wanted to try out spiritomb due to its ability to blank alakazam and fight/psy reuniclus. with significant spdef investment + rest, it can sit on tentacruel pretty decently (252/192+ ensures that you're not 4hko'd w/ lefties, letting you rest loop it even with a single crit), while doing well vs starmie with a combination of sucker punch/pursuit. It can't really do shit vs excadrill however, so I'd originally paired it with
rocky helmet skarm to try to mu well vs the 3 major spinners, but it was pretty difficult to fit SR without compromising the teams offensive presence.
now as spiritomb's whole niche is walling psychics, I wanted to ensure the psyspikes mu was as good as possible. While it can't be touched by psy/fight reuniclus, it can't really do any damage vs it either. If reuni has different coverage, this can lead to a loss. Spiritomb also needs hazards cleared to function decently, so excadrill was an obvious pick both as a spinner and a counter to ice/elec reuniclus. the team was ridiculously slow at this point, so I needed to add some speed. Since tomb takes care of alakazam, and excadrill needs sand to function optimally, scarftar was a pretty easy choice for some speed control. I utilized sr as filler to try to set it up t1 vs hyper offense teams, while excadrill can hopefully find a turn to set it vs more balanced teams.
4 mons in and I had no water resists, so I wanted to make use of my last 2 slots to remedy this. my first choice was keldeo, as it appreciates excadrill's spin support, and can be a real headache for rain with the sub tect set I chose. Substitute seems counterintuitive on sand, but it main use is to turn tentacruel into set up bait. pursuit the latios if they've got one and rain has a real problem on their hands. the last pick was my own latios. I went with a hp fire colbur set to try to hit ferrothorn as I had a pretty hard time of actually killing the damn thing.
changed skarm to ferro mainly for the ease of getting sr up, giving us the final team. Thunder wave or even explosion over knock off to prevent volc from setting up and sweeping as you set sr. the main issue is the lack of a real physical stopgap like lando/gliscor, but this can be played around by being proactive around threats like excadrill/terak/landorus. 3 mons over 346 speed help manage this too.