Metagame Camomons

ban calm mind
Good day once again, everyone! Thank you for your answers on the poll, and as such, we have already commenced with the council voting. As such, it is (un)fortunate to inform you all that...






The Number Man


Karl Dude Guy
:magearna: Magearna​

The council has already explained its piece about Magearna running rampant in the metagame. We do get that waiting for the the Teal Mask DLC would be better in dealing with Magearna especially more counters would pop up; however, given the situation of this metagame, we believe that we have to take action urgently to keep this metagame healthy.

That said, if you weren't exactly as convinced, here are some of the replays that could pique your interest as to why Magearna is way too strong for this metagame to handle:

1. Siamato vs. Giagantic: very typical set-up with Screens lessening even super-effective damage, activating its Weakness Policy (cue WeedleTwineedle)
2. Siamato vs. The Number Man: even with the Screens down, there are still ways of giving Magearna momentum which consequently gives more set-up opportunities.
3. Mossy Sandwich vs. hidin: while this is not in a vanilla Camomons format, this Tours Plaza Premier (CAP + Camo) match showcases Fairy/Steel Magearna's dominance once set up; Mossy Sandwich's opponent has some degree of difficulty putting away this Magearna which sealed the victory.

Tagging Kris to implement this ban (and someone to clear the poll if possible); thank you in advance.
Good day, everyone!

In anticipation of the Teal Mask DLC, the council has already voted on some of the Pokemon that were banned in today's Camomons metagame that are worth retesting once the DLC is released. The council are keen on retesting the following Pokemon:


With that, I have opened another poll to the general public on who you're keen into retesting moving forward (closes on Sunday, September 17, 8:00 PM GMT +8). You may vote for other Pokemon not mentioned, but please include in the thread alongside a short essay on why you want to have that Pokemon retested.

Good luck!

Ability: Iron Fist
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Acrobatics
- Bulk Up / Drain Punch
- Will-O-Wisp / Bulk Up
- Slack Off

I've been brainstorming with the new mons, and when I tried to figure out how to make Infernape work, I just realized it was just a worse Cinderace. So I shifted my thinking a bit to come up with sets that would make Infernape worth running over Cinderace besides the obvious NP sets. I then thought of this set, because Infernape has the key distinction of having recovery in 1) Slack Off and 2) Iron Fist Drain Punch, which means it can set up and survive much longer than Cinderace. This feels incredibly situational, and I feel like there are probably more situations where you'd want the Speed provided by Cinderace. Though bulky Infernape with set-up seems like a pretty big nuisance potentially, so that was what I came up with.

Torterra @ White Herb

Ability: Shell Armor
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- Shell Smash
- Trailblaze / Synthesis / Superpower

This is fairly obvious now.. They gave the boy Shell Smash? Osake They gave the boy Shell Smash!? Torterra's offensive movepool is very underwhelming though, and I don't think there are another typings worth using besides
, or
. It is fairly limited on that department but EdgeQuake is basically perfect coverage, and the last move is a flex spot. Synthesis lets you heal up and potentially set up even more beyond just basic longevity, and Trailblaze lets you outpace Scarfers. Adamant +2 outspeeds Dragapult by +1, so if you're not afraid of Scarfers then you can just not run that. Superpower may be the best move in the last slot though because Hydreigon is legal, and it can resist your STAB combos if it has Flash Cannon. On a side note: fuck Hydreigon and fuck Siamato for always bringing it vs me. You bitch.
On a side note: fuck Hydreigon and fuck Siamato for always bringing it vs me. You bitch.

Siamato here to share the perfect new core to shit on ponchlake :psysly:

SetHydreigon @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
Tera Type: Dark
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Draco Meteor
- Flash Cannon
- Earth Power
- Nasty Plot
Alomomola @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Regenerator
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 8 HP / 252 Def / 248 SpD
Relaxed Nature
- Play Rough
- Scald
- Flip Turn
- Wish

Those mons have a perfect synergy defensively and Alomomola is able to pass Wish to Hydreigon increasing a lot its defensive utility especially over long games.

And yes, Alomomola is probably going to be REALLY good in Camo and perhaps at the center or many cores by its ability to pass fat Wishes well.

I will come back with the "Siamato's sets of the month" series at some point but feel free to tell me if you like such post about sharing cores!

See you soon with what is coming...
Good day, everyone!

Before Siamato gets to announce what's next for Camomons now that the Teal Mask DLC has been released, it's time for me, the metagame leader, to bring big news!

With the Teal Mask DLC, here are the following tiering actions on select Pokemon (tagging Kris for implementation):

Added Bans:

On Volcarona

For transparency, here's the pre-emptive Council voting before the start of DLC, and the people from the community who voted to retest during the polling period.



The Number Man



Karl Dude Guy
(7 out of 13 voted to retest)
(7 out of 13 voted to retest)

While Palafin got 7 out of 13 non-council votes and the Council are open to freeing this Pokemon due to the potential counterplay people will bring against Palafin, the same wouldn't apply to Volcarona. The same amount of people voted to retest Volcarona, but the Council has internally discussed about how Volcarona would impact the metagame once unbanned (and make it eventually banned after a few days which is like when Home transfer got released), and the Council would not want to put up that same issue in the past. As once a proponent of freeing Volcarona, I realized that even with the Teal Mask DLC, there are still a few countermeasures in dealing with Volcarona, hence I, as the metagame leader, will be holding off for the meantime. Rest assured though, that once there's a public avenue for the metagame to possibly re-introduce Volcarona (aka a ladder), we will immediately hold a public Volcarona suspect test.
Good morning/afternoon/evening people!
Several things to announce:

:booster energy: Booster Energy is now free!

Following a discussion between council members, we decided to free Booster Energy. We banned it at the very beginning of the generation to look at "raw" paradox mons without the item involved in pushing them over the red line. Considering the meta has evolved with some paradox mons ending up being banned regardless, Booster Energy is deemed to be less impactful and perhaps an interesting addition to the metagame. It also follows the last survey where we asked people about freeing it or not and we found the community to be quite divided on the matter. With DLC changes, we think it's now time to test in back to the metagame.

:manaphy:The current Camomons Watchlist

About 10 days have passed since the dlc release and your Camomons council had enough time to get an idea of what could be too much for the metagame to handle (ie: broken / too unhealthy). Here's the watchlist:

★★★ ALL EYES ON ★★★

:manaphy: Manaphy
:ninetales-alola: Ninetales-Alola / :light clay: Light Clay
:palafin-hero: Palafin


:hoopa-unbound: Hoopa-Unbound
:hydreigon: Hydreigon
:iron valiant: Iron Valiant
:ursaluna-bloodmoon: Ursaluna-Bloodmoon
:lycanroc-dusk: Lycanroc-Dusk
:zamazenta: Zamazenta


:cresselia: Cresselia
:enamorus-therian: Enamorus-Therian
:garchomp: Garchomp
:garganacl: Garganacl
:gliscor: Gliscor
:heracross: Heracross
:slowking-galar: Slowking-Galar
:ursaluna: Ursaluna
:urshifu: Urshifu-Single-Strike
:damp rock: Damp Rock
:heat rock: Heat Rock
Calm Mind

Some details about our top priorities:

:manaphy: Manaphy looks extremely frightening in Camomons by its ability to setup a Tail Glow easily and become a deadly breaker. It has access to a great movepool allowing it to run many good typing such as
, etc both good offensively and defensively. This is even more true when Manaphy is paired with something already really good (maybe too) in Camomons, Screens. Manaphy can abuse them extremely well thanks to its natural bulk and become impossible to deal with offensively.
Manaphy also looks promising in rain teams where it can abuse Tail Glow and Hydratation + Rest to become a killing machine impossible to kill.
Finally, Manaphy also has Take Heart which is something really interesting and dangerous by Camomons standards being CM + Refresh.

:ninetales-alola: / :light clay: Screens have proven to be extremely scary in Camomons pushing many mons in a dangerous territory. With Ninetales-Alola coming back, Screens got back their best setter. Ninetales-Alola is just extremely good as a Screeners with very few way to prevent it from putting them. It also enables things such as Cetitan to setup Belly Drum easily under screens while benefiting from the snow to outspeed and kill anything. Considering Screens were already seen as broken by some before the DLC, the council will seriously consider to ban Light Clay to nerf them or Ninetales-Alola if it remains an issue.

:palafin-hero: Palafin has been freed by the council giving the new counterplay both home and DLC brought. We indeed thought things such as
Slowking-Galar or
Coalossal and a few others could be enough to make it fine. However, Palafin stays extemely strong being able to 2HKO non physically defensive Slowking-Galar with powerful moves like Close Combat or Wave Crash. And yet, we're not even talking about Palafin under rain who's deleting defensive things with Wave Crash and offensive one with Jet Punch. 160 Atk might be just too much to handle especially when combined to strong STABs + prio + pivot and even setup ways (BU).

:ogerpon:The Camomons Teal Mask Kickoff Tournament

The Camomons metagame hosts a tournament to fully start the exploration of this new iteration of SV Camomons! Signups close soon but you can still enter the tournament as subsitute and get to play! So what are you waiting for?!

We hope people will have fun during the tournament and perhaps dust off this thread by sharing ideas or thoughts on our venerable metagame!

:cresselia: What is planned next?

We will look with attention first rounds of the Camomons Teal Mask Tournament and ask input from players to guide our tiering actions. In terms or resources, you can expect your Camomons council to work on resources to help people getting started. Especially, we plan to edit the Viability List and update the sample teams! Other things are also planned such as role compendium or typing compendium by we can't say when.

Tagging Kris to update the banlist (free Booster Energy), thanks in advance! Also pinning Euphonos to edit/add the watchlist to information post.
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Kommo-O is banned from Camomons
SiamatoEuphonosClasThe Number ManKarl Guy Ze PONCHResult:

Kommo-O is back from SS doing its usual shenanigans of being an incredibly potent offensive sweeper with one too many viable typings that can be incredibly straining on the builder and in actual play. At +1 it outspeeds most relevant threats such as Dragapult or Barrsakewda while also having great offensive and defensive typings versus common priority like Grassy Glide, Aqua Jet/Jet Punch, Sucker Punch, or Extreme Speed, making its MUs feel incredibly fishy at times. Light Clay Screens HO is at an all time powerful, and it doesn't help that Kommo-O is one of its best abusers by far. Even without screens, Kommo-O's wide pool of typing can sometimes allow it to set up and clean on passive mons such as Empoleon or Slowking to name a few. The meta currently has very few viable Unaware users, however most simply can't deal with Kommo-O flat out or the MU's are a dice roll hoping you have a favorable type MU. With all this accounted for we have voted to ban Kommo-O.

Kris to implement
Light Clay is banned from Camomons
SiamatoEuphonosClasThe Number ManKarl GuyZe PONCHResult:
Light ClayBanBanDNBBanBanBanBan

The freeing of Booster Energy and the reintroduction of Alolatales into the Camo meta with DLC1 took the power of HO to another level. The biggest culprit was screens/veil - the former was already borderline in early gen9 even with Grimmsnarl as the main enabler, but the new additions to the meta made the archetype both more powerful and more adaptable. We reasoned that Light Clay is the crucial piece of the puzzle, enabling both Screens and Veil. Defensive counterplay to Screens-supported sweepers is not always reliable given their access to a broad selection of tyoings in the builder, meaning that teams need to shore up their weaknesses with revenge-killing tools such as scarfers and/or priority, but Screens directly counteracts that, leading to an overwhelming dominance of HO strategies.

We have thus decided to ban Light Clay.

Tagging Kris to implement
Hello everyone, can someone review this set please?

Drifblim @ Grassy Seed
Ability: Unburden
Tera Type: Ghost
EVs: 12 HP / 68 Def / 252 SpA / 176 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Thunderbolt
- Shadow Ball
- Calm Mind
- Strength Sap

Ghost/Electric is a very nice typing + Drifblim's natural huge HP appreciate Grassy Seed support. Also the Grassy Terrain will reduce Earthquake's power which is very nice. With 176 Spe it reaches 240 (and potentially 480) which might be enough.
I have no idea about the viability of this (I wish there was a permanent ladder :( ) but please let me know!
Hello everyone, can someone review this set please?

Drifblim @ Grassy Seed
Ability: Unburden
Tera Type: Ghost
EVs: 12 HP / 68 Def / 252 SpA / 176 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Thunderbolt
- Shadow Ball
- Calm Mind
- Strength Sap

Ghost/Electric is a very nice typing + Drifblim's natural huge HP appreciate Grassy Seed support. Also the Grassy Terrain will reduce Earthquake's power which is very nice. With 176 Spe it reaches 240 (and potentially 480) which might be enough.
I have no idea about the viability of this (I wish there was a permanent ladder :( ) but please let me know!
The set is cool but the typing is what's potentially holding it back. Ghost/Elec is pretty great offensive typing, but the problem here is that Rillaboom is one of the most common mons in the tier and arguably its most common typing is Grass/Dark which walls this set. Even with +1 it can OHKO Drifblim. You could structure the rest of your team to perhaps deal with Rillaboom by getting it low enough with Rocky Helmet or hazard stacking, potentially even something like Flame Body Coalossal, which can do all 3. If it's burned then you can 100% set up on it, but otherwise I think you may need to change typings. Chipping and removing Rillaboom is a lot easier said than done as it almost always has a hit and run role on a team, so players will tend to preserve it for that reason. An alternative offensive typing (not as great) is Electric/Flying, which walls Rillaboom and is much better defensively at the expense of being weaker offensively. You will still proc Grassy Seed in terrain even though you're Flying type I should clarify. This also helps you deal with the tier's many, many Dark types as well.
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Good morning everyone ! I've been kicked out of the Camo tours (and I won't be able to beat Atha's ass sadly..) so I'll team dump the teams I built thoughout the tour. I could have been lazy and ask teams to Siamato but I find that building is one of the most fun things to do in new tiers and it helps you to learn the meta realy quick by seeing what works or not, so even if I will prob not play Camomons for 6 months now (unless it makes a comback in OMPL ???????????? who knows!) I had a blast building and playing Camo in the past weeks, and of the few tiers I've tried building in in the past months it's prob the one I liked the most (compared to AAA, STAB, GG, NFE, and uhn OverCup I guess KaideosODC), but I'll give my thoughts on the meta at the end of the post.

anyway, let's get started

:gholdengo: - :alomomola: - :landorus-therian: - :ting-lu: - :rillaboom: - :dragapult: first team I made after learning the meta, boring team and very classic with broken alomomola, rillaboom, and pult, I have no hazards control which is why pult is boots but it could be specs to put more pressure, overall idea is that rocks + spikes + ghold is broken in theory but I wasn't convinced by it (esp cuz it gets pressured by hazards a LOT) but it's prob a solid team and you could prob do tusk > ghold and call it a day. A bit weak to Rillaboom too (I think Siamato destroyed my landorus with Band Wood Hammer and I was like wtf how did this die??), Grass Knot Lando is a cool tech to lure Tusk and Lando doesn't rly have a good last move so it's a fair option

:pelipper: - :palafin: - :basculegion: - :cyclizar: - :landorus-therian: - :iron jugulis: I HATE weathers like I really hate that playstyle (might be biased cuz its awful in AAA so I never rly played it anyway) but I always feel like it's a fish, but bc I never use them I was like oh could be fun to build a rain after Siamato showed me some calcs of Palafin under rain (do NOT try that home this is not safe : 252+ Atk Choice Band Palafin Wave Crash vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Hydreigon in Rain: 309-364 (95 - 112%) -- 68.8% chance to OHKO). Might not be the optimal comp but it's funny enough and I really like Jugulis Booster Energy with accurate Hurricane, it's actually a threat (Siamato can confirm). Funny team overall won't comment and won't bother to do sprites etc cuz half of the team is banned but this was my try of Screens HO when Ninetales and Kommo-o were broken. Mence is underrated imobut hard to use

:slowking: - :great tusk: - :hydreigon: - :munkidori: - :mandibuzz: - :sandslash-alola: from now, we have the teams that I built to face The Number Man cuz Siamato was so hyped for that MU (even though it wasn't a rly good BO kek) but I was like "I never focused for this tour, it's time to make Siamato proud and build some fun things". I also felt like I had play enough to have a good grasp on the meta and not use alomomola x gliscor all the time (note that none of my teams have Gliscor ! but it's almost strictly superior to Landorus I'm just an old man) so I tried to build with other mons. Siamato and I talked about Weather Ball Thundurus (wait for the next team) and I figured out that Chilly Reception could be used in another way that just Teleport, and I also had this funny idea of Choice Band Great Tusk because why not ? The overall chemistry is SUPER weird, Band Tusk is not that good esp in a meta with Alomomola everywhere but I just liked it, Sandslash-A is like SO fucking bad but it's there cuz Spin + I can Revenge Kill Dragapult, Water/Steel Slowking is because I didn't want to be weak to Dark Pulse / Shadow Ball but also don't want to be Electric so I don't reveal Thunder Wave but idk the typing isn't that good, the team has no Rocks, Munkidori isn't even the best scarfer I just like its face.. this team has no sens and yet it's quite fun to use lmao. Also Mandibuzz is super underrated, in a well-built team it checks so much things and you have diverse typings too nah this mon is good

:weezing-galar: - :iron valiant: - :thundurus: - :slowking-galar: - :ting-lu: - :rillaboom: First, sorry to my fellow canadians, but this is just facts. Secondly, this Thundurus Weather Ball to destroy Great Tusk. You're telling me it gets Grass Knot ? That's true. But now you're facing TNM and he uses Ground / Flying Gliscor. What do you do ? gotchu. Ok I didn't plan to face Ground / Flying anything I just liked the tech but let me be happy come on. This team is less interesting, weezing is not so bad I guess it's Rotom-Heaat for the poors but I find it funny, I'm not sure why I needed it but yeah, Scarf Valiant is a threat so I let you imagine how broken is Booster Energy, and yeah that's it. Thundurus never Weather Ball'd anything but that's cuz I played w/ atha and Siamato and they knew the tech and NO it's not cuz the tech sucks fuck off

secret ok the team you are going to see is the only one of the ones I built vs TNM that has Alomomola BUT I hope you'll forgive me.. actually, I don't even want to justify me. this is a team. this is a cet of Ceruledge who owned a LOT of people. I'm just that guy. enjoy.

:manaphy: - :glimmora: - :kingambit: - :torterra: - :iron moth: - :iron valiant: HO v2. Screens are too annoying to setup so we got screens at home with Glimmora Memento. Passive af mon but annoying cuz you don't know the movepool (could be ground / rock as a typing though). Ghost Valiant w/ Encore Spinblocks Tusk if you're good and is overall broken, this set of Iron Moth is evil af (fuck Siamato for that) and is lowkey broken, Kingambit is Kingambit (Low Kick for Ting-Lu, Shuca for Tusk, it's broken), Double Dance manaphy is cancer, and Torterra is there for the style points. It's not that bad if you're able to setup, it can punish sub, breaks Alomomola/Ting-Lu/Glowking cores, and it hits quite hard at +2 ngl. But the typing is awful, and it's hard to setup. Anyway fun team, dumb HO, easy to play, that's why the nicks are for my fellow Camomons friends cuz they're all dumb like this team (maybe ponchlake should be that Kingambit..) SFG Palapapop yeah I'm talking of you too

that's all ! I said I was going to give my thoughts on the meta but I'm running out of time so I'll just say that the meta is overall enjoyable, Iron Valiant is probably too strong, I don't find Booster Energy broken it only is on Valiant and Moth imo so if anything ban them (at least Valiant), Alomomola x Glisc x Ting-lu x Slowking/Slowking-G are super strong mons and I tried my best to not build them too much and it's definitely possible but it's a bit annoying to break through. I don't support an Alomomola suspect/ban but I recognize it is really strong and it certainly needs to be looked at, but it also keeps Palafin in check.. anyway, good meta, I like it :3

Have a good day everyone :heart: and don't forget to ban Calm Mind and make ur Camomons predicts for World Cup :P
:meowscarada:COUNCIL NEWS: TEAL MASK DLC UPDATE:meowscarada:

Camomons Viability Rankings List
Pokemon in each rank are listed in alphabetical order.

II. Sample Teams

PLUS ULTRA top tiering stacking Balance by Siamato
Slowking makes them shine Bulky Offense by Siamato
Sun Offense by Siamato
Triple SD Hyper Offense by Siamato
Aurora Veil but rip Light Clay Hyper Offense by Siamato

III) Role Compendium (GP Edits On-Going)
The main purpose of this role compendium is to provide a visual list organized by roles to see what Pokémon do what. This will help both new and experienced player in finding Pokémon which can fit their teams when looking for specific roles. Pokémon included in this thread are considered viable or have a niche in the current metagame, this list is therefore non-exhaustive and shouldn't be considered as an undeniable truth. Pokémon listed in this post are listed in alphabetical order and not based on their viability. If you think there is a Pokémon viable for the roles mentioned below and it hasn't been added to the group, then recommend it in a post with solid explanations.

IV. Typing Compendium

The Viability List and Sample Teams have been updated! Moreover, you now also have access to a Role Compendium and a Typing Compendium!
I worked quite hard to provide you those resources that may help some of you to begin Camomons or dive deeper into the metagame and how building works here. Of course, feel free to comment them on the thread if something is unclear or wrong to you so we can discuss and see if an update is needed! The Viability List is a first ranking that will be updated at the end of the on-going Camomons Teal Mask Kickoff Tournament by a full Viability Rankings (S, A, B, C ranks with subranks).

VII. Camomons Hall of Fame

We also have a hall-of-fame now in order to keep in mind the great names of Camomons during live and past generation. Camomons is quite a small metagame nowadays but with a rich history made of several individual and team tournaments. That's why we would like them to be enshrined here for their achievement and their participation to Camomons's history. Maybe it will push some of you to do your best in Camomons tournaments in order to get your name in this HOF for eternity!?


Since the release of the DLC, your Camomons council banned Kommo-o and Light Clay in light of what happened during the first weeks of the Camomons Teal Mask Tournament and with a strong community support for immediate actions.

Considering the tournament have now reached it's halfway through, we estimated it's the best time to gauge players feelings about the metagame once again at a larger scale, thanks to a survey! So please, let us know what you think of the current metagame and what you're looking for in the future to make Camo live!

(click on the link above)

It will be really appreciated if you could take a few minutes to answer our questions! This survey is open to all, beginner or expert, with the sole condition of following a bit Camomons lately (watching or playing). This survey will be open for about a week!


Clas has decided to step down from his role of Camomons council member. We're extremelely thankful for his support to Camomons since the last generation and we wish him all the best for the future! :heart:

Expect us to come back soon to you with some news depending on survey first results! Wish you all the best until then! :blobnom:

Your Camomons servant, Siamato
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Hello everyone, as we near the end of the Teal Mask Kickoff Tour, the Camo Council has voted on some Pokemon.

:sv/iron valiant::sv/manaphy: Iron Valiant and Manaphy are BANNED from Camomons
SiamatoEuphonosThe Number ManKarl Dude GuyPonchlakeResult:
:alomomola: Alomomola
:hydreigon: Hydreigon
:iron moth: Iron Moth
:iron valiant: Iron Valiant
:manaphy: Manaphy
:palafin: Palafin :palafin-hero:
:ursaluna-bloodmoon: Ursaluna-Bloodmoon

:sv/iron valiant:
With the plethora of viable offensive typings on SD, CM, and mixed sets, valuable utility like Destiny Bond, Encore, Taunt, and Thunder Wave, and the freeing of booster energy, Iron Valiant has proven to be too much of a threat in Camomons. Iron Valiant isn't only difficult to check defensively, it also hard to revenge kill with 116 base speed and booster energy. SD Grass / Fighting Iron Valiant has risen in popularity with solid offensive coverage and it's ability to resist Rillaboom's Grassy Glide, Palafin's Jet Punch, and Sucker Punch from Urshifu and Kingambit.

Manaphy had an insane tournament with an 83% win rate in 24 games! Manaphy's respectable bulk gives many opportunities to set up Double Dance or Tail Glow. With the addition of Take Heart and Stored Power, Double Dance sets are a nightmare to deal with. Manaphy becomes very hard to kill off after setting up multiple Acid Armors and Take Hearts allowing it to sweep with Scald and Stored Power. Tail Glow sets break through basically all of the viable specially defensive walls and are also very powerful on Sticky Web teams with Manaphy's decent 100 base speed and on Rain teams with Rest & Hydration.

This vote follows the results of the survey, which will be published shortly. Rest assured the council will continue to work to improve the metagame until the end of the tournament and to prepare the release of the next DLC! Why didn't we vote on :booster energy: Booster Energy? To vote on something we applied a threshold with respect to survey answers. If there was 40% support from the community to take immediate tiering action on something deemed too much OR 60% of moderate support (strong support < 40% + not opposed tiering action). Booster Energy reached equal support for immediate tiering action and no support for any tiering action. Considering Iron Valiant was banned and Iron Moth is carefully watched, we will stick to the standard policy of banning abusers until the 2-3 threshold is reached and where Booster Energy might become the main target instead.

Tagging Kris to implement
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Annihilape @ Leftovers
Ability: Defiant
Tera Type: Fighting
EVs: 252 HP / 228 SpD / 28 Spe
Careful Nature
- Rage Fist
- Protect / Drain Punch
- Bulk Up
- Drain Punch / Protect

Not really a set this time and more of a core I want to share, but Annihilape under Grassy Terrain can be an absolute bitch to kill with Protect + Lefties while you setup. Ideally you're not trying to set-up immediately and winning that way, more-so you're trying to survive as long as possible and rack up as many Rage Fist boosts as possible. Ghost/Normal is chosen due to it only being weak to Dark types, which you can hit with Drain Punch. It does make you susceptible to taking massive hits from Knock Offs from Rillaboom unless you want to try to outspeed it. The typing can be experimented with but the idea is still Annihilape under Grassy Terrain to increase its longevity for eventual Rage Fist nukes.

:SV/Rillaboom: :SV/Ting Lu:

You're obviously going to need Rillaboom to set-up Grassy Terrain for your Annihilape while also providing you Knock Off support, pivots with U-Turn, and priority with Grassy Glide to offset both of them being slow. Knock Off is the second most important thing here since it helps remove Heavy Duty Boots from your opponent, which makes them more susceptible to the next mon on your team in Ting Lu. Ting Lu also lacks any reliable recovery, so pairing it with Rillaboom for the free 12% each turn does wonders to keeping in the game. The set doesn't particularly matter but you want hazards (Spikes or Stealth Rock), which is a fairly big part of the core's gameplan. Annihilape procs Defiant on Defog and the Ghost-typing means it can block Rapid Spin, but the best Rapid Spinner in the tier is Great Tusks. Depending on the typing of your Annihilape and their Great Tusks, you can force some exchanges where you try to catch them on a Rapid Spin and force them to hit you, giving you a 50BP increase. Ideally how this goes is your opponent racks up hazard damage on their field due to your mons pressuring them out + them trying to maneuver around Annihilape since it's a mon that requires your immediate attention with the endgame hopefully being Annihilape setting up or any one of your other mons cleaning up.
DLC has dropped so u kno what time it is...THEORYMON TIME (sadly sprites aren't out yet sooo deal with the walls of text - i'm coping as well)
Archaludon @ Power Herb
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 SpA
Modest Nature
- Electro Shot
- Draco Meteor
- Thunderbolt
- Aura Sphere / Stealth Rock / Thunder Wave
idk what to think of this. it seems gimmicky and powerful at the same time. elaboration no more
Hydrapple @ Leftovers
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 SpA
Modest Nature
- Draco Meteor / Earth Power
- Hydro Pump
- Nasty Plot
- Recover
i never expected an applin evolution to be decent. this is a bit outclassed by hydriegon and dragapult, but those two don't have recovery, and the latter doesn't get a special boosting move
Gouging Fire @ Booster Energy
Ability: Protosynthesis
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Flare Blitz
- Earthquake
- Dragon Dance
- Morning Sun

Gouging Fire @ Loaded Dice
Ability: Protosynthesis
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Scale Shot
- Flare Blitz
- Dragon Dance
- Earthquake / Stone Edge

Gouging Fire @ Choice Band / Choice Scarf
Ability: Protosynthesis
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly / Adamant Nature
- Earthquake
- Flare Blitz / Stone Edge
- Flame Charge
- Smart Strike / Flare Blitz
oooh this looks HEAT ngl. there are quite a few sets this guy can run, and this mon will be VERY good. dd + booster / dice, banded or scarf, yea this actually might go crazy.
(i'll add some more later ig)
:meowscarada:COUNCIL NEWS:meowscarada:

Good day everybody! I'm coming with the playerbase survey results! Thanks a lot to the 14d players who took their time to answer and help us improving Camomons and making it live! :heart: Also apologies for the delay... things happened in my life and I got no time for this...



Did you enter the Camomons Teal Mask Tournament?

Looks like people that entered the tournament are concerned about giving their feedback on the metagame and we appreciate that! It gives more weight to the following answers we will discover together considering every player has played recently and is then quite up to date with the metagame.

However, we also notice only people having entered the tournament answered but one meaning there's no "hidden" Camomons playerbase somewhere. Again, Camomons suffers from a lack of activity and interest this generation despite our best efforts. This isn't really something new and we know the decline of Camomons started after it lost its place among "officials OM" (although Camomons was really part of them in fact) and its teamtour slots de facto. It's now an OM among others. But Camomons is also old and the concept has been explored quite a lot and doesn't make new players dream.

So is that the end for Camomons? Maybe not? Although the activity is overall quite low, we're still one of those OMs that manages to live outside from the temporary ladder happening at most 2 times a year. This reflects by the Discord activity and the few events with pretty decent success over the year! NatDex Camomons also emerged recently and helps maintening an overall Camomons community.

Which status best describes your level/knowledge of Camomons according to you?

More than half of the playerbase estimate to be an experienced Camomons player. It shows that the Camomons metagame managed to keep its playerbase over the recent years while seeing people progressing up to being confident about their Camomons knowledge. 21.4% of the respondents think to be at an intermediate level and probably because some began with the tournament and are not confident yet in their Camo knowledge. Finally, 21.4% consider themselves as beginners. A small number related to what we talked about before about Camomons aging and sometime having issue seducing people. We still notice it's more than 10% last time!


On a scale of 1-10, how much do you enjoy the current Camomons metagame?

Average value of 6.57/10. This is quite a big step backwards with respect to the last where we achieved 7.42/10. This is concerning and the reason why the council decided to hold this survey, feeling the community wasn't so happy with the current metagame. This isn't a bad mark in itself but the backing off made us think we have something to do. Since the DLC1 (and even home), the meta hasn't been explored a lot so we started this tournament knowing there will be some work to do considerint new things and unbanned ones.

On a scale of 1-10, how competitive do you think Camomons is currently?

Average value of 5.79/10. A score that is significantly lower than last survey, 6.68/10. This time however, the value itself is concerning. Most of you find the competitiveness of the current metagame to be not so good and we have to find solution. As you already noticed, we took the first step by banning both Iron Valiant and Manaphy that were quite uncompetitive and deemed too much as we'll see below. This is a step to reach more competitivess but we know there is still some work to do.

We're perfectly aware people still have concerns about some Pokemon or other things. Rest assured we will continue to follow the metagame to take the appropriate actions to continue the balancing process! We're still at the beginning of the generation so bear with us!

On a scale of 1-10, how diversified do you think Camomons is currently?

Average value of 6.21/10. This is the first time we ask this question so we have no point of comparison. This isn't a bad mark but neither a good one. Overall there's room to play a lot of things in Camo but some mons/cores and make teambuilding redundant. Especially, at the point we launched this survey, meta was centralized around HO/Offense and hazard stacking Balance teams. The council is commited to Camomons staying a metagame with a lot of possibilities cuz that's what people like. This is a point to improve though the competitiveness is currently more concerning.

Could you elaborate more on your answers? Is there something you want to share about the metagame?

To summarize a bit answers:
  • There is (was) some problematic elements that need (needed) to be adressed because there are some competitiveness issues.
  • Meta both feels diversified because there is many thing to play that are quite viable but also centralized around most consistent structures.
  • Hazards removal sucks.

Meta is enjoyable and diversified to me but has some competitiveness issues (like many meta this gen btw). However I don't think we're so far from reaching a satisfying state.

It's very easy to make a classic team and some mons are rly common (glisc, tusk, alomomola, pult in a way, slowking and glowking, ting-lu..) but there is still enough room to innovate (much better than AAA for example)

hard to build for me, lack of hazard control is very noticable

i think the meta is fine for now. There is a good amount of playable pokemon (i think some meta are more diversified, but i do think camo has been often centralized (maybe due to the poor playerbase). So compared to what camo have been, the meta is not centralized whie being competitive

offensive threats are too varied and there’s too much to account for in the builder. at this point it’s not enough to just run blanket checks like last gen. games just feel like fishing at that point

Q1. There's a lot of fun mons to play and build with both in the higher tiers of viability and all the random goons lurking below. Building is a bit of a mixed bag, I find it's more enjoyable if you plan a route to victory versus trying to cover threats and weaknesses (you probably can't). It's also nice that you can succeed with either fast-pace offense teams or fatter stuff.
Q2. Honestly I feel like half the metagame is just predicting which Pokemon your opponent forgot to cover for, there's a huge slew of dangerous breakers/setup sweepers that are available and it feels insane trying to prep for them all, especially when their base typing can be mixed-matched to change counterplay. There's definitely more solid team structures and cores which help even the playing field, but those being standardized would just leave them open for exploitation.
Q3. It's diverse in the sense that you have a lot of potential mons to include, but in a way the diversity feels lower if you want to make something consistent because of top mons strangling builds and demanding specific answers, or just being so splashable that you may as well use them. It feels pseudo-diverse in a way? Like there's a lot you could use, but way less rewarding and consistent.
If your team doesn't feature Alomomola/Gliscor/Glowking (could add Hydreigon/Ursaluna-B) you're doing something wrong.

I already did

Lack of movepool diversity especially for defensive Pokemon made players to rewire their thinking towards team building that majority of last generation's mainers may not be able to adapt.

I believe the Camomons is relatively diverse but there are several threats that are destructive to the metagame.

Because of the nature of camomons and the fact that you can make any mon pretty much any type combination, the meta is very diverse and no one team is exactly like another. There are however a couple elements that I think are a little too centralizing and have a loss of opportunity cost of not using on a team (iron valiant mainly, but also great tusk to a degree). Generally I find this meta to be very fun and building / playing in the kickoff tour has been very enjoyable so far.


How do you feel about Booster Energy?

There is no clear opinion on this question. The community is still quite splitted on the case of Booster Energy.

Booster Energy has been a controversial item since the beginning. The Camomons council decided to ban it almost immediatly after the release of this new generation in order to gauge "raw" paradox mon. With the release of the DLC, the council decided to give it another chance considering it might an interesting element to add into the metagame. This item made Iron Valiant too much for the metagame to handle and is pushing Iron Moth to a dangerous territory. However, outside from those 2, nothing proved to become broken with the item.
According to the standard tiering policy, we prefer to ban abusers first unless 2 or 3 mons prove to be too much and where we will consider changing target. And of course we're gonna keep a close eye on new paradox mons coming!

Which statement most accurately describes how you feel about Alomomola in Camomons?

A super majority of 64.3% are open to a tiering action against Alomomola even though finding it balanced most of the time!

Since Alomomola came back, it progressively climbed to the very top of Camomons thanks to an amazing defensive typing,
and its well known ability to pass immense Wish thanks to Flip Turn pivot. The ease with which Alomomola is able to cancel the progress you or your opponent madeis sometimes deemed uncompetitive and the reason why a lot of people don't really think this mon is completely fine. Considering people were open to tiering action against it, we voted and it ended up not being banned yet (0 Ban 2 ABS 3 DNB). We will continue to watch it especially since it took up as much space.

Which statement most accurately describes how you feel about Garganacl in Camomons?

A super majority of 78.6% think Garganacl is perfectly balanced and no action should be taken.

Garganacl was saw by some as annoying because it can be really frustrating to play against sometimes but overall there is a sufficient counterplay and limitations using Garganacl making it fine.

Which statement most accurately describes how you feel about Gliscor in Camomons?

A super majority of 64.3% think Gliscor is entirely balanced and no action should take place.

We were all scared of Gliscor coming back and becoming a deadly threat but... it did go this way yet? Surprisingly, Camomons mechanics actually nerf Spikes Gliscor. Why? Well, typically Spikes Gliscor likes to run EQ and Toxic, first is pressuring Steel and Poison while second is really efficient at making slow progress and countering bulky set. Then ofc you need Spikes and Protect is also somehow mandatory for staying power and to abuse even better Toxic. But... you can't use Toxic for typing otherwise no Poison Heal, Protect would be really bad defensively so... you can only get the mono Ground typing to play the usual set?! Yeah, that's it and the reason why this is cannot really exist in Camomons. Gliscor then often has to drop Toxic amazing utility for U-Turn allowing to run the
which isn't so far from its vanilla type... though you're now weak to Fire and not immune to Spikes anymore. So yeah, overall Spikes Gliscor is nerfed in Camomons and does suffer competition from other Spikers like Ting-Lu, Coalossal, Glimmora, etc.
Now offensive SD Gliscor is something different. This is the one we were the most scared but... people aren't really playing it? We assume this is due to the quite offensive nature of the metagame preventing such set to abuse passive and slow teams. We're still concerned about this set rising at some point but for now Gliscor has been fine.

Which statement most accurately describes how you feel about Great Tusk in Camomons?

A majority of 57.1% find Great Tusk to be perfectly balanced and fine.

Great Tusk has been pretty fine and so good since the beginning of the generation thanks to what it brings for a team, Rapid Spin, Knock Off, a strong Ground move and the defensive (and offense) utility of Fairy. Great Tusk has been able to pull on several hats being sometimes a defensive spinner able to take super effective Wave Crash from Band Jolly Palafin which is just amazing when we think to it or an offensive wincon with double dance set. Sometimes it's also a momentum generator thanks to Eject Pack. With the DLC arrival, Great Tusk won another string to his bow, the reintroduction of Booster Energy! While being one of the best abuser of the item in the current metagame, Great Tusk didn't become too hard to handle with it. Speed Boosting requires time to break cuz it's weak without setup and Atk Boosting is forced to click Rapid Spin in order to become a threat. Overall Great Tusk is still a stapple and perhaps the best mon in the metagame but quite far from being an issue as for now.

Which statement most accurately describes how you feel about Hydreigon in Camomons?

A super majority of 64.3% are open to any tiering action against Hydreigon and 21.4% think Hydreigon is broken and should go!

I will not take too much time here cuz Hydreigon was already discussed a lot on the last survey post but what's worth mentionning is that there's significantly less support for any tiering action against it compared to last survey. Ofc Hydreigon's case is still concerning but the introduction of Gking, Alomomola and the rise of RegenVest Cyclizar helps finding out against it through slowpivot. We will continue to watch it carefully of couse cuz a metagame shift can easily make it cross the red line.

Which statement most accurately describes how you feel about Iron Moth in Camomons?

A super majority of 71,5% are open to a tiering action against Iron Moth. An equal number of people finds it broken or balanced.

With Booster Energy, Moth rised a lot and entered a really dangerous territory being now only allowed to stay in the metagame by a tread. With the speed boost basically nothing is able to outspeed it meaning it's a big threat for offensive teams. Fiery Dance is a key move allowing it snowball very quickly if you're lucky enough to get this 50% chance boost. However Iron Moth has still some issue preventing it from being broken? Well, both Fiery Dance and Discharge often used together with the
typing are weak moves meaning Iron Moth really lacks immediate power to threat kills. Typically, Urshifu can handle +1 Fiery Dance/Discharge even being specially defensively quite frail, Kingambit can eat Fiery Dance at+2, etc. Running Energy Ball gives Iron Moth more weaknesses while not being much stronger than Discharge. Finally, Hurricane is an actual strong move but has drawbacks with bad accuracy and also making Iron Moth even weaker to SR when combined to Fiery Dance.
You can also run into very very bad MU in which Iron Moth will basically do nothing. This is the case when you run into
Slowking with either the Elec or Flying variant that are almost completely unable to make any progress against it. Palafin come back also helps a lot against Iron Moth offering offensive counterplay to it. Recent metagame development also showed a diversification of defensive core making Iron Moth less effective at abusing common ones.
Don't get me wrong however, this mon really is a threat that we will not overlook and if Camomons ladder comes back at some point, you can expect an Iron Moth suspect test if there's still a lot of support for.

Which statement most accurately describes how you feel about Iron Valiant in Camomons?

A super majority of 78.6% find Iron Valiant to be broken.

We heard you and we agree! With Booster Energy, Iron Valiant became too much for the metagame to handle without much offensive counterplay being even faster Iron Moth. The diversity of set it could run was just impossible to prepare for making it very frustrating and uncompetitive. This mon is now gone.

Which statement most accurately describes how you feel about Manaphy in Camomons?

A perfect 100% agreement to possibly take any tiering action against Manaphy with 42.9% of people estimating it has to go.

Nobody think Manaphy is balanced while a lot think it's broken? Well... maybe Manaphy is broken then? We discussed its case and ultimately we reached the conclusion the metagame would be better without. Manaphy was just able to pierce through pretty much anything without Unaware thanks to Tail Glow and a large enough coverage while being hard to revenge kill thanks to its natural bulk. Even Rillaboom wasn't an absolute counterplay due to Manaphy starting to run Rindo Berry against it. We decided this mon brought nothing positive to the metagame and the reason why we chose to ban it with your support.

Which statement most accurately describes how you feel about Palafin in Camomons?

A super majority of 75% is fine to take action against Palafin.

Well well well... Palafin is a controversial mon for sure. In the hero-form, it has a busted Atk stat of 160 while being decently fast and bulky. It has 2 very strong STAB in Wave Crash and Close Combat to break pretty much anything that doesn't resist them. And last but not least, it gets a strong pivoting move, Flip Turn AND a strong priority, Jet Punch. Palafin is then a deadly threat whenever it's able to reach it's hero form. However, recent meta changes proved it might be okay to keep it in the megame for now? Indeed, the rise of Alomomola to the very top combined to a continuing strong presence of Slowking (Poison and Psychic + Water variant) make its life much harder that what it was in the past. Hazards are also annoying for Palafin especially considering it always has to re-enter the field to activate the hero form meaning hazards might already be there.
If Band is by far the most played one, BU variants are also concerning being sometimes able to bypass typical counterplay. Even though we do see how it could be too much, Palafin is also an healthy element for the metagame as way to control offensive threat thanks to its priority.
So to conclude, yeah, Palafin might def be still too much but for now it doesn't look obvious so we will continue to watch it closely.

Which statement most accurately describes how you feel about Ursaluna-Bloodmoon in Camomons?

A SUPER majority of 91.7% is open to see action agaisnt Ursaluna-Bloodmoon!

Ursaluna-Bloodmoon is indeed a very concerning mon. It's immense physical bulk combined to Calm Mind and a recovery move is what we call a nightmare by Camomons standard. Camomons also allows Ursaluna-Bloodmoon to get a STAB priority with Vaccum Wave reducing offensive counterplay. However, 2 things still prevent us from banning it yet.
  • People aren't playing it? Well... it's hard to take any objective action against a mon with only a few appearance yeah.
  • Both Palafin and Rillaboom prevent the
    one from getting out of control.
Ursaluna-Bloodmoon is therefore definitely the one we're looking at the most especially considering people started to pair it with Rillaboom to abuse the Grassy Seed making it almost impossible to OHKO on the physical side.

Which statement most accurately describes how you feel about Zamazenta in Camomons?

A majority find Zamazenta to be perfectly balanced and no action should be taken againt it.

If you play Camomons, you should know doggo is both shit and dumb but like... 80% shit and 20% dumb lol. Overall with those many Ghost and Fairy within the metagame, Zamazenta has trouble abusing Body Press which is pretty much its only way of making constistent progress. When combined to STAB Crunch, you're having big issue against any Fairy with this x4 weakness and inability to hit them sufficiently strong without being at +5. Now when you run something else as secondary STAB, defensive Ghost will make fun of you. And if you try to not run STAB Body Press, you will get an even bigger issue with your damage output. In brief, there's always a problem with Zamazenta making it really MU fishy and not hard to prep for usually. Band pretty much dissapeared with the rise of Alomomola, Gliscor and hazards.

Do you mind elaborating on your answers? Is there something we didn't mention there that you think deserve attention? (Pokemon to unban/ban, item, moves, etc)

Overall people were indeed concerned a lot by Iron Valiant, Manaphy, Ursaluna-Bloodmoon, Hydreigon and Palafin. Alomomola was also mentionned quite a few times. Here a summarize of answers we did read and took into account when voting. Thanks a lot for having taken your time to make such great responses!

Valiant and Manaphy are 2 threats I find responsible of the competitiveness issue the meta currently has. Valiant has Booster speed + SD/CM + dumb movepool = russian roulette. Manaphy is one of the best "bulky setup sweeper" Camo hates to mess up with. Though Screens have been nerfed, Mana just need one turn to already be threatening as hell. Sticky has been a bit underexplored but they should completely break it like Mana Sticky in ORAS OU at some point. Some mons are annoying like Bloodmoon, Moth, Zama, Hydrei but things are less clear. Momola as an healthy aspect as defensive mon but also a unhealthy one as (too easy) progress remover with fat Wish. Pala and Gliscor look fine for now?
many of the mons above are hard to check but I've found them hard to get on the field and actually destroy a team (see: palafin, bloodmoon). Hydreigon is the only one that is almost impossible to check but also super hard to kill and I've always find it broken. Moth is bordeline cuz of BE, Valiant might be too much even w/o BE, unsure. I voted to ban BE but it's bc I don't see you banning both moth and valiant and banning just valiant isn't enough imo so id rather ban both of them and see OR ban BE and maybe valiant afterwards. Best would be Moth and Valiant imo. Also, Atha's opinion sucks
idt any of these are necessarily broken, but it wouldn't hurt to explore tiering options
garchomp, dragapult, lycanroc dusk
Overall I think a lot of mons teeter on the edge of being balanced, but at the same time I think too much stuff is legal that isn't really aiding in metagame health. There's not really any Pokemon that's "unanswerable" but many are just a huge headache to cover for or even remember you need to worry about. If it helps this is what I'd get rid of: -Ursaluna-Bloodmoon -Alomomola -Iron Valiant Alomomola might be the biggest problem because it's bulk is just obscene, Flip/Play Rough for Water/Fairy is super free and annoying strong, WishTect lets it wall a lot of stuff out or just bring a teammate back from the brink of death. The last bit is really the main issue, Mola can quickly reverse all the progress you made versus a particular mon because of its huge HP Wishes and slow Flip Turn providing multiple safe entry points. It's possible that it just pairs nicely with other brokens but there's a good chance it's just broken itself. Bloodmoon really shouldn't be legal. It's got great coverage, incredible stats, and hits like a freight train on the Special side. Very tough to take down even with strong attacks and can likely OHKO whatever hit it in return. I don't think this adds anything positive to the metagame. Valiant has insane set diversity in base game, let it have any typing and that gets much more difficult to handle. No Roaring Moon around helps it a ton since it's the fastest Booster Energy mon available. The big thing with Valiant is less the immediate damage output which I find to be underwhelming into bulkier teams, but rather access to moves like Encore or Destiny Bond which can immediately turn the tide of battle. Camo isn't as explored as larger metas so I doubt we've seen the extent of what Valiant is capable of and tbh I'd rather not deal with it. It's hard to really assess how strong certain Pokemon are, like Gliscor or Manaphy feel like they'd be annoying as hell to deal with but just don't feel amazing in practice? Perhaps that changes when more things go. Beyond the three mons above the issues with the meta are much harder to pin down. I think that Great Tusk and Hydreigon really raise the power levels of the metagame, but the former provides a whole ton with Stealth Rock and Rapid Spin, and the latter releases a lot of pressure when building thanks to Levitate and wide movepool. For Manaphy and Iron Moth, I find them to be generally manageable, but would support tiering action solely because they feel like additional threat overload the metagame doesn't need, without really offering much in return. Like in theory you could maybe run support Manaphy but honestly you just want Tail Glow + Screens or Rain. Palafin is the weirdest for me since I've not been impressed with its performance yet, it honestly comes off as being broken because just look at it, but building with it hasn't clicked and defensive answers feel more possible just because no Tera + mono Water is really good and that's harder to achieve in Camo. Bulk Up sets would probably be more annoying to deal with if you weren't giving yourself additional weaknesses due to movepool constrain.
Alomomola is Pex with pivot and a gigantic Wish. Any positioning mistake (if the wish was avoidable) is punished ridiculously hard. Alomomola is on the field for approximately half the turns of most games. Often if you get a u-turn on a switch to Alomomola, the best play is going to your own Alomomola to trade wishes.
(none so far)
Iron Moth and Iron Valiant both cannot co-exist with Booster Energy in the same tier, as the item pushes both Pokemon over the edge. Either action on both Pokemon or on Booster Energy will fix the problem. Hydreigon, Manaphy, and Ursaluna Bloodmoon are all incredibly potent special attackers with more variety than there is counterplay. Manaphy has set variety because of it's ability to either be bulky setup with Take Heart and Acid Armor or an absolutely devastating special attacker with Tail Glow. Hydreigon has an astounding variety of types that make it able to tailor itself to any perceived check or its own teammates, with a ton of power further accompanied by Nasty Plot and/or a boosting item that make it able to blast through pokemon that simply try to check it using neutralities. Ursaluna Bloodmoon both has devastating power and a lot of bulk, letting it create it's own setup opportunities and steamroll teams that struggle to KO it or mess with it's longevity. It's ability also allows it to have virtually perfect coverage on a lot of it's types, of which it has several viable types as well, and it's immense power means that these types often completely change it's checks and counters, of which there are already so few.
Maaaaybe palafin but I haven't really seen it be used all that much so I'm not really sure how good it is rn. Most of these mons are just very solid mons that I don't think should be banned rn (outside of val) but I wouldn't mind tiering action. Regarding alomomola and garganacl specifically, I think that they have some element of broken-ness to them (especially garg) however due to there being so much offense going around, I think that their presence as defensive mons is a healthy one.

What do you think about the VL? Do you have any suggestions and recommendations to make the VL (and incoming VRs) better?

A super majority of 71.4% finds VL to be good as it is right now. About a third of you also want the VL/VRs to include sample sets to use (see AAA VRs for example).

We're happy to see you're pretty satisfied about the current Viability List (VL) that will soon be updated to be Viability Rankings with a tentative for new mons and returning ones! According to your answers, if something, we're going to add sample set to use through clickable links to pokepaste.

What resources are you looking forward to see?

About half of you find current resources to be enough an the other half would like to see sample sets!

Camomons has now quite a lot of resources for such a "small metagame" with a VL/VRs, sample teams, typing compendium and a role compendium. This probably more than enough to help people building but we do note sample sets might help people to get started or just build more easily. Some of you also want to see good cores to dive even more in the teambuilding.


If we want to host a crossover (Camo x something) tournament, can you rate your interest for the following proposals? ?

A super majority might be interested by a Camomons x Old Gen tour and/or by an OM x Camomons tour. There's also some interest for NatDex Camo.

The priority for now will be to develop the post DLC II metagame but we took our wishes into account for future events!

Will you be interested in other activities outside from classical solo tour?

No real will for something in particular but people are overall open to join pretty much any event Camomons-related!

That's again good to hear! Because our community seems to support almost any type of activity, we will hopefully continue to do our best to make Camomons live for and with you :blobnom:


Is there something you want to share with the council to conclude this survey?

You have addressed me in this section more than anything elese LOL! And like last survey, you guys were really kind! :blobnom: There's an overall recognition of efforts made by the council to make Camomons live and you appreciate that. Some also wishe Camomons ladder will come back at some point but it's out of our hands unfortunately!

It concludes this analyze of the survey results! Thanks again for your answers and we're glad you seem to enjoy Camomons and support our last actions! Have a good day everybody and stay tuned for the next post incoming with tiering decisions about DLC 2!


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:greninja:COUNCIL NEWS:cinderace:

Good day everybody! Here are the plans for this second DLC now up on PS:

Pokemon added to the banlist:

Pokemon banned last generation now ALLOWED:

The banlist was decided with unanimous agreement from council members and here the votes for unbans:
Karl Dude Guy​
:deoxys-defense: Deoxys-Defense
:deoxys-speed: Deoxys-Speed

The council doesn't intend to free anything that was previously banned. If you think something deserves another chance, feel free to make an argument on the thread to explain how we should revisit this ban considering DLC stuff.

You can also find the updated watchlist here:
★★★ ALL EYES ON ★★★

:deoxys-speed: Deoxys-Speed
:iron moth: Iron Moth
:ursaluna-bloodmoon: Ursaluna-Bloodmoon
:booster energy: Booster Energy


:alomomola: Alomomola
:deoxys-defense: Deoxys-Defense
:gouging-fire: Gouging-Fire
:hydreigon: Hydreigon
:iron boulder: Iron Boulder
:latias: Latias
:latios: Latios
:lycanroc-dusk: Lycanroc-Dusk
:palafin-hero: Palafin
:zamazenta: Zamazenta
Calm Mind


:cresselia: Cresselia
:garganacl: Garganacl
:gliscor: Gliscor
:heracross: Heracross
:hoopa-unbound: Hoopa-Unbound
:iron crown: Iron Crown
:necrozma: Necrozma
:raging bolt: Raging Bolt
:slowking-galar: Slowking-Galar
:terapagos: Terapagos
:ursaluna: Ursaluna
:damp rock: Damp Rock
:heat rock: Heat Rock

What's about Terapagos?

After testing on PS, Terapagos switches to its Terastal form upon switch-in as intended AND KEEPS it's Camomons typing. Considering Tera is banned in Camomons, it cannot access it's Stellar form with the Stellar tera type.

The Number Man resigned from his council position. TNM supported Camomons all those years especially during the review of the 6th tournament slot last generation at the end of which Camomons lost his place as "official OM". He was also considered as one of the strongest Camomons players of all time achieving great performances in many Camomons related tournaments. In brief, while quite inactive this generation, TNM was a pillar of our metagame for years. We thank him for all his support and wish him all the best for the future!

Expect another post soon with Teal Mask VRs with tour stats and rankings tentative of new mons (those innaccurate VRs will be reviewed after more development)

Tagging Kris for updates, thanks for your work and time!
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This is way too damn good, not only is the HO lead an absolute menace that abnormally boosts those teams by guaranteeing spikes and momentum via teleport while denying any lead that isn't itself a chance to do anything meaningful, but its way too stupidly fast for a pokemon that gets nasty plot or high BP moves it can take as STABS like superpower, knock off, and psycho boost for choice sets. This isn't even getting into the absolutely absurd coverage it has with it's access to boltbeam coverage (Special OR physical) energy ball, fire punch, pretty much every offensive tool it needs to more than make up for its "middling" offensive stats. Its well rounded stats let it do anything and on a pokemon that's naturally faster than a slew of common scarfers and even some weather mons.
It is long overdue for Booster to go. A crazy enabler of HO teams and a limiter of what a paradox mon is allowed to be or do. Admittedly some of the new mons feel ok with it, like Raging Bolt (Oh boy, I can't wait to run base type Raging Bolt in camo-Is that a ground/fairy Great Tusk?) and Gouging Fire sometimes feels like it lacks a little oomph against certain opponents with just the booster and no other boosts like sun and/or an item on top of protosynth, but Iron Crown seems quite good from what little I've seen/used of it so far (It sure is the CEO of being a steel type with calm mind access) and uh.......Yeah.....How about that Iron Boulder fella......With 124 base speed, great coverage and signature move, and the booster.....Crazy that. Not to mention the continued dominance of Moth only now slightly halted by an even faster Booster mon in town because booster is fair and balanced. By the way, why haven't more people been using Walking Wake with this on weatherless? Its surprisingly strong when I used/gone against it even though sun is still Wake's main home. This might be your chance to try it if Booster bites it soon.
I didn't like it pre-DLC2 and I don't like it post DLC2, It is very bulky, very strong, has incredible type combinations, the only reason in my mind this dodged the hammer is because people really weren't using it in DLC1, but its very rapidly starting to creep up on us.
I think people forgot we still have this unbanned because I haven't really seen it, its definitely not immediately broken in a world without tera, but its stat distribution, coverage, and ability are still awesome and lends it to having a ton of potential sets with it's wide movepool. Maybe its waiting for Deo-S and the booster goons to calm down before it really takes the world by storm.
These seem very strong, Their signature moves are now 95 base power with a 50% activation rate on their secondary effects, because apparently game freak REALLY wants us to use psychic STAB on these. But they're far more than that. Latias has access to reliable fairy STAB now, Latios has access to flip turn making it a momentum machine in addition to the disgustingly fast bruiser it's always been. They kept/gained enough moves each for a lot of different type/coverage options as well. They're already good in this meta, but I expect them to step up even further if it slows down from mach 5 to mach 4, future best mons with the potential to be broken once its their turn to be at the top of the totem.
I'm still not sold on this being balanced, but I've seen too many fast teams and Deo-S opportunity cost for this to really shine as a broken on its own. If it does turn out to be a menace though, I'm preparing the "I told you so" in advance.
I feel like people thought this was going to work a certain way when we unbanned it but now its starting to zag when we thought it could only zig. This has some amazing set variety with its gargantuan hero stats and a handful of types/sets it can use. The water/fight bander is still pretty bog standard but pretty much everything that isn't the water/fight bander usually has ways to parry standard band counterplay. The only downside to Palafin if you can even call it one is that it didn't really get anything from DLC2 but what it was starting to do in DLC1 was already so strong that I could see this continuing to climb the ladder once we ban the broken-er brokens and get back into the kitchen with this.
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Hello, everyone! Apart from Smallsmallrose who made her own insights (huge thanks), how is the metagame post-Indigo Disk going: fun? challenging? competitive? That said, the Council has made a few decisions on key Pokemon that would be problematic for this metagame, and for transparency, here's the voting slate for today:





Karl Dude Guy
Booster Energy​
BAN (4-0)
(follow-up: Iron Valiant)​
FREE (3-1)
BAN (4-0)
BAN (3-0)

With that, I bring you all the news: Deoxys-Speed, Ursaluna-Bloodmoon, and Booster Energy have been banned, and Iron Valiant is freed in Camomons as a result of the Booster Energy ban.

Some rapid-fire reasons as to why these Pokemon got banned:

elevated hyper offensive teams and prevented bulky opponents to clear hazards this Pokemon brings to the table
is the opposite of Deoxys-Speed that is way too bulky for opposing Pokemon to handle; its Base 65 Special Defense mitigated such problem once set up with Calm Mind
is due to a plethora of Paradox Pokemon introduced in the Indigo Disk DLC that would be too much to handle if such Paradox Pokemon are the ones being banned which ended up with Booster Energy ban being the solution to the problem; again, as consequence to this ban, Iron Valiant gets freed

Tagging Kris to implement this ban; thank you in advance!

I will be stepping down as leader of the Camomons metagame, but I will still remain as Council for the time being. My energy in the forums have been devoted to somewhere else (hello, DPP 1v1), and coupled with other real-life matters, I think the time is ripe for me to step down. As an early Christmas gift, I have handpicked Siamato as the metagame's overlord leader due to the massive contributions he have made in this metagame that eclipsed mine for far too long. As such, requesting Giagantic to make necessary arrangements in this thread.
May I ask you to review this team?

:walking wake: Fire/Water pivot with HDB; Knock Off to remove AV and to annoy defensive walls

:gouging fire: Fire/Ground with DD. Morning Sun helps a lot with Flare Blitz recoil

:torkoal: Poison/Fighting gives interesting resistances

:roaring moon: Flying/Steel is a good typing. Also uses DD

:venusaur: Fire/Grass. LO + 3 moves. Sunny Day gives Fire type to abuse Weather Ball

:raging bolt: Regular one. I don't know if I should go Specs or CM.

Any remarks appreciated! Thank you!

edit: Since Roaring Moon is banned here, here the new export (:Great Tusk: as substitute):
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:greninja:COUNCIL NEWS:cinderace:

Camomons Viability Rankings
Pokemon in each rank are listed in alphabetical order.
[Last update: 12/01/2023]

The purpose of this resource is to classify in ranks the viable Pokemon in SV Camomons while showing, as much as possible, the most viable typings. The more the viability of the Pokemon, the more the details.

For Pokemon in the ★★★ TOP TIER ★★★ and ★★★ HIGH ★★★ rank, best type combinations are shown as well as more niche ones (as indicated in brackets). The movepool of the Pokemon is also included to see easier how to get which or which type.

For Pokemon in the ★★ MID ★★ rank, only typing are available.

And finally, for
★ LOW ★ rank, only mons are presented. Those mons have a hypothetical niche but are generally outclassed.

Viability Rankings are for information only with the goal to give a better picture of the metagame; you can of course play whatever Pokemon you want with whatever typing based on its movepool. However, from a competitive point of view, this resource will help you identifying the biggest threats in order to adapt your teambuilding while giving you ideas.

Written by Siamato.
II. Role Compendium
III. Typing Compendium

Good day everybody! I wish to all of you a happy new year with my best wishes before anything else :heart:

Camomons resources have been updated! Check out the first picture of the post DLC II metagame made by the council and Camo Kickoff Tour finalists, SammyCe123 and winner, Mossy Sandwich who agreed to help! Feel free to discuss rankings in this thread or ask for more information!
Also, BOX with importable sets have been spread through the Role Compendium! Maybe it will help you to build more easily!

Speaking of Camo Kickoff Tour, here the partial* stats.
Great Tusk​
Iron Valiant
Iron Moth​
Ninetales-Alola (Light Clay banned earlier)​

Slither Wing​
*Note 1: Those stats are partial because a few games have been lost due to the replay loss that happened on November/December. I hopefully had a save considering I had taken a look before the end of the tournament.
Note 2: For simplicity, only Pokemon with usage over 4.52% or more are shown.

We're also open to sample teams submission in order to help beginners starting in Camomons with pretty decent teams! I put a few teams by myself but we're looking for more!

Now here's an announcement that may sound like a thunderclap: I'm resigning from my Camomons leader position and from my council one as well.

I've been quite good at lying to most of you, making you think everything was fine, but the reality is that my world, perhaps my life too, are fading away. Yeah, in my real life, quite a lot of things happened and I'm definitely unable to get over them. I finally decided it was time to stop lying, to stop forcing myself to do something I didn't want to do anymore and take my time to recover, one day, maybe. And even without talking about that, my work doesn't give me time for this anymore.

You all know I've been the figure of Camomons for years now. I made a name for myself during gen7 and beginning of gen8 by winning tournaments, achieving great performance in OMWC and OMPL and becoming the figurehead of the french community. I then supported Camomons in the shadow mid gen8 until the "CM drama" happened. I was the one the most involved in this matter that has taken on disproportionate scale, becoming a tiering policy issue making all this drama. Finally, I decided to accept The Number Man's ?? proposal to join the council and work under the light to make Camomons better after we managed to get CM banned.

Within the council, everything was not fine either. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that I've done almost everything! Of course, I did it willingly, out of love for this metagame. This was not always easy especially considering I had problems with the activity of ex-TL, Euphonos, preventing me from doing what I wanted to do. Ironically, he finally gave up his seat when I had already decided to leave. I didn't know it was possible to be so attached to a position that brought no prestige but only responsibility, a responsibility he was no longer able to assume since a long time.
Now I'm tired. I'm tired of keeping Camomons alive and carrying its fate on my shoulders. If this metagame is bound to die, so be it, I will finally let it rest in peace. This is unfort but Camomons never managed to recapture its past success and here we are now, small metagames among others trying to survive.

Perhaps Camomons will not die however. I've seen some hope, some people who shared my appreciation of this metagame. So here's my latest leadership initiatives:

Smallsmallrose, you've been supporting Camomons for years now and you're still one of the most active member of our community. I never get to nom you for being part of the council because I was worried of your tendency to easily, too easily, lift the ban hammer on things without letting any chance. However, you're completely deserving considering your knowledge of the metagame and your involvement.

SammyCe123 and ghostlike, I still don't know how I managed to make you follow me in Camomons but I'm glad I managed to do it. It was really funny those last months and weeks to explore Camomons with you guys! Your youth (in the sense of knowledge of this meta) was like a breath of fresh air to me. You've shown a level of interest in the metagame that I didn't expect, exceeding my expectations. Perhaps you guys are what Camomons needs now: get rid of those old, tired and bitter players to start a new spring. If you guys want to, I'm pretty sure you could become fine council members and push this metagame forward like Clas and ponchlake during their time, becoming council members while not being so experienced.

I didn't ask you to join council before because it's not fair to ask and then leave, letting you alone. It's then a nomination, you'll see with the new metagame leader, Karl Dude Guy.

I'm sorry to pass the torch to you like this Karl. You've been playing Camomons since generations now and I pushed for you to join the council at the beginning of this generation ; when you returned with a will to explore Camomons again. It was very cool to get a quality partner to play some games and talk about the metagame. To me, among current council members, you're the most deserving. Maybe it's too much for you, I don't know, you'll be free to resign as I did or to share this responsability by chosing a co-leader.
All the resources should be up to date as for now because I didn't want to leave and let you suddently carry this weight and responsability.

So now I'm done with Camomons, Smogon and PS. I wasted enough time and sacrificed too much things until now due to this bad addiction for pretty much 0 acknowledgement (not like I was looking for some anw). Hopefully, I was still able to get some from those good people I met there who were enough to push me getting involved for the community. Some of them were real model and changed me. I thank them for teaching me how much better would be this world if we all tried to spread more kindness and love around us. I wish them all the best for the future.

Believe it or not but this time, this is farewell.

~ Siamato

Pinning Giagantic for resource posts ownership transfer (1-4), thanks.
:greninja:COUNCIL NEWS:cinderace:

Hello everyone! I hope you are well and I have some news for you.


Siamato, Euphonos, and ponchlake stepped down from council. Thank you all for your contributions!

Next, welcome Smallsmallrose, ghostlike, and SammyCe123 to the Camomons Council! With many new council members we started with our new watchlist for 2024:

★★★ ALL EYES ON ★★★

:deoxys-defense: Deoxys-Defense
:iron boulder: Iron Boulder
:latios: Latios
:palafin-hero: Palafin
:porygon-z: Porygon-Z


:alomomola: Alomomola
:hydreigon: Hydreigon
:iron valiant: Iron Valiant
:latias: Latias
:lycanroc-dusk: Lycanroc-Dusk
:terapagos: Terapagos
:zamazenta: Zamazenta
Calm Mind


:cresselia: Cresselia
:garganacl: Garganacl
:gliscor: Gliscor
:gouging-fire: Gouging-Fire
:heracross: Heracross
:hoopa-unbound: Hoopa-Unbound
:iron moth: Iron Moth
:necrozma: Necrozma
:raging bolt: Raging Bolt
:reuniclus: Reuniclus
:ursaluna: Ursaluna
:damp rock: Damp Rock
:heat rock: Heat Rock