name: Bulky Support
move 1: Draco Meteor / Hurricane
move 2: Super Fang
move 3: Taunt / Defog / Psychic Noise
move 4: Roost
item: Heavy-Duty Boots
ability: Infiltrator
nature: Timid
evs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
tera type: Steel / Fairy / Water
Draco Meteor allows Noivern to dent naturally bulky Pokemon such as Slowbro and Hippowdon even without Special Attack investment. Hurricane can be used over Draco Meteor; however, it is less reliable and doesn't threaten Cyclizar as much. Super Fang allows Noivern to make incredible progress against common switch-ins like Jirachi and Registeel. Taunt allows that damage to stick, preventing recovery attempts from Pokemon such as Fezandipiti, Empoleon, and Umbreon while also preventing Thunder Wave from the likes of Slowbro. Defog provides excellent team support, preventing teammates from being chipped by entry hazards. Psychic Noise prevents any form of recovery and does decent damage to Pokemon such as Fezandipiti, Galarian Weezing, and Slither Wing, though it notably fails against Umbreon. Roost allows Noivern to stay healthy throughout a game to make more progress with a combination of Super Fang and Taunt or Psychic Noise. Tera Steel turns Noivern's Fairy-type weakness into a resistance, allowing it to check threats such as Gardevoir and Fezandipiti. Tera Fairy gives it a Dark-type resistance and a Dragon-type immunity, allowing it to emergency check threats such as Choice Scarf Krookodile and Choice-locked Hisuian Goodra in a pinch. Tera Water allows Noivern to check Mamoswine and Alolan Ninetales as well, while retaining the ability to check Fire- and Water-types such as Volcanion and Barraskewda.
Noivern fits well on balance and bulky offense teams, working as a crucial defensive piece and checking Pokemon like Slither Wing and Volcanion. It loves partnering with entry hazard setters such as Hippowdon, Krookodile, Chesnaught, and Quagsire to further suffocate foes with Taunt or Psychic Noise. Noivern also partners well with Reuniclus, as they form a tough Fighting-resistant core that wears the opponent down with entry hazards and Psychic Noise. It also loves partnering with Steel-type Pokemon such as Jirachi and Registeel, checking common Fire- and Fighting- types like Volcanion and Slither Wing for them, while they cover its Ice and Fairy weaknesses. Choice Scarf users like Gardevoir, Krookodile, and Galarian Zapdos enjoy Noivern's ability to chip the opposition so that they can clean up with ease. Fighting-types like Mienshao and Galarian Zapdos enjoy Noivern's ability to batter away at Fighting-resistant foes like Fezandipiti. Similarly, special attackers like Armarouge, Gengar, and Hisuian Zoroark really enjoy Taunt Noivern's ability to shut down Umbreon. Rotom-H and Slowbro are great teammates that check Mamoswine, one of the biggest threats to Noivern.
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name: Bulky Support
move 1: Draco Meteor / Hurricane
move 2: Super Fang
move 3: Taunt / Defog / Psychic Noise
move 4: Roost
item: Heavy-Duty Boots
ability: Infiltrator
nature: Timid
evs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
tera type: Steel / Fairy / Water
Draco Meteor allows Noivern to dent naturally bulky Pokemon such as Slowbro and Hippowdon even without Special Attack investment. Hurricane can be used over Draco Meteor; however, it is less reliable and doesn't threaten Cyclizar as much. Super Fang allows Noivern to make incredible progress against common switch-ins like Jirachi and Registeel. Taunt allows that damage to stick, preventing recovery attempts from Pokemon such as Fezandipiti, Empoleon, and Umbreon while also preventing Thunder Wave from the likes of Slowbro. Defog provides excellent team support, preventing teammates from being chipped by entry hazards. Psychic Noise prevents any form of recovery and does decent damage to Pokemon such as Fezandipiti, Galarian Weezing, and Slither Wing, though it notably fails against Umbreon. Roost allows Noivern to stay healthy throughout a game to make more progress with a combination of Super Fang and Taunt or Psychic Noise. Tera Steel turns Noivern's Fairy-type weakness into a resistance, allowing it to check threats such as Gardevoir and Fezandipiti. Tera Fairy gives it a Dark-type resistance and a Dragon-type immunity, allowing it to emergency check threats such as Choice Scarf Krookodile and Choice-locked Hisuian Goodra in a pinch. Tera Water allows Noivern to check Mamoswine and Alolan Ninetales as well, while retaining the ability to check Fire- and Water-types such as Volcanion and Barraskewda.
Noivern fits well on balance and bulky offense teams, working as a crucial defensive piece and checking Pokemon like Slither Wing and Volcanion. It loves partnering with entry hazard setters such as Hippowdon, Krookodile, Chesnaught, and Quagsire to further suffocate foes with Taunt or Psychic Noise. Noivern also partners well with Reuniclus, as they form a tough Fighting-resistant core that wears the opponent down with entry hazards and Psychic Noise. It also loves partnering with Steel-type Pokemon such as Jirachi and Registeel, checking common Fire- and Fighting- types like Volcanion and Slither Wing for them, while they cover its Ice and Fairy weaknesses. Choice Scarf users like Gardevoir, Krookodile, and Galarian Zapdos enjoy Noivern's ability to chip the opposition so that they can clean up with ease. Fighting-types like Mienshao and Galarian Zapdos enjoy Noivern's ability to batter away at Fighting-resistant foes like Fezandipiti. Similarly, special attackers like Armarouge, Gengar, and Hisuian Zoroark really enjoy Taunt Noivern's ability to shut down Umbreon. Rotom-H and Slowbro are great teammates that check Mamoswine, one of the biggest threats to Noivern.
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