CAP 27 Prevo - Part 8 - Pokedex Poll 2

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Astrolotl's Pokedex entries:

Astrolotl, the Shooting Star Pokémon

Sword: Astrolotl illuminate the night sky with their flight. Groups of Astrolotl migrating across Galar are frequently mistaken for meteor showers.

Shield: It is a Galar custom to make a wish when Astrolotl are seen flying at night. The Pokemon may curiously descend if the wish is kind.


This will be a Ranked Pairs vote (RP) (a form of voting where each candidate is ranked according to head to head matchups with each of its competitors in a directed acyclic graph), the details of which were discussed here.

This is a ranked vote: order does matter! You can upvote your favorites and downvote your least favorites. You may choose to rank as many or as few options as you like, but we encourage you to rank as many options as possible to ensure your preferences are taken into account.

Bold your votes and nothing else!
A typical vote might look like the following:
Most Preferred
Second Most Preferred
Third Most Preferred

Any comments that the voter has would go below the votes in non-bold text. Bold text is used to determine what the user's votes are, so none of the supplementary text should be in bold.

CAP uses automated scripts to count votes. For this reason, it is very important for all ballots to be submitted correctly. If you do not compose a legal ballot, your post will be subject to moderation.
  • The scripts count bold words in ballots, so do NOT bold anything in your ballot other than the options you are voting for.
  • Do NOT put any formatting other than bold in your post.
  • Only one option per line.
  • The spelling of options must be EXACTLY correct and must match the spelling listed above.
  • Capitalization and spaces are ignored by the vote counting scripts, but you probably should not depend on it.
Composing a proper ballot is easy. Enter BBCode Edit Mode (the A in the upper right corner). Copy/paste the options directly from the OP to your ballot as plain unbolded text. Delete and/or rearrange the options to suit your preference and the poll type. Bold your vote text using bold tags or re-enter rich text mode, highlight your vote and click B. Spelling or formatting errors may spoil your ballot, so be careful!

CAP uses blind voting. Other people's votes won't appear in the thread, but they are counted and will be made visible at the end of the voting timeframe. For more information about this change, check out this PRC thread.

Asking for votes for your submission or for the submissions of others is not allowed. Anyone found to have done so risks punishment at the moderation team's discretion. If you find that someone has broken this rule, please contact the CAP moderation team with your evidence and no one else. Mini-moderation of this rule is also considered a serious offense and can be punished.

The voting options are:

Solotl, the Shooting Star Pokémon

Sword: Legends say that Solotl first came to Galar after falling from space. They radiate intense heat.

Shield: Solotl are drawn to kindhearted Trainers and can spend a lifetime making sure that their dreams come true.

Solotl, the Falling Star Pokémon

Sword: Solotl lack the ability to fly long distances, often plummeting to the ground just minutes after takeoff. They can recover from any damage taken on impact.

Shield: They feed on meteors in the upper atmosphere. Galar's Minior population was hunted to extinction by hungry Solotl.

Solotl, the Rising Star Pokémon

Sword: Solotl derive their power and happiness from the Sun. They avoid Galar's Glimwood Tangle out of fear of the dark and unknown.

Shield: It is rumored that once a Solotl absorbs enough sunlight, it rises into the sky, believing itself to be a star.


Those voting options without formatting:



This poll will be open for 24 hours.
CAP 27 Prevo - Part 8 - Pokedex Poll 2

Ballots: 17
Preferences: 42

[Pair#1] c.kilgannon (11—4) Riguor
[Pair#2] MrDollSteak (11—6) Riguor
[Pair#3] MrDollSteak (9—7) c.kilgannon

The top voting cycle is MrDollSteak.

MrDollSteak > [c.kilgannon][Riguor]
c.kilgannon > [Riguor]
Riguor > []

1. MrDollSteak  ——> winner!
2. c.kilgannon
3. Riguor

Congrats to MrDollSteak on the winning entries for Solotl!
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