CAP 29 so far
It's time to discuss one of the most important decisions for CAP 29, its type! Please follow quziel posts carefully and DO NOT immediately propose type combinations until he says so.
Below is the final post from the Concept Assessment thread:
This thread will open after the Typing Leader, quziel, makes his first post.
It's time to discuss one of the most important decisions for CAP 29, its type! Please follow quziel posts carefully and DO NOT immediately propose type combinations until he says so.
Below is the final post from the Concept Assessment thread:
Thank you everyone for your contributions to both Concept Assessment threads. The 196 posts that we have shared across these two threads has been the most active a concept assessment stage has been since the DPP days! I am proud of the topics we've broached and the questions we've tackled. Let me list a summary of our discussions from across these two threads. As a reminder, this is intended to be the cumulation of our discussions, not something to cling to as law. We may change our minds in the future about how CAP29 should function with Color Change as our knowledge and understanding of this mon evolves. Regardless, here are the generalizations we can make about CAP29 at this time:
Generalizations about CAP29:
Note: These are a list of guidelines about CAP29, not rules. This is the cumulation of the intelligent community consensus from past and current threads. Our opinions as a community may change and differ on some of these specific points. We are not beholden to anything specifically on this list.
- We will treat all ability-shifting moves (e.g. Skill Swap and Entrainment) as banned. Do not debate the use of them for CAP29, nor vote in the upcoming stages with the presumption that they will be allowed. SHSP, the Movepool Leader, may re-open discussion of these moves at a later date, depending on how the rest of CAP29 is built. There is also some nuance between Skill Swap and Entrainment that favors the latter, that we also might consider in the future. But for now, they are considered detrimental to the concept and our communal creation of this CAP; please do not vote in future stages presuming these moves will be allowed.
- Our current operating view is that CAP29 is supposed to work with Color Change, as opposed to in spite of, because anything else would be us circumventing the concept. It may be necessary to work in spite of Color Change in some cases, but ultimately, it's our goal to make sure that CAP29 can optimally take advantage of the unique opportunities Color Change can provide competitively.
- We will treat CAP29 as having solely Color Change as its only ability. We won't presume that it has a flavor ability (NCA) that it can choose over Color Change to circumvent the negatives of this ability. That being said, it is still our goal to make sure that Color Change CAP29 is an appealing option in the teambuilder. We should be asking the question: "Are we working with Color Change enough that it would hypothetically be chosen over NCA?" Tadasuke, the Ability Leader, may re-open discussion of a secondary ability at a later date, depending on how the rest of CAP29 is built.
- This is a compiled list of mons (B- Tier and up) that have at least one set that Color Change has a natural advantage against:
- This is a compiled list of mons (B- Tier and up) that have at least one set that Color Change has a neutral match-up against:
- This is a compiled list of mons (B- Tier and up) that have at least one set that Color Change has a natural disadvantage against:
- In general, we will try to lean into creating strong match-ups against the mons Color Change already has a natural advantage against. We may still look for ways to change some of our Color Change natural disadvantages into neutral or positive match-ups through future stages. But a goal of ours is to give CAP29 the correct tools to at least force out the mons that Color Change already excels against naturally.
- The goal for CAP29's primary role will be to perform as a bulky set-up sweeper in the CAP metagame. How we define bulk within the context of CAP29 and Color Change will be covered during the stat and moveset stages. Furthermore, our set-up move(s) could potentially boost offenses, defenses, or both simultaneously; nothing is currently decided. Finally, CAP29 is not limited to having set-up sweeping being its only role, and any other roles that CAP29 possess in the metagame should not be considered a 'failure' to the project. Color Change is full of unknowns, so it's difficult to predict how exactly CAP29 will even function in the metagame at this point in time. But for now, we can focus on the role of a bulky set-up sweeper and build from there.
At this point, we'll be looking to quziel to lead us through Typing Discussion for CAP29. I'll see you there!
This thread will open after the Typing Leader, quziel, makes his first post.