT: 75.45
ST: 184.17
CT (PT+ST): 259.62
BSR: 536.20
Moves: -7.5 Super Fang, -2.5 Volt Switch
200 HP / 43 Atk / 31 Def / 83 SpA / 98 SpD / 65 Spe (520)
PS: 47.04
SS: 77.98
PT: 77.04
ST: 184.17
CT (PT+ST): 259.62
BSR: 536.20
Moves: -7.5 Super Fang, -5 Glare, -2.5 Volt Switch,
Something is up with your values here. Aside from the fact the 200/34 spread has lower physical tankiness than the 200/31 spread, the BSR and stat values also all seem slightly off. What was your T-Value?
WIP 1 - Oh Lawd He Bulky
83 HP / 41 Atk / 80 Def / 99 SpA / 200 SpD / 29 Speed [BST: 540]
25.81 PS / 73.64 SS / 87.56 PT / 196.42 ST
PT + ST: 283.98
BSR: 541.16
Optional Moves: Glare [Limit 546.67 --> 541.67]
WIP 2 - Ignorance is Blissey
140 HP / 15 Atk / 15 Def / 103 SpA / 140 SpD / 65 Speed [478 BST]
22.82 PS / 96.25 SS / 39.93 PT / 195.23 ST
PT + ST: 235.15
BSR: 535.18
Optional Moves: Ice Beam [Limit 546.67 --> 536.67]
I think its not feasible for us to beat Blissey at its own game, and the extra Speed, power, and Electric STAB definitely aren't going to get us there. The abysmal defense would be something I could consider if this was like a really fast spread, but with only 65 Speed I can't see it working without Blissey's titanic bulk.
WIP 1 though is much more reasonable. It's profile invokes a slightly specially tankier and much, much slower Regice. Volt Switch is interestingly ommitted despite having the Speed of a slow pivot, perhaps as a balancing point for its heroic special bulk and reasonable Special Attack. I personally think the Regice-style spreads are totally justifiable for CAP35, a Pokemon that needs its stats to identify as a wall where its typing and ability do not.
93 HP / 80 ATK / 107 DEF / 103 SPA / 127 SPD / 29 SPE (550 BST)
PS: 56.82
SS: 76.06
PT: 119.29
ST: 149.65
PT + ST: 268.94
BSR: 528.75
Optional Defining Moves: Ice Beam, Glare, Volt Switch (-17.5 BSR)
Sort of like the previous Spread, but with a more teeth behind its Special moves and, crucially, more physical bulk. This spreads abysmal speed of course works with the slow Volt Switch playstyle; I actually appreciate the drop in special bulk with the move in mind. This spread pieces together the Glare/Volt Switch/Ice Beam trinity, which is probably a justifiable moveset with recovery by itself. I don't have much else to add, I think this spread is good and fits the build.
150 HP / 50 ATK / 70 DEF / 85 SPA / 90 SPD / 65 SPE [510 BST]
PS: 49.96
SS: 82.34
PT: 113.21
ST: 139.71
PT + ST: 252.92
BSR: 524.12
Defining Moves: Volt Switch, Ice Beam, Super Fang (-20 BSR)
Another reasonable 65 Speed spread. I like the restrained special Attack with both Ice Beam and Super Fang as midground options against the Ground-types. The bulk is definitely enough to get the job done. The relatively lower Special Attack, massive HP and reasonable Special Defense really come together to make this spread say proud and loud "I AM A WALL."
Defining Moves: Volt Switch (-2.5 BSR)
HP: 120
Atk: 51
Def: 105
SpA: 66
SpD: 123
Spe: 68
BST: 533
PS: 51.94
SS: 69.12
PT: 136.90
ST: 157.62
PT+ST: 294.52
BSR: 543.30
Defining Moves: Ice Beam (-10 BSR)
HP: 90
Atk: 82
Def: 92
SpA: 107
SpD: 92
Spe: 82
BST: 545
PS: 84.59
SS: 111.57
PT: 102.92
ST: 103.51
PT+ST: 206.42
BSR: 536.36
WIP 1 I think needs zero changes and is fantastic as it stands. You are fantastically mixed bulky, offset not by "low" Speed but by a "low" Special Attack. Really this is just enough Special Attack to do the job with Discharge, but this spread is all about the bulk. And considering we set out to make a Pokemon that is a wall, and now needs its stats to define that playstyle, this spread absolutely fits while keeping the damage output restrained but useful. Using Electromorphosis as a way to turn a weak attack into a respectable one is an effective interpretation of the ability.
WIP 2 is sort of the opposite. I think it too quickly loses its identity of a wall and becomes a tanky wallbreaker/attacker first and foremost. This works for something like Heatran or Equilibra, who can still be walls because their typing and abilities enable it. Our typing is pretty poor and our ability has virtually no additional defensive utility, so stats like these just move too far from making a wall. Probably an effective Pokemon overall though in the metagame, I wouldn't want to trade with this.
90 HP / 35 Atk / 70 Def / 115 SpA / 125 SpD / 65 Spe (500 BST)
PS: 38.33
SS: 105.52
PT: 87.33
ST: 128.01
PT + ST: 215.34
BSR: 532.98
Optional Defining Moves: Ice Beam (-10 BSR)
21 HP / 60 Atk / 250 Def / 74 SpA / 250 SpD / 45 Spe (700 BST)
PS: 50.01
SS: 64.78
PT: 143.32
ST: 143.87
PT + ST: 287.19
BSR: 526.50
Optional Defining Moves: Ice Beam (-10 BSR), Super Fang (-7.5 BSR)
I think the Special Attack on spread 1 is a bit too aggressive given its Speed and lower overall bulk. It doesn't read as a wall to me, unfortunately.
WIP 2 HOWEVER. Now this is a WALL. A wall so big you could paint a mural. There are some stat overflow concerns; if you can keep the bulk benchmarks by raising HP and lowering the defenses, I think the Speed and Special Attack benchmarks with this kind of mixed bulk is really compelling for CAP35. I personally don't care about the hugemungo BST.
41 HP / 50 Atk / 146 Def / 99 SpA / 199 SpD / 65 Spe [600 BST]
PS: 49.96
SS: 93.16
PT: 106.63
ST: 141.95
CT (PT+ST): 248.58
BSR: 544.11
This spread seeks to take unique advantage of an immensely low HP stat coupled with insane defenses, allowing CAP35 to use its EVs as efficiently as possible through HP investment. Such a low HP stat also benefits us by making Necturna heal very little from clicking Leech Seed, not to mention letting CAP35 laugh at Pain Split Equilibra. Overall, this spread forgoes some of the higher Special Attack levels in return for very good bulk on both sides, allowing CAP35 to wall out a variety of opponents given the right circumstances. More coming soon (including specific calcs), but for now just know that we can survive a +2 Hemogoblin Flare Blitz if we are at full HP and likely can beat it 1v1 if we got in first, and also get only 3HKOed by Dengo Focus Blast and +2 Darkrai Dark Pulse.
Like many of the other 65 Speed spreads, this one is solid. Low HP optimization comes with additional and notable "power," the obvious one being a partner like Alomomola, who is a good Pokemon. I will have to think about if that is something we want to enable or not, but otherwise I think it is effective from its individual stat benchmarks.
96 HP/55 Atk/107 Def/83 SpA/126 SpD/68 Spe (535 BST)
PS: 55.12
SS: 82.56
PT: 121.50
ST: 140.66
PT+ST: 262.16
BSR: 535.72
Moves: Discharge, Volt Switch (-2.5 BSR), Super Fang (-7.5 BSR)
I like how you organized your calcs ftr. This is a good spread that focuses on a clear emphasis on bulk with more median Special Attack but decent Speed. Compared to dex's WIP 1, there is a clear similarity in Speed with a trade-off of bulk vs power. I personally really like there are two options in the same Speed tier with that distinction, as there is reasonable justification for both:
I was told in the Discord that BSR abuse isn't really a thing anymore, so I decided to submit a more optimal spread than my last one.
240 HP / 92 Atk / 37 Def / 115 SpA / 67 SpD / 29 Spe (580 BST)
PS: 64.12
SS: 83.34
PT: 99.53
ST: 154.86
PT + ST: 254.39
BSR: 528.60
Optional Defining Moves: Ice Beam, Glare, Volt Switch (-17.5 BSR)
So BSR abuse is a thing, but it varies by project. Honestly if this had lower Special Attack I would consider it, I think a spread that can invest in HP if it really wants, but gets more overall mixed effectiveness by having EVs go all in on the defenses is a fun play on game mechanics. As it stands, even with 29 Speed, this efficient of bulk with maximum EVs and 115 Special Attack is too much for me.
75 HP / 90 Atk / 70 Def / 98 SpA / 150 SpD / 77 Spe
PS: 88.11
SS: 100.02
PT: 74.39
ST: 143.41
BSR: 537.44
Penalties: Super Fang (-7.5)
I like the 90 Attack for Knock Off here, and it also makes the 77 Speed a little funky and fun. Do you go -Speed when your Speed is reasonable? This is pretty similar to kenn's WIP 2, but with a stronger Knock Off and way less physical bulk. Is this trade worth it? I would probably leave that up to the voters to decide if I slate both.
120 HP / 79 Atk / 85 Def / 106 SpA / 108 SpD / 42 Spe (BST: 540)
PS: 61.41
SS: 84.51
PT: 114.49
ST: 140.82
TT (PT + ST): 255.31
BSR: 532.04
Optional Defining Moves: Glare (-5 BSR), Super Fang (-7.5 BSR) (New Max BSR: 534.17)
Good bulk, a somewhat awkward Speed tier especially without Volt Switch, decent Special Attack but no Ice Beam makes this spread stand out for its somewhat contradictory identity. I will have to think on it, as on the one hand there isn't really anything wrong with the stats themselves, but on the other hand its missing moves you would expect the spread to try to use at its given Speed tier and bulk values.
I may expand on these feedbacks later as I review and compare them more in-depth for the slate. For now, this is my initial impressions.