Welcome to Art Poll 2: Preferential Block Voting Boogaloo! Since the first art poll went so well, we thought we'd make a sequel, and unless we reach a majority a third poll is planned for a September 19th release! Happy voting everyone! :)
This will be a Preferential Block Vote (PBV) (a form of Instant Runoff Voting which re-runs the counting, each time removing the previously top-ranked candidate in order to determine the 2nd most preferred, 3rd most preferred, etc.), the details of which are outlined here and here. This is a ranked vote: order does matter! You can upvote your favourites and downvote your least favourites. You may choose to rank as many or as few options as you like, but we encourage you to rank as many options as possible to ensure your preferences are taken into account.
Bold your votes and nothing else! A typical vote might look like the following:
Please post only your votes in this thread. Do not respond to other posts, or your posts will be moderated and you may be warned. You are allowed to say whatever you like in relation to your vote at the bottom of your post, but please do not look to begin a discussion. New to this CAP, please refrain from posting images or links to images in your votes. Keep those comments to #cap on IRC.
This vote will run for 24 hours.
Here are the entrants for whom you may vote:
Supporting Material
Supporting Material
Supporting Material
Supporting Material
Supporting Material
Supporting Material
Supporting Material
This will be a Preferential Block Vote (PBV) (a form of Instant Runoff Voting which re-runs the counting, each time removing the previously top-ranked candidate in order to determine the 2nd most preferred, 3rd most preferred, etc.), the details of which are outlined here and here. This is a ranked vote: order does matter! You can upvote your favourites and downvote your least favourites. You may choose to rank as many or as few options as you like, but we encourage you to rank as many options as possible to ensure your preferences are taken into account.
Bold your votes and nothing else! A typical vote might look like the following:
Most Preferred
Second Most Preferred
Third Most Preferred
Fourth Most Preferred
Any comments that the voter has would go below the votes in non-bold text. Bold text is used to determine what the user's votes are, so none of the supplementary text should be in bold.
CAP uses automated scripts to count votes. For this reason, it is very important for all ballots to be submitted correctly. If you do not compose a legal ballot, your post will be subject to moderation.
- The scripts count bold words in ballots, so do NOT bold anything in your ballot other than the options you are voting for.
- Do NOT put any formatting other than bold in your post.
- Only one option per line.
- Spelling of options must be EXACTLY correct and must match the spelling listed above.
- Capitalization and spaces are ignored by the vote counting scripts, but you probably should not depend on it.
Please post only your votes in this thread. Do not respond to other posts, or your posts will be moderated and you may be warned. You are allowed to say whatever you like in relation to your vote at the bottom of your post, but please do not look to begin a discussion. New to this CAP, please refrain from posting images or links to images in your votes. Keep those comments to #cap on IRC.
This vote will run for 24 hours.
Here are the entrants for whom you may vote:

Supporting Material

Supporting Material

Supporting Material

Supporting Material

Supporting Material

Supporting Material

Supporting Material
Abilities: Storm Drain / (Insomnia/Vital Spirit)
Stats: 60 HP / 57 Atk / 119 Def / 131 SpA / 98 SpD / 100 Spe
Leadership Team:
Pwnemon- Topic Leader
ginganinja - Ability Leader
srk1214 - Typing Leader
alexwolf - Movepool Leader
Deck Knight - Stats Leader
Type: Electric/PoisonYilx said:Name: Einherjar ~Acta Est Fabula~
Description: A Pokemon that dissuades your opponent from fainting it, or can even leave it's presence on the field felt even after it faints.
Justification: When a Pokemon faints, it's usually thought of as the battle having gotten down to a 5-6. However, we've yet to discover if a Pokemon can leave a lasting impression on the battle even after having fainted; be it through moves like Healing Wish and Destiny Bond, placing hazards that the opponent can't remove as their removal has been taken care of, or by leaving an opponent's key member weakened and/or taken out.
Questions To Be Answered:
- How can a Pokemon leave a long-lasting effect on the rest of the battle with just it's moves?
- How the hell is it different from simply ramming a sacrificial martyr into your opponent's team and hoping it punches holes in it?
- Building on the previous question, is it possible to build this Pokemon as a defensive threat rather than a "Glass Cannon"?
- Is it even possible for a Pokemon to leave a lasting effect on on the battle, even after it faints?
- Could changing your opponent's way of thinking even be plausible? From, "I need to take CAP X out!", to, "Damn, if I take CAP X out, I'll be in trouble...!"
Abilities: Storm Drain / (Insomnia/Vital Spirit)
Stats: 60 HP / 57 Atk / 119 Def / 131 SpA / 98 SpD / 100 Spe
Leadership Team:
Pwnemon- Topic Leader
ginganinja - Ability Leader
srk1214 - Typing Leader
alexwolf - Movepool Leader
Deck Knight - Stats Leader