Now with Grass/Fairy as our selected typing, we will be discussing how it fares against the threats in the CAP metagame! Drapionswing will be leading this thread, so pay close attention to his questions!
The following is a set of questions that we should try to answer during this discussion:
CAP 24 so far:
Topic Leader: Drapionswing
Topic Leadership Team:
SHSP: Typing Leader
Drew: Ability Leader
reachzero: Stats Leader
mxmts: Movepool Leader
Typing: Grass/Fairy
The following is a set of questions that we should try to answer during this discussion:
- Going specifically by typing, what Pokemon found in the CAP metagame will be able to comfortably give this CAP project trouble?
- What Pokemon will be major threats to this project right off the bat?
- What Pokemon have the potential to become counters?
- What Pokemon may end up as threats, but must be contained or dealt with per the concept?
- Will the concept succeed with these set list of threats?
- Is this list of threats acceptable for the project?
- What Pokemon will be threatened by the CAP based off of typing?
- Are these Pokemon targets that we want CAP to hit?
- Will these targets be "unavoidable" to threaten based solely on the typing?
- What direction must the project go in now that a set list of basic threats has been identified?
- What must be done in order to make these threats "wanted counters" or these threats be eliminated from counter discussion?
- What Pokemon do we want this project to counter entirely?
1) Pay close attention to the Topic Leader during this discussion. Their job is to keep us focused and to bring insight.
2) Do not poll jump. Poll jumping is a serious offense in these threads, and you can get infracted for it. Poll jumping is when you discuss something that should be discussed in the future, like specifying a CAP's stats or typing. You're allowed to hint at such things to conclude a point or to provide an example, but do not centralize your post on a poll jump. Poll jumping hurts the focus of early threads and can cause us to go off on a tangent. If you're not sure if a particular argument is poll jumping or not, err on the side of caution and don't post it.
CAP 24 so far:
Topic Leader: Drapionswing
Topic Leadership Team:
SHSP: Typing Leader
Drew: Ability Leader
reachzero: Stats Leader
mxmts: Movepool Leader
Drew said:
- Name - Snow or Shine (or Sand)
- Description - A Pokemon that abuses 2 weather conditions for different effects
- Justification - Currently in CAP, there is only one form of weather that is really worth using: rain, and only one really type of weather abuser: offensive sweeper. This concept means to address both of these issues by creating a new niche for two weather conditions. This concept would fill the archetype of a weather abuser, but I feel it also fits into the Actualization category as it would also aim to create a new role for a weather abuser for 1 or more different weather conditions.
- Questions To Be Answered
- Why are hail, sun, and sand underrepresented in the current metagame?
- What makes rain the best weather condition currently?
- How can this CAP encourage the use of other weather conditions? What do hail, sun, and/or sand need? Sweepers? Setters? Walls?
- What weather effects are underutilized? How can we successfully use these effects?
- How can one Pokemon utilize different weather conditions for different effects and sets?
- Should this Pokemon be able to function outside of weather-based teams? If so, what niche would it need to fulfill? If it sets it's own weather, is it enough to abuse the weather condition on its own?
- Explanation - For those who don't fully see how a not-sweeper weather abuser could work, take Lileep in LC for example. Lileep, mainly back in BW and XY as sand is quite uncommon in SM, is on most sand teams, as it can abuse its Rock-typing to boost Special Defense, the passive damage from sand, and its access to Recover and Toxic to become a weather abusing wall. Another possible interaction would be running Ferrothorn on rain teams to semi-nullify its Fire weakness. Not only typings are underexplored though! There are many moves, items, and of course abilities that can be used to abuse different weather conditions in a way that no Pokemon really does currently.
Typing: Grass/Fairy