Can't think of an interesting title (a UU warstory)


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UU Warstory

So I'm registered in a UU tournament at Pokemon Nation at the end of the month, and I haven't so much as put together a decent team yet. While I was bored today, I thought to myself what better place to test out a few guys than on Shoddy (when there's actually anyone on the UU tab, mind you). So after creating my team, forgetting to save and exiting, and recreating my team, viola, someone by the name of Slickee decides to partake in my honoring those poor, neglected pokemon that we all consider "not good enough" for OU..... by making them fight eachother to the death for our morbid entertainment!

Since you guys requested more of the log last time I did one of these, I am going to include it this time. Hopefully it'll be a little easier to follow.

My team:

Slickee's team:

Rules: Evasion Clause, Freeze Clause, OHKO Clause, Sleep Clause, Species Clause, Timed Battle
Slickee sent out Roid Rage (lvl 100 Primeape ?).
Syberia sent out Persian (lvl 100 Persian ?).

My opponent leads off with a rabid pig monkey, and I send out perhaps my favorite pokemon ever created. Well, except for Hippopotas, but sending out a Hippopotas would have been stupid. Seriously, though, Persian just exudes coolness through every orifice of its body.

I know full well Primeape is scarfed, and that even though I'm sashed, Vital Spirit would make Hypnosis useless at this point in the battle. I switch to Altaria to hopefully absorb the Close Combat without too much trouble, but unfortunately my opponent seems to know this as well. Primeape uses U-Turn instead, and while Altaria does come in and shrug off the hit, she finds herself facing a Ninetales instead of Primeape.

Syberia switched in Lexite (lvl 100 Altaria ?).
Roid Rage used U-turn.
It's not very effective...
Lexite lost 11% of its health.
Slickee switched in Ninetales (lvl 100 Ninetales ?).
Lexite's leftovers restored its health a little!
Lexite restored 6% of its health.

A fire type, huh? Well as long as it doesn't have Hidden Power Ice, I should be able to beat it just fine with what I've got out...

Ninetales used Hypnosis.
Lexite fell asleep!
Lexite is fast asleep!
Lexite's leftovers restored its health a little!
Lexite restored 6% of its health.

Well, crap. I totally forgot Ninetales got that. Which is really weird, because I've bred one before. Anyways, Altaria has Natural Cure so I'm not too worried. In comes Lanturn, to the tune of a Will-o-wisp (which misses, but would be inconsequential anyways since my Lanturn is the Rest-Talking variety).

Syberia switched in Lanturn (lvl 100 Lanturn ?).
Ninetales used Will-o-wisp.
Ninetales's attack missed!

I don't like Ninetales, and I've already messed up against it once. I just want it gone, so I don't even bother to predict the Hypnosis with Sleep Talk and just straight-up Surf instead.

Slickee switched in Milton (lvl 100 Quagsire ?).
Lanturn used Surf.
Milton's Water Absorb made Surf useless!

...and in comes the bane of Lanturn's existence to take the attack. A Ground-type with Water Absorb leaves me completely walled, so I have to switch out. I can't bring Altaria back in because there's always the fear of an Ice move (does the standard Quagsire carry Ice Beam/Punch?) and Persian can't come back in because it's frail, so I'm forced to reveal another member of my team.

Syberia switched in Clefable (lvl 100 Clefable ?).
Milton used Yawn.
Clefable became drowsy!
Clefable was badly poisoned!

Clefable should be bulky enough to take on Quagsire. Especially since its Toxic Orb activated, making Yawn useless and giving me an essentially free switch. I am proven correct on the next turn, as Quaggy's Earthquake does just over a third to my 252 hp/0 def fairy, while I return the favor with a Toxic-boosted Facade. Since I have a recovery move (Softboiled) and Quagsire does not, this is a battle that Clefable eventually wins...

Clefable used Softboiled.
Clefable restored 50% of its health.
Milton used Encore.
Clefable got an encore!
Clefable is hurt by poison!
Milton's leftovers restored its health a little!
Milton restored 6% of its health.

...if my opponent had not predicted my Softboiled and used Encore. I'm fairly certain at this point that Quagsire doesn't have an Ice move, and if it does, that it won't be using it this turn, so I switch Altaria back in to dodge the Earthquake.

Syberia switched in Lexite (lvl 100 Altaria ?).
Milton used Earthquake.
It doesn't affect Lexite...
Milton's leftovers restored its health a little!
Milton restored 6% of its health.

Quagsire is nearly dead at this point, so I Dragon Pulse for the easy KO.

Lexite used Dragon Pulse.
Milton lost 37% of its health.
Slickee's Milton fainted.
Score: 6-5 Syberia

My opponent brings in Kangaskhan to avenge his fallen stupid-looking water thingy. I'm not sure what it's going to do, but I expect it to just attack in any case, and I'm confident Altaria, being of the defensive variety, can take it on...

Kangaskhan used Substitute.
Kangaskhan lost 25% of its health.
Kangaskhan made a substitute!
Lexite used Featherdance.
But it failed!

Alright, I guess I won't be lowering its attack. His Return still only does 39% as I break the substitute with another Dragon Pulse. It then proceeds to use Disable (!), shutting down my Dragon Pulse as I go for another Featherdance (he wouldn't Substitute again now would he?)

Kangaskhan used Disable.
Dragon Pulse was disabled!
Lexite used Featherdance.
Kangaskhan's attack was harshly lowered.

I really don't know what to expect here, but I have another attack (Hidden Power Fighting) that'll deal damage, and Kangaskhan is a Normal-type, so I decide to go for it.

Slickee switched in Altaria (lvl 100 Altaria ?).
Lexite used Hidden Power.
It's not very effective...
Altaria lost 9% of its health.
Lexite's leftovers restored its health a little!
Lexite restored 6% of its health.

I guess he was expecting an Earthquake or at least something not Dragon-type since I could not use Dragon Pulse. Luckily I notice that my (nicknamed) Altaria recovers with leftovers, and his (non-nicknamed) Altaria does not. Which means only one thing - Choice Specs. Which means there's no way in hell I'm staying in to take a Draco Meteor, especially since I'm both slower and unable to kill it. I figure I'll probably need Altaria to deal with Primeape again later anyways.

Syberia switched in Clefable (lvl 100 Clefable ?).
Altaria used Draco Meteor.
A critical hit!
Clefable lost 142% of its health.
Syberia's Clefable fainted.
Altaria's special attack was harshly lowered.
Score: 5-5 tie

Oh well. Nothing on my team (and probably nothing in all of UU bar Probopass) would have been able to take a STAB, Specs, Critical Hit Draco Meteor. Looking back on how much damage it did, though, I don't think Clefable would have been able to live through the next hit (even with the attack drop) to safely use Softboiled anyways.

Syberia switched in Aggron (lvl 100 Aggron ?).

At least now I can scare it off, so in comes Aggron. I know he'll switch, and I know he'll expect Stone Edge, and I really don't like the idea of full-health Scarf Primeape tearing up my team. So I use Iron Head instead to hopefully put a dent in the monkey.

Slickee switched in Roid Rage (lvl 100 Primeape ?).
Aggron used Iron Head.
Roid Rage lost 77% of its health.

A rather large dent. I'm not running the standard defensive Aggron, so I guess that was to be expected. 350 attack isn't something to sneeze at, especially in UU.

I'm not staying in, obviously, and I'm pretty sure he'll just Close Combat this time. Altaria comes back in and takes it (33%), then takes another one and finishes Primeape off.

Roid Rage used Close Combat.
It's not very effective...
Lexite lost 31% of its health.
Roid Rage's defence was lowered.
Roid Rage's special defence was lowered.
Lexite used Dragon Pulse.
Roid Rage lost 98% of its health.
Slickee's Roid Rage fainted.
Score: 5-4 Syberia

Kangaskhan comes back in for Slickee and finishes Altaria off without any trouble.

Slickee switched in Kangaskhan (lvl 100 Kangaskhan ?).
Kangaskhan used Return.
Lexite lost 43% of its health.
Syberia's Lexite fainted.
Score: 4-4 tie

Kangaskhan is getting annoying. I need something that'll get rid of it, so I send out Hitmontop. First turn, I use Fake Out (of course) to flinch it. Slickee's Altaria comes back in to eat a Mach Punch (16%), but without leftovers recovery, it's slowly getting worn down.

I know that it's Specs now, and I know that it'll probably just spam Draco Meteor all over the place. I hope Aggron can take it on, resisting Dragon and all, but I'm proven wrong in a few short seconds.

Syberia switched in Aggron (lvl 100 Aggron ?).
Altaria used Draco Meteor.
It's not very effective...
Aggron lost 76% of its health.
Altaria's special attack was harshly lowered.
Aggron's leftovers restored its health a little!
Aggron restored 6% of its health.

Wow, that did a lot more than I thought. Even with the attack drop, I can't stay in and take another one without dying. Luckily I still have Lanturn, who shrugs off the second hit like nothing.

Syberia switched in Lanturn (lvl 100 Lanturn ?).
Altaria used Draco Meteor.
Lanturn lost 27% of its health.
Altaria's special attack was harshly lowered.
Lanturn's leftovers restored its health a little!
Lanturn restored 6% of its health.

He obviously can't stay in, because he's at -4 special and won't be doing any damage to me at this point. He also thinks I'll use Thunderbolt, because Surfing an Altaria would just be stupid. So, of course, I make the stupid move...

Slickee switched in Ninetales (lvl 100 Ninetales ?).
Lanturn used Surf.
It's super effective!
Ninetales lost 76% of its health.

Slickee: lol what the crap
Syberia: it's called prediction, my friend

...and hit the best possible thing I could hit. Ninetales can't take another hit, and nothing on his team (bar Altaria, who can't recover and can't kill Lanturn in one hit either) can switch into a STAB Surf all that well now that Quagsire is gone. His best option at this point would be to try and put me to sleep, so I act accordingly.

Ninetales used Hypnosis.
Lanturn fell asleep!
Lanturn is fast asleep!
Lanturn used Sleep Talk.
Lanturn used Rest.
But it failed!

Damn. Right move, wrong result. Let's try that again, shall we?

Ninetales used Energy Ball.
It's super effective!
Lanturn lost 31% of its health.
Lanturn is fast asleep!
Lanturn used Sleep Talk.
Lanturn used Surf.
It's super effective!
Ninetales lost 80% of its health.
Slickee's Ninetales fainted.
Score: 4-3 Syberia

There we go. Much better.

Slickee switched in mmm bacon (lvl 100 Grumpig ?).

Looks like I'm walled pretty good right here. I'm half expecting Trick Specs and half expecting him to just use Psychic or something, both of which will allow me to get Persian back in and put something to sleep.

Syberia switched in Persian (lvl 100 Persian ?).
mmm bacon used Substitute.
mmm bacon lost 25% of its health.
mmm bacon made a substitute!

At least I know he's not Trick Specs now. This ought to break his sub.

Persian used Swift.
The substitute took damage for mmm bacon!
mmm bacon's substitute faded!
mmm bacon used Calm Mind.
mmm bacon's special attack was raised.
mmm bacon's special defence was raised.

He raised his defenses a bit, but Persian did what it needed to do. Now it's time for it to do what it does best. Go to sleep, piggy.

Persian used Hypnosis.
mmm bacon fell asleep!

Worked perfectly. Now I think I'll show off one of the new tricks Persian got this gen.

Persian used Nasty Plot.
Persian's special attack was sharply raised.
mmm bacon is fast asleep!


Final result is Grumpig wakes up in time to use Psychic against me once (81%) before I kill it with Swift.

Persian used Swift.
mmm bacon lost 32% of its health.
Slickee's mmm bacon fainted.
Score: 4-2 Syberia

Kangaskhan comes in, takes a significant amount of damage (thankfully no Sucker Punch) and kills me with Return.

Slickee switched in Kangaskhan (lvl 100 Kangaskhan ?).
Persian used Swift.
Kangaskhan lost 63% of its health.
Kangaskhan used Return.
Persian lost 83% of its health.
Syberia's Persian fainted.
Score: 3-2 Syberia

Fortunately, I've got just the thing to finish off Kangaskhan.

Syberia switched in Hitmontop (lvl 100 Hitmontop ?).

Kangaskhan seriously threatens the only two things besides Hitmontop that I have left (Lanturn and Aggron, which will both die easily to a single Earthquake), and I'm sure Slickee knows this, so I expect him to switch out. Which he does, and Hitmontop's fourth move takes care of it nicely.

Slickee withdrew Kangaskhan!
Hitmontop used Pursuit.
Kangaskhan lost 26% of its health.
Slickee switched in Altaria (lvl 100 Altaria ?).

Sadly, that left it hanging on with about 5% hp. Still enough for it to do plenty of damage, as it outspeeds both the things it can kill. At this point I'm forced to sacrifice sleeping Lanturn, but Altaria has to use two Draco Meteors (and lower its special x4) to do it.

Syberia switched in Lanturn (lvl 100 Lanturn ?).
Altaria used Draco Meteor.
Lanturn lost 54% of its health.
Altaria's special attack was harshly lowered.
Lanturn's leftovers restored its health a little!
Lanturn restored 6% of its health.
Altaria used Draco Meteor.
Lanturn lost 27% of its health.
Syberia's Lanturn fainted.
Altaria's special attack was harshly lowered.
Score: 2-2 tie

At this point, Altaria has lowered it's special attack by four stages, enough that even at 25%, Aggron could safely come back in and take a hit.

Syberia switched in Aggron (lvl 100 Aggron ?).

Now, this next play is what I'd like to call the defining moment of the game. Had I just attacked, Slickee was planning to sacrifice Kangaskhan to get Altaria back in at full power, who could easily finish off Aggron and Hitmontop (who couldn't really touch it with any move) with whatever Specsed special attack it wished. However, he was not counting on this...

Slickee switched in Kangaskhan (lvl 100 Kangaskhan ?).
Aggron used Rock Polish.
Aggron's speed was sharply raised.

Aggron's leftovers restored its health a little!
Aggron restored 6% of its health.
Kangaskhan's leftovers restored its health a little!
Kangaskhan restored 6% of its health.

I now outspeed, and can easily kill, the only threat that remains to my team. However, first I've got a 10% health Kangaskhan to deal with.

Aggron used Iron Head.
Kangaskhan lost 38% of its health.
Slickee's Kangaskhan fainted.
Score: 2-1 Syberia

Not anymore. In comes Altaria.

Aggron used Iron Head.
A critical hit!
Altaria lost 113% of its health.
Slickee's Altaria fainted.
Syberia wins 2-0!

I couldn't use Stone Edge, for fear of missing and then being totally screwed. However, residual damage and lack of leftovers had left Altaria somewhere around 80% upon switching in. Even without the critical hit, Iron Head would have put it under 30%, which a Technician Fake Out followed by Bullet Punch from Hitmontop would have taken care of.

All in all, a great game from my opponent, and a great first showing from this UU team.
nice battle, no real mistakes, solid play on both sides
nice format, i'm getting sick of all the colors
you were detailed when it was important
i liked the aagron finish. i was sad to find him in uu when i started competetive play, but he was used well in this battle
the altaria goes to show how powerful draco meteor is
makes me want to play uu

the end

Edit: still first post, if you called it "uu warstory" i would have been beated to everything i had to say, maybe i should go to sleep...

...the end
That was a great battle, and makes me want to start playing UU in DP. Well done Sy, and to your opponent also.
Really good Warstory. Nice prediction and I really like both of your teams. That SpecsAltaria really did a number though.
I'm pretty sure every UU warstory I've ever read has been very entertaining, especially this one. Well written and played, my friend.
fun stuff. I <3 primeape.

the irony about everyone saying how they wanna play UU is that if everyone did, then the UU Standards would no longer be UU.
Very nice job, Syberia.

The only thing I would suggest is bolding either the log or your commentary, to create an easier read. Other than that, I really enjoyed this.
Totally licked? I'd say it was very close.

eh, you still maintained control for most of the match, and I ended up making some costly desicions.

I've got a new team I'm testing out right now, so if any of you UU wannabes wanna take me on, you'll know where to find me. :happybrain:
Now this is good stuff right here! an excellent battle on both parts. i have a uu team myself, and even with my limited experience, uu is waaaaaay better than ou. plus, in uu battles, we all get to use our favorite pokemon!
Believe it or not, this was my second (!) ever UU battle in D/P.

Nobody has the same team, and you never quite know what your opponent is going to do 'til they do it. That's what I like about it, the fact that it's not just the same 15-20 pokemon over and over again.