cant think of title - RMT

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This is not a uu/bl team really, altho thats what it contains. It fights anything from nu too ou, seems to be doing well too. just thought i would stop here to see if anything could be better.

Crobat @ Widelens
-Cross poison

Not much to say about this, its my lead, it puts things to sleep and hazes when needed. U-turns away after sleeping to set somthing up. widelens because i really cant affored to miss the hypnosis.

Mismagius @ leftovers
116hp/252speed/140 satk
-Calm Mind
-HiddenPower Fighting

a special sweeper, not much to say here either, shadowball for STAB and hp fighting for any normal/steels that try to wall it.

Sandslash @ Leftovers
-Rapid Spin

Support sandslash. sets up stealth rocks and walls most physical attacks. Shadow claw for ghosts or azelf switches in, nearly ohko'ing if stealth rocks are up.

Empoleon @ Petaya Berry
-Ice Beam

Another special sweeper, once it gets set up, it can deal alot of damage with Berry + torrent boost. Surf over hydro pump because, once again i hate missing.

Tauros @ Choice Band

Physical attacker, not much to say about it. Pursuit to have a shot at gengar.

Lanturn @ Leftovers

My special wall, hes not blissey but hes still pretty damn good. resist's most of starmies main attacks and gets healed by electric, allowing him to have some sort of non-leftovers recovery

The reason i made this team is because i was bored of playing ou's, i find using these alot more fun and enjoyable. sorry if i made any mistakes typing this up.

EDIT: just noticed i have a big vire weakness : /
3. Have some actual words in your post beyond your six Pokemon and their moves. Not following this makes your post quite boring to read and rate. All Pokemon should have a good reason for being in your team anyway, so why not post that reason? If you're having trouble with this one, start by give an explanation for each team member. Why are they there? What role do they serve? How do you get them in? Then, give an explanation of how you would open with the team and how you would go about using it. All of these things help people rate your team and allow us to offer more helpful advice.

If you would like this reopened, please PM me with more in-depth descriptions about each Pokemon, DO NOT make a new thread.
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