CAP 23 CAP 23 - Part 4 - Primary Ability Poll 1

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This will be a Preferential Block Vote (PBV) (a form of Instant Runoff Voting which re-runs the counting, each time removing the previously top-ranked candidate in order to determine the 2nd most preferred, 3rd most preferred, etc.), the details of which are outlined here and here. This is a ranked vote: order does matter! You can upvote your favorites and downvote your least favorites. You may choose to rank as many or as few options as you like, but we encourage you to rank as many options as possible to ensure your preferences are taken into account.

Bold your votes and nothing else! A typical vote might look like the following:
Most Preferred
Second Most Preferred
Third Most Preferred

Any comments that the voter has would go below the votes in non-bold text. Bold text is used to determine what the user's votes are, so none of the supplementary text should be in bold.

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  • Do NOT put any formatting other than bold in your post.
  • Only one option per line.
  • Spelling of options must be EXACTLY correct and must match the spelling listed above.
  • Capitalization and spaces are ignored by the vote counting scripts, but you probably should not depend on it.
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Please post only your votes in this thread. Do not respond to other posts, or your posts will be moderated and you may be warned. You are allowed to say whatever you like in relation to your vote at the bottom of your post, but please do not look to begin a discussion. Keep those comments to the PS! CAP chatroom or the CAP Discord channel.

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Your options include:

Tough Claws
Shield Dust
Strong Jaw

This poll will be open for 24 hours.
Shield Dust
Strong Jaw
Tough Claws

My main concern with Tough Claws is if we give CAP23 Shadow Claw, people WILL prefer to use Shadow Claw and become it a generic wallbreaker, and not a sistematic trapper, and Defiant doesn't solve a thing, but it's better than risking to derail this concept so...
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Shield Dust

Tough Claws

Strong Jaw

Really I like all of these except for Defiant - imo Defiant really just address too little for our ability. Tough Claws might have access to a boosted Shadow Claw, but that won't completely overshadow Spirit Shackle as a STAB move and will promote set diversity, as we decided in Concept Assessment that one direction we could take is having a non-trapping set take advantage of opponents making awkward plays to avoid said trapping move. Regardless, I'd personally prefer any of the top 4 abilities.
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Tough Claws
Shield Dust
Strong Jaw

I do feel we need a defensive ability first, mainly because of how it lines up with what CAP23 is trying to do. But I argue that Comatose is 100% the better ability over Shield Dust just to avoid every potentially status-inducing situation. Tough Claws is also neat, but I really feel like Comatose should win first as we want a defensive ability. Plus it would be cool to have an offensive mon with such a potent defensive ability.
Tough Claws
Shield Dust

Comatose is rather unnecessary as majority of the status we want to avoid comes in the form of secondary effects. Also, I prefer an offensive ability for right now so
Tough Claws
Strong Jaw
Shield Dust

Comatose is a great defensive ability, and it works well with my art design. ;P
Strong Jaw
Shield Dust
Tough Claws

I share the same sentiment as Victor S. Court about Tough Claws causing CAP 23 to pull a Krilowatt. ("Utility counter" becoming "everything counter".)
Shield Dust
Tough Claws
Strong Jaw

Not a fan of Comatose or Strong Jaw at all. The former is far too strong, and the latter is too predictable and doesn't help actually do enough because of it. Don't particularly love Tough Claws either, but I think it is less problematic.
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