CAP 23 CAP 23 - Part 13 - Pokedex Submissions

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Hello party people!!

Here we are at one of the last stages for Pajantom; welcome to Pokedex submissions! In this thread you may post your entries for critique and eventually submit them for the poll. Please read the following rules before doing so!:

Legal Pokedex submissions must meet the following standards
  • Pokedex Entries must have flawless grammar. Smogon has a Grammar & Prose team that will help identify mistakes.
  • Pokedex Entries cannot be longer than 25 words.
  • Pokedex Entries can only contain the following characters:
    • Letters A-Z
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    • Space

Work In Progress (WIP) Pokedex Entries can be posted at any time for comments from the community.

No more than three WIP Pokedex Entries can be posted by any individual person through the entire course of the submission thread. This limit applies to ALL posts made by a single person, even if previous posts are edited or deleted. This limit is intended to curb the tendency for some submitters to spam the thread repeatedly with multiple Pokedex Entries. This detracts from other submissions and makes it difficult for commenters to survey the submission thread.

Do not bump your WIP Pokedex Entries by posting them repeatedly, or making minor wording changes. Bumping will result in the disqualification of all Pokedex Entries by the offender. Editing or deleting bump posts will not prevent disqualification.

Only ONE Final Submission can be made per person.

Pokedex Entry Final Submissions can only be posted after a CAP Moderator posts in the thread that final submissions are open. Any final submission posted prior to the Moderator notification post, will disqualify the submitter from the poll entirely. Even if the offending post is edited later or deleted, the submitter will still be disqualified for the remainder of the thread. This ensures that all submitters have equal opportunity to post final submissions without anyone unfairly "jumping the gun".

Pokedex entries Final Submissions must posted exactly in the following format and in the following exact order:
  • The first line of the post must have the words "Final Submission" in bold on it's own line. No other text may be included before the bold heading.
  • A blank line
  • "<Pokemon Name>, the <Species Name> Pokemon", with the Pokemon name and the Species Name in bold
  • A blank line
  • The Sun Pokedex Entry submission. Start with the letters "Sun" in bold, then a colon (:), and then the Pokedex entry.
  • A blank line
  • The Moon Pokedex Entry submission. Start with the letters "Moon" in bold, then a colon (:), and then the Pokedex entry.
Below the Final Submission you can post other comments, explanations, etc.

Example final submission:

Final Submission

Victini, the Victory Pokémon

Sun: This Pokémon brings victory. It is said that Trainers with Victini always win, regardless of the type of encounter.

Moon: When it shares the infinite energy it creates, that being’s entire body will be overflowing with power.

Ultra Sun: When it wins a match, Victini is said to lick its lips profusely in satisfaction over its fallen victor's pain.

Ultra Moon: Fun fact about Victini, heh, but they're actually allergic to pine trees.

Any Final Submission that does not follow the proper format will be disqualified.

Have fun!

Or don't, I'm not your dad.


CAP23 so far:



Name: Wait! It's a Trap Move!

Description: A Pokémon that can make effective use of semi-trapping, fully trapping, or self-trapping move(s).

Justification: Trapping is a somewhat polarized mechanic in the current SM metagame. In terms of ability-based trappers we have Dugtrio, perhaps one of the most hated (or most loved, really depends on the situation) Pokémon thanks to its ability Arena Trap. There is also the occasionally seen Magnezone that uses Magnet Pull to lure in and decimate Steel type Pokemon. All trapping effects are ignored by the Shed Shell item or simply by being a Ghost type. However, this is not the kind of trapping I want to focus on. Focusing on abilities leaves few options, and the general mechanics are the same: Lure, Trap, Destroy. Nothing much new is to be found there.

So, instead, I would like this concept to focus on trapping moves. For those unfamiliar with the term, there are a few types of trapping moves which I will make an attempt to explain here. A semi- or partially trapping move prevents the opponent from switching out for a set number of turns while also usually doing a set percent of damage. Example moves would be Whirlpool, Fire Spin, Infestation, and Magma Storm (but don't use that last one, it's legendary exclusive!). There are also what I like to call fully trapping moves, moves that prevent the opponent from switching not for a set number of turns, but instead until the Pokémon who used the move leaves the battlefield. This category includes moves such as Block as well as the brand-new Gen 7 moves of Anchor Shot and Spirit Shackle. Also are what I call self-trapping moves, which is just Ingrain to my knowledge. This move (and if any similar ones come about) lock the USER into battle. Lastly, just to make sure I cover all my bases, Fairy Lock is an interesting trapping move that prevents any Pokémon, friend or foe, from leaving the battlefield on the following turn only (Barring the usual exceptions).

This concept fits in the Actualization and Archetype categories. Trapping moves are exceedingly rare in their usage. The most effective in OU currently is Magma Storm Heatran, but this is by far not its only nor its best set. Expanding our gaze slightly we may find the strange Stall-Trap or Perish-Trap strategies in use in varying parts of the ladder. Even further? Ok then, in Ubers you can find an excellent example of self-trapping in Ingrain Xerneas, which helps prevent the opponent from forcing Xerneas out after it has set up its boosts. In addition, one could look at SD Trapper Decidueye that sets up with Swords Dance after trapping a helpless opponent via Spirit Shackle. Dhelmise can also use Anchor Shot, though I'm not terribly sure as to how that set works... Regardless, that makes about four solid examples of trapping moves across four different tiers, and none of the sets are by any means the only or most effective sets those Pokémon can run (Except maybe Dhelmise. Is there an RU player here who can help me out with that thing?). Overall, the relative rarity of these moves in competitive play when contrasted with the seemingly powerful effect of locking in the opponent begs a variety of questions about the nature and use of said trapping moves. To best explore these moves, designing a Pokémon to use and abuse them makes the most sense for understanding how to properly use them (whatever that would mean).

Questions To Be Answered:
(Base) Is there a 'best' way to utilize trapping moves? If so, what playstyle does it most align with?
(Base) Is there a 'best' type of trapping move overall, or are they each truly viable in their own ways?
(Base) What is the value in trapping the opposing Pokémon? Are certain traps better than others? Why?
(Base) What synergies work well with trapping moves? Why do they have such a great synergy, and how can that be expanded or dealt with in the process of teambuilding?
(Comparison) How do trapping moves compare against trapping abilities? Are there any inherent benefits and disadvantages and if so, what are they?
(Metagame) Are there any particular archetype matchups in which a trapping-move Pokémon would have an advantage? A disadvantage? Why is that?
(Metagame) What has contributed to the lack of presence of trapping moves in our metagame? Is it a plethora of other options, a lack of viable abusers, or something else?
(Metagame) How does the trapping mechanic interact with the value of switching out?
Typing: Dragon / Ghost
Abilities: Comatose / Hidden Ability TBA
Stats: 84 HP / 133 Atk / 71 Def / 51 SpA / 111 SpD / 101 Spe
- Spirit Shackle
- Brave Bird
- Fairy Lock
- Snore
- Wrap
- Astonish
- Growl
6 - Snore
8 - Wrap
10 - Laser Focus
12 - Dragon Rage
17 - Poison Gas
19 - Dragon Breath
23 - Dragon Claw
28 - Toxic Spikes
30 - Heal Block
32 - Psychic Fangs
34 - Dragon Rush
37 - Haze
39 - Spirit Shackle
45 - Phantom Force
53 - Outrage
TM 02 Dragon Claw
TM 06 Toxic
TM 09 Venoshock
TM 10 Hidden Power
TM 15 Hyper Beam
TM 17 Protect
TM 18 Rain Dance
TM 21 Frustration
TM 26 Earthquake
TM 27 Return
TM 28 Leech Life
TM 29 Psychic
TM 30 Shadow Ball
TM 32 Double Team
TM 39 Rock Tomb
TM 40 Aerial Ace
TM 42 Facade
TM 44 Rest
TM 45 Attract
TM 48 Round
TM 59 Brutal Swing
TM 65 Shadow Claw
TM 67 Smart Strike
TM 68 Giga Impact
TM 71 Stone Edge
TM 76 Fly
TM 77 Psych Up
TM 78 Bulldoze
TM 80 Rock Slide
TM 83 Infestation
TM 85 Dream Eater
TM 87 Swagger
TM 88 Sleep Talk
TM 90 Substitute
TM 92 Trick Room
TM 94 Surf
TM 100 Confide
Draco Meteor
Dragon Pulse
Drill Run
Dual Chop
Gastro Acid
Helping Hand
Ice Punch
Icy Wind
Iron Tail
Laser Focus
Throat Chop
Zen Headbutt
Egg Groups: Dragon / Monster

Ice Fang
Iron Tail
Poison Fang
Sand Tomb
Height: 1.1 m / 3'06"
Weight: 6.8 lbs / 3.1 kg
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, the Deep Sleep Pokémon

Sun: It has been known to trap smaller Pokémon in a inescapable nightmare. Once trapped, it feeds on their fears and emotions.

Cursed into an eternal slumber, Pajantom has been known to rampage through villages using its dream projection.

Pajantom, the Reverie Pokémon

Sun: While frail, when asleep Pajantom can control a nightmarish dream dragon by projecting its sleeping subconscious. It fights by falling asleep at record breaking speeds.

Moon: Pajantom's dreamy projection holds great power, which it trains by dueling with wild Kerfluffle. After a long day of training, they doze off together.

, the Dreaming Pokemon

Sun: Pajantom dreams up simple traps to catch smaller Pokemon and make them be its friends. It then becomes confused as to why its new friends act so scared.

Moon: People often confuse the draconic spectre for the real Pajantom. In reality, the real Pajantom is the small Pokemon sleeping on the spectre's back!

, the Dream Plagued Pokémon

Sun: Though cute and cuddly, Pajantom is unable to be hugged by its trainer. The summoned spectre will attack even the most loyal trainer.

Moon: It is rumored that Pajantom is perpetually having nightmares involving Dunsparce. It has summoned an astral projection to protect itself while in this dream state.

Really I'm only submitting this WIP so that I can reference snake_rattler through Dunsparce.

, the Haunting Specter Pokémon

Sun: Pajantom are very intellectual and realize the fear associated with their specter; at times they use the opposing Pokemon's fear of the specter as defense.

Moon: Stronger Pajantom can handle weaker Pokemon without using their spectral form, but many times lazily summon it anyway.

Ultra Sun: Pajantom are known to accidentally spook themselves from time to time in the early hours of the morning.

Ultra Moon: Pajantom live the world through their spectral form; they see themselves as fierce dragons and often forget their outward appearance.
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Pajantom, the Eternal Sleep Pokemon

Sun: A distant relative of Musharna, this Pokemon harnessed its dream smoke to create an avatar to defend itself from harm.

Moon: If Pajantom sleeps too deeply, it can lose control of its avatar. If that happens, no-one is safe, not even itself...

Pajantom, the Daydreaming Pokemon

Sun: Pajantom is said to be able to turn dreams into reality, though, they aren't able to use this power to it's fullest potential.

Moon: This friendly Pokémon often shows up in children's dreams to play with them, but the dragon spectre is usually a little too scary for kids.

Ultra Sun: Pajantom gets outraged if woken up, its instinct is scratching anything on it's way, but it needs to be asleep to summon the dragon spectre.

Ultra Moon: As Pajantom rarely wakes up, it occasionally has to dream about eating something in order to avoid hunger.
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, the Dreamer Pokémon

Sun: The specter's behavior is dependent on the baby dragon's dreams. If it is having a nightmare, the specter becomes violent and hard to control.

Moon: Young Pajantom aspire of becoming as strong as other Dragon-type Pokémon. This causes the baby dragon's dreams to manifest into physical form.
Ultra Sun: People who try to capture Pokémon that Pajantom are friends with have disappeared for years, trapped inside an eternal nightmare.

Ultra Moon: Pajantom's specter is made entirely out of gaseous materials. Scientists have found that the gases are similar to Musharna's dream mist.
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the Torpid Pokemon

Sun: The monster is a result of the Pokemon having a good dream; if a bad dream occurs, this Pokemon is effectively useless.

Moon: If a baby Pajantom wakes up, this Pokemon forgets everything that happened when it was asleep. This normally leads to the Pokemon betraying its master.
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Pajantom, the Deep Sleep Pokemon

Sun: Pajantom have an innate love of battle that is belied by their small bodies. They use their own dreams to augment their fighting prowess.

Moon: Pajantom are experts at falling asleep on command. Using awakening items on them is considered to be an outrageous betrayal of trust.

Ultra Sun: Scientists who studied Pajantom initially noted how the larger form carries the smaller form and incorrectly hypothesized that it shares a genetic ancestor with Kangaskhan.

Ultra Moon: The gas that makes up Pajantom's dream body is slightly lighter than air, though it is somehow dense enough to be opaque.
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, the Corporeality Pokemon

Sun: This Pokemon is constantly sleeping. The phantom that appears from its cap when it does so is said to be what it dreams as its ideal self.

Moon: It makes enemies with Pokemon like Hypno and Musharna, for they devour the dreams that this Pokemon projects and is given strength by.


Ultra Sun: The spectral avatar that appears when it sleeps enables it to stay conscious at all times. Well-trained ones make good security Pokemon.

Ultra Moon: It gains power while sleeping. As such, the awakening properties of Chesto and Lum Berries make for an effective repellant against this typically destructive Pokemon.
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the Subconcious Pokemon

Sun: Despite this Pokemon's childish looks, it is has just as much draconic rage as a Salamence. The projection is simply that rage manifesting in sleep.

Moon: This carnivore is incredibly lazy- It only wakes up to feed on prey that its manifest dreams had slain.


Ultra Sun: Pajantom's nightmare does not often need to hunt- most prey faints on sight. Due to this, it's constantly seeking out bigger game, even hunting Salamence.

Ultra Moon: Children are warned to not approach this Pokemon lest it fall asleep- It has no qualms about attacking humans when dreaming of destruction.
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the Apparition Pokemon

Sun: As the eater of dreams, they live near humans. Sadly, they don't seem to get as much sustenance as they did in the past.

Moon: They slowly become influenced by the dreams they eat if they eat too much. Those owned by trainers are sometimes known to be boring.
Final Submission

Pajantom, the Reverie Pokemon

Sun: Pajantom's fearsome dream form grows from its ambitions of gaining immense power. It's said that those who abuse it will be plagued by chronic nightmares.

Moon: It often hides in closets, causing its dreams to torment sleeping people. However, there are stories of Pajantom rescuing children who have been kidnapped.


Ultra Sun: Though its dream projection looks fierce, it is merely being protective of its smaller true body. If treated kindly, it becomes social and very caring.

Ultra Moon: Highly sensitive to emotions, it absorbs feelings of dread and misery for sustenance. It takes care not to menace the weak and helpless, however.
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, the Duality Pokemon

Sun: Pajantom sleeps constantly, growing stronger with every dream. When it finally awakens, Pajantom supposedly evolves into a Pokemon resembling its astral projection.

Moon: Fiendishly sadistic, Pajantom projects its oneiric form into the dreams of sleeping victims. There, it stalks and torments its prey, deriving sustenance from their fear.

, the Big Dream Pokemon

Sun: When Pajantom has a nightmare, it turns bad emotions into toxins stored in its horns.

Moon: Pajantom eats dreams to both survive and remain asleep. It will scavenge off Komala when food is scarce, but Komala dreams taste like bitter Eucalyptis.

- - -
Ultra Sun: Pajantom and Bagon get into squabbles over whose dream of flying is better. Pajantom prefers to sleep on it.

Ultra Moon: Pajantom haunts nurseries by tricking nurses with its cute appearance. It loves feasting on the dreams of children.

A lot of the sun and moon entries actively reference survival, interaction, and eating habits, moreso than other gens. I thought these entries should both match that and be somewhat amusing.

As far as referencing Bagon, here's Salamence's Ulta Sun entry:
"Overjoyed at finally being able to fly, it flies all over the place and usually doesn’t land until it’s completely exhausted and needs to sleep."

So Salamence flies until it sleeps, Pajantom sleeps until it flies. And you wonder why there's a dispute? :)
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Due to a discussion on Discord, I'm slightly altering my entries.

, the Dreaming Pokemon

Sun: Pajantom dreams up simple traps to catch smaller Pokemon and make them be its friends. It then becomes confused as to why its new friends act so scared.

Moon: This Pokemon doesn't seem to realize that its spectral projection is a seperate entity. Asleep or awake, it constantly acts as though it has the form and thought of a small child.

the Cognition Pokemon

Sun: Pajantom sleeps for 22 hours a day. The draconic apparition from the top of its head projects how Pajantom thinks of itself.

Moon: The flame-like structures on the apparition do not exert heat. Researchers hypothesize that Pajantom spends its energy as a firefly would.


Ultra Moon: Pajantom can control its foe's shadows. Trainers should not be worried by Pajantom if it locks their shadows; it simply wants attention.

the Symbiotic Resting Pokemon

Sun: The monster is a result of the Pokemon having a good dream; if a nightmare occurs, this Pokemon starts to squirm Uncontrollably, make it useless

Moon: If a baby Pajantom wakes up, this Pokemon forgets everything that happened when it was asleep. This normally leads to the Pokemon betraying its trainer.
Ultra Sun: In myth, this Pokemon is said to have the power to grant any wish by making it come true via sleep constructs.

Ultra Moon: Many believe that this Pokemon's dragon typing comes from the monster's ability to breath a fire-like substance that has been dubbed "dream dust".
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the Sleepwalking Pokemon

The specter it rides is a nightmare that escaped Panjantom’s mind. It only snores near those it trusts.

Moon: When it wanders near sleeping children. Their dreams turn into nightmares of being trapped. It is most active when the moon is dark.


Ultra Sun: This Pokémon sleeps through the loudest of noises. Legend says it will wake on the eve of a great disaster.

Ultra Moon: This Pokémon enjoys the presence of sleeping children. It is said that if you hear it yawn you will have bad luck.

Pajantom, the Dream Protector Pokemon

Sun: The small dragon is its real body. When it falls asleep, it produces a much more powerful form to defend it, which is believed to be what it sees itself as in its dreams.

Moon: It can fall asleep in an instant. As long as it's sleeping, nothing can wake it up other than being knocked out of its dream, which is made difficult because of its projections.

Ultra Sun: It is uncertain whether or not Pajantom knows what happens in the real world while it sleeps. It is possible that it sees what happens in its dreams as real, but it cannot be certain just what it dreams of.

Ultra Moon: Scientists have noted if Pajantom is confronted while awake, it will pass out, but it is uncertain whether or not this is from fear or in self defense.
Final Submission

Pajantom, the Slumbering Guardian Pokemon

Sun: The ghostly illusion Pajantom creates will protect its host until Pajantom wakes up or faints.

Moon: Pajantom can see the outside world while it sleeps using the dragon its subconscious projects. Pajantom won't wake up around people it distrusts.


Ultra Sun: Pajantom guards the nests of other Pokemon while they sleep. These Pokemon then guard Pajantom when it wakes up to eat.

Ultra Moon: This Pokemon subconsciously projects a dragon to protect itself while it sleeps. The dragon is as pillowy as a down comforter.
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Pajantom, the Reverie Pokémon

Sun: While frail, when asleep Pajantom can control a nightmarish dream dragon by projecting its sleeping subconscious. It fights by falling asleep at record breaking speeds.

Moon: Pajantom's dreamy projection holds great power, which it trains by dueling with wild Kerfluffle. After a long day of training, they usually doze off together.


Ultra Sun: It is said Pajantom's projection's appearance is what they dream of being. They attack with child-like glee, overjoyed at their dreams coming true.

Ultra Moon: Pajantom are always drowsy and will nap erratically, sometimes in the middle of doing something, but will always finish the action using their dreams.
CAP, I have good news!

We will officially accept Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon Pokedex entries to this thread.

I've edited the OP to reflect this. So be prepared to submit four entries when the time comes. Thank you!
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