STAB Buzzwole [DONE]

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name: No Retreat
move 1: No Retreat
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Ice Punch
item: Life Orb
ability: Beast Boost
nature: Jolly
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe


No Retreat Buzzwole is an incredibly dangerous sweeper on hyper offense, using its solid defensive typing to switch in on Pokemon like Rillaboom and Tyranitar and set up with ease. Close Combat hits incredibly hard at +1, OHKOing Pokemon like Rotom-W, Seismitoad, and Toxapex after minor chip damage. Earthquake allows Buzzwole to beat Toxapex and Galarian Slowking reliably while letting it KO weakened Pokemon without dropping stats, and Ice Punch makes Tornadus-T and Zapdos less safe as checks. Even when boosted, Buzzwole is entirely helpless against Pokemon like Clefable and opposing physically defensive Buzzwole. Therefore, Pokemon like Gengar, Heatran, and Zeraora make for solid partners, with Zeraora in particular overwhelming physical walls for Buzzwole and teammates like Gyarados, Mimikyu, and Scizor. Rotom-W pivots out on walls like Blissey and Ferrothorn, giving Buzzwole more chances to set up freely.

name: Choice Band
move 1: Close Combat
move 2: First Impression
move 3: Thunder Punch
move 4: U-turn
item: Choice Band
ability: Beast Boost
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Choice Band gives Buzzwole an immediate power boost, allowing it to break through bulky walls like Seismitoad, Corviknight, and Ferrothorn. First Impression provides Buzzwole with valuable revenge killing capabilities, KOing frail, faster threats like Zeraora, Latios, and Aerodactyl. Thunder Punch hits bulky Water- and Flying-types like Tornadus-T, Toxapex, and Gyarados, notably 2HKOing physically defensive Toxapex. U-turn lets Buzzwole pivot out on switch-ins like Clefable and Zapdos, letting a teammate like Gengar, Melmetal, or Heatran take advantage of them. Rotom-W forms a solid VoltTurn core with Buzzwole, with Rotom-W forcing in the likes of Ferrothorn and Blissey to pivot Buzzwole in on them, (I imagine?) as well as pressuring physically defensive Toxapex. Future Sight and Doom Desire users like Galarian Slowking and Heatran are solid partners to dissuade Pokemon resistant to Fighting, like Toxapex and Tornadus-T, from switching in on Buzzwole. Future Sight's damage also lets Buzzwole break through Clefable. Spikes is incredibly useful for taking advantage of the switches that Buzzwole forces. Mudsdale and Seismitoad provide Spikes support, with Seismitoad even able to bring Buzzwole in through Flip Turn.

name: Defensive Pivot
move 1: Body Press
move 2: U-turn
move 3: Toxic
move 4: Roost
item: Rocky Helmet
ability: Beast Boost
nature: Impish
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe


Defensive Buzzwole can switch in on a bevy of Pokemon, including Mudsdale, Tyranitar, Terrakion, and even opposing Buzzwole. It can then use U-turn to bring in a teammate or a defensive partner, or Toxic to punish switch-ins like Tornadus-T and Seismitoad. Roost allows Buzzwole to stay healthy and check threats long-term. Rocky Helmet with the aforementioned Toxic allows Buzzwole to spread enormous chip damage, wearing down walls to pave the way for Pokemon like Cinderace and Aerodactyl to clean up. This set has no way of beating Tornadus-T and Clefable, so Pokemon that can deal with them like Aerodactyl, Melmetal, and Tyranitar are incredibly solid partners. Specially defensive pivots like Slowking and Assault Vest Toxapex cover Buzzwole's weakness to special attackers like Keldeo and Latios, and they form a pivot core with it, making it easier to bring in wallbreakers like Aerodactyl, Tyranitar, and Gengar. Buzzwole checks Tyranitar and deals with Ferrothorn in return.

- Written by: [[Sulo, 528036]]
- Quality checked by: [[in the hills, 324242], [Greybaum, 407249]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Adeleine, 517429]]
Last edited:
name: No Retreat
move 1: No Retreat
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Ice Punch
item: Life Orb
ability: Beast Boost
nature: Jolly
evs: 16 HP / 252 Atk / 240 Spe 16 HP / 240 Atk / 252 Spe 252 Spe is required to speed tie with Zeraora at +1


No Retreat Buzzwole is an incredibly dangerous sweeper, using its solid defensive typing in Bug/Fighting to switch in on Pokemon like Mudsdale mudsdale acts a soft check due to Stamina Rillaboom and Tyranitar and set up with ease. Close Combat hits incredibly hard at +1, denting or even OHKOing Pokemon like Rotom-H, Seismitoad, and Corviknight. Earthquake allows Buzzwole to beat Toxapex, (AC) Gengar, (AC) and Galarian Slowking reliably, and Ice Punch makes Tornadus-T much less safe of a check, and picks off weakened Mudsdale. The given EVs allow Buzzwole to get one more attack off before fainting off Life Orb recoil. Even when boosted, Buzzwole is entirely helpless against Pokemon like Clefable and Slowking. As such, Pokemon like Ferrothorn, Heatran, and Zeraora make for solid partners. Zeraora, in particular, appreciates Buzzwole wearing down Ground-types its checks like Seismitoad and Mudsdale Ferrothorn. Rotom-W pivots out on walls like Blissey and Ferrothorn, giving Buzzwole more chances to set up freely.

name: Choice Band
move 1: Close Combat
move 2: First Impression
move 3: Thunder Punch
move 4: U-turn
item: Choice Band
ability: Beast Boost
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Choice Band gives Buzzwole a much more immediate power boost, allowing it to break through bulky walls like Seismitoad, Corviknight, and Ferrothorn. First Impression provides Buzzwole with valuable revenge killing capabilities, KOing frail, faster threats like Zeraora, Cinderace Latios, and Aerodactyl. Thunder Punch hits bulky Water- and Flying-types like Tornadus-T, (ac) and Toxapex, and Gyarados, notably 2HKOing physically defensive Toxapex. U-turn lets Buzzwole pivot out on switch-ins like Clefable and Mudsdale, letting a teammate like Volcanion Gengar, Melmetal, or Heatran take advantage of them. Rotom-W forms a solid VoltTurn core with Buzzwole, with Rotom-W forcing in the likes of Ferrothorn and Blissey, as well as being able to deal with physically defensive walls like Mudsdale. Future Sight users like Galarian Slowking are solid partners for their ability to dissuade Pokemon resistant to Fighting from switching in on Buzzwole. The damage that Future Sight does also lets Buzzwole break through Clefable. Spikes are incredibly useful for taking advantage of the switches that Buzzwole forces. Mudsdale and Seismitoad are solid Spikes setters provide Buzzwole with Spikes support, with Seismitoad even being able to bring Buzzwole in through Flip Turn.

name: Defensive Pivot
move 1: Body Press
move 2: U-turn
move 3: Toxic
move 4: Roost
item: Rocky Helmet
ability: Beast Boost
nature: Impish
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe


Buzzwole has incredibly valuable defensive utility, which lets it opt for a pivot set that takes advantage of this This sentence feels unnecessary tbh, it doesnt really say anything of substance. It Defensive Buzzwole can switch in on a bevy of Pokemon, including Mudsdale, Tyranitar, Terrakion, and even opposing Buzzwole. It can then use U-turn to bring in a teammate or a defensive partner, or Toxic to punish switch-ins like Tornadus-T and Seismitoad. Roost allows Buzzwole to stay healthy over the course of a game, letting it check threats long-term. Rocky Helmet in conjunction with the aforementioned Toxic allows Buzzwole to spread huge amounts of chip damage, wearing down walls to pave the way for Pokemon like Cinderace and Aerodactyl to clean up. This set has no way of beating Tornadus-T and Clefable, so Pokemon that can deal with them like Aerodactyl, Melmetal, and Tyranitar are incredibly solid partners. Water-types like Rotom-W and Slowking can check opposing offensive Water- and Fire-types like Keldeo, Volcanion, Rotom-H, and Cinderace, with Buzzwole checking Tyranitar and dealing with Ferrothorn in return.

- Written by: [[Sulo, 528036]]
- Quality checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]
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QC 1/2
Good work!
name: No Retreat
move 1: No Retreat
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Ice Punch
item: Life Orb
ability: Beast Boost
nature: Jolly
evs: 16 HP / 240 Atk / 256 Spe 4HP 252 Attack; spoken to QC and they agree it's more important to improve damage rolls on mons like pex instead of trying to cheese LO numbers. also you put 256 speed by mistake


No Retreat Buzzwole is an incredibly dangerous sweeper, using its solid defensive typing remove double space to switch in on Pokemon like Rillaboom and Tyranitar and set up with ease. Close Combat hits incredibly hard at +1, denting or OHKOing Pokemon like Rotom-H, Seismitoad, and Corviknight would remove denting and change this to smth like "OHKOing rotom-w, seismitoad, and toxapex after minor chip" since they all need rocks or a happy roll. Earthquake allows Buzzwole to beat Toxapex, Gengar, and Galarian Slowking reliably remove gengar (+1 ice punch kills it) and mention that EQ can take out weakened mons without dropping your stats, and Ice Punch makes Tornadus-T much less safe of a check, and picks off weakened Mudsdale id mention specs latios instead here; mudsdale takes more from close combat than it does ice punch and latios is actually an important target. specify specs because you lose to scarf of course. The given EVs allow Buzzwole to get one more attack off before fainting off Life Orb recoil as long as your hp stat isn't divisible by 10 i dont think this matters, cut the sentence. Even when boosted, Buzzwole is entirely helpless against Pokemon like Clefable and Slowking slowking takes almost 80% from +1 eq, change to physdef buzzwole. As such, Pokemon like Ferrothorn, Heatran, and Zeraora change mentions to be more relevant to clef/buzz make for solid partners. Zeraora, in particular, appreciates Buzzwole wearing down its checks like Seismitoad and Ferrothorn. i would argue it doesn't actually do this, it just kills them if the opponent lets you, which is different. instead id talk more about how it fits into hyper offense builds and can overwhelm physical walls which benefits other sweepers like gyarados and mimikyu (and scizor which can set up on clef :D) Rotom-W pivots out on walls like Blissey and Ferrothorn, giving Buzzwole more chances to set up freely.

name: Choice Band
move 1: Close Combat
move 2: First Impression
move 3: Thunder Punch
move 4: U-turn
item: Choice Band
ability: Beast Boost
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Choice Band gives Buzzwole a much more immediate power boost, allowing it to break through bulky walls like Seismitoad, Corviknight, and Ferrothorn. First Impression provides Buzzwole with valuable revenge killing capabilities, KOing frail, faster threats like Zeraora, Latios, and Aerodactyl. Thunder Punch hits bulky Water- and Flying-types like Tornadus-T, Toxapex, and Gyarados, notably 2HKOing physically defensive Toxapex. U-turn lets Buzzwole pivot out on switch-ins like Clefable and Mudsdale mudsdale is 2HKOd by close combat; zapdos instead maybe?, letting a teammate like Gengar, Melmetal, or Heatran take advantage of them. Rotom-W forms a solid VoltTurn core with Buzzwole, with Rotom-W forcing in the likes of Ferrothorn and Blissey, as well as being able to deal with physically defensive walls like Mudsdale again muds gets 2HKOd, mention how it can pressure physdef toxapex instead. Future Sight users like Galarian Slowking are solid partners for their ability to dissuade Pokemon name examples resistant to Fighting from switching in on Buzzwole. The damage that Future Sight does also lets Buzzwole break through Clefable. Spikes are incredibly useful for taking advantage of the switches that Buzzwole forces. Mudsdale and Seismitoad provide Buzzwole with Spikes support, with Seismitoad even being able to bring Buzzwole in through Flip Turn.

name: Defensive Pivot
move 1: Body Press
move 2: U-turn
move 3: Toxic
move 4: Roost
item: Rocky Helmet
ability: Beast Boost
nature: Impish
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe


Defensive Buzzwole can switch in on a bevy of Pokemon, including Mudsdale, Tyranitar, Terrakion, and even opposing Buzzwole. It can then use U-turn to bring in a teammate or a defensive partner, or Toxic to punish switch-ins like Tornadus-T and Seismitoad. Roost allows Buzzwole to stay healthy over the course of a game, letting it check threats long-term. Rocky Helmet in conjunction with the aforementioned Toxic allows Buzzwole to spread huge amounts of chip damage, wearing down walls to pave the way for Pokemon like Cinderace and Aerodactyl to clean up. This set has no way of beating Tornadus-T and Clefable, so Pokemon that can deal with them like Aerodactyl, Melmetal, and Tyranitar are incredibly solid partners. Water-types like Rotom-W and Slowking can check opposing offensive Water- and Fire-types like Keldeo, Volcanion, Rotom-H, and Cinderace rotom-w kinda loses to all of these; maybe rework this sentence to talk about spdef pivots like slowking & av pex forming a defensive voltturn core with buzz to bring in breakers (name them too e.g. cb ttar) and covering special attackers like keldeo volc heatran latios, with Buzzwole checking Tyranitar and dealing with Ferrothorn in return.

- Written by: [[Sulo, 528036]]
- Quality checked by: [[in the hills, 324242], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]
amateur check tres, nice job!

gbm QC Stamp - fake.png
name: No Retreat
move 1: No Retreat
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Ice Punch
item: Life Orb
ability: Beast Boost
nature: Jolly
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe


No Retreat Buzzwole is an incredibly dangerous sweeper, using its solid defensive typing to switch in on Pokemon like Rillaboom and Tyranitar and set up with ease. Close Combat hits incredibly hard at +1, OHKOing Pokemon like Rotom-W, Seismitoad, and Toxapex after minor chip damage. Earthquake allows Buzzwole to beat Toxapex and Galarian Slowking reliably while letting you KO weakened Pokemon without dropping stats, and Ice Punch makes Tornadus-T much less safe of a check, and picks off Choice Specs Latios. Even when boosted, Buzzwole is entirely helpless against Pokemon like Clefable and opposing physically defensive Buzzwole. As such, Pokemon like Gengar, Heatran, and Zeraora make for solid partners. Zeraora, in particular, is a natural fit on hyper offense teams Buzzwole is used on, and can overwhelm physical walls for Buzzwole and teammates like Gyarados, Mimikyu, and Scizor. Rotom-W pivots out on walls like Blissey and Ferrothorn, giving Buzzwole more chances to set up freely.

name: Choice Band
move 1: Close Combat
move 2: First Impression
move 3: Thunder Punch
move 4: U-turn
item: Choice Band
ability: Beast Boost
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Choice Band gives Buzzwole a much more immediate power boost, allowing it to break through bulky walls like Seismitoad, Corviknight, and Ferrothorn. First Impression provides Buzzwole with valuable revenge killing capabilities, KOing frail, faster threats like Zeraora, Latios, and Aerodactyl. Thunder Punch hits bulky Water- and Flying-types like Tornadus-T, Toxapex, and Gyarados, notably 2HKOing physically defensive Toxapex. U-turn lets Buzzwole pivot out on switch-ins like Clefable and Zapdos, letting a teammate like Gengar, Melmetal, or Heatran take advantage of them. Rotom-W forms a solid VoltTurn core with Buzzwole, with Rotom-W forcing in the likes of Ferrothorn and Blissey, as well as being able to pressure physically defensive Toxapex. Future Sight and Doom Desire users like Galarian Slowking and Heatran are solid partners for their ability to dissuade Pokemon resistant to Fighting, like Toxapex and Tornadus-T, from switching in on Buzzwole. The damage that Future Sight does also lets Buzzwole break through Clefable. Spikes are incredibly useful for taking advantage of the switches that Buzzwole forces. Mudsdale and Seismitoad provide Buzzwole with Spikes support, with Seismitoad even being able to bring Buzzwole in through Flip Turn.

name: Defensive Pivot
move 1: Body Press
move 2: U-turn
move 3: Toxic
move 4: Roost
item: Rocky Helmet
ability: Beast Boost
nature: Impish
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe


Defensive Buzzwole can switch in on a bevy of Pokemon, including Mudsdale, Tyranitar, Terrakion, and even opposing Buzzwole. It can then use U-turn to bring in a teammate or a defensive partner, or Toxic to punish switch-ins like Tornadus-T and Seismitoad. Roost allows Buzzwole to stay healthy over the course of a game, letting it check threats long-term. Rocky Helmet in conjunction with the aforementioned Toxic allows Buzzwole to spread huge amounts of chip damage, wearing down walls to pave the way for Pokemon like Cinderace and Aerodactyl to clean up. This set has no way of beating Tornadus-T and Clefable, so Pokemon that can deal with them like Aerodactyl, Melmetal, and Tyranitar are incredibly solid partners. Specially defensive pivots like Slowking and Assault Vest Toxapex cover Buzzwole's weakness to special attackers like Keldeo and Latios and form a pivot core with Buzzwole, making it easier to bring in wallbreakers like Aerodactyl, Tyranitar, and Gengar. Buzzwole checks Tyranitar and deals with Ferrothorn in return.

- Written by: [[Sulo, 528036]]
- Quality checked by: [[in the hills, 324242], [Greybaum, 407249]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]
amateur check tres, nice job!

View attachment 459487
done, credited you as well
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name: No Retreat
move 1: No Retreat
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Ice Punch
item: Life Orb
ability: Beast Boost
nature: Jolly
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe


No Retreat Buzzwole is an incredibly dangerous sweeper, using its solid defensive typing to switch in on Pokemon like Rillaboom and Tyranitar and set up with ease. Close Combat hits incredibly hard at +1, OHKOing Pokemon like Rotom-W, Seismitoad, and Toxapex after minor chip damage. Earthquake allows Buzzwole to beat Toxapex and Galarian Slowking reliably while letting you it KO weakened Pokemon without dropping stats, and Ice Punch makes Tornadus-T and Zapdos less safe as checks. Even when boosted, Buzzwole is entirely helpless against Pokemon like Clefable and opposing physically defensive Buzzwole. As such, Therefore, Pokemon like Gengar, Heatran, and Zeraora make for solid partners. Zeraora, in particular, is a natural fit on hyper offense teams Buzzwole is used on, (either you should do like, " a natural fit if Buzzwole is used on hyper offense" if this set sometimes goes on HO, or change intro to like "...dangerous sweeper on hyper offense" + condense this sentence if this set always goes on HO) and can able to overwhelm physical walls for Buzzwole and teammates like Gyarados, Mimikyu, and Scizor. Rotom-W pivots out on walls like Blissey and Ferrothorn, giving Buzzwole more chances to set up freely.

name: Choice Band
move 1: Close Combat
move 2: First Impression
move 3: Thunder Punch
move 4: U-turn
item: Choice Band
ability: Beast Boost
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Choice Band gives Buzzwole a much more an (bc set descriptions should be self contained) immediate power boost, allowing it to break through bulky walls like Seismitoad, Corviknight, and Ferrothorn. First Impression provides Buzzwole with valuable revenge killing capabilities, KOing frail, faster threats like Zeraora, Latios, and Aerodactyl. Thunder Punch hits bulky Water- and Flying-types like Tornadus-T, Toxapex, and Gyarados, notably 2HKOing physically defensive Toxapex. U-turn lets Buzzwole pivot out on switch-ins like Clefable and Zapdos, letting a teammate like Gengar, Melmetal, or Heatran take advantage of them. Rotom-W forms a solid VoltTurn core with Buzzwole, with Rotom-W forcing in the likes of Ferrothorn and Blissey to pivot Buzzwole in on them, (I imagine?) as well as being able to pressure pressuring physically defensive Toxapex. Future Sight and Doom Desire users like Galarian Slowking and Heatran are solid partners for their ability to dissuade Pokemon resistant to Fighting, like Toxapex and Tornadus-T, from switching in on Buzzwole. The damage that Future Sight does Future Sight's damage also lets Buzzwole break through Clefable. Spikes are is incredibly useful for taking advantage of the switches that Buzzwole forces. Mudsdale and Seismitoad provide Buzzwole with Spikes support, with Seismitoad even being able to bring Buzzwole in through Flip Turn.

name: Defensive Pivot
move 1: Body Press
move 2: U-turn
move 3: Toxic
move 4: Roost
item: Rocky Helmet
ability: Beast Boost
nature: Impish
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe


Defensive Buzzwole can switch in on a bevy of Pokemon, including Mudsdale, Tyranitar, Terrakion, and even opposing Buzzwole. It can then use U-turn to bring in a teammate or a defensive partner, or Toxic to punish switch-ins like Tornadus-T and Seismitoad. Roost allows Buzzwole to stay healthy over the course of a game, letting it and check threats long-term. Rocky Helmet in conjunction with the aforementioned Toxic allows Buzzwole to spread huge amounts of enormous chip damage, wearing down walls to pave the way for Pokemon like Cinderace and Aerodactyl to clean up. This set has no way of beating Tornadus-T and Clefable, so Pokemon that can deal with them like Aerodactyl, Melmetal, and Tyranitar are incredibly solid partners. Specially defensive pivots like Slowking and Assault Vest Toxapex cover Buzzwole's weakness to special attackers like Keldeo and Latios, (AC) and they form a pivot core with Buzzwole, it, making it easier to bring in wallbreakers like Aerodactyl, Tyranitar, and Gengar. Buzzwole checks Tyranitar and deals with Ferrothorn in return.

- Written by: [[Sulo, 528036]]
- Quality checked by: [[in the hills, 324242], [Greybaum, 407249]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Adeleine, 517429]]

GP Team done
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name: No Retreat
move 1: No Retreat
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Ice Punch
item: Life Orb
ability: Beast Boost
nature: Jolly
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe


No Retreat Buzzwole is an incredibly dangerous sweeper, using its solid defensive typing to switch in on Pokemon like Rillaboom and Tyranitar and set up with ease. Close Combat hits incredibly hard at +1, OHKOing Pokemon like Rotom-W, Seismitoad, and Toxapex after minor chip damage. Earthquake allows Buzzwole to beat Toxapex and Galarian Slowking reliably while letting you it KO weakened Pokemon without dropping stats, and Ice Punch makes Tornadus-T and Zapdos less safe as checks. Even when boosted, Buzzwole is entirely helpless against Pokemon like Clefable and opposing physically defensive Buzzwole. As such, Therefore, Pokemon like Gengar, Heatran, and Zeraora make for solid partners. Zeraora, in particular, is a natural fit on hyper offense teams Buzzwole is used on, (either you should do like, " a natural fit if Buzzwole is used on hyper offense" if this set sometimes goes on HO, or change intro to like "...dangerous sweeper on hyper offense" + condense this sentence if this set always goes on HO) and can able to overwhelm physical walls for Buzzwole and teammates like Gyarados, Mimikyu, and Scizor. Rotom-W pivots out on walls like Blissey and Ferrothorn, giving Buzzwole more chances to set up freely.

name: Choice Band
move 1: Close Combat
move 2: First Impression
move 3: Thunder Punch
move 4: U-turn
item: Choice Band
ability: Beast Boost
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe


Choice Band gives Buzzwole a much more an (bc set descriptions should be self contained) immediate power boost, allowing it to break through bulky walls like Seismitoad, Corviknight, and Ferrothorn. First Impression provides Buzzwole with valuable revenge killing capabilities, KOing frail, faster threats like Zeraora, Latios, and Aerodactyl. Thunder Punch hits bulky Water- and Flying-types like Tornadus-T, Toxapex, and Gyarados, notably 2HKOing physically defensive Toxapex. U-turn lets Buzzwole pivot out on switch-ins like Clefable and Zapdos, letting a teammate like Gengar, Melmetal, or Heatran take advantage of them. Rotom-W forms a solid VoltTurn core with Buzzwole, with Rotom-W forcing in the likes of Ferrothorn and Blissey to pivot Buzzwole in on them, (I imagine?) as well as being able to pressure pressuring physically defensive Toxapex. Future Sight and Doom Desire users like Galarian Slowking and Heatran are solid partners for their ability to dissuade Pokemon resistant to Fighting, like Toxapex and Tornadus-T, from switching in on Buzzwole. The damage that Future Sight does Future Sight's damage also lets Buzzwole break through Clefable. Spikes are is incredibly useful for taking advantage of the switches that Buzzwole forces. Mudsdale and Seismitoad provide Buzzwole with Spikes support, with Seismitoad even being able to bring Buzzwole in through Flip Turn.

name: Defensive Pivot
move 1: Body Press
move 2: U-turn
move 3: Toxic
move 4: Roost
item: Rocky Helmet
ability: Beast Boost
nature: Impish
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe


Defensive Buzzwole can switch in on a bevy of Pokemon, including Mudsdale, Tyranitar, Terrakion, and even opposing Buzzwole. It can then use U-turn to bring in a teammate or a defensive partner, or Toxic to punish switch-ins like Tornadus-T and Seismitoad. Roost allows Buzzwole to stay healthy over the course of a game, letting it and check threats long-term. Rocky Helmet in conjunction with the aforementioned Toxic allows Buzzwole to spread huge amounts of enormous chip damage, wearing down walls to pave the way for Pokemon like Cinderace and Aerodactyl to clean up. This set has no way of beating Tornadus-T and Clefable, so Pokemon that can deal with them like Aerodactyl, Melmetal, and Tyranitar are incredibly solid partners. Specially defensive pivots like Slowking and Assault Vest Toxapex cover Buzzwole's weakness to special attackers like Keldeo and Latios, (AC) and they form a pivot core with Buzzwole, it, making it easier to bring in wallbreakers like Aerodactyl, Tyranitar, and Gengar. Buzzwole checks Tyranitar and deals with Ferrothorn in return.

- Written by: [[Sulo, 528036]]
- Quality checked by: [[in the hills, 324242], [Greybaum, 407249]]
- Grammar checked by: [[Adeleine, 517429]]
View attachment 461492
GP Team done
done methinks
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